Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Hitler was a fascist capitalist who ated socialists sand communist

yes yes dear I understand: Stalin good, Hitler bad.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler,

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ever think of college??
A Right Winger advocating college? Oh my.

College.......do you think that's where most Republicans learn about the earth being six thousand years old? Probably comes from the same school of thought that teaches right is really left.
Hitler was a fascist capitalist who ated socialists sand communist

yes yes dear I understand: Stalin good, Hitler bad.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler,

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ever think of college??
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century, and you, sir, are an ignorant dupe. What did you major in, underwater basket weaving? I doubt you went anywhere, considering your ignorance and inability to rest or check facts. Done with you today.

Bills have been screwed 5 times by the refs in Denver.Another disgrace. Have another beer, fool. God will not be amused by your willful stupidity and hate.

You're wasting your time. You might just as well be teaching history to a caged parrot......he can repeat words and simple phrases, but he doesn't really understand.
Hitler was a fascist capitalist who ated socialists sand communist

yes yes dear I understand: Stalin good, Hitler bad.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler,

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Ever think of college??
A Right Winger advocating college? Oh my.

College.......do you think that's where most Republicans learn about the earth being six thousand years old? Probably comes from the same school of thought that teaches right is really left.

substance free from typical liberal without IQ for substance
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.

too stupid by 10000%. HItler was a totalitarian ruler who controlled every aspect of German life from an all powerful central govt. That is the opposite of capitalism. It is libnazifascistcommie monarchist. Got it now?
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.

too stupid by 10000%. HItler was a totalitarian ruler who controlled every aspect of German life from an all powerful central govt. That is the opposite of capitalism.

Easy enough??

Hitler was the head of an Oligarchy, which included wealthy industialists and the SS
Hitler was the head of an Oligarchy, which included wealthy industialists and the SS

so?? it had nothing to do with capitalism. Got it now? When you combine business and govt you have obamacare lib fascism or socialism, anything but capitalism.

Got it now? See why we say slow, so very very slow? Sorry to rock your world.
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.


Once again: A RightWinger is said to NEED to pretend to be a Leftist, in order to gain power.

When in truth, a right-winger would have presented himself as an adherent of the Laws of Nature, championed those immutable laws and rose to power on the merits of the truth.

Ya see scamp, Right-wingers understand that truth wins, as nature requires that it must.
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.


Once again: A RightWinger is said to NEED to pretend to be a Leftist, in order to gain power.

When in truth, a right-winger would have presented himself as an adherent of the Laws of Nature, championed those immutable laws and rose to power on the merits of the truth.

Ya see scamp, Right-wingers understand that truth wins, as nature requires that it must.
In order to gain leadership of the National Socialists, yes.
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.


Once again: A RightWinger is said to NEED to pretend to be a Leftist, in order to gain power.

When in truth, a right-winger would have presented himself as an adherent of the Laws of Nature, championed those immutable laws and rose to power on the merits of the truth.

Ya see scamp, Right-wingers understand that truth wins, as nature requires that it must.
In order to gain leadership of the National Socialists, yes.
McCarthy didn't start the Red Scare; indeed he never had an original idea in his life. He piled on to existing hysteria and took it to überhysteria. McCarthy was a naked opportunist, his every deceitful move designed to amass more personal power, certainly including his piling-on Red Scare pandering. In that sense he's much more like Hitler.

In fact, do you know what the only book McCarthy ever read was? Mein Kampf. True story, a borrowed copy from his pal Urban van Susteren (if the last name sounds familiar it's because his daughter Greta works for Fox Noise).

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the FDR and Truman White House reported to Stalin
Was McCarthy part of the communist party? I mean McCarthy took a position that he was exposing communism and then made a number of people realize that he was an idiot and therefore the whole anti-communism thing might be a farce. Why did he make anti-communism program sound so foolish and why did the Republican party let him?

How specifically did "McCARTHY" 'make' the 'anti-communist program sound foolish'.

Again... I am asking you for SPECIFICS!
McCarthy's power was not so much in his accusations but in his suggestions that one is a communist. He suggested Ike leaned towards communism, the US army leaned toward communism, as did General Marshall, every body that did not fall into his line of patter was a commie.
That suggestive power gave McCarthy his power to intimidate. McCarthy had only to suggest that one might be a communist and for many that individual was without a doubt a communist. The evidence many accepted only had to be McCarthy's suggestion, and therein was McCarthy's power.
And ruin the lives of MANY innocents. Great job, Pubbies. J Edgar and McCarthy were a RW disgrace.

Name one "innocent" McCarthy "ruined"

Zero Mostel? Lionel Barrymore? Who?
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.


Once again: A RightWinger is said to NEED to pretend to be a Leftist, in order to gain power.

When in truth, a right-winger would have presented himself as an adherent of the Laws of Nature, championed those immutable laws and rose to power on the merits of the truth.

Ya see scamp, Right-wingers understand that truth wins, as nature requires that it must.
In order to gain leadership of the National Socialists, yes.

LOL... National Socialists were Leftists scamp.

Hey! Lemme ask ya this: Stalin claimed that Leon Trotsky was a fascist. Since you agree with Stalin that National Socialists were rightwingers, do you also agree with Stalin that Trotsky was a rightwinger?
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.


Once again: A RightWinger is said to NEED to pretend to be a Leftist, in order to gain power.

When in truth, a right-winger would have presented himself as an adherent of the Laws of Nature, championed those immutable laws and rose to power on the merits of the truth.

Ya see scamp, Right-wingers understand that truth wins, as nature requires that it must.
In order to gain leadership of the National Socialists, yes.

LOL! She hasn't a clue.
You, Tapababble, and bripat, should all run along and go read Goldberg's book so you know what you're talking about.

It's probably what they are both doing now, since I reminded them of that

I already read the book, you fucking moron.
Oh great...let's get started.

One of Goldberg's points is that Liberals wouldn't support the type of action Hitler did. He really just makes comparisons, many of them quite weak, about the cultivation of support for liberalism in the US now, with similar political strategies practiced by the Fascists back then.

Let's begin with Goldberg's completely flawed attempt to portray FDR as an advocate for Italian Fascism. Liberals and Communists in Italy at the time favored wealth redistribution, and the Fascists were intensely nationalistic and militaristic. His only concrete comparison is that FDR had big parades.

Your turn Einstein.

Hmmmmm . . . . . FDR raised the marginal rate to 95%, and he created all kinds of income redistribution programs like Social Security. FDR was also militiristic. He did everything in his power to get us involved in the war, and before the war he pursued a vast expansion in our military. Did you know that Congress approved the funding for 40 aircraft carriers before the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor? Most of the weapons we used during the war were already in the pipeline before the war even started.

If you don't think FDR was nationalistic, then you haven't ever seen some of the propaganda published during the war.




Again, your claims fail.
Read post 1865 Einstein.

You brought a dull butter knife to a gun fight.

You also obviously haven't read the book

I posted #1865, numskull.
Really?....You might want to take a breath, and look again
I have a Masters in World History, with a concentration in 20th century,

absolutely!! thats why you said Hitler was a capitalist!!

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

Context, moron, context! You've proven to be an uneducated partisan parrot, but can you learn? I doubt it, but others may I'll repeat an important lesson: Don't watch the lips of pol, watch their feet. Now, I know you don't understand, so I'll type slow, just for you.

Hitler on 5/1/29 was not in power but wanted it. Thus, he engaged in the time honored practice of demagoguery, tell the audience what they want to hear.


Once again: A RightWinger is said to NEED to pretend to be a Leftist, in order to gain power.

When in truth, a right-winger would have presented himself as an adherent of the Laws of Nature, championed those immutable laws and rose to power on the merits of the truth.

Ya see scamp, Right-wingers understand that truth wins, as nature requires that it must.
In order to gain leadership of the National Socialists, yes.

LOL... National Socialists were Leftists scamp.

Hey! Lemme ask ya this: Stalin claimed that Leon Trotsky was a fascist. Since you agree with Stalin that National Socialists were rightwingers, do you also agree with Stalin that Trotsky was a rightwinger?
You're confusing terms. National Socialists hated liberals almost as much as Jews.

Lot's of people resist the following grouping of terms, but it's what I see.

Groups more likely have similarities to the platforms of modern day American liberals include:


On the modern day American conservative side I see:


I know Glenn Beck and Jonah Goldberg have worked to relieve the GOP from associations with those groupings, by saddling Democratic candidates and incumbents with them today.

I understand their arguments, but reject them because I feel it's simple electioneering.
The Democrat party is also authoritarian, nimrod.

I can't believe that two weeks into this thread you are still posting mindless swipes at nothing in particular.

In the time you have spent wailing at the clouds you could have read every book cited on this thread and been much, much, much wiser for the experience.

I don't take homework assignments from commies. Your books don't prove a damn thing accept that history professors have an agenda.
Pat doesn't read actual books, it interferes with his propaganda.

I've read stack of books, probably more than you'll ever read. Every time you post all you do is display your ignorance. You have yet to post an actual fact in this forum.
Wow...that's fresh, especially coming from you. Mr 10 word post, including mostly childish insults.

If you've only read a stack of books, you probably didn't go to college.

Your lack of grasp for "Liberal Fascists" proves you missed Goldberg's point about how he doesn't think liberals in America would do all the bad things Hitler did.
The Democrat party is also authoritarian, nimrod.

I can't believe that two weeks into this thread you are still posting mindless swipes at nothing in particular.

In the time you have spent wailing at the clouds you could have read every book cited on this thread and been much, much, much wiser for the experience.

I don't take homework assignments from commies. Your books don't prove a damn thing accept that history professors have an agenda.

And no one has asked you to.

What you have been asked to do is to read and learn - something you flat out refuse to do.

ROFL! You have asked me at least a dozen times. No, you have insisted on it. I suggest you read and learn. To get started, I recommend the books "Socialism" and "Omnipotent Government" by Ludwig von Mises. However, you don't want to learn. You simply want to spout your ignorance.
Mises doesn't even say what you think he says.
America had an extremely limited government, so limited the government could do almost nothing. The framers then decided to increase both the size and power of our government, and with the new size and power we became the greatest nation on earth. We are certainly not going back to the limited government some conservatives envision. Those days of weak limited government, like so many Republican ideas, are history.
LOL. We became great because of government!
Horseshit dude. We became great because of American ingenuity, resources and the pursuit of making a better life for yourself and your family. You stupid commie asshole.
So would we have fared as well, with fifty independent state governments, each deciding how it wanted to progress?

We would have faired better. We also wouldn't have gotten involved in any of the following wars:

Civil War
Mexican American War
Spanish American War
Korean War
Vietnam War
Gulf War I
Gulf War II

Also wonder if you can name one Marxian-communist government?
SOviet Union
North Korea
East Germany

No nation has ever practiced Marxist communism. The Soviet's dropped it pretty quick as unworkable and developed a new system. Some very small groups, if tied to a religion, may have made it work, but a nation, no way.
That is very true. Especially since Marxism is simply putting in place policies that result in a completely socialist government.

Marxism is almost a verb.

Communism is the form of socialism that Maoist China and Stalinist Russia wound up with after Marxism in both countries

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