Zone1 I Would Not Want to Be The Little Sister of Jesus

Ever refer to a friend as sister who wasn’t your sister?

No, I've had a couple of friends that were like sisters to me but I didn't actually call them that. Now answer the question. Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus' brothers and sisters weren't actually His brothers and sisters.
No, I've had a couple of friends that were like sisters to me but I didn't actually call them that. Now answer the question. Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus' brothers and sisters weren't actually His brothers and sisters.
Well I have and I’ve seen others do it as well, sister.
No, I've had a couple of friends that were like sisters to me but I didn't actually call them that. Now answer the question. Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus' brothers and sisters weren't actually His brothers and sisters.
I’m sure if you do some google searches you will find a counter argument to your belief.
ding in other words you don't have an actual answer?
I do but it would be a waste of my time arguing it with you. I’ve already given the definitive answer. Jesus put his disciple in Charge of his mother’s care. That would not have been necessary or proper if he had a brother. That wasn’t good enough for you. But it is the slam dunk answer.
Ever refer to a friend as sister who wasn’t your sister?
To give you the benefit of the doubt, that actually works.
But you have to admit that it's weak for you.

Is that your official position in defense of the bibles or the Catholic church?
Or are you going to start not taking a position, as Meriweather appears to be doing?
To give you the benefit of the doubt, that actually works.
But you have to admit that it's weak for you.

Is that your official position in defense of the bibles or the Catholic church?
Or are you going to start not taking a position, as Meriweather appears to be doing?

For once I agree with you. Catholics tend to go making things up that has absolutely nothing to do with scripture.
To give you the benefit of the doubt, that actually works.
But you have to admit that it's weak for you.

Is that your official position in defense of the bibles or the Catholic church?
Or are you going to start not taking a position, as Meriweather appears to be doing?
Except the first answer was ignored.
I already did. Go back and read it again and tell me why Jesus put his disciple John in charge of caring for his mother?

Who knows? But until you can base your argument on scripture then you don't have a real argument.
ding in other words you don't have an actual answer?
Ding, like Meriweather doesn't need to have an answer if he's taken the same position as Meriweather.

Personally, I've never wanted to attain any greater accomplishment than having the Catholics just remaining non-committal on all the contradictions contained in their bibles and their churches. It's obviously never been possible anyway.
For once I agree with you. Catholics tend to go making things up that has absolutely nothing to do with scripture.
It's not for me or you to decide if they make things up, but we do have an important place in not allowing them to wear two hats and change them at their leisure. And especially not Meriweather's notions of jesus having half-brothers and half-sisters, which is impossible of course. I think he walked that back.
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It's not for me or you to decide if they make things up, but we do have an important place in now allowing them to wear two hats and change them at their leisure. And especially not Meriweather's notions of jesus having half-brothers and half-sisters, which is impossible of course. I think he walked that back.
I’ll start making a list of things to debate you in the bullring.

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