I want the military at all of Drumpf's events.

You're advocating a military police state?


That made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Because you're too stupid to realize what you posted would be that, a military police state.
--------------------------------------- the awe that is supposed to be induced because of a military uniform is what I object to . As already said , on duty police are doing their jobs as public servants . There is no need for an orchestrated authoritarian military presence in civilian society .

Why do you hate the military?
has nothing to do with Hate , my thinking has to do with putting military and all other public servants in their proper place as being taxpayer paid Servants to the American people SwimExpert !!
Maybe not to you, but you can't make it out to the deep end of the pool. The military has no legal authority. Cops are there and they are doing the job and throwing the scumbags out. I'd like to see them arrested though.

Where did I say anything about legal authority? I said that I want to see people who are willing to defend the people and the rights stated in the constitution. It takes no legal authority to step in and tell people that if you want to fight someone speaking their mind, you have to go through me first.
Maybe not to you, but you can't make it out to the deep end of the pool. The military has no legal authority. Cops are there and they are doing the job and throwing the scumbags out. I'd like to see them arrested though.

Where did I say anything about legal authority? I said that I want to see people who are willing to defend the people and the rights stated in the constitution. It takes no legal authority to step in and tell people that if you want to fight someone speaking their mind, you have to go through me first.
Get your ass out there and do it. The military is not your political tool. Stop cowering behind it.
Maybe not to you, but you can't make it out to the deep end of the pool. The military has no legal authority. Cops are there and they are doing the job and throwing the scumbags out. I'd like to see them arrested though.

Where did I say anything about legal authority? I said that I want to see people who are willing to defend the people and the rights stated in the constitution. It takes no legal authority to step in and tell people that if you want to fight someone speaking their mind, you have to go through me first.
-------------------------------------- that job is the job of ALL Americans , civilians in particular , government authorities , soldiers or kings men are not special Swimexpert .
------------------------------ well , whats the reason for military uniform if not to show some kinda authority SwimExpert ??

Not for the sake of implying authority. To show that they are the true, professional badasses among the American people. Don't you think you'd think twice about sucker punching someone if they turned out to be a Marine, surrounded by their brothers and sisters in arms?
You're advocating a military police state?


That made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Because you're too stupid to realize what you posted would be that, a military police state.

No, he's not. He's referring to a volunteer group from the military: "a group of service men and women out there who are willing to strap on their uniforms and make it their mission..."

Volunteers have no arrest powers. Sit down

I'm placing you under citizens arrest for being a dingbat.

That said, I think it would be neat to merge Cruz rallies with Drumpf rallies, and hand out pistols at the door, to kinda weed out the herd.
threads like this are why I dislike the elevation of public servants to special people and status called 'first responders' . That special designation gives some / MOST Americans the excuse to sit on their azzes rather that doing their jobs as citizens .
Maybe not to you, but you can't make it out to the deep end of the pool. The military has no legal authority. Cops are there and they are doing the job and throwing the scumbags out. I'd like to see them arrested though.

Where did I say anything about legal authority? I said that I want to see people who are willing to defend the people and the rights stated in the constitution. It takes no legal authority to step in and tell people that if you want to fight someone speaking their mind, you have to go through me first.
Get your ass out there and do it. The military is not your political tool. Stop cowering behind it.

So, protecting the American people and free speech is a political agenda? Gee, all this time I thought it was just old fashioned good.
Maybe not to you, but you can't make it out to the deep end of the pool. The military has no legal authority. Cops are there and they are doing the job and throwing the scumbags out. I'd like to see them arrested though.

Where did I say anything about legal authority? I said that I want to see people who are willing to defend the people and the rights stated in the constitution. It takes no legal authority to step in and tell people that if you want to fight someone speaking their mind, you have to go through me first.
Get your ass out there and do it. The military is not your political tool. Stop cowering behind it.

So, protecting the American people and free speech is a political agenda? Gee, all this time I thought it was just old fashioned good.
I am just saying you're a coward.
Maybe not to you, but you can't make it out to the deep end of the pool. The military has no legal authority. Cops are there and they are doing the job and throwing the scumbags out. I'd like to see them arrested though.

Where did I say anything about legal authority? I said that I want to see people who are willing to defend the people and the rights stated in the constitution. It takes no legal authority to step in and tell people that if you want to fight someone speaking their mind, you have to go through me first.
You don't need the military or uniform for that. Plus, if the hall or venue was rented it's a private affair, they can have anyone show you the door.
has nothing to do with Hate , my thinking has to do with putting military and all other public servants in their proper place as being taxpayer paid Servants to the American people SwimExpert !!

That's why I would want to see it only as a group of willing volunteers who want to demonstrate the highest ideals of the United States military of professionalism, maturity, and defending the right of all Americans to peaceably assemble and speak their minds.
Maybe not to you, but you can't make it out to the deep end of the pool. The military has no legal authority. Cops are there and they are doing the job and throwing the scumbags out. I'd like to see them arrested though.

Where did I say anything about legal authority? I said that I want to see people who are willing to defend the people and the rights stated in the constitution. It takes no legal authority to step in and tell people that if you want to fight someone speaking their mind, you have to go through me first.
Get your ass out there and do it. The military is not your political tool. Stop cowering behind it.

So, protecting the American people and free speech is a political agenda? Gee, all this time I thought it was just old fashioned good.
I am just saying you're a coward.


Well, if wanting civility of discussion instead of protesting violence makes me a coward, then sure.
Maybe not to you, but you can't make it out to the deep end of the pool. The military has no legal authority. Cops are there and they are doing the job and throwing the scumbags out. I'd like to see them arrested though.

Where did I say anything about legal authority? I said that I want to see people who are willing to defend the people and the rights stated in the constitution. It takes no legal authority to step in and tell people that if you want to fight someone speaking their mind, you have to go through me first.
Get your ass out there and do it. The military is not your political tool. Stop cowering behind it.

So, protecting the American people and free speech is a political agenda? Gee, all this time I thought it was just old fashioned good.
You are struggling for some traction. People have always been removed for showing their ass at an event.
has nothing to do with Hate , my thinking has to do with putting military and all other public servants in their proper place as being taxpayer paid Servants to the American people SwimExpert !!

That's why I would want to see it only as a group of willing volunteers who want to demonstrate the highest ideals of the United States military of professionalism, maturity, and defending the right of all Americans to peaceably assemble and speak their minds.
How is it peaceful if some jackass thinks his opposing views are so important he shuts yours down?
You are struggling for some traction. People have always been removed for showing their ass at an event.

No, you're just not understanding the point. You're right that people get removed. But that's reactive. I'd like to see something more pro-active.

The whole problem here is that the Trump campaign has been a lightening rod for rabble. Trump spouts rabble rousing nonsense, and the result is that the rabble get themselves aroused. You collect a bunch of hotheads and you get an explosion. How many punches have been thrown? How many arguments have boiled over to being within half a heartbeat of fisticuffs?

When a couple hotheads start to show their asses I think it might be better and more effective at keeping preserving the peace if some volunteer service members jump in the middle and let both hotheads know that if you want to fight that other guy, you have to go through a wall of Marines, soldiers, and sailors.
How is it peaceful if some jackass thinks his opposing views are so important he shuts yours down?

That is why I want to see the military volunteers there. To keep the peace. They're not there to be on Trump's side. They're not there to be on the anti-Trump side. They're there to be on the side of protecting the American people and preserving the right that both parties have to peaceably assemble and speak their minds. Someone who can say "I don't care if you love Trump or hate him. I don't care if you stay or if you leave. You can be here if you want, you can say whatever you want. But if you're going to throw punches at that other guy, you're going to have to come through me and my crew first. Your call."
has nothing to do with Hate , my thinking has to do with putting military and all other public servants in their proper place as being taxpayer paid Servants to the American people SwimExpert !!

That's why I would want to see it only as a group of willing volunteers who want to demonstrate the highest ideals of the United States military of professionalism, maturity, and defending the right of all Americans to peaceably assemble and speak their minds.
------------------------------- don't need the military
You are struggling for some traction. People have always been removed for showing their ass at an event.

No, you're just not understanding the point. You're right that people get removed. But that's reactive. I'd like to see something more pro-active.

The whole problem here is that the Trump campaign has been a lightening rod for rabble. Trump spouts rabble rousing nonsense, and the result is that the rabble get themselves aroused. You collect a bunch of hotheads and you get an explosion. How many punches have been thrown? How many arguments have boiled over to being within half a heartbeat of fisticuffs?

When a couple hotheads start to show their asses I think it might be better and more effective at keeping preserving the peace if some volunteer service members jump in the middle and let both hotheads know that if you want to fight that other guy, you have to go through a wall of Marines, soldiers, and sailors.
------------------------------------------- sounds like you want the uniform as a way to intimidate and I said that earlier SwimExpert !!
I wonder if there are a group of service men and women out there who are willing to strap on their uniforms and make it their mission to start attending all of Trump's events with the precise purpose to defend the American people and their rights as enshrined in the US constitution.

I'd like to see them holding signs that read "We will defend to the death the US constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic." I'd like to see them insert themselves right in the middle whenever hooligans start causing a commotion. I'd like to see them surround and protect anyone who is escorted out for causing problems. I'd like to see all the rabble rousers, both pro-Trump and anti-Trump, look our military straight in the eye and even try to get off a sucker punch. I'd like to see Drumpf look them straight in the eye when he talks about using the office of President of the United States to order war crimes.

And then we'll see who the tough guys really are.

Rallies, Town Halls, and Meetings. You CAN attend a political rally or event as a spectator. You CANNOT wear your uniform to the rally. You CANNOT speak in front of the rally.

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That's why they go with the signs I described. They're not going to support the candidate, nor oppose him. They're going there to protect the American people and each person's constitutional right to peaceably assemble and speak their minds.
------------------------------------------- sounds like you want the uniform as a way to intimidate and I said that earlier SwimExpert !!

Eh, I suppose. But more that I want the uniform to be a demonstration of professionalism, maturity, and what true courage looks like.

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