Hunter Bidens business partner sent to jail

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What a corrupt family. No wonder Joe is worth millions whille never having served in the private sector.
Huh? A few years back, a Sioux Indian tribe were said to live in the poorest county in the nation. It may have been in a different state, however. What kind of partners would pick the pockets of American tribes?
Joe Biden is so nasty corrupt. What scum. The locking up of tens of thousands of black people from his 1994 crime bill is disgusting enough. Then add on him delivering the eulogy of an EXUALTED CYCLOPS OF THE KKK. Joes friend, mentor, and guide, Disgusting racist.
Defrauding the Oglala Sioux out of their bond sale proceeds?

Who's paying for this?

What properties and lands are being assessed for taxes at what mill rate?

If the proceeds of the bond sales are not benefiting the tribe and others as presumably intended by tribal and non-tribal voters, the how are they being spent?

If the Sioux are paying taxes in the district, then they certainly have the right to expect a proper accounting of borrowing as well as capital improvement and operating expenses.
Trump's children are campaigning for him. Where is Hunter Biden?
Guns are banned and Hunter Biden is in the mental hospital // psychiatric wards // prison. I wouldn't go so far as to say he's a Republican but something about his thinking or mentality must not have been in line with the Democratic Party.
Already threads on this. Please at least pretend to search for existing topics!
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