Honest Liberal says it's time to take PC seriously

Student suspended for saying 'bless you' at school ...
Aug 20, 2014 - Student suspended for saying 'bless you' at school .... You coniently forgot the verses that precede “The Lord's Prayer”, Matthew 6:5-6
you don't think this is somehow relevant to political correctness, do you?

i think you're a clown who lost this issue long ago. i can play stupid too but i can never do it as well as you can
i don't think you can play stupid. how would anyone be able to distinguish when you were playing from the rest of your life?

you really just dont understand what pc is and want to label any speech you disagree with as somehow being 'the pc police'
Ah, so we're supposed to go by YOUR definition of PC.

Well, how appropriate is that.

or you know, the definition of pc. either way. same thing.
Well, just let us know which definition we're allowed to use, 'cuz we don't want to offend or be micro-aggressive.
Students go berserk after conservative club uses term 'anchor babies'. A recently approved Young Americans for Freedom student club at Gettysburg College made quite a debut on campus after its recruitment fliers used the term "anchor babies" and asked of abortion "do you enjoy hugging babies vs killing them," among other statements. Shortly after posting the literature, left-leaning peers at the small liberal arts school — a tight-knit community next to the historic Civil War battlefield — went berserk. They tore down YAF's flyers and vandalized them with swastikas and curse words, according to pictures and student interviews
When Committed Christians Are Compared to ISIS. It's scary enough when peace-loving Jesus followers are compared to ISIS. What's even scarier is that many people believe the comparison is accurate. Have they completely lost touch with reality? It's one thing to have passionate and deep differences on issues like abortion and redefining marriage. It's another thing to use inflammatory rhetoric that it is not just dishonest but is actually dangerous. Do people not realize that their words have consequences?
please, give us an example of how the left has jumped the shark. how do you feel "pc" has harmed anyone or anything?
You've jumped the shark because not only has the pushback begun, it's now coming from your own side. Cool.

And the harm PC has done? Holy shit. You people have:

1) Tragically slowed the progression of Black America by (a) constantly lowering standards, (b) refusing to hold them accountable for their own misdeeds, such as the high fatherless child rate, and c) enabled poor behavior by spinning and deflecting for damn near every bad thing they do. Worse, you have now done this to multiple generations of American Blacks, victimizing that large group of people for a second time in this country's history.

2) Purposely and systematically destroyed honest conversation of a wide range of critical issues by screaming "racist", "sexist", "homophobe" and any number of other names specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid debate while conditions continued to deteriorate.

3) Systematically leveraged your freedom of expression specifically to intimidate, punish and control others from using their own freedom of expression. In America.

4) Purposely created an entire generation of young people who are so hypersensitive and unable to process anything they consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive" that all they know to do is scream about their victimhood and act to punish the perpetrator.

5) Intimidated Americans from coast to coast from saying anything that someone, somewhere, MAY consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive", serving to only exacerbate divisive feelings and opinions between Americans.

But don't worry, I know you won't admit to any of this. You dare not. But I'm glad you asked, anyway.

None of that is true. Do you feel it?
"civil communication"

Ivy League Prof Calls Ben Carson A 'Coon'. An Ivy League professor has suggested naming Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson "coon of the year" for saying it should be legal for private citizens to display the Confederate flag. Anthea Butler is a religious studies professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and also an active Twitter user with more than 62,000 tweets.

so who ya gonna call?

you sad morons; if you actually abided by your own stated goals of "civil communication" that would be one thing, but you dont; you just want to dictate what OTHERS can and cant say

that's why left-wing douchebags are jokes
Words Don't Kill? BLM is a "grievance" group whose Minnesota acolytes happened to concoct a playful chant on a protest march. Indeed, the chant is children's book fodder: "Pigs in a blanket; fry 'em like bacon!" Or close enough. We know it was all in fun because march organizer Trahern Crews said so. [...] Imagine if similar playful rhetoric had flown from the mouths of aggrieved whites (okay, whites can't be aggrieved, per race politics, but let's pretend). "Homies on the grill, roast 'em like ribs." Say the motivation for that chant was decades of pent up white fear about straying into anyone of a number of inner city hoods after dark. Or in protest of black-on-white murders, which are disproportionately the more probable occurrence. Or due to a more recent fear among whites: walking down a city street — Dayton will do — and being cold-cocked by a black kid playing the "knockout game."
The Editor says...
PC can't work with our first amendment. people have the right to say what they wish.
No, the Regressive Left has learned that it can use our own freedoms against us. It's neither illegal or unconstitutional for them to destroy people for expressing themselves.

Yes, it obviously flies directly in the face of the spirit of freedom of expression, but these people don't care. It's their constitutional right to intimidate and punish you, and they are going to exercise that right as long as they can get away with it.

Ironically they use the Constitution - a document they remind us was written by rich, white slave owners - to do this.

LOL, Mac the Obsessed throws the Constitution under the bus.

It's the RWnuts going after the coffee cups. They're blind to the fact that their politically correct stormtroopers are far worse than anything the liberals ever perpetrated.

That dude thinks he's getting in front of it by posting that. He's trying to own the high ground.

No, I think the whole thing is ridiculous.

Now, if you want to bring up the stupidity of calling a Christmas Tree a Holiday tree...
I see they are advertising a show about the biggest problem in the country, race.

WTF is wrong with these people?

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