CDZ I want to present this in this forum hopefully to get some real dialogue

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This question is for all of you.

Do you agree with RL that, “The coronavirus is the common cold, folks." but the “governments are eager, almost, to chalk up as many deaths to coronavirus as they can because then it furthers the policies they have put in place”??????????
No, it's a strain of the flu- had you actually read all I've said about it you wouldn't be trying to be so cute.
Yes, I believe it's being exploited for policies. I don't know if gov't's are eager, but I believe they have a deeply held belief which is contrary to Liberty. Our entire History bears that out.
So when will you comprehend that it as bad as the President of the United States of America constantly says it is?
When the US gov't admits the lies of the past (particularly about JFK and 9/11 as starting points) and punishes itself for lying to cover it's collective ass I'll believe what is "official" and publicly. IF it "Declares" a return to constitutional rules, as written, not intentionally misinterpreted, then *maybe*. Not. One. Second. Before.

If the USG said, "officially", the sky is blue, I would look to the sky, on an uncloudy day, for confirmation.
14#266 reply to 14#265
It makes NO difference. It is, as I said, a strain of flu.

I wonder if Correll agrees with you.

A domestic house cat and a wild Bengal tiger are both felines so therefore it makes no difference that one of the species could easily kill humans while the other would maybe like to kill humans but can’t.

So if you Gdjjr were to encounter the larger of the two you would take no mitigation steps to avoid being mangled and ripped to shreds by tooth and claw. You would treat the encounter the same as if you would your sisters’ house cat.

Is that right?

And if the GOVERNMENT put out a warning that a ferocious tiger escaped from the zoo and was last seen in your neighborhood and to stay indoors, you would not heed the advice until your government tells you the truth about the assassination of JFK.

I think I understand you correctly.
14#261 reply to 13#260
I don't think that the coronavirus is the common cold. I don't know that it is as bad as it is being made out.

So when will you comprehend that it as bad as the President of the United States of America constantly says it is? He days Governnent Inaction would mean up 2.2 million American deaths.

When it is over and we have some time to not only crunch the numbers but to check the numbers and to compare them to the "control" nations that did not react strongly.

AND if the comparisons support your scenario.
14#264 reply to 14#263
No, it's a strain of the flu-

Very well. You are a bit smarter than

LETS see how much smarter,

Is C19 a seasonal flu virus or a novel flu virus?

CAN you explain the difference?
COVID-19 alert
Common questions

Is the coronavirus disease more severe than the flu?
COVID-19 causes more severe disease than seasonal influenza.

While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.

Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.

14#270 reply to 14#267 re: when will Correll comprehend that it is bad.

When it is over and we have some time to not only crunch the numbers but to check the numbers and to compare them to the "control" nations that did not react strongly.

Following the outbreak of the C19 Pandemic in NYC was it appropriate for the mayor and Governor to request FEMA to provide forty makeshift morgues or should they have waited until you and your fellow liberty police get some free time, when it is overto crunch the numbers?
Gdjjr read the following and learn the primary difference between a novel flu virus and a seasonal flu virus:

While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity.
Faun do you think there is any hope of bringing these people back from the alternative reality they have created that ignorance is vlrtue?

I asked “Is C19 a seasonal flu virus or a novel flu virus?

. It makes NO difference. It is, as I said, a strain of flu.
@Faun do you think there is any hope of bringing these people back from the alternative reality they have created that ignorance is vlrtue?

Do you think you could possibly dislodge your cranium from your large intestine w/out the jaws of life Mr fool?

A little anecdotal history might help, i did 3 decades in ems, multiple pandemics, HIV, MERES, SARS ,SWINE , EBOLA, and was exposed multiple times in the line of duty

So please tell me just what 'alternative reality' you think i'm living?

13 Post #259

TRUMP says it all the time; “Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million [dead Americans] people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,”

Limbaugh said Feb. 24 on his radio show: "It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump," I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

NFBW April 12: Limbaugh was dead wrong but in an attempt to keep his dittohead frump base in “deer in the headlights” line he found this shining object for them. Dr, James Lee.

Limbaugh said APRIL 02 “.what if we are recording a bunch of deaths to coronavirus which really should not be chalked up to coronavirus? People die on this planet every day from a wide variety of things. But because the coronavirus is out there, got everybody paranoid, governments are eager, almost, to chalk up as many deaths to coronavirus as they can because then it furthers the policies they have put in place by virtue of their models.” Random Thoughts to Open the Program

. For one thing, Rush isn't so much hyper-partisan as much as simply honest how wrong the Left really are. And he is right, the evidence supports the fact that this has been deliberately blown out of proportion by not only how many good things we have gotten wrong, but the number of wrong and ineffective things they have mandated! There is no doubt now that they want this pandemic to appear as bad and as large as they can.

I want to talk about intellectual honesty.

That's the democrat plan and it has been the democrat plan since 1966

The Liberals have tried to blow this Pandemic out of proportion in the hopes of getting everybody pissed off to the point they distrust the government and the people running it, no matter what they do.

This is why the issue of what they died of and the area you're coving is important to know. Otherwise the numbers become skewed, resources are wasted, and people become unsympathetic and unaffected about the information presented.

3 And I want numbers for anyone that died WITH the flu, cause I would bet money that that is the count we are getting for convid 19.

- this is all media bullshit because they don't like Trump and will sell their souls just to be able to hate him publicly

This question is for all of you.

Do you agree with RL that, “The coronavirus is the common cold, folks." but the “governments are eager, almost, to chalk up as many deaths to coronavirus as they can because then it furthers the policies they have put in place”??????????
Just calculated that as of now, your odds of dying from Covid are just slightly more likely than being killed by a direct lightning strike. What if everytime there was a thunderstorm, they closed everything and ordered you in your house under threat of punishment, would you think that a little excessive?

This question is for all of you.

Do you agree with RL that, “The coronavirus is the common cold, folks." but the “governments are eager, almost, to chalk up as many deaths to coronavirus as they can because then it furthers the policies they have put in place”??????????

Very well. You are a bit smarter than

LETS see how much smarter,

Is C19 a seasonal flu virus or a novel flu virus?

CAN you explain the difference?


What makes it any more "novel" than being a flu that the 'good doctors' didn't vaccinate for that year?

If it's a flu going around that 'good doctors' didn't vaccinate for that year doesn't that make it a "novel" flu and shouldn't we declare a state of pandemic emergency and lock everybody down then also?


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14#278 reply to 14#275 re: “irrational fear of govt tyranny overrides saving millions of lives”
So please tell me just what 'alternative reality' you think i'm living?

Here’s one I believe you subscribe to. Gub’Mit / If you Do nothing - most of us will survive.

03 Post #61
We lived through 9/11, and saw Gub'Mit powers grow

So to assume that this is happening again is no stretch of imagination

You bring up living through 9/11. That’s an ignorance based comparison. More than that the Gub’MIT safeguards to maintain freedom to travel by air IN SAFETY must be applauded, not feared. Your alternative reality that the Gub’MIT mitigation during this pandemic leads to tyranny is whacky at best, but deadly at most.
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Your alternative reality that the Gub’MIT mitigation during this pandemic leads to tyranny is whacky at best, but deadly at most.

Really, then you've a lot to 'splain Mr Fool

But then so many of us are fat/happy with Gub'Mit intervention, oversight, enforcement, regulation , legislation and investigation(s) trashing our quaint constitution it makes me want to puke

And why?

Because so many of you scared rabbits are willing to bow to jackboots, and throw the constitution under the bus, for 'temporary security'

You disgust me claiming you're a citizen of America

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