I Know When Donald Trump is Mocking Someone

I saw what he said.
She claimed to only have one beer, and it made her forget material facts rendering any defense moot. This was by design. She only remembered Kavanaugh. She forgot everything else. How convenient.
You obviously haven’t been paying attention because she has stated much more than Kavanaugh in her story.
Everything she said is turning out to be perjury. Grassley is recommending an investigation and possible perjury charges against Dr Ford.
If she lied then she should be held accountable. You don’t appear to have a very solid grasp of the facts of this situation though. You should spend a little more time studying up before engaging too hard with your commentary
I have.
Maybe you need to pay attention to breaking news a bit more. And stop listening to CNN, MSNBC, and the ladies on THE VIEW for once.
Oh in that case I apologize. Please enlighten me on what breaking news I missed that proves Ford lied about everything.


(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

He was mocking Ford and I don't care! Snowflakes don't have a right not to be mocked.
Obama made fun of the Special Olympics while Trump made fun of a reporter who happened to have a physical ailment.

Wrong --- O'bama was making fun of himself (something of which Rump is incapable) while Rump mocked the disability of a reporter who he ALREADY KNEW WELL and then denied he even knew him, à la David Duke. And he mocked the reporter because that reporter wouldn't lie for him. And THAT is the sort of values you pimp for.
Wrong- Obama made fun of the Special Olympics because he compared his low score to the scores of highly trained bowlers(Obama is too stupid to understand how skilled they actually are, and I bet you are too) who happen to possess a disability while Trump mocked a reporter with a specific physical ailment that he in no way attempted to imitate because that specific reporter made an article on 9/11 that agreed with Trump's claim that Muslims in New Jersey cheered after the attacks and he then denied his own article to spite Trump over a decade later. The fact that Trump met this guy a few times doesn't mean that he remembers anything about him(I know, he said "you should have met this guy", and you were duped into thinking he meant that literally when that is a commonly used expression by comedians or for comedic effect). Trump met practically every reporter in America before he even ran for president.

I could keep this up with you idiots all day every day. This is embarrassing.
Damn boi
You really drank the Kool- Aid on that post
Actually I just broke up the pathetic narrative fed to you brainless zombies by the media in a piece by piece fashion and then countered each of those pieces until their was nothing left of that narrative.

I am smarter than the people whom you rely on to get your "news", much less dumbasses like you who know basically nothing on their own.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

When t-Rump mocked the disabled journalist, Trumpettes created threads, just like this one, defending him, saying he wasn't mocking the journalist, just as you are.

he was mocking the journalist, but he wasn't mocking needy people. that was the argument you fking idiot.
Wrong --- O'bama was making fun of himself (something of which Rump is incapable) while Rump mocked the disability of a reporter who he ALREADY KNEW WELL and then denied he even knew him, à la David Duke. And he mocked the reporter because that reporter wouldn't lie for him. And THAT is the sort of values you pimp for.
Wrong- Obama made fun of the Special Olympics because he compared his low score to the scores of highly trained bowlers(Obama is too stupid to understand how skilled they actually are, and I bet you are too) who happen to possess a disability while Trump mocked a reporter with a specific physical ailment that he in no way attempted to imitate because that specific reporter made an article on 9/11 that agreed with Trump's claim that Muslims in New Jersey cheered after the attacks and he then denied his own article to spite Trump over a decade later. The fact that Trump met this guy a few times doesn't mean that he remembers anything about him(I know, he said "you should have met this guy", and you were duped into thinking he meant that literally when that is a commonly used expression by comedians or for comedic effect). Trump met practically every reporter in America before he even ran for president.

I could keep this up with you idiots all day every day. This is embarrassing.
Damn boi
You really drank the Kool- Aid on that post
Actually I just broke up the pathetic narrative fed to you brainless zombies by the media in a piece by piece fashion and then countered each of those pieces until their was nothing left of that narrative.

I am smarter than the people whom you rely on to get your "news", much less dumbasses like you who know basically nothing on their own.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.


Almost no one wastes their time bragging about something they are secure about...they would not even be thinking about it.
The ONLY reason you brag about something is because you desperately want others to believe what it is you are bragging about.
Trump knows the consensus is that he is dumb...so he keeps saying how smart he is to desperately try and change their minds.
And all it does is show just how insecure he is. Someone at peace with their intelligence would not even care what others thought about it.

BTW...I notice Ptbw forever (or whatever his name is), runs around putting 'Funny' emoticons on dozens of posts. But he rarely gives any corroborating evidence to back up his derision.

Which proves he is both lame and empty headed...like the guy in the corner at work/school who agrees with the lousy boss/school bully by saying 'yeah' to every point they make. But whom couldn't form a truly intelligent thought if his life depended on it...I don't recall reading one from him yet.

Is there anything sadder then a moronic, gutless troll? Yup, a racist, misogynistic one like this guy.
That's what I love about chat forums...you meet a LOT of losers and you get to tell them exactly what you think about them.
Perks up my day (a little).
Last edited:
Wrong- Obama made fun of the Special Olympics because he compared his low score to the scores of highly trained bowlers(Obama is too stupid to understand how skilled they actually are, and I bet you are too) who happen to possess a disability while Trump mocked a reporter with a specific physical ailment that he in no way attempted to imitate because that specific reporter made an article on 9/11 that agreed with Trump's claim that Muslims in New Jersey cheered after the attacks and he then denied his own article to spite Trump over a decade later. The fact that Trump met this guy a few times doesn't mean that he remembers anything about him(I know, he said "you should have met this guy", and you were duped into thinking he meant that literally when that is a commonly used expression by comedians or for comedic effect). Trump met practically every reporter in America before he even ran for president.

I could keep this up with you idiots all day every day. This is embarrassing.
Damn boi
You really drank the Kool- Aid on that post
Actually I just broke up the pathetic narrative fed to you brainless zombies by the media in a piece by piece fashion and then countered each of those pieces until their was nothing left of that narrative.

I am smarter than the people whom you rely on to get your "news", much less dumbasses like you who know basically nothing on their own.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.


Almost no one wastes their time bragging about something they are secure about...they would not even be thinking about it.
The ONLY reason you brag about something is because you desperately want others to believe what it is you are bragging about.
Trump knows the consensus is that he is dumb...so he keeps saying how smart he is to desperately try and change their minds.
And all it does is make him show just how much people calling him 'dumb' bothers him.
Which is clearly a TON.
Trump is a genius.

Only idiots think otherwise.

Every single move he makes puts fools like you off balance.

I never claimed to be a genius. I am just much much much more intelligent than idiots like Don Lemon and his retarded audience.
It was obvious that he was not.

THe man is not spastic. He has frozen joints. ONly by avoiding the use of video, and how often does tv do THAT? can the lie be maintained.
You keep trying to make this about the reporter. I didn't bring up the reporter, YOU did.

That tells me all I need to know.

It should tell you that there is is huge difference between mocking a reporter, and mocking a reporter's disability.

One is beyond the pale, which is why the Left has worked so hard to lie about this.

They NEED, the lie out there, that Trump is beyond the pale,

so that people like you, won't even listen to the other side.

You claim to dislike the regressives, but you keep buying every piece of crap they are selling.
Why did Trump choose to mock a persons disability?

If he routinely makes hand gestures like that, why didn’t he say that immediately? Instead, his initial denial was that he didn’t know the reporter was disabled

Once that claim was disproven, his aides came up with the routine hand gesture defense
He doesn’t routinely wave his hands around like that. He did so a few times after mocking Kovaleski just so his acolytes would turn around and say, see that? That’s just how trump talks with his hands. And being the low intellect useful idiots they are, they fell for it hook, line & sinker.
He did it BEFORE, dumbass.
Bullshit. The one time he did it before, he barely waved one hand. The other times, which came after, he flailed his arms like he did when mocking Kovaleski.

But thanks for raising your hand and confessing you’re one of those low intellect useful idiots.
He DID mock that journalist, but he’s also mocked Ted Cruz and others in the exact same manner, therefore the media’s narrative that he was mocking the reporter’s disability was more than likely a lie.

This video, although posted by Fox News merely shows clips from Trump speeches of him making the same gestures to mock others. You can go to second 44 to see him mock Cruz, then tell me the difference between that and how he mocked the handicapped reporter (who the media exploited by the way).

If you’re (or anyone reading this) going to laugh at me and say this proves nothing please stand in front of a mirror first so at least you’re also laughing at yourself.
Does it matter WHY or HOW he mocked the disabled guy, or does it just matter that he DID?

Also, consider what would you and your fellow Republicans and/or self-proclaimed conservatives would do if Obama ran around mocking a disabled person, and/or anyone for that manner during any of his campaigns. What would you have done/said/wanted?

Be honest.

When Obama joked that he bowled like he was in the Special Olympics, Conservatives howled over how improper it was. Obama’s joke was on himself while Trump was mocking a person with a disability

Obama made fun of the Special Olympics while Trump made fun of a reporter who happened to have a physical ailment.

Wrong --- O'bama was making fun of himself (something of which Rump is incapable) while Rump mocked the disability of a reporter who he ALREADY KNEW WELL and then denied he even knew him, à la David Duke. And he mocked the reporter because that reporter wouldn't lie for him. And THAT is the sort of values you pimp for.

Wrong- Obama made fun of the Special Olympics because he compared his low score to the scores of highly trained bowlers(Obama is too stupid to understand how skilled they actually are, and I bet you are too) who happen to possess a disability while Trump mocked a reporter with a specific physical ailment that he in no way attempted to imitate because that specific reporter made an article on 9/11 that agreed with Trump's claim that Muslims in New Jersey cheered after the attacks and he then denied his own article to spite Trump over a decade later. The fact that Trump met this guy a few times doesn't mean that he remembers anything about him(I know, he said "you should have met this guy", and you were duped into thinking he meant that literally when that is a commonly used expression by comedians or for comedic effect). Trump met practically every reporter in America before he even ran for president.

I could keep this up with you idiots all day every day. This is embarrassing.

Well not everyone is as good a bowler as Bush.

Wrong- Obama made fun of the Special Olympics because he compared his low score to the scores of highly trained bowlers(Obama is too stupid to understand how skilled they actually are, and I bet you are too) who happen to possess a disability while Trump mocked a reporter with a specific physical ailment that he in no way attempted to imitate because that specific reporter made an article on 9/11 that agreed with Trump's claim that Muslims in New Jersey cheered after the attacks and he then denied his own article to spite Trump over a decade later. The fact that Trump met this guy a few times doesn't mean that he remembers anything about him(I know, he said "you should have met this guy", and you were duped into thinking he meant that literally when that is a commonly used expression by comedians or for comedic effect). Trump met practically every reporter in America before he even ran for president.

I could keep this up with you idiots all day every day. This is embarrassing.
Damn boi
You really drank the Kool- Aid on that post
Actually I just broke up the pathetic narrative fed to you brainless zombies by the media in a piece by piece fashion and then countered each of those pieces until their was nothing left of that narrative.

I am smarter than the people whom you rely on to get your "news", much less dumbasses like you who know basically nothing on their own.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.


Almost no one wastes their time bragging about something they are secure about...they would not even be thinking about it.
The ONLY reason you brag about something is because you desperately want others to believe what it is you are bragging about.
Trump knows the consensus is that he is dumb...so he keeps saying how smart he is to desperately try and change their minds.
And all it does is show just how insecure he is. Someone at peace with their intelligence would not even care what others thought about it.

BTW...I notice Ptbw forever (or whatever his name is), runs around putting 'Funny' emoticons on dozens of posts. But he rarely gives any corroborating evidence to back up his derision.

Which proves he is both lame and empty headed...like the guy in the corner at work/school who agrees with the lousy boss/school bully by saying 'yeah' to every point they make. But whom couldn't form a truly intelligent thought if his life depended on it...I don't recall reading one from him yet.

Is there anything sadder then a moronic, gutless troll? Yup, a racist, misogynistic one like this guy.
That's what I love about chat forums...you meet a LOT of losers and you get to tell them exactly what you think about them.
Perks up my day (a little).

I have a friend who probably qualifies as a genius and he never brags about his intellect, but his comments in our local paper makes my jaw drop because he knows stuff that I would have to do serious research to know, and he pops it out at will. His vast knowledge leaves me in awe and what's even better, when he's debating this particular lawyer there, he makes him look like a fool. He is also a Russian scholar and speaks and reads fluent Russian. He can also make you look like a fool without ever insulting you. I love him and am honored to call him my friend.

i have asked him to join this board and he's considering it.
Damn boi
You really drank the Kool- Aid on that post
Actually I just broke up the pathetic narrative fed to you brainless zombies by the media in a piece by piece fashion and then countered each of those pieces until their was nothing left of that narrative.

I am smarter than the people whom you rely on to get your "news", much less dumbasses like you who know basically nothing on their own.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.


Almost no one wastes their time bragging about something they are secure about...they would not even be thinking about it.
The ONLY reason you brag about something is because you desperately want others to believe what it is you are bragging about.
Trump knows the consensus is that he is dumb...so he keeps saying how smart he is to desperately try and change their minds.
And all it does is make him show just how much people calling him 'dumb' bothers him.
Which is clearly a TON.
Trump is a genius.

Only idiots think otherwise.

Every single move he makes puts fools like you off balance.

I never claimed to be a genius. I am just much much much more intelligent than idiots like Don Lemon and his retarded audience.

"Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had." Professor William T Kelly

Genius huh?
Actually I just broke up the pathetic narrative fed to you brainless zombies by the media in a piece by piece fashion and then countered each of those pieces until their was nothing left of that narrative.

I am smarter than the people whom you rely on to get your "news", much less dumbasses like you who know basically nothing on their own.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.


Almost no one wastes their time bragging about something they are secure about...they would not even be thinking about it.
The ONLY reason you brag about something is because you desperately want others to believe what it is you are bragging about.
Trump knows the consensus is that he is dumb...so he keeps saying how smart he is to desperately try and change their minds.
And all it does is make him show just how much people calling him 'dumb' bothers him.
Which is clearly a TON.
Trump is a genius.

Only idiots think otherwise.

Every single move he makes puts fools like you off balance.

I never claimed to be a genius. I am just much much much more intelligent than idiots like Don Lemon and his retarded audience.

"Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had." Professor William T Kelly

Genius huh?
I doubt that professor is all that bright.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.


Almost no one wastes their time bragging about something they are secure about...they would not even be thinking about it.
The ONLY reason you brag about something is because you desperately want others to believe what it is you are bragging about.
Trump knows the consensus is that he is dumb...so he keeps saying how smart he is to desperately try and change their minds.
And all it does is make him show just how much people calling him 'dumb' bothers him.
Which is clearly a TON.
Trump is a genius.

Only idiots think otherwise.

Every single move he makes puts fools like you off balance.

I never claimed to be a genius. I am just much much much more intelligent than idiots like Don Lemon and his retarded audience.

"Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had." Professor William T Kelly

Genius huh?
I doubt that professor is all that bright.
Oh yeah, you don't have to be very bright to teach at a university level. And, an Ivy League University to boot. Keep making yourself look ridiculous.
She earned being mocked
“I can’t remember one freakin thing except it was him who did it”

She remembered the rape attempt.
Kavanaugh can’t even remember being a drinker (actually, he lied)
Damn boi
You really drank the Kool- Aid on that post
Actually I just broke up the pathetic narrative fed to you brainless zombies by the media in a piece by piece fashion and then countered each of those pieces until their was nothing left of that narrative.

I am smarter than the people whom you rely on to get your "news", much less dumbasses like you who know basically nothing on their own.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.


Almost no one wastes their time bragging about something they are secure about...they would not even be thinking about it.
The ONLY reason you brag about something is because you desperately want others to believe what it is you are bragging about.
Trump knows the consensus is that he is dumb...so he keeps saying how smart he is to desperately try and change their minds.
And all it does is show just how insecure he is. Someone at peace with their intelligence would not even care what others thought about it.

BTW...I notice Ptbw forever (or whatever his name is), runs around putting 'Funny' emoticons on dozens of posts. But he rarely gives any corroborating evidence to back up his derision.

Which proves he is both lame and empty headed...like the guy in the corner at work/school who agrees with the lousy boss/school bully by saying 'yeah' to every point they make. But whom couldn't form a truly intelligent thought if his life depended on it...I don't recall reading one from him yet.

Is there anything sadder then a moronic, gutless troll? Yup, a racist, misogynistic one like this guy.
That's what I love about chat forums...you meet a LOT of losers and you get to tell them exactly what you think about them.
Perks up my day (a little).

I have a friend who probably qualifies as a genius and he never brags about his intellect, but his comments in our local paper makes my jaw drop because he knows stuff that I would have to do serious research to know, and he pops it out at will. His vast knowledge leaves me in awe and what's even better, when he's debating this particular lawyer there, he makes him look like a fool. He is also a Russian scholar and speaks and reads fluent Russian. He can also make you look like a fool without ever insulting you. I love him and am honored to call him my friend.

i have asked him to join this board and he's considering it.
People who constantly need to tell others they are smart......usually aren’t
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
Actual smart people don't have to tell you that they're smart. trump says it all the time and everyone knows he's as dumb as a damn rock.


Almost no one wastes their time bragging about something they are secure about...they would not even be thinking about it.
The ONLY reason you brag about something is because you desperately want others to believe what it is you are bragging about.
Trump knows the consensus is that he is dumb...so he keeps saying how smart he is to desperately try and change their minds.
And all it does is make him show just how much people calling him 'dumb' bothers him.
Which is clearly a TON.
Trump is a genius.

Only idiots think otherwise.

Every single move he makes puts fools like you off balance.

I never claimed to be a genius. I am just much much much more intelligent than idiots like Don Lemon and his retarded audience.

"Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had." Professor William T Kelly

Genius huh?
I doubt that professor is all that bright.

LOL...you have never read anything he has said or know anything about him...but because he dares to say something bad about your Messiah...he is not that bright to you.

Amazingly detailed and scientific deconstruction of the facts.


No offense man...but making blanket statements about people you don't know based on almost zero information is just about the height of unintelligent behavior.
If you don't want people to think you are stupid...I would avoid doing it in the future.
Stick to what you know - whatever the heck that is.
Trump highlighting the absurdity of Ford’s accusations was one of my favorite parts of that rally. lol

His willingness to ignore the PC BS is why I voted for him. :)
Damn right I mock you idiots. The majority of you are acting like a child who just had his favorite toy taken away. Has little to do with politics and everything to do with the behavior. Don't cry cause yall get called on your temper tantrums.
Well then, you should have no problem wearing your "Trumptard" moniker.

Actually I just broke up the pathetic narrative fed to you brainless zombies by the media in a piece by piece fashion and then countered each of those pieces until their was nothing left of that narrative.

I am smarter than the people whom you rely on to get your "news", much less dumbasses like you who know basically nothing on their own.
Sure Fredo.......you are smart
OH SNAP!!!!!


Well you failed to do both. Saying he didn’t do something that we can see and hear him doing doesn’t make any kind of substantial point. It just makes you look clueless. Trumps rant wasn’t even factual and he was delivering it in a way to make her sound frantic and confused while thousands of people laughed. That’s mocking buddy, no doubt about it
If ptbw forever were actually smart, I'd say he was gaslighting. However, he's way to dumb to do that. He doesn't have enough sense to engage in that tactic.

He's just enough brain power (and I use the word "brain" loosely) to be a good puppet and a hack for his handlers.

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