Hypothetical question for my fellow atheists

So, I've a hypothetical for you guys that I am curious about. I maintain that my atheism is a premise, not a conclusion. When I say, "God does not exist", I am presenting a falsifiable premise that is only awaiting objective, verifiable evidence.

Now, with that in mind, let us say that evidence is discovered tomorrow. Now only do we have absolute proof of the existence of God, but we even have absolute evidence that the Christian version of God exists. Could you just "fall in line"? Could you just "become" a Christian.

See, I don't think I could. If we suddenly had the objective evidence necessary to prove that the Christian God exists, that would mean that we, also, have to accept that the Bible is not just a book of stories, and is, in fact, an accurate record of the nature of that God. And that record indicates that he drown the entire race, as far as man understood it to be at that time. This God demanded his favourites to commit genocide...twice. This God chose one person, and intentionally made his life miserable, just for sport (a wager with Lucifer). In short, the Bible portrays a God that is a sociopath.

I don't know that, even with irrefutable evidence that the Christian God exists, that I could become a follower of that God.

I have always said that, given evidence,. I would change my position from atheism to one of theism. However, if I learned that the Christian God was the "God of Creation", I don't think that theism would be a respectful one. I think my position would have to be, "Okay. God exists...and he's a dick," and would accept whatever consequences taking that position would engender.

So, what about you guys? If we suddenly had evidence that Christians had it right all along, could you just become "Good Little Christians"?
So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

and that if you didn't, it's eternal hellfire.

you sir, are a complete idiot.

Is that how they teach you to proselytize at your church? If so, you need a new church
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth

So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

the two are not the same ... seriously, the teachings of - is found in that book.
Right, in scripture murder isn't about homicide, death isn't about mortality, dogs aren't about household pets, but , in scripture, babies are intellectually underdeveloped people who have never grown any teeth with which to chew on real meat whether they are in the army, jogging around the streets of your neighborhood, selling you cold cuts, or teaching your children.

Oh yeah! Almost forgot. meat isn't about food...

So remember.....

If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding!
And there you go. Nothing means what it means, so the Bible means whatever you want it to mean. You just assign new meanings to words, so they fit with your preconceived notions. In short the bible is gibberish. Whatever. For the rest of the world words have established meanings, and they mean what they mean.

"Nothing means what it means, so the Bible means whatever you want it to mean.

haha... now you've done it...
lol... don't go running for a touchdown just yet.

No, the bible cannot mean whatever you want it to mean. A talking serpent may have many implications but can only be referring to one specific type of human being described by the author in great detail. Not to mention that reality and the discoveries of the sciences make for some pretty limiting constraints.

Didn't you already hear that somewhere before? Are you deaf? you have eyes, can't you read?Pay attention.

As I said there is a way to decipher the truth, a key to understanding the figurative language used.

If you don't do it, what you see is what you get... even if all you can see is nothing...

If you ever do begin to apply your mind to understand the language of the prophets , and conform to their teaching, your perception of time will change and your mind will acquire the ability to live in and see things from a timeless eternal perspective beyond the restrictions of space and time and the limitations of a physical body living in the material universe...... .

Then you'll be in heaven, where God lives, even if you are still here on earth.

As it is, your mind needs to have some work done, cleaning out the cobwebs and dead zones and such, not to mention extirpating perversions and dickhead attitudes that leak out of your mouth like a foul and smelly discharge every time that I squeeze your head.

I know it would be terrifying to dig to deeply into the depths of your own mind, so I do understand why you keep avoiding the real problem exposed by your inability to understand what ancient people wrote down in a book.

"As I said there is a way to decipher the truth, a key to understanding the figurative language used."

No, what you said is that there is exactly ONE CORRECT way, and that way is, apparently, decided by your authority (despite you trying to mask I your authority in authoritative statements, as if you are deferring to a pre-existing, infallible truth).

You were wrong when you said it, and you're still wrong.

It is a preexisting truth.

There is only one way to understand and conform to the teachings of scripture that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life whether Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, old or young, male or female, gay or straight, cop or criminal, healthy or sick, saint or sinner.

This is a claim of scripture. It has nothing to do with me. What I said is that I have found this right the way by drawing from what Jesus taught, finding what was hidden, and revealed it openly without adding subtracting or changing a single word of scripture..

Now you can stick your fingers in your ears and stomp your feet all day and say that I am wrong, but why should anyone listen to you when you openly admit that you have never taken the time or gone through the trouble of thinking deeply about any of the hidden subjects because you never even suspected that there was anything hidden there or worthwhile to discover?

When I tell you that if you go through the process of logic and reasoning using well known facts about literary expressions and actual reality as constraints to decipher the figurative expressions used you will arrive at the same conclusions, you say that you don't have to...

lol, ..Stunad.

Of course you don't have to but then of course you couldn't possibly confirm whether I am wrong or right much less know the truth.

You are repeating yourself. No, your specious argument to a non-existent authority does not get any better or more convincing, upon ad nauseum reiteration.
Post #156 has a serious problem in getting us to believe that god knows what's best. Since 9-11, American churches in general have dictated how identities will be handled. For example, when one does not have an address nor "legal" identification documents (photo id's, etc.), the scapegoat will be forced to use a church address with which to obtain a birth certificate, State id, or driver's license. One can see how an atheist would could be frustrated, especially those that had nothing to do with 9-11.

Why should the pathologies of organized religion's protection rackets be in such tight copulation with the State, thereby (literally[italics]) controlling
the identification process? We challenge readers to report an example of the identification process just mentioned that leaves religion out of it, and please do mention the state that it occurs in. Thus, the initial deception was the use of prepositions such as "freedom of" instead of "freedom from," in the discourse about freedoms.
Which is precisely why the Catholic mafia gets in line each year for government funding so that it can turn around and watch the prisoners assemble at all of its charity food lines.
I must admit that I have followed this thread with great amusement.

"If there was absolute proof of God, I still wouldn't follow Him". "If God DID exist, fuck him - he'd end up in jail."

Which, my friends, is exactly the proof that God DOES exist. Even with confronted with immutable evidence, man is so consumed by his ego that he can't recognize a superior power, can't admit his failings, and clings to the ridiculous notion that he has a say in eternity. He, somehow, believes that he is the ultimate arbiter of truth and justice, despite his penchant for cheating, lying, and equivocation.

I want to thank each and every one of you atheists for, once again, providing me proof that God DOES exist. You can be sure I will be "eternally grateful".
The identity problem we've outlined links to the xian psychopath, Eric Rudolph for the identity compound he attended in North Carolina (see Wiki page). It also links to shooter Kelly, links that we will further develop while the media goes bulemic on the cadaver.
#165's problem is that eternal presence (what is called god) is not even something that is desired, as Haegglund shows in his Radical Atheism.
So, I've a hypothetical for you guys that I am curious about. I maintain that my atheism is a premise, not a conclusion. When I say, "God does not exist", I am presenting a falsifiable premise that is only awaiting objective, verifiable evidence.

Now, with that in mind, let us say that evidence is discovered tomorrow. Now only do we have absolute proof of the existence of God, but we even have absolute evidence that the Christian version of God exists. Could you just "fall in line"? Could you just "become" a Christian.

See, I don't think I could. If we suddenly had the objective evidence necessary to prove that the Christian God exists, that would mean that we, also, have to accept that the Bible is not just a book of stories, and is, in fact, an accurate record of the nature of that God. And that record indicates that he drown the entire race, as far as man understood it to be at that time. This God demanded his favourites to commit genocide...twice. This God chose one person, and intentionally made his life miserable, just for sport (a wager with Lucifer). In short, the Bible portrays a God that is a sociopath.

I don't know that, even with irrefutable evidence that the Christian God exists, that I could become a follower of that God.

I have always said that, given evidence,. I would change my position from atheism to one of theism. However, if I learned that the Christian God was the "God of Creation", I don't think that theism would be a respectful one. I think my position would have to be, "Okay. God exists...and he's a dick," and would accept whatever consequences taking that position would engender.

So, what about you guys? If we suddenly had evidence that Christians had it right all along, could you just become "Good Little Christians"?
So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

and that if you didn't, it's eternal hellfire.

you sir, are a complete idiot.

Is that how they teach you to proselytize at your church? If so, you need a new church
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth

So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

the two are not the same ... seriously, the teachings of - is found in that book.

this is about, if you got proof that the Christ god is real, would you worship him.

clearly only a complete dunce wouldn't fall in line
So, I've a hypothetical for you guys that I am curious about. I maintain that my atheism is a premise, not a conclusion. When I say, "God does not exist", I am presenting a falsifiable premise that is only awaiting objective, verifiable evidence.

Now, with that in mind, let us say that evidence is discovered tomorrow. Now only do we have absolute proof of the existence of God, but we even have absolute evidence that the Christian version of God exists. Could you just "fall in line"? Could you just "become" a Christian.

See, I don't think I could. If we suddenly had the objective evidence necessary to prove that the Christian God exists, that would mean that we, also, have to accept that the Bible is not just a book of stories, and is, in fact, an accurate record of the nature of that God. And that record indicates that he drown the entire race, as far as man understood it to be at that time. This God demanded his favourites to commit genocide...twice. This God chose one person, and intentionally made his life miserable, just for sport (a wager with Lucifer). In short, the Bible portrays a God that is a sociopath.

I don't know that, even with irrefutable evidence that the Christian God exists, that I could become a follower of that God.

I have always said that, given evidence,. I would change my position from atheism to one of theism. However, if I learned that the Christian God was the "God of Creation", I don't think that theism would be a respectful one. I think my position would have to be, "Okay. God exists...and he's a dick," and would accept whatever consequences taking that position would engender.

So, what about you guys? If we suddenly had evidence that Christians had it right all along, could you just become "Good Little Christians"?
So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

and that if you didn't, it's eternal hellfire.

you sir, are a complete idiot.

Is that how they teach you to proselytize at your church? If so, you need a new church
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth

So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

the two are not the same ... seriously, the teachings of - is found in that book.

this is about, if you got proof that the Christ god is real, would you worship him.

clearly only a complete dunce wouldn't fall in line

I would not worship him. Why should I? And why would a god be so insecure as to demand he be worshipped? The entire concept is absurd.
So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

and that if you didn't, it's eternal hellfire.

you sir, are a complete idiot.

Is that how they teach you to proselytize at your church? If so, you need a new church
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth

So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

the two are not the same ... seriously, the teachings of - is found in that book.

this is about, if you got proof that the Christ god is real, would you worship him.

clearly only a complete dunce wouldn't fall in line

I would not worship him. Why should I? And why would a god be so insecure as to demand he be worshipped? The entire concept is absurd.
then you will burn in hell for all eternity.

get it?

This is a hypothetical that god does exist, not if, the bible is true, not edited.

worship or hell

the choice is incredibly simple
Is that how they teach you to proselytize at your church? If so, you need a new church
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth

So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

the two are not the same ... seriously, the teachings of - is found in that book.

this is about, if you got proof that the Christ god is real, would you worship him.

clearly only a complete dunce wouldn't fall in line

I would not worship him. Why should I? And why would a god be so insecure as to demand he be worshipped? The entire concept is absurd.
then you will burn in hell for all eternity.

get it?

This is a hypothetical that god does exist, not if, the bible is true, not edited.

worship or hell

the choice is incredibly simple

No, it's a question of if god and jesus EXIST, not whether the manmade instruction manual is accurate. And if Jesus said it was, I would tell him that he is either lying or he is evil, and he could go fuck himself.
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth
I don't go to church, WAY to many hypocrites draped in the cloth

So if you had absolute proof, that if you followed the teachings of jesus, got baptized and accepted him as your savior, that you would reside in heaven, for all eternity after death.

the two are not the same ... seriously, the teachings of - is found in that book.

this is about, if you got proof that the Christ god is real, would you worship him.

clearly only a complete dunce wouldn't fall in line

I would not worship him. Why should I? And why would a god be so insecure as to demand he be worshipped? The entire concept is absurd.
then you will burn in hell for all eternity.

get it?

This is a hypothetical that god does exist, not if, the bible is true, not edited.

worship or hell

the choice is incredibly simple

No, it's a question of if god and jesus EXIST, not whether the manmade instruction manual is accurate. And if Jesus said it was, I would tell him that he is either lying or he is evil, and he could go fuck himself.
so you are choosing hell

ok, have fun with that.
the two are not the same ... seriously, the teachings of - is found in that book.

this is about, if you got proof that the Christ god is real, would you worship him.

clearly only a complete dunce wouldn't fall in line

I would not worship him. Why should I? And why would a god be so insecure as to demand he be worshipped? The entire concept is absurd.
then you will burn in hell for all eternity.

get it?

This is a hypothetical that god does exist, not if, the bible is true, not edited.

worship or hell

the choice is incredibly simple

No, it's a question of if god and jesus EXIST, not whether the manmade instruction manual is accurate. And if Jesus said it was, I would tell him that he is either lying or he is evil, and he could go fuck himself.
so you are choosing hell

ok, have fun with that.

Not at all. If Jesus laid out those conditions, I would believe he was lying. I simply would not believe that "the only true god" would be such an evil idiot.

this is about, if you got proof that the Christ god is real, would you worship him.

clearly only a complete dunce wouldn't fall in line

I would not worship him. Why should I? And why would a god be so insecure as to demand he be worshipped? The entire concept is absurd.
then you will burn in hell for all eternity.

get it?

This is a hypothetical that god does exist, not if, the bible is true, not edited.

worship or hell

the choice is incredibly simple

No, it's a question of if god and jesus EXIST, not whether the manmade instruction manual is accurate. And if Jesus said it was, I would tell him that he is either lying or he is evil, and he could go fuck himself.
so you are choosing hell

ok, have fun with that.

Not at all. If Jesus laid out those conditions, I would believe he was lying. I simply would not believe that "the only true god" would be such an evil idiot.
the op made it clear that the bible is considered true.

you keep changing things so you can avoid hell.

like it or not, you have chosen eternal damnation.
I would not worship him. Why should I? And why would a god be so insecure as to demand he be worshipped? The entire concept is absurd.
then you will burn in hell for all eternity.

get it?

This is a hypothetical that god does exist, not if, the bible is true, not edited.

worship or hell

the choice is incredibly simple

No, it's a question of if god and jesus EXIST, not whether the manmade instruction manual is accurate. And if Jesus said it was, I would tell him that he is either lying or he is evil, and he could go fuck himself.
so you are choosing hell

ok, have fun with that.

Not at all. If Jesus laid out those conditions, I would believe he was lying. I simply would not believe that "the only true god" would be such an evil idiot.
the op made it clear that the bible is considered true.

you keep changing things so you can avoid hell.

like it or not, you have chosen eternal damnation.

That's the OPs opinion, not mine. I dont think the accuracy of the Bible follows from the truth of the existence of god and Jesus. Sorry. And if it IS true, then it is the evil, stupid Jesus who chose damnation for me. Get it straight.
So, I've a hypothetical for you guys that I am curious about. I maintain that my atheism is a premise, not a conclusion. When I say, "God does not exist", I am presenting a falsifiable premise that is only awaiting objective, verifiable evidence.

Now, with that in mind, let us say that evidence is discovered tomorrow. Now only do we have absolute proof of the existence of God, but we even have absolute evidence that the Christian version of God exists. Could you just "fall in line"? Could you just "become" a Christian.

See, I don't think I could. If we suddenly had the objective evidence necessary to prove that the Christian God exists, that would mean that we, also, have to accept that the Bible is not just a book of stories, and is, in fact, an accurate record of the nature of that God. And that record indicates that he drown the entire race, as far as man understood it to be at that time. This God demanded his favourites to commit genocide...twice. This God chose one person, and intentionally made his life miserable, just for sport (a wager with Lucifer). In short, the Bible portrays a God that is a sociopath.

I don't know that, even with irrefutable evidence that the Christian God exists, that I could become a follower of that God.

I have always said that, given evidence,. I would change my position from atheism to one of theism. However, if I learned that the Christian God was the "God of Creation", I don't think that theism would be a respectful one. I think my position would have to be, "Okay. God exists...and he's a dick," and would accept whatever consequences taking that position would engender.

So, what about you guys? If we suddenly had evidence that Christians had it right all along, could you just become "Good Little Christians"?

If there was absolute evidence that Christians or Hindu's or Muslim's or Rastafarians had it right all along- certainly I would no longer be an atheist. I don't believe in any god because there is no evidence of a god- if there was evidence- certainly I would believe in God or Vishnu or whatever just like I 'believe' in the Moon.

Doesn't mean that I would necessarily accept whatever edicts the religion dictated- or even what the 'God/Goddess/Gods announced.
So, I've a hypothetical for you guys that I am curious about. I maintain that my atheism is a premise, not a conclusion. When I say, "God does not exist", I am presenting a falsifiable premise that is only awaiting objective, verifiable evidence.

Now, with that in mind, let us say that evidence is discovered tomorrow. Now only do we have absolute proof of the existence of God, but we even have absolute evidence that the Christian version of God exists. Could you just "fall in line"? Could you just "become" a Christian.

See, I don't think I could. If we suddenly had the objective evidence necessary to prove that the Christian God exists, that would mean that we, also, have to accept that the Bible is not just a book of stories, and is, in fact, an accurate record of the nature of that God. And that record indicates that he drown the entire race, as far as man understood it to be at that time. This God demanded his favourites to commit genocide...twice. This God chose one person, and intentionally made his life miserable, just for sport (a wager with Lucifer). In short, the Bible portrays a God that is a sociopath.

I don't know that, even with irrefutable evidence that the Christian God exists, that I could become a follower of that God.

I have always said that, given evidence,. I would change my position from atheism to one of theism. However, if I learned that the Christian God was the "God of Creation", I don't think that theism would be a respectful one. I think my position would have to be, "Okay. God exists...and he's a dick," and would accept whatever consequences taking that position would engender.

So, what about you guys? If we suddenly had evidence that Christians had it right all along, could you just become "Good Little Christians"?

Yeah ... God in the Old Testament still thought humans were susceptible to correction ... He tried beating them into line a couple of times.
In the New Testament He surrendered to the fact that humans are incorrigible ... And the best He could do would be to forgive us.

So, I've a hypothetical for you guys that I am curious about. I maintain that my atheism is a premise, not a conclusion. When I say, "God does not exist", I am presenting a falsifiable premise that is only awaiting objective, verifiable evidence.

Now, with that in mind, let us say that evidence is discovered tomorrow. Now only do we have absolute proof of the existence of God, but we even have absolute evidence that the Christian version of God exists. Could you just "fall in line"? Could you just "become" a Christian.

See, I don't think I could. If we suddenly had the objective evidence necessary to prove that the Christian God exists, that would mean that we, also, have to accept that the Bible is not just a book of stories, and is, in fact, an accurate record of the nature of that God. And that record indicates that he drown the entire race, as far as man understood it to be at that time. This God demanded his favourites to commit genocide...twice. This God chose one person, and intentionally made his life miserable, just for sport (a wager with Lucifer). In short, the Bible portrays a God that is a sociopath.

I don't know that, even with irrefutable evidence that the Christian God exists, that I could become a follower of that God.

I have always said that, given evidence,. I would change my position from atheism to one of theism. However, if I learned that the Christian God was the "God of Creation", I don't think that theism would be a respectful one. I think my position would have to be, "Okay. God exists...and he's a dick," and would accept whatever consequences taking that position would engender.

So, what about you guys? If we suddenly had evidence that Christians had it right all along, could you just become "Good Little Christians"?

Yeah ... God in the Old Testament still thought humans were susceptible to correction ... He tried beating them into line a couple of times.
In the New Testament He surrendered to the fact that humans are incorrigible ... And the best He could do would be to forgive us.


What a bunch of embarrassingly stupid nonsense. How can anyone over the age of 8 believe such absurd garbage?

I would have just created us well and good, instead of creating us to be sick and demanding we be well. Looks like I am smarter, wiser, gentler, and generally more "good" than god. Maybe evil, stupid, incompetent god should step aside and give me a chance.
So, I've a hypothetical for you guys that I am curious about. I maintain that my atheism is a premise, not a conclusion. When I say, "God does not exist", I am presenting a falsifiable premise that is only awaiting objective, verifiable evidence.

Now, with that in mind, let us say that evidence is discovered tomorrow. Now only do we have absolute proof of the existence of God, but we even have absolute evidence that the Christian version of God exists. Could you just "fall in line"? Could you just "become" a Christian.

See, I don't think I could. If we suddenly had the objective evidence necessary to prove that the Christian God exists, that would mean that we, also, have to accept that the Bible is not just a book of stories, and is, in fact, an accurate record of the nature of that God. And that record indicates that he drown the entire race, as far as man understood it to be at that time. This God demanded his favourites to commit genocide...twice. This God chose one person, and intentionally made his life miserable, just for sport (a wager with Lucifer). In short, the Bible portrays a God that is a sociopath.

I don't know that, even with irrefutable evidence that the Christian God exists, that I could become a follower of that God.

I have always said that, given evidence,. I would change my position from atheism to one of theism. However, if I learned that the Christian God was the "God of Creation", I don't think that theism would be a respectful one. I think my position would have to be, "Okay. God exists...and he's a dick," and would accept whatever consequences taking that position would engender.

So, what about you guys? If we suddenly had evidence that Christians had it right all along, could you just become "Good Little Christians"?

If there was absolute evidence that Christians or Hindu's or Muslim's or Rastafarians had it right all along- certainly I would no longer be an atheist. I don't believe in any god because there is no evidence of a god- if there was evidence- certainly I would believe in God or Vishnu or whatever just like I 'believe' in the Moon.

Doesn't mean that I would necessarily accept whatever edicts the religion dictated- or even what the 'God/Goddess/Gods announced.
That would make you a fool.
So, I've a hypothetical for you guys that I am curious about. I maintain that my atheism is a premise, not a conclusion. When I say, "God does not exist", I am presenting a falsifiable premise that is only awaiting objective, verifiable evidence.

Now, with that in mind, let us say that evidence is discovered tomorrow. Now only do we have absolute proof of the existence of God, but we even have absolute evidence that the Christian version of God exists. Could you just "fall in line"? Could you just "become" a Christian.

See, I don't think I could. If we suddenly had the objective evidence necessary to prove that the Christian God exists, that would mean that we, also, have to accept that the Bible is not just a book of stories, and is, in fact, an accurate record of the nature of that God. And that record indicates that he drown the entire race, as far as man understood it to be at that time. This God demanded his favourites to commit genocide...twice. This God chose one person, and intentionally made his life miserable, just for sport (a wager with Lucifer). In short, the Bible portrays a God that is a sociopath.

I don't know that, even with irrefutable evidence that the Christian God exists, that I could become a follower of that God.

I have always said that, given evidence,. I would change my position from atheism to one of theism. However, if I learned that the Christian God was the "God of Creation", I don't think that theism would be a respectful one. I think my position would have to be, "Okay. God exists...and he's a dick," and would accept whatever consequences taking that position would engender.

So, what about you guys? If we suddenly had evidence that Christians had it right all along, could you just become "Good Little Christians"?

If there was absolute evidence that Christians or Hindu's or Muslim's or Rastafarians had it right all along- certainly I would no longer be an atheist. I don't believe in any god because there is no evidence of a god- if there was evidence- certainly I would believe in God or Vishnu or whatever just like I 'believe' in the Moon.

Doesn't mean that I would necessarily accept whatever edicts the religion dictated- or even what the 'God/Goddess/Gods announced.
That would make you a fool.

That would mean I have free will.

And you don't.

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