How Will Republicans Celebrate January 6th?

How Will Republicans Celebrate January 6th?

  • I will find a way to protest (peacefully)

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Every day is Jan 6th...
We saw what happened, an angry mob attempted to stop the certification of the Presidential election. You and yours cannot deny this happened. It's an unprecedented domestic assault on our democracy, and a very dark day in our history. But you keep pretending it never happened, we know you live in your own world, one where Trump is your king.
You and yours cannot deny this happened.
I've never denied it happened.

A protest got out of hand.

Don't' you think it's odd, tho, that not one has been charged with insurrection?

Or hasn't that been part of the talking points you get from the DNC?

But you keep pretending it never happened,
Never pretended it never happened.

we know you live in your own world, one where Trump is your king.

Trump is no more my king than you are.
I also love seeing how Trumpists try and negate an attack on our Capitol and compare it to violent unrest in cities across America, as if the two have something in common. Violent attacks by thugs, criminals, looters and arsonists have nothing to do with politics or an attempt to use violence to stop the certification of President Biden by electors.
Poor Democrats. Joe Xiden and Kamala have done such a piss poor job that all they have to talk about is a completely insignificant day where far left Liberals pretended to be Trump supporters and broke into the Capitol.
I plan to spend it mocking hypocrites like you who cheered the months-long BLM/Antifa terror attacks across the country, then got your panties in a wad over a few dudes and old ladies trespassing at the Capitol.

Then I'll further mock you for cheering the piece of shit cop who shot an unarmed woman, thus confirming your support for cops who kill citizens.
^ Thread win.
Working at a troll farm going down down down, working at a troll farm, oops about to slip down..
January 6 is now the most important High Holy Day for the religion of the democrat party. Their god, "Government," demands a celebration of the fake Jan. 6 event......

How will you celebrate Jan. 6 Eve, and day?

---Will you burn a model Federal Court House or police station? To commemorate the democrat party blm/antifa burning of actual court houses and police stations?

--Do you have a "Narc" on a shelf.......either the FBI version or the CIA version? This is popular in my house, we have the FBI version...we put the FBI Narc on a shelf to watch over us and pretend they are going to have the democrat party gestapo, the FBI kick in our door to arrest us for being within 10,000 miles of the Capitol on Jan. 6....
January 6 is now the most important High Holy Day for the religion of the democrat party. Their god, "Government," demands a celebration of the fake Jan. 6 event......

How will you celebrate Jan. 6 Eve, and day?

---Will you burn a model Federal Court House or police station? To commemorate the democrat party blm/antifa burning of actual court houses and police stations?

--Do you have a "Narc" on a shelf.......either the FBI version or the CIA version? This is popular in my house, we have the FBI version...we put the FBI Narc on a shelf to watch over us and pretend they are going to have the democrat party gestapo, the FBI kick in our door to arrest us for being within 10,000 miles of the Capitol on Jan. 6....
Already a thread on this you plagiarist.

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