Honest Liberal says it's time to take PC seriously


we want to tell people what to think, what they can and cant say

but the mean ol right-wingers wont let me without calling us on it!!

make them shut up mommy!!!
good god you're dumb.

you have nothing

and we all know it
lol. whatever you think. i mean i could make a post where i act like a whiny baby and construct a straw man argument showcasing that i don't understand the issue, but you already seem to have that avenue covered.

actually you already are coward; since you dont appear to be capable of saying exactly what i dont understand

go cry
You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

you pathetic idiot. "society has adopted"????

are you sure about that???
no you arent jackass; it's what you people DEMAND society say or do

we want to tell people what to think, what they can and cant say

but the mean ol right-wingers wont let me without calling us on it!!

make them shut up mommy!!!
good god you're dumb.

you have nothing

and we all know it
lol. whatever you think. i mean i could make a post where i act like a whiny baby and construct a straw man argument showcasing that i don't understand the issue, but you already seem to have that avenue covered.

actually you already are coward; since you dont appear to be capable of saying exactly what i dont understand

go cry
You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

it's not your job; your role, or your responsibility to decide what is or isnt said in the name of "civil communication" you fascist wannabe clown
please, give us an example of how the left has jumped the shark. how do you feel "pc" has harmed anyone or anything?
You've jumped the shark because not only has the pushback begun, it's now coming from your own side. Cool.

And the harm PC has done? Holy shit. You people have:

1) Tragically slowed the progression of Black America by (a) constantly lowering standards, (b) refusing to hold them accountable for their own misdeeds, such as the high fatherless child rate, and c) enabled poor behavior by spinning and deflecting for damn near every bad thing they do. Worse, you have now done this to multiple generations of American Blacks, victimizing that large group of people for a second time in this country's history.

2) Purposely and systematically destroyed honest conversation of a wide range of critical issues by screaming "racist", "sexist", "homophobe" and any number of other names specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid debate while conditions continued to deteriorate.

3) Systematically leveraged your freedom of expression specifically to intimidate, punish and control others from using their own freedom of expression. In America.

4) Purposely created an entire generation of young people who are so hypersensitive and unable to process anything they consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive" that all they know to do is scream about their victimhood and act to punish the perpetrator.

5) Intimidated Americans from coast to coast from saying anything that someone, somewhere, MAY consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive", serving to only exacerbate divisive feelings and opinions between Americans.

But don't worry, I know you won't admit to any of this. You dare not. But I'm glad you asked, anyway.

did you c&p all that nonsense from the silly book in your sig line?
please, give us an example of how the left has jumped the shark. how do you feel "pc" has harmed anyone or anything?
You've jumped the shark because not only has the pushback begun, it's now coming from your own side. Cool.

And the harm PC has done? Holy shit. You people have:

1) Tragically slowed the progression of Black America by (a) constantly lowering standards, (b) refusing to hold them accountable for their own misdeeds, such as the high fatherless child rate, and c) enabled poor behavior by spinning and deflecting for damn near every bad thing they do. Worse, you have now done this to multiple generations of American Blacks, victimizing that large group of people for a second time in this country's history.

2) Purposely and systematically destroyed honest conversation of a wide range of critical issues by screaming "racist", "sexist", "homophobe" and any number of other names specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid debate while conditions continued to deteriorate.

3) Systematically leveraged your freedom of expression specifically to intimidate, punish and control others from using their own freedom of expression. In America.

4) Purposely created an entire generation of young people who are so hypersensitive and unable to process anything they consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive" that all they know to do is scream about their victimhood and act to punish the perpetrator.

5) Intimidated Americans from coast to coast from saying anything that someone, somewhere, MAY consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive", serving to only exacerbate divisive feelings and opinions between Americans.

But don't worry, I know you won't admit to any of this. You dare not. But I'm glad you asked, anyway.

did you c&p all that from the silly book in your sig line?

.........................said the left-wing idiot that uses a rabidly partisan piece and presented it as a "rational" rebuttal of the OP premise

just quit while you're behind leftard
please, give us an example of how the left has jumped the shark. how do you feel "pc" has harmed anyone or anything?
You've jumped the shark because not only has the pushback begun, it's now coming from your own side. Cool.

And the harm PC has done? Holy shit. You people have:

1) Tragically slowed the progression of Black America by (a) constantly lowering standards, (b) refusing to hold them accountable for their own misdeeds, such as the high fatherless child rate, and c) enabled poor behavior by spinning and deflecting for damn near every bad thing they do. Worse, you have now done this to multiple generations of American Blacks, victimizing that large group of people for a second time in this country's history.

2) Purposely and systematically destroyed honest conversation of a wide range of critical issues by screaming "racist", "sexist", "homophobe" and any number of other names specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid debate while conditions continued to deteriorate.

3) Systematically leveraged your freedom of expression specifically to intimidate, punish and control others from using their own freedom of expression. In America.

4) Purposely created an entire generation of young people who are so hypersensitive and unable to process anything they consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive" that all they know to do is scream about their victimhood and act to punish the perpetrator.

5) Intimidated Americans from coast to coast from saying anything that someone, somewhere, MAY consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive", serving to only exacerbate divisive feelings and opinions between Americans.

But don't worry, I know you won't admit to any of this. You dare not. But I'm glad you asked, anyway.

did you c&p all that from the silly book in your sig line?

.........................said the left-wing idiot that uses a rabidly partisan piece and presented it as a "rational" rebuttal of the OP premise

just quit while you're behind leftard
A member of a little group of Regressive Leftists who continue to post to me even though they know they're on ignore.

I do see their whining posts when someone else quotes them, though.

I'm so far up into their heads that it's scary.

Damn I'm good.
good god you're dumb.

you have nothing

and we all know it
lol. whatever you think. i mean i could make a post where i act like a whiny baby and construct a straw man argument showcasing that i don't understand the issue, but you already seem to have that avenue covered.

actually you already are coward; since you dont appear to be capable of saying exactly what i dont understand

go cry
You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

you pathetic idiot. "society has adopted"????

are you sure about that???
no you arent jackass; it's what you people DEMAND society say or do
why do you think what you call "pc" has any clout?
believing in the PC police is akin to believing in the toof fairy!

good god you're dumb.

you have nothing

and we all know it
lol. whatever you think. i mean i could make a post where i act like a whiny baby and construct a straw man argument showcasing that i don't understand the issue, but you already seem to have that avenue covered.

actually you already are coward; since you dont appear to be capable of saying exactly what i dont understand

go cry
You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

it's not your job; your role, or your responsibility to decide what is or isnt said in the name of "civil communication" you fascist wannabe clown
you really are dim. i didn't decide, but society as a whole has adopted rules.
you have nothing

and we all know it
lol. whatever you think. i mean i could make a post where i act like a whiny baby and construct a straw man argument showcasing that i don't understand the issue, but you already seem to have that avenue covered.

actually you already are coward; since you dont appear to be capable of saying exactly what i dont understand

go cry
You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

you pathetic idiot. "society has adopted"????

are you sure about that???
no you arent jackass; it's what you people DEMAND society say or do
why do you think what you call "pc" has any clout?

it has enormous clout. everytime some jackass left-wing Professor feels the need to pontificate in the classroom; on subjects often not related to the class, he has a bully pulpit. The students know he holds their grades, and in a sense then their futures, in his or her jaded Progressive hands.

idiots and hypocrites
please, give us an example of how the left has jumped the shark. how do you feel "pc" has harmed anyone or anything?
You've jumped the shark because not only has the pushback begun, it's now coming from your own side. Cool.

And the harm PC has done? Holy shit. You people have:

1) Tragically slowed the progression of Black America by (a) constantly lowering standards, (b) refusing to hold them accountable for their own misdeeds, such as the high fatherless child rate, and c) enabled poor behavior by spinning and deflecting for damn near every bad thing they do. Worse, you have now done this to multiple generations of American Blacks, victimizing that large group of people for a second time in this country's history.

2) Purposely and systematically destroyed honest conversation of a wide range of critical issues by screaming "racist", "sexist", "homophobe" and any number of other names specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid debate while conditions continued to deteriorate.

3) Systematically leveraged your freedom of expression specifically to intimidate, punish and control others from using their own freedom of expression. In America.

4) Purposely created an entire generation of young people who are so hypersensitive and unable to process anything they consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive" that all they know to do is scream about their victimhood and act to punish the perpetrator.

5) Intimidated Americans from coast to coast from saying anything that someone, somewhere, MAY consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive", serving to only exacerbate divisive feelings and opinions between Americans.

But don't worry, I know you won't admit to any of this. You dare not. But I'm glad you asked, anyway.
you're right. i won't admit to your delusions.
you have nothing

and we all know it
lol. whatever you think. i mean i could make a post where i act like a whiny baby and construct a straw man argument showcasing that i don't understand the issue, but you already seem to have that avenue covered.

actually you already are coward; since you dont appear to be capable of saying exactly what i dont understand

go cry
You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

it's not your job; your role, or your responsibility to decide what is or isnt said in the name of "civil communication" you fascist wannabe clown
you really are dim. i didn't decide, but society as a whole has adopted rules.

no it hasnt you moron. this very post is proof of the premise of the OP. Because you say society has adopted something doesnt make it so
lol. whatever you think. i mean i could make a post where i act like a whiny baby and construct a straw man argument showcasing that i don't understand the issue, but you already seem to have that avenue covered.

actually you already are coward; since you dont appear to be capable of saying exactly what i dont understand

go cry
You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

you pathetic idiot. "society has adopted"????

are you sure about that???
no you arent jackass; it's what you people DEMAND society say or do
why do you think what you call "pc" has any clout?

it has enormous clout. everytime some jackass left-wing Professor feels the need to pontificate in the classroom; on subjects often not related to the class, he has a bully pulpit. The students know he holds their grades, and in a sense then their futures, in his or her jaded Progressive hands.

idiots and hypocrites
you do understand that what you describe is not an example of "pc," right?

so, if society hasn't adopted these rules how do those rules hold any sway?
please, give us an example of how the left has jumped the shark. how do you feel "pc" has harmed anyone or anything?
You've jumped the shark because not only has the pushback begun, it's now coming from your own side. Cool.

And the harm PC has done? Holy shit. You people have:

1) Tragically slowed the progression of Black America by (a) constantly lowering standards, (b) refusing to hold them accountable for their own misdeeds, such as the high fatherless child rate, and c) enabled poor behavior by spinning and deflecting for damn near every bad thing they do. Worse, you have now done this to multiple generations of American Blacks, victimizing that large group of people for a second time in this country's history.

2) Purposely and systematically destroyed honest conversation of a wide range of critical issues by screaming "racist", "sexist", "homophobe" and any number of other names specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid debate while conditions continued to deteriorate.

3) Systematically leveraged your freedom of expression specifically to intimidate, punish and control others from using their own freedom of expression. In America.

4) Purposely created an entire generation of young people who are so hypersensitive and unable to process anything they consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive" that all they know to do is scream about their victimhood and act to punish the perpetrator.

5) Intimidated Americans from coast to coast from saying anything that someone, somewhere, MAY consider "offensive" or "micro-aggressive", serving to only exacerbate divisive feelings and opinions between Americans.

But don't worry, I know you won't admit to any of this. You dare not. But I'm glad you asked, anyway.
you're right. i won't admit to your delusions.

or even your own

idiots and hypocrites
actually you already are coward; since you dont appear to be capable of saying exactly what i dont understand

go cry
You dont understand that "pc" does not tell you what or how to think, but is instead notbing more than the set of rules society has adopted for civil communication

you pathetic idiot. "society has adopted"????

are you sure about that???
no you arent jackass; it's what you people DEMAND society say or do
why do you think what you call "pc" has any clout?

it has enormous clout. everytime some jackass left-wing Professor feels the need to pontificate in the classroom; on subjects often not related to the class, he has a bully pulpit. The students know he holds their grades, and in a sense then their futures, in his or her jaded Progressive hands.

idiots and hypocrites
you do understand that what you describe is not an example of "pc," right?

so, if society hasn't adopted these rules how do those rules hold any sway?

i already explained it to you leftard. not my fault you're brainwashed and stupid at the same time

how sad

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