How Much Was Jennifer Griffin Paid?

She just made a statement on FOX. "Multiple sources" is all she's pushing. Ergo, nothing.

It's Deja Vu all over again.
Which phony story is she pushing? The Trump had a stroke story or the Trump called the veterans losers and suckers story?
She just made a statement on FOX. "Multiple sources" is all she's pushing. Ergo, nothing.

It's Deja Vu all over again.
Look, just consider the timing, and the mechanism, Griffin is a raging anti-Trump media agitator, she's as believable as Donna Brazille swearing on her honor not to share any answers with Joe Biden! Griffin appeared today with arch-Trump hater Neil Cavuto and spun her web of lies, absent a single identifiable source, followed by words all Faux News watchers can instantly relate to, she declared them as "unimpeachable," but cannot name them! Its all a lie, it was timed to damage Trump's spectacular peace achievement between Serbia & Kosovo, and to coincide with what I believe is an absolutely dishonest poll from military times in which Joe Biden holds the hearts of the nations warrior class don't you know!

There is only one source on FNC worthy of your unfettered attention, that would be Tucker Carlson, Jennifer Griffin saying her sources are unimpeachable but refusing to name them is check-fucking-mate on the story, its a lie! How many Faux News Channel watchers recall being told solemnly how unimpeachable James Comey was??? How about Robert Mueller??? Jeff Sessions??? General John Kelly??? John Bolton??? DOJ IG David Horrowitz??? Col Alexander Vindemann??? Mad Dog Mattis??? When you hear a Faux News reporterette announce her unnamed sources are unimpeachable, you should immediately expect lies and obfuscations....
She just made a statement on FOX. "Multiple sources" is all she's pushing. Ergo, nothing.

It's Deja Vu all over again.
Look, just consider the timing, and the mechanism, Griffin is a raging anti-Trump media agitator, she's as believable as Donna Brazille swearing on her honor not to share any answers with Joe Biden! Griffin appeared today with arch-Trump hater Neil Cavuto and spun her web of lies, absent a single identifiable source, followed by words all Faux News watchers can instantly relate to, she declared them as "unimpeachable," but cannot name them! Its all a lie, it was timed to damage Trump's spectacular peace achievement between Serbia & Kosovo, and to coincide with what I believe is an absolutely dishonest poll from military times in which Joe Biden holds the hearts of the nations warrior class don't you know!

There is only one source on FNC worthy of your unfettered attention, that would be Tucker Carlson, Jennifer Griffin saying her sources are unimpeachable but refusing to name them is check-fucking-mate on the story, its a lie! How many Faux News Channel watchers recall being told solemnly how unimpeachable James Comey was??? How about Robert Mueller??? Jeff Sessions??? General John Kelly??? John Bolton??? DOJ IG David Horrowitz??? Col Alexander Vindemann??? Mad Dog Mattis??? When you hear a Faux News reporterette announce her unnamed sources are unimpeachable, you should immediately expect lies and obfuscations....

The timing and the fact that these allegations supposedly occurred almost 2 years ago.
She self-admittedly says that she works closely with Wounded Warriors so this combined with being a deep state puppet makes her highly subjective.
How did she get a job on Fox News with that lesbian haircut?
What we do know about Trump and republicans ,,,he can shit in a hat and they'd wear it
She just made a statement on FOX. "Multiple sources" is all she's pushing. Ergo, nothing.

It's Deja Vu all over again.
Look, just consider the timing, and the mechanism, Griffin is a raging anti-Trump media agitator, she's as believable as Donna Brazille swearing on her honor not to share any answers with Joe Biden! Griffin appeared today with arch-Trump hater Neil Cavuto and spun her web of lies, absent a single identifiable source, followed by words all Faux News watchers can instantly relate to, she declared them as "unimpeachable," but cannot name them! Its all a lie, it was timed to damage Trump's spectacular peace achievement between Serbia & Kosovo, and to coincide with what I believe is an absolutely dishonest poll from military times in which Joe Biden holds the hearts of the nations warrior class don't you know!

There is only one source on FNC worthy of your unfettered attention, that would be Tucker Carlson, Jennifer Griffin saying her sources are unimpeachable but refusing to name them is check-fucking-mate on the story, its a lie! How many Faux News Channel watchers recall being told solemnly how unimpeachable James Comey was??? How about Robert Mueller??? Jeff Sessions??? General John Kelly??? John Bolton??? DOJ IG David Horrowitz??? Col Alexander Vindemann??? Mad Dog Mattis??? When you hear a Faux News reporterette announce her unnamed sources are unimpeachable, you should immediately expect lies and obfuscations....

The timing and the fact that these allegations supposedly occurred almost 2 years ago.
I harbor absolutely no doubts that Trump dished heavily on arch-scumbag John Mccain, no doubt whatsoever, and in colorful terms to boot, I believe that to be absolutely true! However, does anyone think that Trump, who wanted to hold military parades, and has never professed anything but his undying love for Americas service men & women, just up and decided to stupidly blather away what morons and suckers they all were, in front of the top brass in the administration and the pentagon?

Its very very easy to extrapolate truth from the Griffin hit attempt on Trump, first she hates him, and thus was singled out specifically because of that hatred as mechanism of ridiculously dishonest story. Secondly, all of the "unnamed sources" Griffin declares saintly but refuses to ID, we can all of us conclude that every fucking one of them were Mccain ass-kissing and toe-licking sycophants, and they simply embellished the story into the hit piece given Griffin. Just stop and use brain, does anyone with a three digit IQ really believe that the president stood at the grave of his Chief of Staffs son and in front of everyone declared him a sucker??? Really??? :th_BlackHelicopter:
What we do know about Trump and republicans ,,,he can shit in a hat and they'd wear it

Good one Eddie. Now resume your normal activity of banging 2 rocks together. Thank you.
Look kidd ,if you're going to support that loud mouthed disgusting , putin loving bully what should people think of you? Or don't you GAF? Billy doesn't care Do you?
What we do know about Trump and republicans ,,,he can shit in a hat and they'd wear it

Good one Eddie. Now resume your normal activity of banging 2 rocks together. Thank you.
Look kidd ,if you're going to support that loud mouthed disgusting , putin loving bully what should people think of you? Or don't you GAF? Billy doesn't care Do you?

Go bang rocks, Junior.
What we do know about Trump and republicans ,,,he can shit in a hat and they'd wear it

Good one Eddie. Now resume your normal activity of banging 2 rocks together. Thank you.
Look kidd ,if you're going to support that loud mouthed disgusting , putin loving bully what should people think of you? Or don't you GAF? Billy doesn't care Do you?
News flash. People know you’re an uneducated lying asshole. Nobody gives a fuck what you think of them.
She self-admittedly says that she works closely with Wounded Warriors so this combined with being a deep state puppet makes her highly subjective.
How did she get a job on Fox News with that lesbian haircut?
Its not that simple, she is their pentagon correspondent and has been for a long time, therein resides explanation, she has cozy relationship with multiple pentagon officials who happen to share her disdain of president, its why unnamed/anonymous sourcing is an immediate red flag! Here's the beef, direct from a person in the know of how the corporation works, they hate and fear him greatly, he's making peace in places they do not want peace, he's confronting nato partners for failing to honor financial obligations, and they definitely do not like that, and they especially do not like the fact he is keeping word about PULLING US OUT from all of the shit that the corporation relies upon for job security! Its not called the military industrial complex for nothing folks, Trump is shaking them to their core because he sees all of the bloat, all of the dishonesty, and all of the fearmongering intended specifically to scare Americans when in fact its mostly just a ruse for continuing to grift the shit out of the taxpayer.... :wink:
What we do know about Trump and republicans ,,,he can shit in a hat and they'd wear it

Good one Eddie. Now resume your normal activity of banging 2 rocks together. Thank you.
Look kidd ,if you're going to support that loud mouthed disgusting , putin loving bully what should people think of you? Or don't you GAF? Billy doesn't care Do you?
News flash. People know you’re an uneducated lying asshole. Nobody gives a fuck what you think of them.
Me and trump are smart Smarter than Doctors lawyers, Generals We have big brains And you should care when more than half the country would like to see you chopped into dog food
She self-admittedly says that she works closely with Wounded Warriors so this combined with being a deep state puppet makes her highly subjective.
How did she get a job on Fox News with that lesbian haircut?
Its not that simple, she is their pentagon correspondent and has been for a long time, therein resides explanation, she has cozy relationship with multiple pentagon officials who happen to share her disdain of president, its why unnamed/anonymous sourcing is an immediate red flag! Here's the beef, direct from a person in the know of how the corporation works, they hate and fear him greatly, he's making peace in places they do not want peace, he's confronting nato partners for failing to honor financial obligations, and they definitely do not like that, and they especially do not like the fact he is keeping word about PULLING US OUT from all of the shit that the corporation relies upon for job security! Its not called the military industrial complex for nothing folks, Trump is shaking them to their core because he sees all of the bloat, all of the dishonesty, and all of the fearmongering intended specifically to scare Americans when in fact its mostly just a ruse for continuing to grift the shit out of the taxpayer.... :wink:


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