Idea On Voting In Federal Elections, Do You Agree?

I was posting in a thread and my light bulb came on for a voting proposal, which is this:

First, you have to be 18 or older and a US citizen, as well as some other restrictions already on the books. Second, you can only vote in federal elections if you pay federal income taxes. This seems fair to me since a large part of what we are voting for is in how our tax dollars are spent, so, only those actually paying those taxes should decide how they are spent. Those paying no federal income taxes shouldn't get a say in how the tax dollars paid by tax payers is spent.

This should please leftists because they claim many of the rich don't pay federal income taxes or that the rich don't pay their fair share, leaving the voting mostly in the hands of the tax payers who are paying the taxes (the little guys), right?
No ward of the state should get to vote. That is perfectly fair.
You need to prove it is right, dumbass!
Yeah? That's a tough one.

Trump paid no income tax in 2020 and under Indy's proposal would not be allowed to vote.

Oh on a side note that search turned this up on the old Orange Grumpyone too.

The IRS did not audit Trump during his presidency's first 2 years​

In both 2017 and 2020, the former president reported no taxable income on his personal, joint return with wife Melania Trump.
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People don't vote for free stuff. They may vote for people who get them free stuff, but your statement is flat-out wrong.
Disagree, they vote for the candidate yes, but in the end, it's the free stuff they get that means they have nothing to do but sit on their arse and collect that they vote for
Hey, I think mentally handicapped people need to be represented in Congress. That's why we have Marjorie Space Laser Greene and Lauren Wonton Boebert.
Everything you posted would require a constitutional amendment. Those ideas would never pass as they are unamerican.

In 2023, I will likely not pay any federal income tax because I am retired and have a low income. Why do you propose to strip me of my right to vote? You didn't not think this through, or you are a proponent of tyranny.
You're right. I didn't think that one through.
One thing is for sure. People with no skin in the game will likely have major conflicts of interest to

A. simply vote for whoever gives them more sh*t… even if it harms others and the country.

B. simply bring down the people they are envious of and angry at for their success/power.. tear the system down because it’s not fair.

To me it’s human behavior 101.

What constitues having skin in the game?

According to the OP of this thread, being a parent and raising your children is not worthy of a vote.

I would argue they have more skin in the game than some 18 year working a part time job.
Why do you keep posting this, when you know it is a lie?
What part is a lie? The rich people pay more taxes than the poor do. I was just giving the lefties a chance to jump on my proposal. But, they won't because they know the rich pay most all of the income taxes collected. There is no lie about that.

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