Idea On Voting In Federal Elections, Do You Agree?

It really isn't my plan. The thread was to open discussion and fish out the lefties on this forum who claim the rich pay no taxes. If they really believed that then they should go for this plan. But, they don't, because they know the rich do pay taxes. Not only do they pay taxes, they pay most of the taxes. So, I thought it was funny when one of his questions was if you get one vote for every dollar in taxes you pay. The left surely wouldn't want that.

So, you were just trolling.


Hope you had fun with it.
You said the rich don't pay taxes and that the poor pay more taxes than the rich do. I proved you wrong.

You're getting the stupid argument that people make about the rich and taxes wrong. The super rich dont pay income tax. Which is true because many of them dont make an "income" as defined by the tax code. Or at least not much of one. People like Warren Buffet dont take a salary from their companies. That doenst mean they dont pay taxes. Elon Musk's salary was zero dollars in 2020. But he takes huge amounts in stock options. When he sells those stocks he pays huge amounts in capital gains.

At least have some idea what you're blathering about.
You're getting the stupid argument that people make about the rich and taxes wrong. The super rich dont pay income tax. Which is true because many of them dont make an "income" as defined by the tax code. Or at least not much of one. People like Warren Buffet dont take a salary from their companies. That doenst mean they dont pay taxes. Elon Musk's salary was zero dollars in 2020. But he takes huge amounts in stock options. When he sells those stocks he pays huge amounts in capital gains.

At least have some idea what you're blathering about.
I do. The rich pay almost all of the income taxes collected. I even posted a link proving it. But, the left are fact deniers.
One thing is for sure. People with no skin in the game will likely have major conflicts of interest to

A. simply vote for whoever gives them more sh*t… even if it harms others and the country.

B. simply bring down the people they are envious of and angry at for their success/power.. tear the system down because it’s not fair.

To me it’s human behavior 101.
I was posting in a thread and my light bulb came on for a voting proposal, which is this:

First, you have to be 18 or older and a US citizen, as well as some other restrictions already on the books. Second, you can only vote in federal elections if you pay federal income taxes. This seems fair to me since a large part of what we are voting for is in how our tax dollars are spent, so, only those actually paying those taxes should decide how they are spent. Those paying no federal income taxes shouldn't get a say in how the tax dollars paid by tax payers is spent.

This should please leftists because they claim many of the rich don't pay federal income taxes or that the rich don't pay their fair share, leaving the voting mostly in the hands of the tax payers who are paying the taxes (the little guys), right?
Everything you posted would require a constitutional amendment. Those ideas would never pass as they are unamerican.

In 2023, I will likely not pay any federal income tax because I am retired and have a low income. Why do you propose to strip me of my right to vote? You didn't not think this through, or you are a proponent of tyranny.
That's an idea, but not a good one. In order to get more people to buy in, you have to include PAYROLL taxes (SS and Medicare). Almost half of American citizens pay NO F.I.T., and you can't disenfranchise half the country. But you could argue that if you are not working, you don't get to vote. This would disenfranchise a lot of retired people, but who cares.

The second requirement would be that you have to pass the same simple Civics test that applicants for U.S. citizenship have to pass in order to be naturalized - IN ENGLISH!.

Unconstitutional. I thought you were a lawyer.

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