How am I am threat to Democracy?

Yes, I voted for DJT. What else? I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and no criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong police force, secure border, energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies. I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that gender dysphoria is a disease and not something we should accept as the norm. Meaning biological boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological girls no matter what gender they identify as.

I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only.

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.
True, and the resultant red wave? It's happening.This is how democracy works.
Yes, I voted for DJT. What else? I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and no criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong police force, secure border, energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies. I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that gender dysphoria is a disease and not something we should accept as the norm. Meaning biological boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological girls no matter what gender they identify as.

I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only.

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.
the threat to democracy doesnt come from what you describe.
The threat comes from candidates who refuse to accept the election results if they lose.
You do realize that's a majority of Americans, correct?
But it's never been a majority of Americans....?

majority of Americans, by 3 million more, voted for Hillary over Trump,

And in 2020 Biden got 7 million more votes of the American people, than Trump...
You're not a threat to Democracy. You are voting for your best interest. That is what America is all about.
And that won't change until we stop falling for it.
It’s too late. It’s not about “falling for it” the parties are so fart apart now that a compromise is impossible. Biden literally said all Trump supporters are a threat to Democracy. He then tried to back pedal and made more of a mess of things. He then said voting for the GOP on the 8th puts Democracy at risk. In fact that comment puts Democracy at risk. We elected an inept fool.
I can’t see how the cause and effects are anything close. Did you see Trumps stop the steal rally? Again, all based on pushing lies. Bernie and Barack may have pushed fiery political rhetoric but no where close to what trump did.
I don't see how anything Trump did is uniquely different from common acts in our society today, here are some examples:

- BLM pushing narratives that unarmed black people are being murdered by police regularly when the total number of unarmed deaths in such a scenario is usually around 10 per year, and that doesn't take into account any aggression or issues at the scene. While accidents and bad decisions happen, BLM, with help from the Democrats, lie about it issue and exponentially exaggerate it with fiery rhetoric that causes mass violence. The Democrats own much of the deaths and damage that occurred in the George Floyd riots, as they supported it, or clearly stood by idly as people's lives and businesses were burnt to the ground. Oh, and our VP supported organizations that wanted to bail out violent criminals who committed acts of violence in the name of BLM. it's just too bad the media is no longer an outside institution but instead a defender of DNC standing.

- Joe Biden blaming the spread of COVID as a "pandemic of the unvaccinated", which was absolutely untrue, meant to demonize people who questioned gov't as horrible people, and his lies caused harm to so many people who had justified concerns about getting the vaccine and were fired from their jobs because of Biden's top-down decrees.

I could go on... Biden's administration routinely lies to create the narrative that conservatives aren't just wrong on policy, they're morally wrong.. evil.. etc. And this is causing political violence. Kavanaugh had an assassination attempt that thankfully halted at the 11th hour, a GOP politician had his house shot into, a Chicago man was recently thankfully apprehended saying he's going to skin a GOP politician alive and feed his family to him, ANTIFA and leftist activist organizations routinely seek to create violence at peaceful Conservative events (and then the media blames Conservatives for reacting).
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It’s too late.
Maybe. But I will not be a part of pushing it over the edge. And if you're playing the Lo2e game, that what you're doing.
Biden literally said all Trump supporters are a threat to Democracy.

And Republicans make same screeching claims about Democrats. It's all idiotic fear mongering. And, yes, we're "falling for it".
It’s too late. It’s not about “falling for it” the parties are so fart apart now that a compromise is impossible. Biden literally said all Trump supporters are a threat to Democracy. He then tried to back pedal and made more of a mess of things. He then said voting for the GOP on the 8th puts Democracy at risk. In fact that comment puts Democracy at risk. We elected an inept fool.
Biden said that republican cadidates that refused to accept the outcome of the election are a threat to democracy, not republican voters.
Nope. He said “MAGA Republicans”. That’s every Republican who voted for Trump. You dishonest fat lib loser
Bullshit, I posted twice multiple paragraphs from his speech where he clearly explained what he meant by MAGA Republicans. You’re flat out ignoring that and calling others liars while you lie. That’s pathetic
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Bullshit, I posted twice multiple paragraphs from his speech where he clearly explained what he meant by MAGA Republicans. You’re flat out ignoring that and calling others liars while you lie. That’s pathetic
What did he mean? Tell me in your own words. Since you said he “clearly” explained it.
What did he mean? Tell me in your own words. Since you said he “clearly” explained it.
Why would you want me to use my words when I can just show you his. Are they confusing to you?

And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.

They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.

They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th — brutally attacking law enforcement — not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger to the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots.

And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

They tried everything last time to nullify the votes of 81 million people. This time, they’re determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people
Why would you want me to use my words when I can just show you his. Are they confusing to you?
Yeah they are. So tell me in your words. What did he mean. Who are the MAGA Republicans he was talking about? You said he explained in clearly. Surely you can use your own words right? Let’s see it.
Or admit you’re full of shit per usual. You useless lib.
Yeah they are. So tell me in your words. What did he mean. Who are the MAGA Republicans he was talking about? You said he explained in clearly. Surely you can use your own words right? Let’s see it.
Or admit you’re full of shit per usual. You useless lib.
Of course I can. It’s a broken record through. Biden said in his view MAGA republicans are people who don’t respect the constitution and rule of law. People who don’t respect the results of elections and actively work to smear our election system. People who want to strip away personal liberty and rights. People who celebrate insurrectionists as patriots and continue to use lies and propaganda to undermine confidence in future elections.
Of course I can. It’s a broken record through. Biden said in his view MAGA republicans are people who don’t respect the constitution and rule of law. People who don’t respect the results of elections and actively work to smear our election system. People who want to strip away personal liberty and rights. People who celebrate insurrectionists as patriots and continue to use lies and propaganda to undermine confidence in future elections.
What % of the MAGA Republicans is that? Approx? He never did clarify. Clearly.
What % of the MAGA Republicans is that? Approx? He never did clarify. Clearly.
Don’t know, don’t care. Thats irrelevant to our discussion. That is what Biden said. He also said it’s not a majority of republicans…. So less than 50% more than 0%.

You’re here lying and saying that he said it was anybody who voted for trump.

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