Honest Liberal says it's time to take PC seriously

You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

you pathetic idiot. "society has adopted"????

are you sure about that???
no you arent jackass; it's what you people DEMAND society say or do
why do you think what you call "pc" has any clout?

it has enormous clout. everytime some jackass left-wing Professor feels the need to pontificate in the classroom; on subjects often not related to the class, he has a bully pulpit. The students know he holds their grades, and in a sense then their futures, in his or her jaded Progressive hands.

idiots and hypocrites
you do understand that what you describe is not an example of "pc," right?

so, if society hasn't adopted these rules how do those rules hold any sway?

i already explained it to you leftard. not my fault you're brainwashed and stupid at the same time

how sad
what you described had nothing to do with pc. i pointed that out, and you're doubling down on it.
you just keep showing that you don't understand what pc is
by what standard do you say "society as a whole" has adopted political-correctness?'

was a vote taken?
which politically-correct items? some of them? all of them? few of them? who decides that they were "adopted"? you? me"? colleges?

ur a joke
you pathetic idiot. "society has adopted"????

are you sure about that???
no you arent jackass; it's what you people DEMAND society say or do
why do you think what you call "pc" has any clout?

it has enormous clout. everytime some jackass left-wing Professor feels the need to pontificate in the classroom; on subjects often not related to the class, he has a bully pulpit. The students know he holds their grades, and in a sense then their futures, in his or her jaded Progressive hands.

idiots and hypocrites
you do understand that what you describe is not an example of "pc," right?

so, if society hasn't adopted these rules how do those rules hold any sway?

i already explained it to you leftard. not my fault you're brainwashed and stupid at the same time

how sad
what you described had nothing to do with pc. i pointed that out, and you're doubling down on it.
you just keep showing that you don't understand what pc is

you just keep crying that you're misunderstood, because you lost the debate long ago, but your own arrogance wont allow you to admit it
why do you think what you call "pc" has any clout?

it has enormous clout. everytime some jackass left-wing Professor feels the need to pontificate in the classroom; on subjects often not related to the class, he has a bully pulpit. The students know he holds their grades, and in a sense then their futures, in his or her jaded Progressive hands.

idiots and hypocrites
you do understand that what you describe is not an example of "pc," right?

so, if society hasn't adopted these rules how do those rules hold any sway?

i already explained it to you leftard. not my fault you're brainwashed and stupid at the same time

how sad
what you described had nothing to do with pc. i pointed that out, and you're doubling down on it.
you just keep showing that you don't understand what pc is

you just keep crying that you're misunderstood, because you lost the debate long ago, but your own arrogance wont allow you to admit it
lol. you don't even understand what the debate is about. you think pc is a professor using the lectern to talk about issues unrelated to the class. you are a very dim bulb. i'd call you retarded but sarah palin says that isn't pc.
you're making claims. i'm asking you to back them up with SOMETHING resembling a fact.

you say out of one corner of your mouth that 'SOCIETY HAS ADOPTED" political-correctness, out of the other corner you use my position to build a false construct to conclude since they havent been adopted then no harm no foul

yo're desperately trying to be relevant and failing big-time idiot
it has enormous clout. everytime some jackass left-wing Professor feels the need to pontificate in the classroom; on subjects often not related to the class, he has a bully pulpit. The students know he holds their grades, and in a sense then their futures, in his or her jaded Progressive hands.

idiots and hypocrites
you do understand that what you describe is not an example of "pc," right?

so, if society hasn't adopted these rules how do those rules hold any sway?

i already explained it to you leftard. not my fault you're brainwashed and stupid at the same time

how sad
what you described had nothing to do with pc. i pointed that out, and you're doubling down on it.
you just keep showing that you don't understand what pc is

you just keep crying that you're misunderstood, because you lost the debate long ago, but your own arrogance wont allow you to admit it
lol. you don't even understand what the debate is about. you think pc is a professor using the lectern to talk about issues unrelated to the class. you are a very dim bulb. i'd call you retarded but sarah palin says that isn't pc.

more ad hominem from the loser who cant make his case

ur a clown
anti pc rhetoric was founded by social jerkoffs who wish to convince themselves that being an inconsiderate jackass makes them some sort of cutting edge braveheart fighting for freedumb... of course narcissistic nincompoops like mac eat that shit right up!
believing in the PC police is akin to believing in the toof fairy!


And denying the PC police exist is like:

give the pc police a call and see how that works out for ya, templar...
oh and i havent even got to the part of the MASSIVE LEFT-WING HYPOCRISY on political-correctness yet

ur a clown; you really should quit while you're behind bill
by what standard do you say "society as a whole" has adopted political-correctness?'

was a vote taken?
which politically-correct items? some of them? all of them? few of them? who decides that they were "adopted"? you? me"? colleges?

ur a joke
if society still found it acceptable to use racial slurs and demeaning language people would still use them. society does not allow for that in civil discourse, hence people do not use them publicly

how hard is that to understand.
by what standard do you say "society as a whole" has adopted political-correctness?'

was a vote taken?
which politically-correct items? some of them? all of them? few of them? who decides that they were "adopted"? you? me"? colleges?

ur a joke
if society still found it acceptable to use racial slurs and demeaning language people would still use them. society does not allow for that in civil discourse, hence people do not use them publicly

how hard is that to understand.

real hard when your own side doesnt follow its own rules you moron

keep digging!!!!

Would the OP like to tell he class about a single instance in his sad life when he was prevented from saying what he wanted to say by the PC police?

i see you clown. you're begging for examples of the Left engaging in hate speech that SHOULD be considered politically-correct except that when the target of the abuse is somebody on the right you guys are the ones hurling the abuse or staying silent

what moronic in-denial idiots left-wingers are
i see you clown. you're begging for examples of the Left engaging in hate speech that SHOULD be considered politically-correct except that when the target of the abuse is somebody on the right you guys are the ones hurling the abuse or staying silent

what moronic in-denial idiots left-wingers are
tell us more about the abuse of the lectern and how that's somehow "pc"
by what standard do you say "society as a whole" has adopted political-correctness?'

was a vote taken?
which politically-correct items? some of them? all of them? few of them? who decides that they were "adopted"? you? me"? colleges?

ur a joke

Truth is...... the person who let the genie out of the bottle was Trump. Oh, the lefties tried to put it back in the bottle, but many people said oh no you don't!

The left is now worried. If you can NOT talk about things that are screwed up caused by one political party, why would you ever think they would lose? But, now we are freely talking about illegal immigration, the welfare state, people who pay nothing, etc.................and the left tried their old tricks of calling us racists, hating poor people, homophobes, and it didn't shut anyone up, in fact, it got more people talking!

And so, the PC police are whining like hell, because we no longer accept their phoney dictionary on words, phrases, and what can/can NOT be talked about.

So, let me state, being non PC is LIBERATING! Also, let me say, that the 2 biggest lefties in this thread, appear to be SOCIALISTS, well on their way to MARXISM! See, without the PC police, I can say that. And you know what, it has a large ring of truth to it; which was always why the PC police whole idea, was to keep people who disagreed with them, silent!

That is OVER-) And as we can see, with America talking, you guys/gals are quickly losing favor; or haven't you noticed-)

By the way, what happened to Michelle? Anyone know and want to talk about it, hehehehehehehehehehe-)
i see you clown. you're begging for examples of the Left engaging in hate speech that SHOULD be considered politically-correct except that when the target of the abuse is somebody on the right you guys are the ones hurling the abuse or staying silent

what moronic in-denial idiots left-wingers are
tell us more about the abuse of the lectern and how that's somehow "pc"

like i said it's self-evident, and i'm not the Idiot Whisperer; see if gene replacement therapy will help

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