If Az is shown to have cheated...then what?

Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
Sadly it would not change the outcome of the election

But it would help to prevent future democrat cheating
I don't understand why it would not change the outcome.

Because that's not how our laws and our election system work.

If we could prove that the Biden campaign itself had some knowledge of and collusion in malfeasance in Arizona, then we could impeach him, not that that's an improvement.
Democrats would never impeach Biden, even if we had video of him him barbecuing a child on the capitol steps.
Everything is warped. All is upside down. Cities being burned, the perps released to continue doing it. A man in the white house that should be in a mental ward. Crooked people in control. Lies everywhere. Media involvement. The destruction of freedom of speech. Cheating.

If someone cheats on their taxes and they get caught, they are punished. Some don't get punished at all. Business as usual. But to MAYBE cheat to win an election for POTUS is treason. Period. Wash it any way you want to, it's still treason.

If Trump cheated in 2016, the same applies. He is removed and the running mate put in the WH. If Biden & Co cheated, same deal. Why should our nation suffer the consequences in either case? It's illegal. Against all we supposedly stand for. So WHY, if cheating is proven, would not the person that cheated not be removed? It's false. All of it is false. And those responsible/involved should be behind bars.

No Gracie, everything is right side up. The guy who belongs in the mental ward is now living in Mar-a-lago. The crooked people got voted out of office, and the lies have ended. It you're hearing lies, it's only because you're listening to Donald Trump.

You seem incapable of discerning the truth tellers from the liars. Time to wake up and stop listening to Donald Trump and those who enable his lies. Donald Trump attempted an authoritarian take over of the USA. In almost any other country in the world, he would have be shot on January 6th for treason. He would not have remained in the White House for another day.

There were 3 prior recounts/audits in Arizona and few irregularities were found. Recounts in more than a half dozen states confirmed Biden's victory. Every state in the Union certified their election results, and 53 court cases involving more than 90 judges from all sides, some even appointed by Trump, all confirmed that Donald Trump had no case.

Trump didn't even try to claim the election was "stolen" in the courts. He tried to claim that ballots from the large, urban, predominently black cities, should not be counted. Trump is the guy who cheated. Who tried to sabotage the US postal system to prevent mail-in ballots.

Trump tried to steal the election, and failed. And then he tried to litigate a win and failed. And then he tried to overthrow the government and kill all of the leaders, and that failed.

When are you going to see the reality of who the traitor is here?
Hogwash. You are self projecting.
And for the record, I do not follow Trump. I liked what he did for our country, though. Am I a "deplorable"? Probably. Would I vote for him again? Certainly. Funny how I go with what is right for this nation and not back someone totally against us but I and those like me are the ones that are listening to lies? You see it right in front of your face....but you STILL back up that retard sitting in the oval office. His brain is MUSH. But, you are partisan and thats all that matters..even if it means our country goes down in flames you STILL will defend him and your party.

Get a clue. Now you are going back on ignore.

NO Gracie. I'm not even an American. I'm standing on the other side of the border, watching Donald Trump systemically destroy the country, crash the economy, and kill 600,000 American citizens with the worst pandemic response in world histroy.

This is not just MY opinion, it is the opinion of leaders around the world, people around the world, and more than 81 million Americans.

YOU are not only in a very small minority of Americans who still believe in Trump.

Well, at least you admit that you're meddling in things that are none of your business, in a country which is profoundly grateful you aren't in it. Too bad that you're too piss-stupid to realize how laughable you sound.

Do you think that you insults are somehow harming me or making me feel bad? I read this shit you post and I think to myself, what a nasty, unhappy woman. Projecting her self loathing and hatred of humanity onto others.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are four others pointing back at you. Anyone who believes Donald Trump at this point is either the most gullible and trusting fool in the world, or they desperately want an authoritarian white supremacist government.

Neither makes you a good example to others. Stupid and gullible, or racist and anti-democratic. My choices are always well informed and voting for the best interests of the country. You've demonstrated in spades that you can't do either.

I know you're a leftist, and therefore automatically a narcissist with a vastly-inflated and totally undeserved ego, but everything isn't about you. In fact, nothing whatsoever is about you, because you're just a particularly noxious vapor floating past, like the smell around a slaughterhouse.

Pointing out that you're a foreign meddler from a non-entity country who spends all your time trying to lecture other countries on how they should run things to meet your approval, as if anyone would want that, is for the purpose of notifying anyone who doesn't already know to ignore you as the ignorant Canadian couch heifer you are.

And just so you know, everything you say after the first punctuation mark is an utter waste of time, Bessie, because you don't warrant reading any farther. Now go mooooo at your fellow nobodies in America's Hat.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
Sadly it would not change the outcome of the election

But it would help to prevent future democrat cheating
I don't understand why it would not change the outcome.

Because that's not how our laws and our election system work.

If we could prove that the Biden campaign itself had some knowledge of and collusion in malfeasance in Arizona, then we could impeach him, not that that's an improvement.
Democrats would never impeach Biden, even if we had video of him him barbecuing a child on the capitol steps.

Quite true.
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Agreed! These poor folks just have to be humiliated by the Trumpsters.

At least they said something!
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?

That will never happen. No one is listening. Normal people know this is a clown circus. The fact that the ballots are being stored near the urinals is fitting.
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Too bad nothing will ever come of the audit, because Trump has already said the database has been wiped out. Case closed, right? Not according to local (R)officials who said it wasn't true, so why should we believe anything coming out of the "Stop the Steal" camp?
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Agreed! These poor folks just have to be humiliated by the Trumpsters.

At least they said something!
They humiliated themselves.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
That will never happen. No one is listening. Normal people know this is a clown circus. The fact that the ballots are being stored near the urinals is fitting.
Maybe that's what happened to the database, they used it for toilet paper. Silly Trumpistas!
Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?
Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.
View attachment 490720
And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Considering the lack of ballot security, I don't think the chain of custody has been kept, rendering any conclusions extremely dubious.
So, back to my question then...
I think I've already answered it. No ballot security, no valid conclusions. Trump even shit on the results by saying a database had been wiped. If true, that would make any results suspect. If false, as The Republican who runs the county election system said, it proves the exercise is a fraud.
So, bring in a group that could be trusted by both sides.
Those were the original poll watchers that had both Democratic and Republican members. What's going on now is just a dog-and-pony show that impresses the faithful, but no one else.
You mean the ones that were kicked out?
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Too bad nothing will ever come of the audit, because Trump has already said the database has been wiped out. Case closed, right? Not according to local (R)officials who said it wasn't true, so why should we believe anything coming out of the "Stop the Steal" camp?
Great fun watching that Republican election official shoving that latest lie from Trump down his orange throat.
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Too bad nothing will ever come of the audit, because Trump has already said the database has been wiped out. Case closed, right? Not according to local (R)officials who said it wasn't true, so why should we believe anything coming out of the "Stop the Steal" camp?
Great fun watching that Republican election official shoving that latest lie from Trump down his orange throat.
What "lie?"
Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?

Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.

View attachment 490720
And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Depends on what that "something" is, but yes. That investigation would emd up in the courts more than likely and that'll determine if that something has merit.

Considering what has happened to all the other "somethings" I would guess no.

I will however flip the question. If no fraud is found, would you accept that result?

Seems to me that that is the problem in this case and all the other claims of irregularities in the last election cycle. No matter how many rulings, audits, election boards, statements from the DOJ and even lawyers for Trump flat out state that there was no widespread fraud. None of you seem willing to accept that conclusion.
That is a tricky one. We don't trust you anymore than you trust us. Why should we trust democrats? Especially after the last four years of incoherent attack mode. I don't even think most democrats believed all the Russia nonsense. People on both sides are through taking the other side's word for it.
No, the problem is not that you don't take Democrats' word for it. The problem is that you don't take anyone's word for it. That's the point I was making.

Look partisanship is a thing. (I think it's not an equal comparison but ok). This goes way beyond partisanship tough. The judges that dismissed all those election challenges were nominated by BOTH parties. The election was administered by both parties. There was one person claiming voter fraud happened in court. Sidney Powell the only lawyer that actually went into court actually claiming voter fraud asserted her allegations weren't reasonable when confronted with a defamation suit. Bill Barr, most definitely not a Democrat stated there was no widespread voter fraud. This county being audited was audited 2 times before. The county election board is led by Republicans. They think this is ridiculous.

This is NOT a Democrat versus Republican thing. This is simply a matter of being able to accept facts when presented with them.
That is an interesting point. I can tell you I have major trust issues after the past four years. The DOJ is not exactly a beacon of good behavior. Personally, I would need a full audit, not recount, of all the votes, not just the ones republicans lost. No cherry picking. It would take a lot to restore my faith in voting. I honestly don't know who could be considered truthful to determine if the audit was legit, or the results of the audit were legit. It is that bad. I know you don't want to go into partisanship, but the people in power have no incentive to reassure people that elections are transparent and above board.
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Too bad nothing will ever come of the audit, because Trump has already said the database has been wiped out. Case closed, right? Not according to local (R)officials who said it wasn't true, so why should we believe anything coming out of the "Stop the Steal" camp?
Great fun watching that Republican election official shoving that latest lie from Trump down his orange throat.
What "lie?"
Um, that the Maricopa County database had been erased.

The GOP election official debunked that one with great ease.

You probably weren't told about this in your universe.
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Too bad nothing will ever come of the audit, because Trump has already said the database has been wiped out. Case closed, right? Not according to local (R)officials who said it wasn't true, so why should we believe anything coming out of the "Stop the Steal" camp?
Great fun watching that Republican election official shoving that latest lie from Trump down his orange throat.
What "lie?"
Um, that the Maricopa County database had been erased.

The GOP election official debunked that one with great ease.

You probably weren't told about this in your universe.
How does that prove nothing will come of this audit?
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Too bad nothing will ever come of the audit, because Trump has already said the database has been wiped out. Case closed, right? Not according to local (R)officials who said it wasn't true, so why should we believe anything coming out of the "Stop the Steal" camp?
Great fun watching that Republican election official shoving that latest lie from Trump down his orange throat.
What "lie?"
Um, that the Maricopa County database had been erased.

The GOP election official debunked that one with great ease.

You probably weren't told about this in your universe.
How does that prove nothing will come of this audit?
I didn't say that it did.

But I'm very disappointed you didn't just deny the whole story. That your King lied.

THAT would have been GREAT fun!
This just gets worse. Arizona Republicans are humiliated and fighting back.
Too bad they have no authority over the audit.
Too bad nothing will ever come of the audit, because Trump has already said the database has been wiped out. Case closed, right? Not according to local (R)officials who said it wasn't true, so why should we believe anything coming out of the "Stop the Steal" camp?
Great fun watching that Republican election official shoving that latest lie from Trump down his orange throat.
What "lie?"
Um, that the Maricopa County database had been erased.

The GOP election official debunked that one with great ease.

You probably weren't told about this in your universe.
How does that prove nothing will come of this audit?
I didn't say that it did.

But I'm very disappointed you didn't just deny the whole story. That your King lied.

THAT would have been GREAT fun!
I don't really know what he said, but it doesn't matter. No matter what Trump said, it doesn't debunk the audit.

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