Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Right wing has and always will be defined as reactionary and ultra conservative. There is no controversy about that.

dear, so whats wrong with the ultra conservativism of our Founders?? Are you afriad to say? What does your fear teach you?

Why do you dummies have to make up your own definitions?
They're so desperate to not be associated with Fascism, that they tried to change the meaning.

Hard to believe that they could go on almost 1700 posts and be no closer to substantiating their hair brained ideas.
Par for the course unfortunately. Since they have no clue what they are talking about it makes perfect sense but it is remarkable that ignorance at that level could be so thoroughly supported. Only in a modern age could such a thing happen although the Dark Ages came close.
Odd then that the Right is so suspicious of higher education,

not suspicious just aware that higher educators admit to being 95% liberal so in effect brainwashers rather than educators.
The better educated, the more liberal 90% of the time. The others tend to be greedy and bought off.
All liberals are greedy jealous creeps

Good one, hater dupe. lol
Odd then that the Right is so suspicious of higher education,

not suspicious just aware that higher educators admit to being 95% liberal so in effect brainwashers rather than educators.
The better educated, the more liberal 90% of the time. The others tend to be greedy and bought off.
All liberals are greedy jealous creeps

Good one, hater dupe. lol
If you could never use said phrase again, we would all appreciate it. Thanks very much.
Marx wanted teeny teeny teeny government too, in the end it would just wither away not needed and unwanted.

dear, Republicans are not so incredibly stupid as to expect it to or want it to wither away nor would they be so stupid as to expect brutal Nazi killers like Hitler Stalin Mao and Castro would cause the govt to wither away.
Don't place too much money on Republican intelligence.

Jefferson and Madison founded the Republican party in 1793.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Try to follow this Eddie: There have been two Republican parties, the first under Jefferson, but over the years it changed its name a few times, but became the Democratic party of today.
There was also a conservative party, the Federalists, but that party died after trying to make it a crime to criticize the government. The period after its demise became known as the Era of Good Feelings. But then a new conservative party came on the scene, the Whig party, and that died too, and finally another conservative party tried to make it using the name of the old Jefferson party, Republican, but few were fooled, it was just another conservative party like the two that had died. It may still be around whining, changing labels and claiming Truman was a Republican.
They're so desperate to not be associated with Fascism, that they tried to change the meaning.

why not read "Liberal Fascism" for 450 pages on the liberal association with fascism??
Congrats- the only "history" book ever to say Hitler was a socialist. Recognized universally as absolute drivel, outside of Beckbots or whatever...
Odd then that the Right is so suspicious of higher education,

not suspicious just aware that higher educators admit to being 95% liberal so in effect brainwashers rather than educators.
The better educated, the more liberal 90% of the time. The others tend to be greedy and bought off.
All liberals are greedy jealous creeps

Good one, hater dupe. lol
If you could never use said phrase again, we would all appreciate it. Thanks very much.
not a chance. Some up the worst of GOPers perfectly. You're welcome.
not suspicious just aware that higher educators admit to being 95% liberal so in effect brainwashers rather than educators.
The better educated, the more liberal 90% of the time. The others tend to be greedy and bought off.
All liberals are greedy jealous creeps

Good one, hater dupe. lol
If you could never use said phrase again, we would all appreciate it. Thanks very much.
not a chance. Some up the worst of GOPers perfectly. You're welcome.
A shame, since it is idiotic.
Marx wanted teeny teeny teeny government too, in the end it would just wither away not needed and unwanted.

dear, Republicans are not so incredibly stupid as to expect it to or want it to wither away nor would they be so stupid as to expect brutal Nazi killers like Hitler Stalin Mao and Castro would cause the govt to wither away.

Really? Tell us then.....just exactly how incredibly stupid are Republicans? Take your time, feel free to elaborate on that one.
The better educated, the more liberal 90% of the time. The others tend to be greedy and bought off.
All liberals are greedy jealous creeps

Good one, hater dupe. lol
If you could never use said phrase again, we would all appreciate it. Thanks very much.
not a chance. Some up the worst of GOPers perfectly. You're welcome.
A shame, since it is idiotic.
see sig, last line. You do the intellectual typing, I'll do the insults and short answers...keep up the good work.
All liberals are greedy jealous creeps

Good one, hater dupe. lol
If you could never use said phrase again, we would all appreciate it. Thanks very much.
not a chance. Some up the worst of GOPers perfectly. You're welcome.
A shame, since it is idiotic.
see sig, last line. You do the intellectual typing, I'll do the insults and short answers...keep up the good work.
Do as you like. I block all signatures. Just drop that moronic phrase, please.
Good one, hater dupe. lol
If you could never use said phrase again, we would all appreciate it. Thanks very much.
not a chance. Some up the worst of GOPers perfectly. You're welcome.
A shame, since it is idiotic.
see sig, last line. You do the intellectual typing, I'll do the insults and short answers...keep up the good work.
Do as you like. I block all signatures. Just drop that moronic phrase, please.
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
If you could never use said phrase again, we would all appreciate it. Thanks very much.
not a chance. Some up the worst of GOPers perfectly. You're welcome.
A shame, since it is idiotic.
see sig, last line. You do the intellectual typing, I'll do the insults and short answers...keep up the good work.
Do as you like. I block all signatures. Just drop that moronic phrase, please.
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
The US sucks but give it a rest anyway. Americans are dumb as dog-shit, and they like it that way.
Pubs suq. The USA is STARTING to come around again from another gilded Pub age- now for tax reform, investment in the country, paid parental leave, more social freedom and we'll be fine.Sure takes time...
Alger Hiss for example was a liberal and no one doubted it The Rosenbergs were code named liberals by KGB. Obama is a liberal but oddly he had 3 communist parents and voted to left of communist Bernie Sanders.

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy Socialism and Public Education Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”

"I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."
--- Roger Nash Baldwin
Stop mixing Liberals with Communists. Every time that you do you just called the Founders Communists. Use your words, correctly.

The Founders were not liberals in the modern sense of the term. Libturd attempts to equate themselves with the Founders are totally absurd.
Modern liberals are the same dummy, we're just 230 years smarter and dealing with the real world, not 1789.

Yeah, right, because the Founders would have approved of Social Security, Medicare and the IRS.
Some of them would have, at least on the first two. It was called for, SS for example, by no less than Thomas Paine: Social Security History

Thomas Paine was a socialist, and he was the only socialist in the bunch. The rest were die-hard capitalists and supporters of private property.
not a chance. Some up the worst of GOPers perfectly. You're welcome.
A shame, since it is idiotic.
see sig, last line. You do the intellectual typing, I'll do the insults and short answers...keep up the good work.
Do as you like. I block all signatures. Just drop that moronic phrase, please.
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
The US sucks but give it a rest anyway. Americans are dumb as dog-shit, and they like it that way.

They aren't half as dumb as Europeans.
Modern liberals are the same dummy, we're just 230 years smarter and dealing with the real world, not 1789.

too 1000% stupid and perfectly liberal. After 200 years of Hitler Stalin mao and Castro founders look smarter than ever in the belief in freedom from liberal govt. You've seen the history and still are too stuipd see what they were talking about before seeing it!!

See why we say liberalism is based in pure 100% ignorance??
Stop mixing up Communists when you are speaking of liberals. It makes you look like the total moron you are. Hitler, just to use one example, hated Liberals, Socialists, and Communists. He even hated the fact that Socialism was in his party's name. It was a Worker's Party, not a Socialist one.

Another steaming pile of horseshit from PMH.
Pubs suq. The USA is STARTING to come around again from another gilded Pub age- now for tax reform, investment in the country, paid parental leave, more social freedom and we'll be fine.Sure takes time...

Spoken like a true National Socialist that you are.

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