Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Look at all the Progressive Big Lies: Hitler was a Conservative, McCarthy started a "Red Scare", FDR saved the country from capitalism, LBJ was a Civil Right Hero

They thrive on Big Lies

McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

Can you name one innocent person accused by McCarthy?

Like I said, he vastly understated the extent to which Communists infiltrated the US government

Nope... and there's a VERY good reason for that. As McCarthy never named ANYONE as a communist. No one... not a single, solitary human being was ever accused by McCarthy of 'being' a communist.
, which, whatever was in his hand, was never actually shown to anybody.

of course if McCarthy had nothing the liberals would not have taken the 5th and McCarthy would have had no power whatsoever.

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Considering that faux pas of a post that now lives in my sig line, Madge, you are in absolutely no position to be talking about "ignorance" or "IQ". Nomsayin'?

Naah, you probably don't.
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Look at all the Progressive Big Lies: Hitler was a Conservative, McCarthy started a "Red Scare", FDR saved the country from capitalism, LBJ was a Civil Right Hero

They thrive on Big Lies

McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

How specifically did "McCARTHY" 'make' the 'anti-communist program sound foolish'.

Again... I am asking you for SPECIFICS!
, which, whatever was in his hand, was never actually shown to anybody.

of course if McCarthy had nothing the liberals would not have taken the 5th and McCarthy would have had no power whatsoever.

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Considering that faux pas of a post that now lives in my sig line, Madgre, you are in absolutely no position to be talking about "ignorance" or "IQ". Nomsayin'?

Naah, you probably don't.

100% typical liberal without IQ for substance
Look at all the Progressive Big Lies: Hitler was a Conservative, McCarthy started a "Red Scare", FDR saved the country from capitalism, LBJ was a Civil Right Hero

They thrive on Big Lies

McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

How specifically did "McCARTHY" 'make' the 'anti-communist program sound foolish'.

Again... I am asking you for SPECIFICS!

McCarthy was a con artist who was exposed as such, disgraced, censured and then proceeded to drink himself to death within four years, his very name literally turned into a pejorative adjective. If that doesn't make his agenda sound foolish at the very least, you just ain't listening.

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Why does socialism/communism so often have to murder its way into power? What's up with that?

Demagoguery is the way despots secure power. It is always best to watch the feet of pols and not their lips.
Like Obama and all democrats


So, you consider President Obama and all democrats (small 'd') despots. This is another really dumb (ignorant?) post.

Why do fools post such nonsense? Are they truly this ignorant? Desperate for attention and thus need to lie (for some it is better to be laughed at then ignored) or brainwashed by too much Limbaugh?

How is that ignorant? Obama wipes his ass on the Constitution on a daily basis, and he uses the government to persecute his political opposition. That fits the description of a despot.
BS- only in bizarro Pub dupe world. Why haven't ANY courts said so, dingbat?
McCarthy was a con artist

absolutely!! imagine trying to con us into thinking that our liberals had fallen in love with Hitler, the worlds most evil man, (after he had slowly starved 60 million to death) and had even given him the A-bomb!!
McCarthy was a con artist

absolutely!! imagine trying to con us into thinking that our liberals had fallen in love with Hitler, the worlds most evil man, (after he had slowly starved 60 million to death) and had even given him the A-bomb!!

What -- you want me to run two siglines?
Narcissists. Never satisfied.

absolutely!! imagine trying to con us into thinking that our liberals had fallen in love with Hitler, the worlds most evil man, (after he had slowly starved 60 million to death) and had even given him the A-bomb!!
Welcome to the modern world, cold war dinosaur dupes. Socialism is recognized as always democratic, communism NEVER- and always put in by violent revolution, and just about dead, since capitalism is everywhere..

Hitler was a RW fascist, since he loved capitalists and aristocrats, even if of course it was directed toward a war footing.Kinda like Reagan lol...Goldberg is total, bought off "drivel"- the Economist, and everyone else, for hater dupes only. later


Americans are stupid

Jonathan Gruber
You 've got nothing. Idiot. Gruber is a fool, AND that's ANOTHER out of context irrelevancy anyway, for brainwashed ignoramuses only...
McCarthy was a con artist

absolutely!! imagine trying to con us into thinking that our liberals had fallen in love with Hitler, the worlds most evil man, (after he had slowly starved 60 million to death) and had even given him the A-bomb!!
Idiotic Pubtroll. Clueless. ONE example of a liberal helping Hitler? Only conservatives could think of it after he got in power.See stopping Jews from immigrating, stopping aid to Spanish Republicans, rooting for him against the USSR, etc etc. Change the channel. Goldberg is a bought off charlatan, stupid.
" of course if McCarthy had nothing the liberals would not have taken the 5th and McCarthy would have had no power whatsoever" in this simple sentence the evidence is there to prove EB is ignorant of the elements during the McCarthy witch hunt.
BS- only in bizarro Pub dupe world. Why haven't ANY courts said so, dingbat?

Dear, courts are very very liberal like Obama. Obama is in effect a communist. He had 3 communist parents, and grew up to vote to the left of Bernie Sanders so obviously the Constitution embodies the opposite of what he wants as a fellow travelor.

Do you understand?
Look at all the Progressive Big Lies: Hitler was a Conservative, McCarthy started a "Red Scare", FDR saved the country from capitalism, LBJ was a Civil Right Hero

They thrive on Big Lies

McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

Can you name one innocent person accused by McCarthy?

Like I said, he vastly understated the extent to which Communists infiltrated the US government
Start here: Victims of McCarthyism

Owen Lattimore was a Communist Spy. Any decent country would have sat him next to the Rosenbergs on Death Row
McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin

this is true Stalin was slowly starving 60 million to death and liberals still loved him. Today's liberals are the same as you can see by the way they still defend Stalin and attack McCarthy.

Same way they hate Reagan for destroying their former hometeam
McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

Can you name one innocent person accused by McCarthy?

Like I said, he vastly understated the extent to which Communists infiltrated the US government
Start here: Victims of McCarthyism

Owen Lattimore was a Communist Spy. Any decent country would have sat him next to the Rosenbergs on Death Row

we never want to forget Alger Hiss who was the darling of the Ivy league East Coast liberals!!
Look at all the Progressive Big Lies: Hitler was a Conservative, McCarthy started a "Red Scare", FDR saved the country from capitalism, LBJ was a Civil Right Hero

They thrive on Big Lies

McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

It isn't like the entire party acquiesced, to be fair. Eisenhower considered him toxic. Margaret Chase Smith stepped up to the plate and openly questioned the entire bait --

>> I speak as a Republican. I speak as a woman. I speak as a United States Senator. I speak as an American.
It is ironical that we Senators can in debate in the Senate directly or indirectly, by any form of words, impute to any American who is not a Senator any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming an American -- and without that non-Senator American having any legal redress against us -- yet if we say the same thing in the Senate about our colleagues we can be stopped on the grounds of being out of order.
I think that it is high time for the United States Senate and its members to do some soul-searching -- for us to weigh our consciences -- on the manner in which we are performing our duty to the people of America -- on the manner in which we are using or abusing our individual powers and privileges.

I think that it is high time that we remembered that we have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution. I think that it is high time that we remembered that the Constitution, as amended, speaks not only of the freedom of speech but also of trial by jury instead of trial by accusation. Whether it be a criminal prosecution in court or a character prosecution in the Senate, there is little practical distinction when the life of a person has been ruined.

Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism:

  • The right to criticize;
  • The right to hold unpopular beliefs;
  • The right to protest;
  • The right of independent thought.

The exercise of these rights should not cost one single American citizen his reputation or his right to a livelihood nor should he be in danger of losing his reputation or livelihood merely because he happens to know someone who holds unpopular beliefs. Who of us doesn’t? Otherwise none of us could call our souls our own. Otherwise thought control would have set in.

The American people are sick and tired of being afraid to speak their minds lest they be politically smeared as "Communists" or "Fascists" by their opponents. Freedom of speech is not what it used to be in America. It has been so abused by some that it is not exercised by others.
As an American, I am shocked at the way Republicans and Democrats alike are playing directly into the Communist design of "confuse, divide and conquer." As an American, I don't want a Democratic Administration "white wash" or "cover up" any more than I want a Republican smear or witch hunt.

As an American, I condemn a Republican "Fascist" just as much as I condemn a Democrat "Communist." I condemn a Democrat "fascist" just as much as I condemn a Republican "Communist." They are equally dangerous to you and me and to our country. As an American, I want to see our nation recapture the strength and unity it once had when we fought the enemy instead of ourselves. <<

-- "Declaration of Conscience", June 1 1950, less than four months after McCarthy's infamous Wheeling speech in which he declared "I have in my hand a list of (pick a number, it changed in every version), which, whatever was in his hand, was never actually shown to anybody.
Here was one Republican -- and she named others at the end -- who had the cojones to stand on principles instead of a pandering bandwagon. :clap2:

McCarthy actually vastly understated the extent to which prominent people in the Administrations were reporting to Stalin

McCarthy Wheeling Speech came right in the middle of the USSR Trying to start WWIII in Berlin and the ChiComs killing US soldiers in Korea. Safe to say that Communist spies were relaying our Korean War plans back to their HQ....and our Progressives defend the Communists
McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

Can you name one innocent person accused by McCarthy?

Like I said, he vastly understated the extent to which Communists infiltrated the US government
Start here: Victims of McCarthyism

Owen Lattimore was a Communist Spy. Any decent country would have sat him next to the Rosenbergs on Death Row

If you find the United States so indecent why don't you go to hell? Isn't that where others like you who bear false witness against others end up? I doubt any place else would welcome a bum like you.

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