How am I am threat to Democracy?

Don’t know, don’t care. Thats irrelevant to our discussion. That is what Biden said. He also said it’s not a majority of republicans…. So less than 50% more than 0%.

You’re here lying and saying that he said it was anybody who voted for trump.
So if it’s a minority why address it at all? LOL. Something is rotten in Washington. Yeah. You and I both know he meant everyone who voted for Trump. Hell, you admitted you see Kari Lake as a threat to Democracy. You’re a loser and an apologist for a terrible president.
So if it’s a minority why address it at all? LOL. Something is rotten in Washington. Yeah. You and I both know he meant everyone who voted for Trump. Hell, you admitted you see Kari Lake as a threat to Democracy. You’re a loser and an apologist for a terrible president.
Seriously dude you’re just sounding retarded now. He said what he said because the dishonest stop the steal movement that lead to the Jan 6 riot is continuing and growing. You’re on here lying about Bidens words and just making ignorant assumptions on what you think he meant. Say it’s what you think all you want but don’t lie and say he said something he didn’t say. Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a chump
Seriously dude you’re just sounding retarded now. He said what he said because the dishonest stop the steal movement that lead to the Jan 6 riot is continuing and growing. You’re on here lying about Bidens words and just making ignorant assumptions on what you think he meant. Say it’s what you think all you want but don’t lie and say he said something he didn’t say. Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a chump
So what % did he clearly mean? You don’t even know. Stop the steal? It was stolen via suppression of data by social media and the FBI who said the laptop was Russian disinformation when it clearly wasnt. Clearly that impacted votes. But nothing to see here, right Slade? You lying loser.
It was stolen via suppression of data by social media and the FBI who said the laptop was Russian disinformation when it clearly wasnt.
Haha, didn’t you say the other day that you didn’t think the election was stolen?! Now you’re saying it was?! Wow
Haha, didn’t you say the other day that you didn’t think the election was stolen?! Now you’re saying it was?! Wow
Not stolen in terms of fraudulent votes. No proof. Yes stolen in terms of dishonest media coverage. 100%. Even an absolute idiot like you can’t deny that the laptop story was a critical piece of data that was suppressed. You’re a fat loser.
Nope he was pretty damn specific. Do you want me to post the 5 paragraphs where he described what he was talking about again? Still not getting it?
Yet you have no idea why % of the voter base he meant. Clearly. Nope. I am Not getting it and you admitted you don’t know. LOL. Less than 50% but more than 0. Yeah. Clearly you’re as stupid as he is. Clearly.
Not stolen in terms of fraudulent votes. No proof. Yes stolen in terms of dishonest media coverage. 100%. Even an absolute idiot like you can’t deny that the laptop story was a critical piece of data that was suppressed. You’re a fat loser.
Dishonest media coverage doesn’t equal a stolen election. You know exactly the lies and false narratives that Trump and his stop the steal idots are throwing out there…. got you all twisted up like a pretzel trying to make excuses. That’s cute. Just stop lying and we will be fine.
Yet you have no idea why % of the voter base he meant. Clearly. Nope. I am Not getting it and you admitted you don’t know. LOL. Less than 50% but more than 0. Yeah. Clearly you’re as stupid as he is. Clearly.
Why do you need a % of the voter base? That’s completely irrelevant. You’re just caught in a lie and trying to squirm your way out of it
Dishonest media coverage doesn’t equal a stolen election. You know exactly the lies and false narratives that Trump and his stop the steal idots are throwing out there…. got you all twisted up like a pretzel trying to make excuses. That’s cute. Just stop lying and we will be fine.
Zero to do with Trump per se. But suppression of such critical data and calling it Russian misinformation was pretty low. Hence Musk even bought Twitter. What’s cute is that you clearly won’t admit that this was a BS tactic by the media and the FBI. Clearly.
Why do you need a % of the voter base? That’s completely irrelevant. You’re just caught in a lie and trying to squirm your way out of it
Irrelevant? Haha

It’s most certainly relevant. Do you need me to explain why? You’re such a loser. What lie? I was Caught in a lie? Always honest. Don’t play coy Slade. I explained My stance clearly.
Zero to do with Trump per se. But suppression of such critical data and calling it Russian misinformation was pretty low. Hence Musk even bought Twitter. What’s cute is that you clearly won’t admit that this was a BS tactic by the media and the FBI. Clearly.
I’m happy to discuss the side topic of dishonest media as soon as you fess up to lying about Biden calling everybody who voted for trump a threat to democracy when he clearly described who he was talking about:
Irrelevant? Haha

It’s most certainly relevant. Do you need me to explain why? You’re such a loser. What lie? I was Caught in a lie? Always honest. Don’t play coy Slade. I explained My stance clearly.
Yes, please explain how defining a % of the voter base has any relevance to the type of people Biden was calling a threat. I’d love to hear what BS you trying to come up with.
I’m happy to discuss the side topic of dishonest media as soon as you fess up to lying about Biden calling everybody who voted for trump a threat to democracy when he clearly described who he was talking about:
Not a lie. That is precisely what he did and then doubled down on it. That is my interpretation of it. Why? He can’t specify who he means or doesn’t mean is the evil MAGA. He didn’t say it was 1% or 3% or 20%. He was very vague. To me it means 100 fucking percent. Despite his later back pedaling. Clearly.

And the media and the FBI suppressed critical data. That DID impact the election. Clearly.
Yes, please explain how defining a % of the voter base has any relevance to the type of people Biden was calling a threat. I’d love to hear what BS you trying to come up with.
Well you fucked up loser if it’s 49.99% it’s like 36mil people. That’s a huge threat to democracy. If it’s 1% then it’s 700k and not so much. So it matters. I believe he meant 100% and then back pedaled. He then said Democracy is on the ballot. It means you fucked up loser, he is stating if you vote Red you’re voting against Democracy. So he doubled down on his initial fucked up and idiotic claim. Clearly.
That is my interpretation of it. Why? He can’t specify who he means or doesn’t mean is the evil MAGA.
Your interpretation is that of a retard. He said exactly who he means and I’ve posted it several times. Here it is again. Idiot

That wasn’t a dodge, that was as specific as an answer can get. You must not have read it all. Here: this is who Biden was referring to when he said MAGA republicans were a threat… is this you?
And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.

They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.

They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th — brutally attacking law enforcement — not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger to the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots.

And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

They tried everything last time to nullify the votes of 81 million people. This time, they’re determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people.
Your interpretation is that of a retard. He said exactly who he means and I’ve posted it several times. Here it is again. Idiot
No he did not. If you ask me what is a great NBA player I can give you characteristics and specific examples. You can’t give one. You can’t provide %s. You can’t do shit. Clearly you’re a fucking moron and thankfully never fucking reproduced. Fuck you, Slade. You’re a dishonest prick.
To me it means 100 fucking percent.
True he meant 100 fucking percent of everybody who believes and acted like he described in the 5 paragraphs that I keep posting from his speech. Those who don’t respect the law and constitution, those pushing lies of a stolen election and trying to sew distrust in our electoral process. He never said he was talking about all who voted for trump like you’ve been lying about. He said he wasn’t talking about all republicans. You really have no argument. Give it up you’re making a fool of yourself

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