Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Ed, it's okay if you occasionally don't think about Hitler and Stalin and Mao.

Unless it gives you emotional comfort, of course, which seems to be the case. Still, you don't always have to share. You can obsess about them quietly.

typical liberal without IQ for substance
American conservatives in 1776 were called tories, like in Britain today. 33% of the country as usual, and against change as usual, duped by greedy rich a-holes as usual.

the total illiterate is trying to change the subject but only fooling himself. Why not try college?
idiot. Hitler? lol.

you think liberals spied just for Stalin??
certainly not for Hitler.

The Liberal-Fascist Axis

"Shaw idolized Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

– Jonah Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism” (2007), p. 134

“The Soviet Story” was a revelatory “documentary on progressivism.” In a revealing excerpt, George Bernard Shaw, the famous playwright and literary critic was filmed in the early 1930s openly defending Hitler, mass murder and genocidal eugenics. The documentary explains liberals’ love affair with fascism, saying: The left supported Hitler not because he deceived them. They knew Hitler would kill. He said he would. In fact, it was why they supported him.

Read more at The Liberal-Fascist Axis"​
The Economist (and everyone ele but Beck etc): "Absolute drivel" Lots of people were fooled for a while, by 1935 or so, not so much lol. Out of context Pubcrappe, chump.

hardly drivel but the repeated basis of human history. Thats why our Founders made all forms of liberallism illegal in America. ISIS or Stalin or Hannibal were all just liberals with different central govt scams, to our founders.

Do you understand now?

Once again, you got it wrong. Ed dear, you ALWAYS get it wrong.

It was progressive liberals who founded this country while conservatives were spies for the king.
dear you have learned 1000 times that Bush was not conserative and he was not the govt. See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure ignorance.

Oh, now Bush is a liberal along with Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam, bin Laden, Franco, Pinochet, in fact the whole damn world seems to be left wing

What about Sarah Palin? Left wing because she makes a complete (blue) tit of herself every time she opens her gob?

So who the hell is right wing then?
Ah, back to the idiotic idea that right wing = smaller govt and left wing larger govt therefore Hitler with big govt was clearly left wing.

dear, if its idiotic say why its idiotic or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks.

Oh, now it's someone else talking you want more information than you'd ever give. You think I'm going to waste my time with you?
The essential definition of governmental types is whether or not they believe in Democracy .... quite a few conservatives dont, therefore:
Communism = Conservatism :D
of course thats idiotic given that conservatives believe in very liminted govt thus empowering the people while liberals believe in exact opposite.
Do you understand?
The rhetoric of a lot of conservatives is for limited government....but they also quite often say "not a Democracy"...so who runs this limited government? "thus empowering people" you say?.....thus empowering the corrupt I say. Local governments can be very corrupt. Look at Cobb county Georgia....dominated by so called "small government" Republican "conservatives" ...sneaking in a government subsidy for a new Braves stadium.

Communism = Conservatism :D
The founders and the framers were of different political persuasions largely because of sectionalism, but the Age of Enlightenment was upon them and that age was built for liberalism. The framers took a small powerless government under the Articles and created a large government with many powers, and we still use that larger government today.
Numerous others committed that gaffe here too,

So does that mean you now understand that Hitler Stalin and Mao were liberals?

And the moon is also made of cheese?

Hilter Stalin and Mao were for huge central govt which is why our liberals spied for them.

More people in the FDR Administration reported to Stalin than to FDR. The Rosenbergs should have had a lot of company on Death Row

Did you ever read "Liberal Fascism" 400 pages about the liberal association with Hitler Stalin and Mao.

Politically motivated hack authors don't qualify as actual historians. Looks like the tiny brain wankers still can't get any closer to substantiating their dull witted revisionist history.
Right wing has and always will be defined as reactionary and ultra conservative. There is no controversy about that.
The essential definition of governmental types is whether or not they believe in Democracy .... quite a few conservatives dont, therefore:
Communism = Conservatism :D
of course thats idiotic given that conservatives believe in very liminted govt thus empowering the people while liberals believe in exact opposite.
Do you understand?
The rhetoric of a lot of conservatives is for limited government....but they also quite often say "not a Democracy"...so who runs this limited government? "thus empowering people" you say?.....thus empowering the corrupt I say. Local governments can be very corrupt. Look at Cobb county Georgia....dominated by so called "small government" Republican "conservatives" ...sneaking in a government subsidy for a new Braves stadium.

Communism = Conservatism :D

New stadium ain't gonna help that team...
The framers took a small powerless government under the Articles and created a large government with many powers, and we still use that larger government today.

a stupid stupid liberal lie!!

too stupid and perfectly liberal of course!!! when we moved from Articles to Constitution we moved from tiny tiny tiny government to tiny tiny government. Did you see Washington Adams or Jefferson propose welfare medicare medicaid social security or anything like them??? This is why today's Republicans would love to go back to something close to what our Founders envisioned and enacted while Democrats, who spied for Stalin, would see that as a total defeat of everything they have ever accomplished.

Slow is not the world to describe liberals

1) most Founders wanted to stick with Articles

2) the new govt was 1% the size of today's liberal govt on an inflation adjusted per capita basis and had no welfare entitlements nor did it envisage any. The new govt was designed to make liberalism illegal by allowing only a few enumerated powers.

Liberalism is far more at home in Cuba than the USA. Now you can see why our liberals spied for Stalin's very very big liberal govt and why they elected Obama a guy with 3 communist parents who voted to left of Benie Sanders!

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