I guess the Second Amendment is Being Re-Written

Just tell me the children aren't being indoctrinated in our public schools.
Common Core is the villain in our schools as it ends up.
Just dummy down the children to be raised as mindless liberal minions.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Common Core teaching materials in this textbook define the Second Amendment like this:

“This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.”

View attachment 30170
Common Core Textbooks Teaching Lies About The 2nd Amendment | The Federalist Papers
What do you mean, "being"?

It HAS been re-written.

NO WHERE does the amendment say you have the right to a gun to duel, shoot people you don't like, defend yourself, kill yourself, threaten neighbors, play cop or a myriad of other nutsy kooky things that CASE LAW allows.
Thank you for, yet again, helping to prove the premise than anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Keep up the good work.
Now you are talking. We also have to identify "them" so we know who is in our well regulated militia.

A thorough gun registration is essential to a second amendment

Who needs to identify "them?" You? There are LOTS of well regulated militias in the USA that are under citizen control and membership. They know who they are. That's all that matters.

No the Constitution is what matters.

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;"

The gun tot'en yahoos that showed up in Nevada last month are not the Militias mentioned in the Constitution.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Thus, the entire discussion here is irrelevant.
You’re just another tedious rightwing hack trying to contrive a ‘controversy’ where none exists.
Hoiw is there no controversy in a textbook that states "[the 2nd] amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison"?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Funny? I don't see that anywhere...
If they are being used, take it up with the school board that chose to use them.

"Allowed" is a silly way to word it. On whose authority should they be disallowed?

We live in a (mostly) free market economy. Publishers can print whatever they want in their textbooks, and if school boards buy them, then they make money. If not, they don't.

probably the same people who would allow it to be used.....the school board like you said in the beginning....and Doc....i might be dumb,but i aint so dumb that i would not put it past the Far Right and Left to sneak a book like this one or another into a grade school class somewhere where they have people like themselves on the school board....

If any school board is stupid enough to use a book like this, that's on them. If parents don't pay attention to this shit, it's their own damn faults. Anyone can show up to a school board meeting and have their voice heard.

I was speaking in a more general sense - as it, there's no governing body that controls what textbooks school boards are "allowed" to use.

like i said Doc.....i would not put it past certain groups of people in this Country to do what they feel is best for their kids and yours.......including showing a book with Jesus riding a Dinosaur...
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Thus, the entire discussion here is irrelevant.
^^^^^^^ This. ^^^^^^^^^^^

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Both of you are imbeciles. How about retracting your comments?

Just about every honest, successful American can point to a teacher or several teachers as being a huge part of what made them successful.

Yeah and I have mine that I looked up to. My, how the times have changed.
Anecdotal evidence? :eusa_eh: Put that broad brush of yours down :eusa_hand: There are plenty of good teachers out there.

oh christ...."Dottie" talking about broad brushes....she uses one in just about everyone of her whining posts....
No. You have changed. You couldn't hold a candle to dozens of teachers who have influenced our kids over the past 20 years. They are bright, hardworking and, most of all, dedicated to their craft. We owe them a great deal.

When I went to school there wasn't a teachers union influencing the teachers as it is today.
So stick your "no you have changed" up your ass.
Yes there are good ones but, there are lousy ones who can't get fired too.
Teachers do influence children, I can't remember any trying to influence me politically as they are doing today.

Bullshit. Becoming a teacher is harder now than ever......because of the standards set by unions. Teachers today are better educated and better trained to educate than ever before. Teachers can be and are fired. Stop listening to liars.

The teaching profession as a whole leans liberal because they are educated. They are inquisitive. They are capable of researching. They think critically.

The idea that indoctrination is taking place is bullshit. Teachers WELCOME opposing viewpoints coming from students. Teachers love nothing more than an interested student.
question then if i may.....if they are better today how come our education system and the results they are getting are the pits?...just askin.....California went from top 5 to bottom 10 ......
When I went to school there wasn't a teachers union influencing the teachers as it is today.
So stick your "no you have changed" up your ass.
Yes there are good ones but, there are lousy ones who can't get fired too.
Teachers do influence children, I can't remember any trying to influence me politically as they are doing today.

Bullshit. Becoming a teacher is harder now than ever......because of the standards set by unions. Teachers today are better educated and better trained to educate than ever before. Teachers can be and are fired. Stop listening to liars.

The teaching profession as a whole leans liberal because they are educated. They are inquisitive. They are capable of researching. They think critically.

The idea that indoctrination is taking place is bullshit. Teachers WELCOME opposing viewpoints coming from students. Teachers love nothing more than an interested student.
question then if i may.....if they are better today how come our education system and the results they are getting are the pits?...just askin.....California went from top 5 to bottom 10 ......


I wonder if there was a specific event that happened in California that led to that drop...

(hint: it happened in 1978)
probably the same people who would allow it to be used.....the school board like you said in the beginning....and Doc....i might be dumb,but i aint so dumb that i would not put it past the Far Right and Left to sneak a book like this one or another into a grade school class somewhere where they have people like themselves on the school board....

If any school board is stupid enough to use a book like this, that's on them. If parents don't pay attention to this shit, it's their own damn faults. Anyone can show up to a school board meeting and have their voice heard.

I was speaking in a more general sense - as it, there's no governing body that controls what textbooks school boards are "allowed" to use.

like i said Doc.....i would not put it past certain groups of people in this Country to do what they feel is best for their kids and yours.......including showing a book with Jesus riding a Dinosaur...

I don't put anything past the morons on either side.

That doesn't change the fact this has nothing at all to do with Common Core, and is nothing more than an example of some moron writing a textbook, not a government conspiracy.
Easy to do with a left nut loon for a mother :lol::lol::lol:

except no.... if you weren't a wacko, you'd know that my politics aren't extreme. in fact, 52% of this country voted the way I did in the last two presidential elections. but then again, you don't know anything about my politics other than I think rightwingnuts are ignorant twits.

but then again, rightwingnuts think anyone to the left of atilla the hun is a leftwingnut.

you're welcome.

and for the rightwingnuts... this isn't 1950 and no one wants to go back there except for you wingers.

that's why you're not "conservatives". you're radical rabid reactionaries


The fear and ignorance of the reactionary right has been quite tedious for some time now.

Jones if you are so brave and Intelligent how come you never answer any questions asked about what you say?.....
Where's the damn militia? Where's the 'well regulated' part? All I see is men who still love to play Army like little boys or who have deluded themselves into thinking that they will be able to make a stand against either a crazed gunman in a theater or the United States Armed forces. What I do not see is anything that meets the threshold of 'well regulated' or 'militia'.

If you're going all in in defending the 2nd amendment, go all in on the totality of the amendment.

I did. See previous post.
I repeat: Where's the damn militia?

Arming everyone serves the gun manufacturers well, endangers the general population and runs counter to those of us who wish to live gun free, hence gun violence free. We don't want our children to accidentally shoot themselves. We don't want the liability of having a deadly weapon in our households. Some of you gun nuts have had 'pleasant' experiences with guns, some of us have not. Please allow us who wish to rid our lives and our households of the danger of deadly weapons to do just that. In the meantime, show me a 'well regulated militia' as opposed to hicks with guns having 'fun'.
no body is forcing you to own a gun....

Five key words you liberals seem to routinely miss:

"The right of the people"

Which is an all inclusive phrase, which means that in order to have a militia, every citizen must have a right to bear arms, not just the militia.
Where's the damn militia? Where's the 'well regulated' part? All I see is men who still love to play Army like little boys or who have deluded themselves into thinking that they will be able to make a stand against either a crazed gunman in a theater or the United States Armed forces. What I do not see is anything that meets the threshold of 'well regulated' or 'militia'.

If you're going all in in defending the 2nd amendment, go all in on the totality of the amendment.

You're angry. And an easy debate opponent.

The rights of the people, key words "the people" to bear arms cannot be regulated. Unless these "men who still love to play Army like little boys" go on a mass shooting spree, their rights to bear arms are not to be infringed.

And your evidence:

The Militia Act of 1792 and Title 10 Section 311 of the United States Code.

Militia organizations in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its "infringed" ....there is a difference....just sayin....
and until heller, the justices would have laughed at any intimation that the amendment protects a private right of gun ownership.
This is, of course, a lie.

Jillian, the so-called "Lawyer"...never read the Decision.

Bullshit. Becoming a teacher is harder now than ever......because of the standards set by unions. Teachers today are better educated and better trained to educate than ever before. Teachers can be and are fired. Stop listening to liars.

The teaching profession as a whole leans liberal because they are educated. They are inquisitive. They are capable of researching. They think critically.

The idea that indoctrination is taking place is bullshit. Teachers WELCOME opposing viewpoints coming from students. Teachers love nothing more than an interested student.
question then if i may.....if they are better today how come our education system and the results they are getting are the pits?...just askin.....California went from top 5 to bottom 10 ......


I wonder if there was a specific event that happened in California that led to that drop...

(hint: it happened in 1978)

thats an excuse Doc.....California has always given a dam big portion of the budget to Education.....over 50%.....that cant be the only reason....
Why do some believe the Second Amendment is the freedom to make your own gun laws?

Even the Wild Wild West knew that we needed protection from those who refuse to respect that not everyone wants or needs to carry a gun and that most need protection against those who do carry a gun..

question then if i may.....if they are better today how come our education system and the results they are getting are the pits?...just askin.....California went from top 5 to bottom 10 ......


I wonder if there was a specific event that happened in California that led to that drop...

(hint: it happened in 1978)

thats an excuse Doc.....California has always given a dam big portion of the budget to Education.....over 50%.....that cant be the only reason....

It's not the "only" reason, but it's definitely not a coincidence that the state's education ranking dropped sharply soon after Prop 13 passed either.

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