How Low Will They Go To Divide Americans??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. his seminal work, "Ethnic America," Thomas Sowell gives a vivid picture of the conditions the Irish both caused and faced as they stepped onto the escalator of American social mobility. Their lives revolved around violence, alcoholism, and criminality. Native populations fled from neighborhoods when the Irish moved in.

a. “The first blacks to move into Harlem were middle-class Negroes who left the black enclave in mid-Manhattan around the turn of the century to get away from the Irish living nearby.”
Thomas Sowell, “Ethnic America,” p.39.

b. Today we remember, sadly, the assassination of Irish-American President John F. Kennedy....with no taint of that history.

Why is that?

2. In her best-seller, "Mugged," Ann Coulter explains why the history of another ethnic group, black Americans, is not proceeding apace,...what has stultified this group's progress?

That's right....Liberals have.

3. "It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."
Coulter, "Mugged."

a. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. [Michael] Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.”
The New Continental Divides - US News and World Report

4. If one leans toward being kind, it is possible to claim that Liberals realized the error of their ways, the history of Democrat racial policies, the racism of the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson, FDR putting a KKKlaner on the Supreme Court, or Governor Bill Clinton championing the Confederate flag, and the blocking every anti-lynching bill by the Senate Democrats....and turned over a new leaf!

5. No, not possible.
For me, it was simply a method of keeping the black vote tied to the Democrat Party by discriminatory laws, banning of certain words, and pretensions, such as playing the part that requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line: “Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!” (Coulter)

And based on this pretense, Liberals have made certain to lie about history and slander good Americans with the charge of 'racist!.'

Take the disgusting Roger Cohen, Liberal, of the Liberal Washington Post.

“People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?) This family represents the cultural changes that have enveloped parts — but not all — of America. To cultural conservatives, this doesn’t look like their country at all.” Richard Cohen: Christie?s tea party problem - The Washington Post

Just Liberals being Liberals.....keeping the pot boiling, smearing any who aren't lock-step Leftists.
With no concern about the effect it might have....such as "The Knock-Out Game" that has resulted in fatalities.

a. Cohen piece was so offensive, so outrageous, that other Liberals immediately tried to distance themselves: " No sooner did Cohen's column appear last week than the virtue patrol was at him. The Huffington Post ran a headline by his picture: "Dear Washington Post: Please Fire This Man." Return of the Virtue Patrol - Emmett Tyrrell - Page 1

6. Of course the most revolting example is how Liberals target little children:
"Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race... DUPO, Ill. – Fourth graders in Dupo, Illinois are reading a biography of Barack Obama that’s raising eyebrows among St. Clair County parents. ... The book – brought to the attention this week of those on the “Moms Against Duncan – MAD” Facebook page, goes on to say white Americans were hesitant to vote for a black president, and that Obama pushed the race issue to bring the nation together.

“But some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president. Other angry voices were raised. Barack’s former pastor called the country a failure. God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens, he said." Illinois 4th grade book says white voters rejected Barack Obama because of his race - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.

Woe betide you Liberals.
Woe is what you've brought to America.
We need to stop worrying about how low they will go to divide people and worry more about making sure we don't go low and don't divide people.
Why is this Korean chick always talking about Blacks. Don't the Koreans have any topics or subjects of their own? Geez, everyday with this bitch
This is just the same old shit reheated and served.

Blacks vote dem because they want free stuff. Blacks are lazy. Blacks are conservative but I wonder why they don't vote Repub...maybe because they're lazy. Why don't blacks thank repubs for spitting in their face by simply trying to show them a better way of being good people and not heathens.

Give a man a fish and he's your slave. Give a man a crutch and he'll never want to walk again. blah blah blah.

Ignoring the fact that White people had affirmative action and it was all good then. White women still have AA and that's all good. More whites are on the dole than blacks but that's cool...because percentages count more....Why? So we can focus on blacks of course! But percentages don't count when White women on AA comes up because...why? So we can focus on blacks of course!

Blacks shouldn't have separate groups...sure the Jews, Hispanics, gays, Italians etc have their groups but this is about RACE...Why? So we can focus on blacks of course!
This is just the same old shit reheated and served.

Blacks vote dem because they want free stuff. Blacks are lazy. Blacks are conservative but I wonder why they don't vote Repub...maybe because they're lazy. Why don't blacks thank repubs for spitting in their face by simply trying to show them a better way of being good people and not heathens.

Give a man a fish and he's your slave. Give a man a crutch and he'll never want to walk again. blah blah blah.

Ignoring the fact that White people had affirmative action and it was all good then. White women still have AA and that's all good. More whites are on the dole than blacks but that's cool...because percentages count more....Why? So we can focus on blacks of course! But percentages don't count when White women on AA comes up because...why? So we can focus on blacks of course!

Blacks shouldn't have separate groups...sure the Jews, Hispanics, gays, Italians etc have their groups but this is about RACE...Why? So we can focus on blacks of course!

you are simply wrong in everything you have said. Everything. its not worth my time to correct you because your mind is made up and facts and reality are foreign concepts to you.

The progressive movement has been trying to divide us by race, sex, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, location, income, etc. Divide and conquer is their plan---and due to fools like you, its working.
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The three biggest obstacles to black advancement are education, healthcare, and illegitimacy. White racism does not make the top ten.

NO, the number one cause is the breakdown of the black family unit----NUMBER 1

I think that's the number one obstacle in the advancement of all people. If you fix that then the three symptoms moon mentioned will be fixed.
The three biggest obstacles to black advancement are education, healthcare, and illegitimacy. White racism does not make the top ten.


Why is education an obstacle?

Why is health care an obstacle?

Why is illegitimacy an obstacle?

Seems to me the biggest obstacle to advancement is accepting that one has to eschew welfare if they want to get out of poverty. Accepting the democrat offers to be their sugar daddy if they except permanent hand-outs as way of making a living will never get them out of poverty, NEVER. You have to break the cycle of dependency, you have to embrace independence and liberty. In short you have to grow a backbone.
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This is just the same old shit reheated and served.

Blacks vote dem because they want free stuff. Blacks are lazy. Blacks are conservative but I wonder why they don't vote Repub...maybe because they're lazy. Why don't blacks thank repubs for spitting in their face by simply trying to show them a better way of being good people and not heathens.

Give a man a fish and he's your slave. Give a man a crutch and he'll never want to walk again. blah blah blah.

Ignoring the fact that White people had affirmative action and it was all good then. White women still have AA and that's all good. More whites are on the dole than blacks but that's cool...because percentages count more....Why? So we can focus on blacks of course! But percentages don't count when White women on AA comes up because...why? So we can focus on blacks of course!

Blacks shouldn't have separate groups...sure the Jews, Hispanics, gays, Italians etc have their groups but this is about RACE...Why? So we can focus on blacks of course!

you are simply wrong in everything you have said. Everything. its not worth my time to correct you because your mind is made up and facts are reality are foreign concepts to you.

The progressive movement has been trying to divide us by race, sex, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, location, income, etc. Divide and conquer is their plan---and due to fools like you, its working.

That's your MO...Yell that someone is wrong then claim you don't have the time to prove how....btu you do have time to type 2 more sentences that have shit to do with quoting me :lol: Because *wink wink* you don't have the time riiiiiight
Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?



Classy stuff there.

Does that photo make you feel a little better about yourself, rdean?

I'm considering the source, of course, but wow.

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Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


You are a lying POS. Texas is not dependent on any of you jerk offs.

And why the hell are you posting that pic? WTH is wrong with you?
The GOP lost the black vote when Truman was president.
The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats.

It wasn’t until Harry Truman garnered 77 percent of the black vote in 1948 that a majority of blacks reported that they thought of themselves as Democrats. Earlier that year Truman had issued an order desegregating the armed services and an executive order setting up regulations against racial bias in federal employment.


But then President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlawing segregation in public places) and his eventual Republican opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater, opposed it. Johnson got 94 percent of the black vote that year, still a record for any presidential election.

Blacks and the Democratic Party
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Heres the tactic. Claim that someone else is dividing americans while promoting the idea that blacks only do things for handouts....and ask why is EVERYONE ELSE being divisive.
Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


You are a lying POS. Texas is not dependent on any of you jerk offs.

And why the hell are you posting that pic? WTH is wrong with you?

Texas does rely on Oklahoma sucking so much to keep Texas from sliding into the gulf of Mexico.
Well, 35% (a minority) of Black people are in poverty, so that means that 65% (a MAJORITY) ARE NOT IN POVERTY. Why do some "folks" like to make the MINORITY of "the Blacks" the face of the MAJORITY of Blacks who are NOT in poverty? The unemployment rate for Blacks is 14.4% so that mean that 85.6% of "the Blacks" are NOT unemployed! Again, why do some of you "folks" want to make that 14.4% represent the 85.6% who are working?
Too "funny"!
Red States are completely dependent on Blue States. Kentucky is 90% white so they can't blame it on the blacks.

When so many southern whites are drop outs and look like this, then why constantly worry about the blacks?


You're disgusting.
The three biggest obstacles to black advancement are education, healthcare, and illegitimacy. White racism does not make the top ten.

NO, the number one cause is the breakdown of the black family unit----NUMBER 1

I think that's the number one obstacle in the advancement of all people. If you fix that then the three symptoms moon mentioned will be fixed.

Education and healthcare are NOT responsibility of the federal government.

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