Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

America had an extremely limited government, so limited the government could do almost nothing. The framers then decided to increase both the size and power of our government, and with the new size and power we became the greatest nation on earth. We are certainly not going back to the limited government some conservatives envision. Those days of weak limited government, like so many Republican ideas, are history.
LOL. We became great because of government!
Horseshit dude. We became great because of American ingenuity, resources and the pursuit of making a better life for yourself and your family. You stupid commie asshole.
So would we have fared as well, with fifty independent state governments, each deciding how it wanted to progress?

We would have faired better. We also wouldn't have gotten involved in any of the following wars:

Civil War
Mexican American War
Spanish American War
Korean War
Vietnam War
Gulf War I
Gulf War II

Also wonder if you can name one Marxian-communist government?
SOviet Union
North Korea
East Germany
The USSR dropped communism while in the prep stage and none of the others even made a serious attempt. They did call themselves communists, however but they didn't practice Marxian communism. Perhaps the closest was in New Harmony Indiana but even that was not a nation and it failed.
America had an extremely limited government, so limited the government could do almost nothing. The framers then decided to increase both the size and power of our government, and with the new size and power we became the greatest nation on earth. We are certainly not going back to the limited government some conservatives envision. Those days of weak limited government, like so many Republican ideas, are history.
LOL. We became great because of government!
Horseshit dude. We became great because of American ingenuity, resources and the pursuit of making a better life for yourself and your family. You stupid commie asshole.

Don' t forget that USA became "great" because of it's ability to use slaves as cheap, involuntary labor also.
The USSR dropped communism while in the prep stage and none of the others even made a serious attempt. They did call themselves communists, however but they didn't practice Marxian communism. Perhaps the closest was in New Harmony Indiana but even that was not a nation and it failed.


The USSR never 'dropped' communism. The USSR fell to pieces, but it died a communist country in every sense.

btw, the adjective of Marx is 'Marxist'.
America had an extremely limited government, so limited the government could do almost nothing. The framers then decided to increase both the size and power of our government, and with the new size and power we became the greatest nation on earth. We are certainly not going back to the limited government some conservatives envision. Those days of weak limited government, like so many Republican ideas, are history.
LOL. We became great because of government!
Horseshit dude. We became great because of American ingenuity, resources and the pursuit of making a better life for yourself and your family. You stupid commie asshole.
So would we have fared as well, with fifty independent state governments, each deciding how it wanted to progress?

We would have faired better. We also wouldn't have gotten involved in any of the following wars:

Civil War
Mexican American War
Spanish American War
Korean War
Vietnam War
Gulf War I
Gulf War II

Also wonder if you can name one Marxian-communist government?
SOviet Union
North Korea
East Germany
The USSR dropped communism while in the prep stage and none of the others even made a serious attempt. They did call themselves communists, however but they didn't practice Marxian communism. Perhaps the closest was in New Harmony Indiana but even that was not a nation and it failed.

Only communists use that argument.
America had an extremely limited government, so limited the government could do almost nothing. The framers then decided to increase both the size and power of our government, and with the new size and power we became the greatest nation on earth. We are certainly not going back to the limited government some conservatives envision. Those days of weak limited government, like so many Republican ideas, are history.
LOL. We became great because of government!
Horseshit dude. We became great because of American ingenuity, resources and the pursuit of making a better life for yourself and your family. You stupid commie asshole.

Don' t forget that USA became "great" because of it's ability to use slaves as cheap, involuntary labor also.

America had an extremely limited government, so limited the government could do almost nothing. The framers then decided to increase both the size and power of our government, and with the new size and power we became the greatest nation on earth. We are certainly not going back to the limited government some conservatives envision. Those days of weak limited government, like so many Republican ideas, are history.
LOL. We became great because of government!
Horseshit dude. We became great because of American ingenuity, resources and the pursuit of making a better life for yourself and your family. You stupid commie asshole.

Don' t forget that USA became "great" because of it's ability to use slaves as cheap, involuntary labor also.
Again shows how fucking stupid you are. We are great because of our constitution. We didn't even become a world power till after slavery you ignorant hack.

America had an extremely limited government, so limited the government could do almost nothing. The framers then decided to increase both the size and power of our government, and with the new size and power we became the greatest nation on earth. We are certainly not going back to the limited government some conservatives envision. Those days of weak limited government, like so many Republican ideas, are history.
LOL. We became great because of government!
Horseshit dude. We became great because of American ingenuity, resources and the pursuit of making a better life for yourself and your family. You stupid commie asshole.

Don' t forget that USA became "great" because of it's ability to use slaves as cheap, involuntary labor also.

actually, slavery hurt the development of the south...it didn't help.....but that didn't keep the democrats from fighting a war to keep their black slaves....it just shows that the slave owning democrats knew as little about running an economy as their modern, racist democrat brothers....
I think Frigid you may be thinking of Socialism, that was supposed to go through stages....Communism was twisted early into being the idea that an elite group should bypass Democracy to accelerate the transition to Socialism/ or more ideal Communism. This also is similar to some Conservative thought that Democracy is a bad thing.
Thus: Conservatism = Communism :)

Does your therapist know you're spouting off like this? They can always put you back in your straight jacket you know. Ring for Nurse McCracken and tell her you want your tin foil hat on account of the Martians are making you crazy again.

I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.
I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.
Lol you think yor ideology was different then Hitler?

I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.
Lol you think yor ideology was different then Hitler?

You've got my "ideology" all figured out huh?

I don't believe Aryans are superior to other races.

I don't believe that Europe would benefit from axis rule.

I don't believe Slavs and Jews are sub-human

Honestly...I'm having trouble thinking up any similarities between my "ideology" and Hitler's.

But since you're psychic, and know all about my ideology...do tell, how is it similar to Hitler's?
America had an extremely limited government, so limited the government could do almost nothing. The framers then decided to increase both the size and power of our government, and with the new size and power we became the greatest nation on earth. We are certainly not going back to the limited government some conservatives envision. Those days of weak limited government, like so many Republican ideas, are history.


What a stupid fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The US became a powerful nation thanks to our entrepeneurs who survive notwithstanding the gargantuan regulatory confiscatory police state.

Why They Hated the Articles of Confederation

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Writes Tom White:

I went to Philadelphia with my nine-year-old daughter and visited the Liberty Bell, Franklin Court, Betsy Ross home, and finally Independence Hall. After the usual bag checks*, we waited in line to enter the old Pennsylvania State House. They allow a group of thirty or so in at a time, escorted by a park ranger. We gathered in a room before the tour started. The park ranger begins to tell us about the Continental Congress gathering to “fix” the Articles of Confederation. He starts by saying “There were four main problems with the Articles of Confederation. First, it gave the new country no authority to establish an army. Second, it had no power to make treaties with foreign governments. Third, they were unable to print money. Finally, they could not raise and collect taxes.” At this, some in the crowd began to clap. The ranger made some comment about April 15th might make some feel this way.
I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.

Tea party conservatives want the government to spend less money and to lower taxes and to be less intrusive, not more.....and to live under the U.S. constitution and the Bill of Rights, how does any intelligent person equate that with the socialist nazis.....

The democrats have really destroyed American education and rational thought....

could you possibly try to think past democrat propaganda and try to see the truth?

had you read Goldberg's book or Ann Coulter's,works you would see that they are both right....
I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.
Lol you think yor ideology was different then Hitler?

You've got my "ideology" all figured out huh?

I don't believe Aryans are superior to other races.

I don't believe that Europe would benefit from axis rule.

I don't believe Slavs and Jews are sub-human

Honestly...I'm having trouble thinking up any similarities between my "ideology" and Hitler's.

But since you're psychic, and know all about my ideology...do tell, how is it similar to Hitler's?
Thats because you are dishonest or ignorant. You liken yourself to the 60's liberal who were radical communists who like Ayers believes that of course several million Americans would have to be killed becaue thwy would never fall in line

I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.
Lol you think yor ideology was different then Hitler?

You've got my "ideology" all figured out huh?

I don't believe Aryans are superior to other races.

I don't believe that Europe would benefit from axis rule.

I don't believe Slavs and Jews are sub-human

Honestly...I'm having trouble thinking up any similarities between my "ideology" and Hitler's.

But since you're psychic, and know all about my ideology...do tell, how is it similar to Hitler's?
Thats because you are dishonest or ignorant. You liken yourself to the 60's liberal who were radical communists who like Ayers believes that of course several million Americans would have to be killed becaue thwy would never fall in line

You are full of assumptions, and so far, none of them can actually be found within my "ideology".

How did I liken myself to a 60's liberal?

I was only 8 years old in 1970.
I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.

Tea party conservatives want the government to spend less money and to lower taxes and to be less intrusive, not more.....and to live under the U.S. constitution and the Bill of Rights, how does any intelligent person equate that with the socialist nazis.....

The democrats have really destroyed American education and rational thought....

could you possibly try to think past democrat propaganda and try to see the truth?

had you read Goldberg's book or Ann Coulter's,works you would see that they are both right....
I've read Goldberg and heard enough from Coulter to know that if you read one of her books, you've read them all.
I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.
Lol you think yor ideology was different then Hitler?

You've got my "ideology" all figured out huh?

I don't believe Aryans are superior to other races.

I don't believe that Europe would benefit from axis rule.

I don't believe Slavs and Jews are sub-human

Honestly...I'm having trouble thinking up any similarities between my "ideology" and Hitler's.

But since you're psychic, and know all about my ideology...do tell, how is it similar to Hitler's?
Thats because you are dishonest or ignorant. You liken yourself to the 60's liberal who were radical communists who like Ayers believes that of course several million Americans would have to be killed becaue thwy would never fall in line

You are full of assumptions, and so far, none of them can actually be found within my "ideology".

How did I liken myself to a 60's liberal?

I was only 8 years old in 1970.
Your first post did that. Nothing worse the a dishonest idiot

I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.

Tea party conservatives want the government to spend less money and to lower taxes and to be less intrusive, not more.....and to live under the U.S. constitution and the Bill of Rights, how does any intelligent person equate that with the socialist nazis.....

The democrats have really destroyed American education and rational thought....

could you possibly try to think past democrat propaganda and try to see the truth?

had you read Goldberg's book or Ann Coulter's,works you would see that they are both right....
I've read Goldberg and heard enough from Coulter to know that if you read one of her books, you've read them all.

I always love this argument.

Perhaps the biggest piece of crap created on the subject is Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascists"

Ann Coulter has her own delusional take on the subject as well.

IMO, Democrats ala "the 60's revolution" took on SOME attributes of 20th century European Fascism, and evangelical/Tea Party "conservatives" also resemble that movement in about as many ways.

But the Hitler Card is apples to oranges, and the atrocities committed by Hitler/Mussolini were infinitely worse than anything happening in America now.

Tea party conservatives want the government to spend less money and to lower taxes and to be less intrusive, not more.....and to live under the U.S. constitution and the Bill of Rights, how does any intelligent person equate that with the socialist nazis.....

The democrats have really destroyed American education and rational thought....

could you possibly try to think past democrat propaganda and try to see the truth?

had you read Goldberg's book or Ann Coulter's,works you would see that they are both right....
I've read Goldberg and heard enough from Coulter to know that if you read one of her books, you've read them all.
in other words you enjoy being ignorant


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