How am I am threat to Democracy?

I’ll say it again. If you don’t fit the description of who Biden said he was talking about then he wasn’t talking about you. He didn’t say he was talking about all republicans or all who voted for trump. He specifically described who he was talking about. You’ve been ignoring that and lying about his words. Shame.

—————here it is again… actually read it this time —————

Now, I want to be very clear — (applause) — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.

I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.

But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.

These are hard things.

But I’m an American President — not the President of red America or blue America, but of all America.

And I believe it is my duty — my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.

And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.

They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.

They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th — brutally attacking law enforcement — not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger to the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots.

And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

They tried everything last time to nullify the votes of 81 million people. This time, they’re determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people.
What mainstream Republicans is he referring to? Name em.

Correct. He didn’t say majority. You like when you quoted him saying that. But even if he had said majority, it doesn’t matter, he is talking about the masses being dominated by the loud and few. How is this still going over your head?
If it isn’t the majority then why mention it at all and how can they be a threat to Democracy?

Easy. You can stop misquoting and lying. Simple. Read the actual speech I keep
Posting and discuss it honestly and accurately like a grown up
His speech is a lie. The majority of Republicans are MAGA Republicans if not then Trump would not have won the nomination and received 8mil more votes the 2nd time he ran. You still can’t define what a MAGA Republican is and neither can he.
What mainstream Republicans is he referring to? Name em.

Don’t need to name em. It’s not a comment naming specific people or numbers like you keep trying to pivot to. Just read the section of the speech I posted. He describe who he considers a threat. It’s simple if you read it
His speech is a lie. The majority of Republicans are MAGA Republicans if not then Trump would not have won the nomination and received 8mil more votes the 2nd time he ran. You still can’t define what a MAGA Republican is and neither can he.
Hahahahahaha. Ok so now his words don’t count because you’re calling them a lie. You’re a moron. You’ve been on here all thread lying and misquoting him. Grow up.
Don’t need to name em. It’s not a comment naming specific people or numbers like you keep trying to pivot to. Just read the section of the speech I posted. He describe who he considers a threat. It’s simple if you read it
I accept Your surrender. The politicians in Washington who are GOP are 99% MAGA.
You still can’t define what a MAGA Republican is and neither can he.
Another one of your lies. I’ve specifically defined what Joe said about Maga republicans several times. You’ve ignored it.

Here, direct evidence that your last post was a lie…
Of course I can. It’s a broken record through. Biden said in his view MAGA republicans are people who don’t respect the constitution and rule of law. People who don’t respect the results of elections and actively work to smear our election system. People who want to strip away personal liberty and rights. People who celebrate insurrectionists as patriots and continue to use lies and propaganda to undermine confidence in future elections.
Hahahahahaha. Ok so now his words don’t count because you’re calling them a lie. You’re a moron. You’ve been on here all thread lying and misquoting him. Grow up.
His words do count. He considers anyone who voted for Trump to be an enemy of America. He said he worked with Republicans who are non MAGA yet can’t name any. And neither can you. You lose.
Another one of your lies. I’ve specifically defined what Joe said about Maga republicans several times. You’ve ignored it.

Here, direct evidence that your last post was a lie…
And who is that? Those who rushed the Capital? That’s a few thousand. Why name ‘em at all they are like 1% of the GOP base? Seems silly to make such a harsh speech to address 1% of a voter base? Right, Slade? LOL
I accept Your surrender. The politicians in Washington who are GOP are 99% MAGA.
Haha, oh I get it, your ego needs a win because it can’t handle getting owned by a lib. Got it. Go ahead and make up whatever random topic you want then and try and pigeonhole me into a losing argument. Brilliant.

Let me ask you… how many exact hairs are actually on trumps ass. Don’t know? I’ll accept your surrender!!
Haha, oh I get it, your ego needs a win because it can’t handle getting owned by a lib. Got it. Go ahead and make up whatever random topic you want then and try and pigeonhole me into a losing argument. Brilliant.

Let me ask you… how many exact hairs are actually on trumps ass. Don’t know? I’ll accept your surrender!!
Name those who aren’t and will still be in office come Jan 2023 sans Romney. I ll patiently wait.
Haha, oh I get it, your ego needs a win because it can’t handle getting owned by a lib. Got it. Go ahead and make up whatever random topic you want then and try and pigeonhole me into a losing argument. Brilliant.

Let me ask you… how many exact hairs are actually on trumps ass. Don’t know? I’ll accept your surrender!!
I am straight unlike you. Don’t care about dudes asses.
His words do count. He considers anyone who voted for Trump to be an enemy of America. He said he worked with Republicans who are non MAGA yet can’t name any. And neither can you. You lose.
He said?? Why would anything he said matter if you think it’s a lie. I’ve been posting what he actually said all thread. And you’re ignoring it and calling it lies. So why are you even trying to reference it? See how that catch 22 works??
He said?? Why would anything he said matter if you think it’s a lie. I’ve been posting what he actually said all thread. And you’re ignoring it and calling it lies. So why are you even trying to reference it? See how that catch 22 works??
Because he double talked. It made zero sense. His back pedal was amusing. Even Maggie Hassan a Dem Senator said he went too far.
And who is that? Those who rushed the Capital? That’s a few thousand. Why name ‘em at all they are like 1% of the GOP base? Seems silly to make such a harsh speech to address 1% of a voter base? Right, Slade? LOL
I’m sure anything is going to seem silly to you at this point with how twisted up you are in this argument. The narrative and agenda that led to Jan 6 is still alive and well. This is what he is referring to as a threat. Sorry you’re to stupid to understand that and too hard head to be able to objectively read his actual words. Don’t know what what you think lying about them is getting you
I’m sure anything is going to seem silly to you at this point with how twisted up you are in this argument. The narrative and agenda that led to Jan 6 is still alive and well. This is what he is referring to as a threat. Sorry you’re to stupid to understand that and too hard head to be able to objectively read his actual words. Don’t know what what you think lying about them is getting you
So less than 1% why dedicate a speech those people?
Excellent. I don’t care about names and percentages. They have as much to do with this discussion as trumps ass hair.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Wrong you douche. He mentioned them because he thinks it’s the vast majority. He isn’t talking about any fringe group. In fact he hasn’t worked with many Republicans since taking office. And most Dems running in tight races are disassociating from him. How do you explain that?
Wrong you douche. He mentioned them because he thinks it’s the vast majority.
Liar. Here’s the actual quote. I can keep exposing your lies like this all day…

Now, I want to be very clear — (applause) — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology

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