Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Owen Lattimore was a Communist Spy. Any decent country would have sat him next to the Rosenbergs on Death Row

If you find the United States so indecent why don't you go to hell? Isn't that where others like you who bear false witness against others end up? I doubt any place else would welcome a bum like you.
Except records showed macarthy was right about communist spies higj in the administration. To bad it took fifty years to prove him right because idiots like you seem to not know the truth



"During a speech in Wheeling, WV, Senator Joseph McCarthy (Republican-Wisconsin) claims that he has a list with the names of over 200 members of the Department of State that are "known communists." The speech vaulted McCarthy to national prominence and sparked a nationwide hysteria about subversives in the American government."

Link: McCarthy says communists are in State Department mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 2 9 1950

Name all 200, along with the evidence of the truth of his statement! Do it now or STFU and acknowledge you're not only a liar but also a fool.

First, it was 57, not 200... over the years the Leftist Media hyped the number up. Some years back I debated an imbecile, much like yourself, who cited a DU thread that claimed McCarthy ruined 'thousands of lives by falsely accusing them of being communists. She then went on to place McCarthy as the head of the HUAC. LOL! True story... (For the edification of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, Senator McCarthy was not affiliated with HUAC)

Anywho... McCarthy never disclosed them. Not one... . Although Soviet documents did expose many of them when the Venona Project, with Alger Hiss being among the more notorious examples, and one of FDRs closest aids Lauchlin Currie was also closely affiliated with Soviets along with the head of the Office that preceded the CIA, Maurice Halperine, these subversives, all home grown Democrats and "Progressives" all... ran rampant throughout FDR's Administration... later becoming deeply entrenched in the US State Department.

"On February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy stepped into the spotlight of national attention with a speech given at Wheeling, West Virginia. McCarthy was nearing the end of his first term as senator and needed a big issue to energize his run for a second term. Holding up a piece of paper, he claimed to have in his possession information proving that more than 200 employees in the State Department were card-carrying members of the Communist Party. The charge--never substantiated--grabbed headlines at a time when friction with the Soviet Union and fear of communist subversion were growing in the country.

"The featured document, a telegram from Senator Joseph R. McCarthy to President Harry S. Truman, was sent to the president on February 11, 1950, two days after the Wheeling speech. Also included isTruman's reply (probably unsent). In this telegram to the president, Senator McCarthy repeats his assertion that he had the names of 57 Communists who were working in the State Department and called upon the President to provide Congress with a full accounting of Communist infiltration of the Department, including the role of alleged Communist spy Alger Hiss in protecting security risks. In an undated (and apparently unsent) reply, the President stated that McCarthy was not fit to serve in the U.S. government, adding that the people of Wisconsin must be very sorry to be represented in the Senate by such a person."

Telegram from Senator Joseph McCarthy to President Harry S. Truman
Owen Lattimore was a Communist Spy. Any decent country would have sat him next to the Rosenbergs on Death Row

If you find the United States so indecent why don't you go to hell? Isn't that where others like you who bear false witness against others end up? I doubt any place else would welcome a bum like you.
Except records showed macarthy was right about communist spies higj in the administration. To bad it took fifty years to prove him right because idiots like you seem to not know the truth



"During a speech in Wheeling, WV, Senator Joseph McCarthy (Republican-Wisconsin) claims that he has a list with the names of over 200 members of the Department of State that are "known communists." The speech vaulted McCarthy to national prominence and sparked a nationwide hysteria about subversives in the American government."

Link: McCarthy says communists are in State Department mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 2 9 1950

Name all 200, along with the evidence of the truth of his statement! Do it now or STFU and acknowledge you're not only a liar but also a fool.

First, it was 57, not 200... over the years the Leftist Media hyped the number up. Some years back I debated an imbecile, much like yourself who cited a DU thread that claimed McCarthy ruined 'thousands of lives by falsely accusing them of being communists. She then went on to place McCarthy as the head of the HUAC. LOL! True story... (For the edification of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, Senator McCarthy was not affiliated with HUAC)

Anywho... McCarthy never disclosed them. Not one... . Although Soviet documents did expose many of them when the Venona Papers, with Alger Hiss being among the more notorious examples, and FDR's first Vice President, Harris... IMS, was also closely affiliated with Soviet operators... who ran rampant throughout FDR's Administration... later becoming deeply entrenched in the US State Department.

Sadly we've gone downhill from there it seems. Today we have Obama and there is barely a word about his connections to Frank Marshall Davis and other open communists. Imagine if it was discovered that Jeb Bush had long been mentored by a Nazis. The MSM would think it the scoop of the century.

its shows how thorough the brainwashing has been.
A), Davis wasn't a communist, and B), total "drivel", shyttehead. From Wiki:

"In his memoir Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama mentions a friend of his grandfather named Frank, who was later identified as Davis.[35] Davis told Obama that he and Stanley (Obama's maternal grandfather) both had grown up only 50 miles apart, near Wichita, although they did not meet until Hawaii. He described the way race relations were back then, including Jim Crow, and his view that there had been little progress since then. As Obama remembered, "It made me smile, thinking back on Frank and his old Black Power, dashiki self. In some ways he was as incurable as my mother, as certain in his faith, living in the same sixties time warp that Hawaii had created."[36] Obama also remembered Frank later in life when he took a job in South Chicago as a community organizer and took some time one day to visit the areas where Frank had lived and wrote in his book, "I imagined Frank in a baggy suit and wide lapels, standing in front of the old Regal Theatre, waiting to see Duke or Ella emerge from a gig."[37]""

MORE RW BS. Read something FACTUAL, moron.
The nazis were atheists and pagans...the German people had some belief in religion....and hitter played to it....but he was still a left wing socialist....
Hitler was a right wing fascist who played to the idea of socialism.
Politicians have always misrepresented themselves and always will.
The nazis were atheists and pagans...the German people had some belief in religion....and hitter played to it....but he was still a left wing socialist....
Hitler was a right wing fascist who played to the idea of socialism.
Politicians have always misrepresented themselves and always will.
too stupid of course since HItler believed in massive central govt like liberals fascists nazis and communists and unlike conservatives!!

do you understand now or do you remain totally confused and liberal?
dear liberals gave Stalin the bomb. Does that count as helping??
See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

dear, Hitler and Stalin were the same. You seem proud that liberals spied more for Stalin than Hitler?? Is Stalin you're hero liberal and Hitler you're anti-hero liberal? I guess you're got to have the intelligence of a liberal to see the big differences between HItler and Stalin- right?
ONE example of a liberal helping Hitler, ya fecking MORON.
Hitler was a fascist capitalist who ated socialists sand communist
Hitler was a fascist capitalist who ated socialists sand communist

yes yes dear I understand: Stalin good, Hitler bad.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler,

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ever think of college??
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Hitler was a fascist capitalist who ated socialists sand communist

yes yes dear I understand: Stalin good, Hitler bad.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler,

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ever think of college??
A Right Winger advocating college? Oh my.
Hitler was a fascist capitalist who ated socialists sand communist

yes yes dear I understand: Stalin good, Hitler bad.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler,

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ever think of college??
A Right Winger advocating college? Oh my.

substance free from typical liberal without IQ for substance
The nazis were atheists and pagans...the German people had some belief in religion....and hitter played to it....but he was still a left wing socialist....
Hitler was a right wing fascist who played to the idea of socialism.
Politicians have always misrepresented themselves and always will.

So Hitler was a Rightwing Left-winger?

Oh that's FASCINATIN'!

Now how cool is it that a "right-winger" is said to have pretended to be a Leftist, to acquire power.

I mean, had Histler actually BEEN an adherent of natural law, governed through the application of those laws... Germany would have quickly recovered from its decades of adherence to socialist 'feelings', grown to become an economic power-house, having invaded no foreign nation which had not waged war on it and Histler would be among the greatest examples of national leadership in human history.

Yet instead, under Histler, Germany advanced profound examples of nationalist relativism... practicing eugenics, revising history, and invading across every border they had... with a total disregard for anyone or anything except the hysterical notions of early 20th Century socialism.

Which would be a very weird set of circumstances for a "Right-winger", even where he is 'pretending to be a socialist'.
Hitler was a fascist capitalist who ated socialists sand communist

yes yes dear I understand: Stalin good, Hitler bad.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler,

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ever think of college??
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century, and you, sir, are an ignorant dupe. What did you major in, underwater basket weaving? I doubt you went anywhere, considering your ignorance and inability to rest or check facts. Done with you today.

Bills have been screwed 5 times by the refs in Denver.Another disgrace. Have another beer, fool. God will not be amused by your willful stupidity and hate.
Look at all the Progressive Big Lies: Hitler was a Conservative, McCarthy started a "Red Scare", FDR saved the country from capitalism, LBJ was a Civil Right Hero

They thrive on Big Lies

McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

How specifically did "McCARTHY" 'make' the 'anti-communist program sound foolish'.

Again... I am asking you for SPECIFICS!
McCarthy's power was not so much in his accusations but in his suggestions that one is a communist. He suggested Ike leaned towards communism, the US army leaned toward communism, as did General Marshall, every body that did not fall into his line of patter was a commie.
That suggestive power gave McCarthy his power to intimidate. McCarthy had only to suggest that one might be a communist and for many that individual was without a doubt a communist. The evidence many accepted only had to be McCarthy's suggestion, and therein was McCarthy's power.
Look at all the Progressive Big Lies: Hitler was a Conservative, McCarthy started a "Red Scare", FDR saved the country from capitalism, LBJ was a Civil Right Hero

They thrive on Big Lies

McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

How specifically did "McCARTHY" 'make' the 'anti-communist program sound foolish'.

Again... I am asking you for SPECIFICS!
McCarthy's power was not so much in his accusations but in his suggestions that one is a communist. He suggested Ike leaned towards communism, the US army leaned toward communism, as did General Marshall, every body that did not fall into his line of patter was a commie.
That suggestive power gave McCarthy his power to intimidate. McCarthy had only to suggest that one might be a communist and for many that individual was without a doubt a communist. The evidence many accepted only had to be McCarthy's suggestion, and therein was McCarthy's power.
And ruin the lives of MANY innocents. Great job, Pubbies. J Edgar and McCarthy were a RW disgrace.
Look at all the Progressive Big Lies: Hitler was a Conservative, McCarthy started a "Red Scare", FDR saved the country from capitalism, LBJ was a Civil Right Hero

They thrive on Big Lies

McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

How specifically did "McCARTHY" 'make' the 'anti-communist program sound foolish'.

Again... I am asking you for SPECIFICS!
McCarthy's power was not so much in his accusations but in his suggestions that one is a communist. He suggested Ike leaned towards communism, the US army leaned toward communism, as did General Marshall, every body that did not fall into his line of patter was a commie.
That suggestive power gave McCarthy his power to intimidate. McCarthy had only to suggest that one might be a communist and for many that individual was without a doubt a communist. The evidence many accepted only had to be McCarthy's suggestion, and therein was McCarthy's power.

LOL! That is ADORABLE! Please provide an example of McCarthy "Suggesting" that someone was a communist?

Here's a clue: It never happened.

Now the more interesting question is 'How did all of these myths about McCarthy get started and become SO entrenched in Leftist lore?"

The answer to which is "The Communists were entrenched throughout the US Media."

Proving once again: McCarthy was RIGHT!
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

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