I see no need to own a cast iron pan

Does not apply to me.. I have two backup generators
It will take a lot of stored fuel to run a stove with a generator.

I prepare for being without power for a few days because I live in a hurricane prone area.

I have a 2350 W generator to run the refrigerator, small back up AC and lights, etc. It uses about one gallon of gas in 12 hours running under load. Ten gallons of gas will last five days.

For cooking we use a fuel efficient gas grill (Weber Q2000). The one I have can go 49 hrs on one five gallon propane tank.

For emergency situations we don't do gourmet cooking.
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It will take a lot of stored fuel to run a stove with a generator.

I prepare for being without power for a few days because I live in a hurricane prone area.

I have a 2350 W generator to run the refrigerator, small back up AC and lights, etc. It uses about one gallon of gas in 12 hours running under load. Ten gallons of gas will last five days.

For cooking we use a fuel efficient gas grill (Weber Q2000). The one I have can go 49 hrs on one five gallon propane tank.

For emergency situation we don't do gourmet cooking.
I am sure it takes a lot of power to run a stove. I am not running a stove.
thanks for sharing.
I have two backup generators
Only two? Sounds like your power is very unreliable.

Mine are hand made, virgin US Steel.
You mined the ore yourself and hammered it into a frying pan.

Why carbon steel? Well they truly are great.
Must be why they have the smallest market share of all cookware.

I use them every day.
On days you go out to eat, you take one with you to use as a wheel chock. :rolleyes-41:
You're running a fever.
No, I am running an induction cooktop. My stove and cooktop are stand alone units.
You really are out of your league.
Concentrate on paper plates and the microwave.
Carbon steel is too much for you to grasp
Only two? Sounds like your power is very unreliable.

You mined the ore yourself and hammered it into a frying pan.

Must be why they have the smallest market share of all cookware.

On days you go out to eat, you take one with you to use as a wheel chock. :rolleyes-41:
^^triggered :):):):) and extremely jealous
Like a petulant child.

Carbon steel is just too much for this ole man. Induction is "new fangled" :)
Stick to the microwave
No, I am running an induction cooktop. My stove and cooktop are stand alone units.
I bet you have each in separate houses too and use your power boat to jet from one to the other.

You really are out of your league.
If that is the Little League, then I agree, you are in a league of your own. Obviously, you are one of the "special" people.

Carbon steel is too much for you to grasp
I have something right here you can grasp.
^^triggered :):):):) and extremely jealous

From what I've seen, you have nothing to be jealous of.

Anyone who feels the need to brag about a few old pots and pans who takes them to bed at night obviously is covering for some massive insecurity.

And some mental illness.
From what I've seen, you have nothing to be jealous of.

Anyone who feels the need to brag about a few old pots and pans who takes them to bed at night obviously is covering for some massive insecurity.

And some mental illness.
Correct, you are nothing to be jealous of. Stick to what you know best, whatever that may be.
You are way out of your league. My carbon steel pans came from Virgin US Steel.
Made right here in the USA. Not recycled, not reclaimed. Virgin. My carbon steel pans started life as sheet.
From there they were cut and hand formed on a buck and smoothed and massaged to perfection.
You will never have the chance to experience what I have. They are not for sale.
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From what I've seen, you have nothing to be jealous of.

Anyone who feels the need to brag about a few old pots and pans who takes them to bed at night obviously is covering for some massive insecurity.

And some mental illness.
What is hilarious is how a thread on the pros and cons of using a cast iron frying pan has made it to 28 pages.
What is hilarious is how a thread on the pros and cons of using a cast iron frying pan has made it to 28 pages.
it is even more hilarious that the gadfly made a claim he found the ultimate carbon steel pan and was "going for the throat" and it never happened.
Gadfly is not serious about his cookware at all. He makes outlandish claims of training and other stuff. His research leaves a lot to be desired.
Gadfly is not scientific as he claims. he will never experience the joys that I have experienced cooking on my carbon steel pans. But then again, no one will, but me.
You can tell the OP of this thread is serious about his pans and he and I both agree, NO to cast iron.
What is hilarious is how a thread on the pros and cons of using a cast iron frying pan has made it to 28 pages.

Seriously. Now we have another nitwit bragging that his food tastes better because he uses home made steel pans from the Virgin Islands.

Nice cookware is a pleasure to have and may make cooking a little easier and hold up longer, but anyone who can actually cook well can produce excellent results no matter what he is cooking with. It is the chef that matters most, not the pots and pans or the stove.

With few exceptions, the choice of cookware is mainly a personal choice as to what you like and works best for you in your kitchen.
^^There goes GADFLY again :abgg2q.jpg: Totally clueless and opinionated.
"Virgin Islands" perhaps we are seeing a dementia patient losing it?
oh well.

Great thread, and I certainly agree NO to cast iron, I agree with the OP.
Must be why you can spend up to $450 for a single cast iron skillet, because they suck so much, huh. Whadda jackass you are. :auiqs.jpg:
I bought my set of three CARBON STEEL PANS approximately 23 years ago for $250 delivered.
When I did have cast iron, it was Lodge. I would not spend 450 on a cast iron "anchor" pan (LOL)
I inherited a Le Creuset from the 1950's. It is not oven safe. I have never used it. It has NO PLACE in my kitchen.
It is in a closet.

perhaps you are losing your mind? :auiqs.jpg:

Kind of like buying a BMW because you think it is good. Marketing.. only a fool spends 450 on a cast iron "anchor"
I stopped being The Food Police a long time ago.

I don't even care if you like beans in your chili or not. What you cook your food on is your business, not mine.

In my old age I have accumulated about every kind of kitchen tool, appliance and utensil that you can imagine.

If you can make good fried taters in a steel pan then god bless you. It makes no difference to me that I use a cast iron pan. I am sure not going to argue with you about it.
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Gadfly is extremely angry right now. understandable. He has been exposed for the hack he truly is.
What a shame as this thread was educational until Gadfly opened his yam.

Just say no to cast iron. So many better options. Do as you may, read carefully. Don't trust Gadfly.
I bought my set of three CARBON STEEL PANS approximately 23 years ago for $250 delivered.

No one gives a fuck what you cook with. Adjusted for inflation, spending $150 apiece for a skillet or pan is about mid-fi now.

Enjoy your homemade cooking pot made by some dirty native in his bare feet, I'm sure that adds to the flavor of the garbage you churn out!
No one gives a fuck what you cook with. Adjusted for inflation, spending $150 apiece for a skillet or pan is about mid-fi now.

Enjoy your homemade cooking pot made by some dirty native in his bare feet, I'm sure that adds to the flavor of the garbage you churn out!

Good Lord what has gotten into you? "bare feet" ? Seriously?
Seriously, is your memory going to mush? I have repeatedly told you my Carbon Steel pans were made in the USA.
Virgin carbon steel as well. The best of the best, for the best (me) :D
I have been using my Carbon Steel pans for 23 or so years, and they will last a lifetime.
The key is knowing how to use them, care for them, and clean and store them.
Cast iron, NO more, no way. Do not recommend.

Carbon steel cookware is considerably lighter and easier to manage than cast iron, responds quickly to heat changes since it’s so thin, and is much tougher than aluminum or stainless cookware — carbon steel can go from a high-power gas burner right into a blazing hot pizza oven, conditions that an aluminum or stainless pan might not survive. And since they’re ferrous, carbon steel pans work fine with induction cooktops (I highly recommend induction) Induction is the best

Also, my cornbread is Award Winning... so you can take that "garbage" statement and sling it out the window.
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And since they’re ferrous, carbon steel pans work fine with induction cooktops

Gee, ferrous, such big boy words now for a little man who has to claim he has the best cookware and food in the world that no one else can match just to make up for having nothing in his pants.

You probably made your pots and pans out of recycled garbage cans.

Tunfish, you doth protest too much. Such overcompensation comes from massive inferiority complex. Get help for your kitchen fantasies.

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