Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Numerous others committed that gaffe here too,

So does that mean you now understand that Hitler Stalin and Mao were liberals?

And the moon is also made of cheese?

Hilter Stalin and Mao were for huge central govt which is why our liberals spied for them.

Ah, back to the idiotic idea that right wing = smaller govt and left wing larger govt therefore Hitler with big govt was clearly left wing.

You know by how much Bush increased the federal budget?

From $1.7 trillion to $3.5 trillion. Small govt huh?

dear you have learned 1000 times that Bush was not conserative and he was not the govt. See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure ignorance.
Numerous others committed that gaffe here too,

So does that mean you now understand that Hitler Stalin and Mao were liberals?

And the moon is also made of cheese?

Hilter Stalin and Mao were for huge central govt which is why our liberals spied for them.

More people in the FDR Administration reported to Stalin than to FDR. The Rosenbergs should have had a lot of company on Death Row
Numerous others committed that gaffe here too,

So does that mean you now understand that Hitler Stalin and Mao were liberals?

And the moon is also made of cheese?

Hilter Stalin and Mao were for huge central govt which is why our liberals spied for them.

More people in the FDR Administration reported to Stalin than to FDR. The Rosenbergs should have had a lot of company on Death Row

Did you ever read "Liberal Fascism" 400 pages about the liberal association with Hitler Stalin and Mao.
EdwardBaiamonte said:
dear you have learned 1000 times that Bush was not conserative and he was not the govt. See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure ignorance.

So you're actually pretending you didn't kiss Bush's ass for his first 6 years?

Nobody's going to fall for historical revisionism that blatant. If someone was conservative, Bush was their God for his first 6 years. Only in his last 2 years did the rats start leaving the ship, and start using the "Bush wasn't really conservative!" line to excuse the complete failure of their conservative policies.
So you're actually pretending you didn't kiss Bush's ass for his first 6 years?

Nobody's going to fall for historical revisionism that blatant. If someone was conservative, Bush was their God for his first 6 years. Only in his last 2 years did the rats start leaving the ship, and start using the "Bush wasn't really conservative!" line to excuse the failure of their conservative policies.

Bush wasn't a Conservative, Ricky Retardo
Hitler hated religion and murdered tens of thousands of priests, pastors, nuns, and regular church members. Early on he acted like he was friendly, or at worst neutral, toward religion, but as he consolidated his power he made his hostility toward Christianity crystal clear.

Hitler was a huge fan of Darwin's and appealed to "survival of the fittest" as part of his justification for the Holocaust.

Hitler was for state authority--not always control, but authority--over everything. He was willing to allow a certain amount of private enterprise, etc., but he reserved the right to take control of any business, any industry, any anything, if he felt the need to do so.

Hitler wanted strict state control over the education system. He wanted centralized control over what was taught and who could teach.

Conservatives opposes all of these things. Liberals, on the other hand, are increasingly hostile to Christianity, accept Darwinism as established fact (it is not), believe in virtually unlimited government control over the private sector (Obamacare being the latest sad example), and believe the government should have monopolistic control over education.

Look at the 5-4 Supreme Court decision a few years ago where the liberals on the court ruled that a local government can invoke eminent domain to seize your house against your will "for the greater public good" even if they just want to rezone your land for commercial use (not for a public highway or a public park, etc.).

And how in the world can liberals express outrage over the Holocaust when they have directly enabled and even participated in the holocaust of abortion, which has killed over 50 million babies?

Liberals are most hostile to Christianity yet they appease the most despotic religion in the world......one that blames women for sins of the man and views homosexuality as punishable by death.

Religion doesn't have a fucking thing to do with politics.
Unless you're trying to run a theocracy.
Then you are in the wrong coutry because Christian values shaped this country until the disease of progressivism started rotting it out


Horseshit. This country was founded specifically to get away from the bullshit of nobilities, witch burnings, the divine right of kings and the First Estate, and put the power into the Third Estate, i.e. We the People. And you can cram your attempts to revert back to all that up your theocratic ass.

Does it hurt you to think? It must for you to be so willfully ignorant

The essential definition of governmental types is whether or not they believe in Democracy .... quite a few conservatives dont, therefore:

Communism = Conservatism :D
More people in the FDR Administration reported to Stalin than to FDR. The Rosenbergs should have had a lot of company on Death Row

Still pissed that FDR squashed Hitler, eh?

Yes, it is obvious that's the primary motivator of the FDR-haters.
No. Mad that Stalin was running our war effort as well as his own and that simpleminded fool FDR handed Eastern Europe to the 20th century second greatest mass murderer, your Uncle Joe

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
More people in the FDR Administration reported to Stalin than to FDR. The Rosenbergs should have had a lot of company on Death Row

Still pissed that FDR squashed Hitler, eh?

Yes, it is obvious that's the primary motivator of the FDR-haters.
No. Mad that Stalin was running our war effort as well as his own and that simpleminded fool FDR handed Eastern Europe to the 20th century second greatest mass murderer, your Uncle Joe

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Would it have taken a war between the USSR and America to put Eastern Europe under our control, or was there another way?
More people in the FDR Administration reported to Stalin than to FDR. The Rosenbergs should have had a lot of company on Death Row

Still pissed that FDR squashed Hitler, eh?

Yes, it is obvious that's the primary motivator of the FDR-haters.
No. Mad that Stalin was running our war effort as well as his own and that simpleminded fool FDR handed Eastern Europe to the 20th century second greatest mass murderer, your Uncle Joe

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Would it have taken a war between the USSR and America to put Eastern Europe under our control, or was there another way?
Let's start with ordering Patton to wait for the Russians before taking Berlin.

Let's talk about Yalta where Communist spies were giving FDR direction

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
More people in the FDR Administration reported to Stalin than to FDR. The Rosenbergs should have had a lot of company on Death Row

Still pissed that FDR squashed Hitler, eh?

Yes, it is obvious that's the primary motivator of the FDR-haters.
No. Mad that Stalin was running our war effort as well as his own and that simpleminded fool FDR handed Eastern Europe to the 20th century second greatest mass murderer, your Uncle Joe

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Would it have taken a war between the USSR and America to put Eastern Europe under our control, or was there another way?
Let's start with ordering Patton to wait for the Russians before taking Berlin.

Let's talk about Yalta where Communist spies were giving FDR direction

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Let's talk about reality, taking Berlin is not taking Eastern Europe. And assuming we could have taken Berlin, and Ike was calling the shots, why did Ike not want to take Berlin?
More people in the FDR Administration reported to Stalin than to FDR. The Rosenbergs should have had a lot of company on Death Row

Still pissed that FDR squashed Hitler, eh?

Yes, it is obvious that's the primary motivator of the FDR-haters.
No. Mad that Stalin was running our war effort as well as his own and that simpleminded fool FDR handed Eastern Europe to the 20th century second greatest mass murderer, your Uncle Joe

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Would it have taken a war between the USSR and America to put Eastern Europe under our control, or was there another way?
Let's start with ordering Patton to wait for the Russians before taking Berlin.

Let's talk about Yalta where Communist spies were giving FDR direction

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
You didn't like like Eisenhower, the republican?
Would it have taken a war between the USSR and America to put Eastern Europe under our control, or was there another way?

cold war and all wars would be unnecessary were it not for liberals who keep coming up
with new reasons to cede power to new liberal central govts. ISIS is latest best example. They are every bit as liberal as Hilter Stalin and Mao.
Numerous others committed that gaffe here too,

So does that mean you now understand that Hitler Stalin and Mao were liberals?

And the moon is also made of cheese?

Hilter Stalin and Mao were for huge central govt which is why our liberals spied for them.

Ah, back to the idiotic idea that right wing = smaller govt and left wing larger govt therefore Hitler with big govt was clearly left wing.

You know by how much Bush increased the federal budget?

From $1.7 trillion to $3.5 trillion. Small govt huh?

Bush is a liberal Republican, not a conservative.

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