I see no need to own a cast iron pan

Gee, ferrous, such big boy words now for a little man who has to claim he has the best cookware and food in the world that no one else can match just to make up for having nothing in his pants.

You probably made your pots and pans out of recycled garbage cans.

Tunfish, you doth protest too much. Such overcompensation comes from massive inferiority complex. Get help for your kitchen fantasies.

You can't compare to what I have, You have NOTHING. What I have in my pants is not of your concern.
I understand you are bitter and jealous. Seems you are getting combative?
I had a friend that had combative dementia, I understand. :itsok:

that was a copy and paste
if you do not like it, take it up with the author, not me. Deal?

I live rent free in your mind and I have owned you this entire thread

You can't compare to what I have, You have NOTHING. I live rent free in your mind and I have owned you this entire thread

Right. Must be why the other day you were PMing me heralding my decision to consider buying a carbon pan! Dude, you have a screw loose. I think that is pretty apparent to all just from reading your unhinged posts.
Right. Must be why the other day you were PMing me heralding my decision to consider buying a carbon pan! Dude, you have a screw loose. I think that is pretty apparent to all just from reading your unhinged posts.
Rent Free

Yes, buy a Carbon Steel Pan! They are the best! I want you to buy one. You will not regret it. But you are not serious at all.
You have no screws to be loose. I know medical issues very well. Best of Luck in your cooking journey
AMF of course. Remember that or write it down so you don't forget. Rent Free

"Give me Carbon Steel Pans and an Induction cooktop or give me Death" - Tuna 11/10/2023

subliminal (below) highlight to see it :D
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Stick a fork in the Gadfly is done!
Roasted to perfection in a Carbon Steel Roasting Pan.
Yeah stainless is an option, but definitely not a cast iron pan.
Yeah stainless is an option, but definitely not a cast iron pan.

Tell it to Butter Pat you moron.


Far better stuff than the crap you own. Funny, for being such a great chef with all this magical cookware, odd that you never post any pictures of it or cooking or recipe threads!

Tell us the truth, Tunfish, you really got your cookware from The Home Depot.
Far better stuff than the crap you own. Funny, for being such a great chef with all this magical cookware, odd that you never post any pictures of it or cooking or recipe threads!

Tell us the truth, Tunfish, you really got your cookware from The Home Depot.
^^ :itsok:

How are carbon steel with acidic foods?
It is pretty funny how quickly someone can go from asking something very basic that anyone who understands cookware would know, to acting like an expert lecturing about it.

Big time phony, show us more of your Google-Fu.
Tell it to Butter Pat you moron.

Been down that road and spent countless hours smoothing and grinding on cast iron. In the end, just another heavy cast iron pan that I replaced with superior carbon steel technology. $345 for a cast iron pan :eek:
a fool and his money are soon parted..
It is pretty funny how quickly someone can go from asking something very basic that anyone who understands cookware would know, to acting like an expert lecturing about it.

Jackass, I said I understood metallurgy. I said I never owned or used any carbon steel pans which is why I asked. None of what you say would matter if the metal had been treated to resist acids. The more you play your stupid grade school head games, the more ignorant you just reveal yourself to everyone to be instead.

Your cookware probably came from Sears.

Between you and the other clown, we sure do have two people awfully insecure with a lot hung up on their own cookware needing to declare both so good that nothing else matters or rates apparently in some great need to justify your own purchases to yourself and others upon which your own self-worth is admittedly based; two people who aspire to be buried with their cookware :rolleyes-41: --- too bad that for one of you to be dead right about their cookware, that means that the other must be dead wrong!

You two are much like the far left LGBTQ community each rah-rahing for the Hamas while these very same people if they met you would probably kill you out of contempt! GO TEAM! :laughing0301:
Cast iron is heavy, be careful. one of the other reasons to say NO to cast iron pans.

Couple of pounds never bothered me. Never had a cast iron pot or skillet tip over or move around on me neither. Years ago when I had an electric range, the weight improved the contact with and transfer of heat from the electric elements by pressing firmly against them making better direct contact with it all.

But hey, it isn't like I own stock in cast iron--- I couldn't give two shits what you cook with, the problem is that you and the other assclown both think that just because you like stainless or plain steel, that this has to be the only best choice for everyone else here as well like if someone likes something else, that is somehow a criticism or attack on your own choices.
Couple of pounds never bothered me. Never had a cast iron pot or skillet tip over or move around on me neither. Years ago when I had an electric range, the weight improved the contact with and transfer of heat from the electric elements by pressing firmly against them making better direct contact with it all.

But hey, it isn't like I own stock in cast iron--- I couldn't give two shits what you cook with, the problem is that you and the other assclown both think that just because you like stainless or plain steel, that this has to be the only best choice for everyone else here as well like if someone likes something else, that is somehow a criticism or attack on your own choices.
That is what this thread is all about!
You don't like it?

I do not own plain steel, I own CARBON STEEL! The absolute BEST BTW

Been down that road and spent countless hours smoothing and grinding on cast iron.
No need for that with a Butter Pat.

$345 for a cast iron pan
The best isn't cheap. You obviously don't know much, like the fact that the iron used in those skillets is proprietary, developed by the owner of the company after much invested in studying how iron was cast long ago. The result is a lighter pan with much thinner walls and exceptionally even heating with a very smooth surface.
No need for that with a Butter Pat.

The best isn't cheap. You obviously don't know much, like the fact that the iron used in those skillets is proprietary, developed by the owner of the company after much invested in studying how iron was cast long ago. The result is a lighter pan with much thinner walls and exceptionally even heating with a very smooth surface.
Tell us metal master, how is that pan "the best"

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