Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

Not with Democrats constantly crying and it won't.
It’s not crying and complaining, it’s just a difference in perspective and values. If they are crying and complaining then you are also doing the same when you express your views. Let’s stop talking like children now shall we?

Who's talking like children? I've read plenty of left-wing stories trying to draw sympathy for some illegal who is getting deported and has children here or has never been involved in a major crime. We are trying to get rid of these people and you're trying to bring more in.
There you go conflating trespassers with killers. Its a cheap tactic

Is the guy who killed the police officer a trespasser or not?

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have we closed Guantanamo yet?

You may want to check with Obama on that one...dumbass.
No not for voting, causes too much chaos in a program that is working perfectly. Despite all your garbage propaganda super dupe.

Like a retarded parrot you cry “National iD” over and over again. Explain to us good, legit, real Americans why issuing an iD to and legitimizing tens of millions of low iQ filthy criminals whom shit in the faces of Americans is better than tweaking some laws and finally enforcing the laws our fucked up politicians are sworn to uphold?
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. The several States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.
Ooooh Nooo, that will hurt the poor folks.
a wall is worse.

A wall will hurt the poor? Don't stand too close to it.
Actually a wall would help poor Americans...dumbass.
there is no express wall building power.

All foreign nationals in the US should be federally identified.
Like a retarded parrot you cry “National iD” over and over again. Explain to us good, legit, real Americans why issuing an iD to and legitimizing tens of millions of low iQ filthy criminals whom shit in the faces of Americans is better than tweaking some laws and finally enforcing the laws our fucked up politicians are sworn to uphold?
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. The several States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.
Ooooh Nooo, that will hurt the poor folks.
a wall is worse.

A wall will hurt the poor? Don't stand too close to it.
Actually a wall would help poor Americans...dumbass.
there is no express wall building power.

All foreign nationals in the US should be federally identified.

And if they want to drive they need a drivers license and proof of insurance, if they want to travel they need a passport. You haven't really thought this through have you? Just spewing more of your BS.
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. The several States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.
Ooooh Nooo, that will hurt the poor folks.
a wall is worse.

A wall will hurt the poor? Don't stand too close to it.
Actually a wall would help poor Americans...dumbass.
there is no express wall building power.

All foreign nationals in the US should be federally identified.

And if they want to drive they need a drivers license and proof of insurance, if they want to travel they need a passport. You haven't really thought this through have you? Just spewing more of your BS.
all that is possible with a federal id. and, they don't need passports if they are asking for asylum.
It's the richest state in the country. Double Texas, the closest in wealth.

I would say they are doing pretty good.

in spite of the recent problems.

Your just happy another cop was killed instead of an illegal alien.
lousy policies do that.

I know, you like it when cops are killed. Congrats, you win one. :rolleyes:
red herrings from the right wing; y'all care about natural rights even less. i don't take y'all seriously in abortion threads anymore.
It's the richest state in the country. Double Texas, the closest in wealth.

I would say they are doing pretty good.

in spite of the recent problems.

Your just happy another cop was killed instead of an illegal alien.
lousy policies do that.

I know, you like it when cops are killed. Congrats, you win one. :rolleyes:
red herrings from the right wing; y'all care about natural rights even less. i don't take y'all seriously in abortion threads anymore.

If nuts like you don't take me seriously, then why do you respond, sounds to me like you are lying in that regard.
It's the richest state in the country. Double Texas, the closest in wealth.

I would say they are doing pretty good.

in spite of the recent problems.

Your just happy another cop was killed instead of an illegal alien.
lousy policies do that.

I know, you like it when cops are killed. Congrats, you win one. :rolleyes:
red herrings from the right wing; y'all care about natural rights even less. i don't take y'all seriously in abortion threads anymore.

If nuts like you don't take me seriously, then why do you respond, sounds to me like you are lying in that regard.
the right wing wants to mine the border. how serous can you be.
That’s like saying it’s the gun manufactures fault or a gun stores fault for a mass shooter having a gun and killing people. Idiot logic

That’s pathetic, desperate and far reaching foolishness...There is no comparison there...the framers of our great Constitution gave us the right to bear arms thus creating a demand for gun makers to supply....Our founders never gave wetbacks a right to be here...Against the will of the people, the treasonous, nutless unAmerican pieces of shits in Mexifornia did however.
(this is an opportunity for you to use logic and show you can be reasonable....this is where you say “fuck, you’re right.”)
Ok buddy so when I have opposing views and want to modify our laws I’m unpatriotic and against law and our constitution but when you say you want to tweak the laws it’s all good. Have a little more awareness of your critiques and hypocrisy.

There really isn't anything wrong with our laws with the exceptions they are not stringent enough and not enforced very heavily.

We let in more people than anywhere on the earth to take advantage of what we offer our citizens.
We allow more foreigners to become citizens of this country than any other in the world.
We NEED to limit the amount of people so they don't ruin our economy, change our way of life, and time to assimilate if they are permanently residing here.

We don't need to be anymore gracious than we already are.
That’s your opinion. I think we need serious reform

And serious reform means letting more of them in causing more problems.

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Not necessarily. It means fixing the system though so we can handle and process more if we decide to let more in. There are many areas that need reform
No not for voting, causes too much chaos in a program that is working perfectly. Despite all your garbage propaganda super dupe.

Like a retarded parrot you cry “National iD” over and over again. Explain to us good, legit, real Americans why issuing an iD to and legitimizing tens of millions of low iQ filthy criminals whom shit in the faces of Americans is better than tweaking some laws and finally enforcing the laws our fucked up politicians are sworn to uphold?
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. The several States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.
Ooooh Nooo, that will hurt the poor folks.
We're not talkin about voter ID. There is no problem to solve and it would hurt the elderly, the young, students, minorities. We're talkin about an ID card for work only.

So your suggestion is multiple ID cards? One to vote, one to work, one to drive....any others?
My suggestion is the same as the Democrats, a social security ID card that can't be faked, with a computer chip. We don't need any other ID cards.
Yeah, about two billion people. Then what?
I don’t think 2 billlion people would all apply at once but if they did then we would do what we can to process and accommodate as many as we can as quickly as we can. If a smart system is set up to process people then anything is possible. People coming with means looking to start businesses or retire would be easy ins. Same with people with family members or friends who would be willing to sponsor them. People looking for work can be admitted in numbers related to our unemployment rate so we aren’t making it impossible for our citizens to get work. There are a lot of things that we can do.

Yes, like live in poverty because blue-collar jobs no longer pay anything more than minimum wage. You have this rose colored glasses look on these foreigners while ignoring all the negatives they bring to this country with them. This is our country, not the worlds country. If the rest of the world wants to live as good as we do in the US, let them fix their country instead of leaving it to to hell and come here.
Spoken like a true entitled spoiled brat. Have you spent any time traveling the world? Done any charity work? Seen how people live in third world countries first hand? Your comments sound like they are coming from a place of ignorance and selfishness. That’s not how I like to think.

Of course you don’t. You like to think since we have it so good, we are obligated to share our country with the rest of the world.

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You know it wouldn't be so bad if they at least appreciated it. Indeed they come here with preprogrammed hatred and a determination to hurt as many Americans as they possibly can.

According to Fox News and Rush etc and no one else, super duper. All they want to do is work and raise families...the ones who are here and keep their noses clean are not going to be thrown out no matter what racist brainwashed GOP voters and base thank. Pass a national ID card and strict enforcement and end this stupid BS once and for all.
It’s very practical if a pathway is opened people will follow it

Yeah, about two billion people. Then what?
I don’t think 2 billlion people would all apply at once but if they did then we would do what we can to process and accommodate as many as we can as quickly as we can. If a smart system is set up to process people then anything is possible. People coming with means looking to start businesses or retire would be easy ins. Same with people with family members or friends who would be willing to sponsor them. People looking for work can be admitted in numbers related to our unemployment rate so we aren’t making it impossible for our citizens to get work. There are a lot of things that we can do.

Yes, like live in poverty because blue-collar jobs no longer pay anything more than minimum wage. You have this rose colored glasses look on these foreigners while ignoring all the negatives they bring to this country with them. This is our country, not the worlds country. If the rest of the world wants to live as good as we do in the US, let them fix their country instead of leaving it to to hell and come here.
Spoken like a true entitled spoiled brat. Have you spent any time traveling the world? Done any charity work? Seen how people live in third world countries first hand? Your comments sound like they are coming from a place of ignorance and selfishness. That’s not how I like to think.

Of course you don’t. You like to think since we have it so good, we are obligated to share our country with the rest of the world.

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I was raised with values to give back to society and especially the less fortunate. I don’t categorize that based on nationality or anything else. Our nation has also reflected those values for generations and we have become world leaders. I advocate keeping and growing those values not retreating into the selfish nationalist blackhole that you advocate for.
I don’t see that working or even having a chance of being initiated.

Not with Democrats constantly crying and it won't.
It’s not crying and complaining, it’s just a difference in perspective and values. If they are crying and complaining then you are also doing the same when you express your views. Let’s stop talking like children now shall we?

Who's talking like children? I've read plenty of left-wing stories trying to draw sympathy for some illegal who is getting deported and has children here or has never been involved in a major crime. We are trying to get rid of these people and you're trying to bring more in.
There you go conflating trespassers with killers. Its a cheap tactic

Is the guy who killed the police officer a trespasser or not?

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Yes, he should rot in prison for a long time
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.
It is the state of California’s fault that this lunatic is there in the first place.
That’s like saying it’s the gun manufactures fault or a gun stores fault for a mass shooter having a gun and killing people. Idiot logic

Gun manufacturers never invited criminals to use their products. California makes it easy for criminals to harbor there by being a sanctuary state. This cop killer was deported before and arrested on DUI"s before. California law prohibits law enforcement from contacting ICE where they could have gotten rid of this guy before he killed that police officer, so your comparison is way off.
Look right there... you said him manufactirers never invited criminals to use their products. Ok well California’s never invited a killer to shoot a cop. It’s a dumb arguement to make.

California still arrays and jails people for committing crimes. They have decided to not be in the deportation business. That’s an enforcement decision not an invitation.

Oh yes, it is an invitation. Come to our state and commit crimes, and you won’t be deported like in other states. You don’t think that’s an invitation?

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No I don’t. Crimes are still punished are they not? Just because deportation isn’t the punishment that doesn’t mean there are no consequences
Your just happy another cop was killed instead of an illegal alien.
lousy policies do that.

I know, you like it when cops are killed. Congrats, you win one. :rolleyes:
red herrings from the right wing; y'all care about natural rights even less. i don't take y'all seriously in abortion threads anymore.

If nuts like you don't take me seriously, then why do you respond, sounds to me like you are lying in that regard.
the right wing wants to mine the border. how serous can you be.

What does that have to do with you lying about taking someone seriously?
lousy policies do that.

I know, you like it when cops are killed. Congrats, you win one. :rolleyes:
red herrings from the right wing; y'all care about natural rights even less. i don't take y'all seriously in abortion threads anymore.

If nuts like you don't take me seriously, then why do you respond, sounds to me like you are lying in that regard.
the right wing wants to mine the border. how serous can you be.

What does that have to do with you lying about taking someone seriously?

Bail out while you have some sanity left.
I don’t think 2 billlion people would all apply at once but if they did then we would do what we can to process and accommodate as many as we can as quickly as we can. If a smart system is set up to process people then anything is possible. People coming with means looking to start businesses or retire would be easy ins. Same with people with family members or friends who would be willing to sponsor them. People looking for work can be admitted in numbers related to our unemployment rate so we aren’t making it impossible for our citizens to get work. There are a lot of things that we can do.

Yes, like live in poverty because blue-collar jobs no longer pay anything more than minimum wage. You have this rose colored glasses look on these foreigners while ignoring all the negatives they bring to this country with them. This is our country, not the worlds country. If the rest of the world wants to live as good as we do in the US, let them fix their country instead of leaving it to to hell and come here.
Spoken like a true entitled spoiled brat. Have you spent any time traveling the world? Done any charity work? Seen how people live in third world countries first hand? Your comments sound like they are coming from a place of ignorance and selfishness. That’s not how I like to think.

Of course you don’t. You like to think since we have it so good, we are obligated to share our country with the rest of the world.

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You know it wouldn't be so bad if they at least appreciated it. Indeed they come here with preprogrammed hatred and a determination to hurt as many Americans as they possibly can.

According to Fox News and Rush etc and no one else, super duper. All they want to do is work and raise families...the ones who are here and keep their noses clean are not going to be thrown out no matter what racist brainwashed GOP voters and base thank. Pass a national ID card and strict enforcement and end this stupid BS once and for all.

I'm fine with national ID.... Fine with clean noses too. Not fine with cop killers, pedophiles or murderers enough of those already. I have said on many occaisions ... Get rid of payroll tax and go over to consumption based tax collected at the cash register and you will eliminate the whole idea of illegal immigration....suddenly everyone will be legal.

I know, you like it when cops are killed. Congrats, you win one. :rolleyes:
red herrings from the right wing; y'all care about natural rights even less. i don't take y'all seriously in abortion threads anymore.

If nuts like you don't take me seriously, then why do you respond, sounds to me like you are lying in that regard.
the right wing wants to mine the border. how serous can you be.

What does that have to do with you lying about taking someone seriously?

Bail out while you have some sanity left.

It's too late....

California is fine, it is the conservative idiots who try to make it look like all hell is breaking loose that are the problem.
lousy policies do that.

I know, you like it when cops are killed. Congrats, you win one. :rolleyes:
red herrings from the right wing; y'all care about natural rights even less. i don't take y'all seriously in abortion threads anymore.

If nuts like you don't take me seriously, then why do you respond, sounds to me like you are lying in that regard.
the right wing wants to mine the border. how serous can you be.

What does that have to do with you lying about taking someone seriously?
natural rights; you either believe in them or you don't.

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