I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Well, no.

I just no longer burn time or effort in "discussing" markets and economics -- my profession for 23+ years -- with people whose opinions are distorted by a hardcore political partisan ideology. You, for example. Or some hardcore left winger.

So, you're free to pretend that your experts are better than others' experts. I don't have to participate.
Yet, here you are 😂
Newsflash, Sparky... that's not what happened that day, and no word-games you can play will distract attention away from that.

Your ignorant, arrogant, traitorous Orange Baboon-God is going down in the criminal law courts. Deservedly so.
That is what happened it really was a MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTEST except for a few over zealous folks lead around by Pelosis goons
It's weird to be so upset over jan incident but not the riots, looting of stores, violence on ordinary citizens.

I care more about the experience and safety of peasants to be honest. Yet when the trouble comes to Washington DC oh noes the end of the world. Yet the whole entire time no big deal Seattle goons and rioters were totally raping pedestrians those same politicians in dc don't care.

A couple cops in la sitting in their car eating lunch shot in the face. Nope no worries no concerns not even a follow up.

But whoa is me the protestors are going to washington dc, they are sick of the bullshit , ohhh lock them all up now.

You see alot of terrorism was going on during that year and nobody was safe I remember a governor saying it was the summer of fun. CHOP: Seattle mayor walks back âsummer of loveâ comment

This all happened before jan. Yet washington dc did not give a shit. So when it suddenly arrived to occupy their space ohh the outrage.

So why weren't the violent protestors locked up? Because washington dc actually supported those terrorists.

Let me guess:

What we know about trump is that he is a convicted rapist, denied housing to blacks, stole money from charities, cheated on all his wives, admitted sexual abuser, serial fraudster, attempted to steal an election, failed coup attempt, multiple indictments, marginal intelligence, limited language skills, etc. Largest increase in Debt in history, only one with less employed people than when started, responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths during the pandemic. His most important supporters are:

1- Marjorie "traitor" Greene- QAnon darling, absolute lack of common sense, intelligence or ideas, incoherent and absurd. Disgusting looks, not someone trump would like to rape.
2- "Gym" Jordan- Batshit crazy and uneducated, accused by multiple rape victims of aiding and abetting his coworker to sexually abuse of students. Agrees with trump in every lie and treasonous attempt.
3- Matt Gaetz- one of trump's biggest brown nosers, lack of any kind of values or dignity, conspiracy theorist, believed to possibly be responsible for minor sex trafficking. Cons: none known.
4- Lauren Boebert- Profoundly stupid (failed GED exam), possibly least educated congressperson in history, conspiracy theorist, Multi-tasker: recorded performing a "hand job", while being groped in public, simultaneously vaping and annoying the hell ouit of people. Trashy, and cheap.
5- Kristi Noem; Pros: election denier, conspiracy theorist, trump brown noser, married and in an adulterous relationship.
NO, you DON'T know that Trump is a convicted rapist (which BTW the word "convicted" has become meaningless in today's "justice" system circus quagmire.)

If Trump denied housing to blacks, it was over half a century ago. Please dont post idiocy.

If you have some proof of Trump stealing money from charites, post it. Otherwise keep quiet.

Cheating on wives is a personal family matter, not one of political concern. If Trump cheated on Melania, that is Trump's business, Melania's business, and none of yours.

Show proof of admission of sexual abuse by Trump. You post things wildly, without any substantiation.

Show proof of any instances of fraud by Trump.

Trump did NOT attempt to steal an election. He attempted to CORRECT an election, that was stolen from him. Don't talk stupid.

There was no coup attempt. All you're doing is repeating the standard lying, left media catchwords.

Multiple indictments all coming from Joe Biden, attempting to stop Trump from running against him, and you're dumb enough to be DUPED by it. :rolleyes:

:puhleeze:Trump's intelligence has been enough to be able to amass a multibillion fortune, own real estate all over the world, and fly around in a multimillion $$$$$$ private jet. And how is your private jet doing these days ? :laugh:

I'd say Trump's language skills are good enough to stand in front of crowds of tens of thousands of supporters, and continue to do these large rallies for years. And your latest rally had ? 6 people (in a laundromat) ?

The large increase on debt came from the Covid pandemic, created and maintained by Democrats (Biden, Obama, NIH, Fauci, Pelosi).

Less employed people than when started is also ramification of the pandemic (again a Democrat thing). You're doing a marvelous job of repeating left-media, BS, propaganda jibberish.

Boy is your brain ever distorted, Trump SAVED hundreds of thousands of lives during the DEMOCRAT pandemic.
  • Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April 2020, to about 2000/week in June 2020. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that the president did..
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & LA.
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for)
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
  • fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
  • Matt Gaetz, Criti Noem, Laueren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene - all top notch, slandered, libeled, patriotic members of Congress, hard at work stopping Democrat lunatics and sex perverts from tearing our county apart, and driving it into a sewer.
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The recession is right now, moron, and it's going to get worse.
Really ? You are a crazy dufus. You don’t even know what constitutes a recession do you ? Look it up. Just the opposite is happening lunatic.
“a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters:”
It works by corrupt & unscrupulous Democrat election officials who CHEAT, whenever they have the chance ( which is most of the time). And don't think Biden wasn't in on it, right from the beginning.

I remember wondering why he chose to sit in his basement and not campaign. I thought about it, and then I said UH OH! This is not gonna be good.
All you have is innuendo and bullshit!
I'd say Trump's language skills are good enough to stand in front of crowds of tens of thousands of supporters, and continue to do these large rallies for years. And your latest rally had ?

Of course Trump is popular with his fellow buffoons…Of course his language skills match that of his audience at his rallies. They are all bat shit crazy.
This coming from the walls don’t work, wheels don’t work and water isn’t wet crowd that voted for and continues to support Biden. Those of us who can think for ourselves take the opinion of that crowd with a HUGE grain of salt.
Word salad
Do you actually think the US would far better if another virus was relea…um…escaped from China under Biden’s leadership? This administrtation would likely use the crisis to push for more green energy policies or add some additional permanent freebees to the docket. Clearly they don’t have a clue how to close our Southern borders, so that would be a disaster. Nothing Biden has done has helped our economy long term, in fact, the economy has been tooling along despite his policies, not because of them, which was to be expected coming out of a huge downturn due to COVID lockdowns.

The current economy sucks if you look at the underlying fundamentals and a recession is still on the horizon. Just because CNN may have told you otherwise doesn’t negate this fact. As the first response to this thread pointed out, people who think Biden is doing a good job only think so because they have been told so by the MSM. It is the same reason they that actually believe that walls don’t work. The mindless masses that vote for Biden only need to be told that everything is fine, reality is irrelevant.
We’ll never know. Liberals are much better prepared for emergencies.
This coming from the walls don’t work
Walls never worked…they don’t even work on a house with out a ceiling dufus. So do you plan on putting a ceiling over the US. Walls/barricades only work with dumb animals…..that pretty much means they work with Humpers. .
  • Funny
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I just no longer burn time or effort in "discussing" markets and economics -- my profession for 23+ years -- with people whose opinions are distorted by a hardcore political partisan ideology. You, for example. Or some hardcore left winger.

I have over 20+ years of experience in my profession, but that doesn't preclude me from listening to alternative opinions. That is what a wise person does, as opposed to just assuming they know it all. Seems to be a fatal flaw among many on the left, including you.

Except there's no proof that this was a "man-made" virus. (In fact, man can't "make" a virus, he can only alter existing viruses, and there's no evidence of that, either.)

Let my guess, you believe the WHO? Have scientists found a virus in bats or any other animal that matches the makeup of COVID-19? The answer is no. They formulated the idea that it was naturally occuring, without evidence, and then act as if the burden of proof is not on them, but on those who believe was not to prove their case. In other words, they've got nothing, but we are supposed to just believe them because they say say. You and others follow along because that is what compliant non-thinkers do.

Well, he told people that maybe we could inject bleach until Drs. Fauci and Blix stared him down like he was some fucking idiot.

But he didn't. If you noticed he said that is up for doctors to deal with. Perhaps he could have been clearer, but that is certainly not his forte'. If anyone took what he said to mean to go out and buy bleach and inject it into themselves then they just weren't too bright. The fact that the left continues to act as if this is what he said or suggested is quite telling about either a) their lack of intellect and/or b) their dishonesty.

No, they didn't. Hey, true story: when Trump got COVID-19, he didn't take HCL or Sheep Dip; he got a treatment with an experimental drug that most of us STILL don't have access to

Yeah, and then there are studies like this:

Study shows hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatments increased coronavirus survival rate by almost three times

Not to mention that many doctors around the country that can attest to the results when given at the right time. Don't think that big pharma and politics didn't play a role in this. That is very ignorant.
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Walls never worked…they don’t even work on a house with out a ceiling dufus. So do you plan on putting a ceiling over the US. Walls/barricades only work with dumb animals…..that pretty much means they work with Humpers. .

LOL..hey genius, the appropriate border wall would be difficult to traverse and slows people down. Coupled with cameras, this can alert authorities that an area of the wall is being breached and give them time to respond. As it is, there is no alert and there is no breaching of anything, people just walk/swim across the border. This isn't rocket science, but for lefties, it may as well be.

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