If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

It's called political ignorance.
So...the new Republican position is that black voters are ignorant

They already know that is how the party feels and that they pander to racists

That is absolutely the case. I don't know any black person that takes the slightest interest in politics. The closest they come is repeating something they've heard from MSM or perhaps what they heard from their family or friends. The small percentage of blacks that do follow politics are usually (or turn to) Republicans.

Let's face it, you really have to have a passion to follow and understand politics; something not a lot of blacks will dedicate the time to. And yes, we political junkies do spend much of our waking moments reading and discussing politics. And BTW, the word "ignorant" is not a derogatory term. It simply means not knowledgable of a subject. We are all ignorant of something.
What an ignorant statement

Demographics PROVE he's on point with his assertion. Do you have demos that counter?
Or is his factual assertion hurting your feelings because it sounds....well....you know.....RACIST!
Blacks hold elective office all over the country

Does that mean the majority of blacks vote and understand politics?
It's called political ignorance.
So...the new Republican position is that black voters are ignorant

They already know that is how the party feels and that they pander to racists

That is absolutely the case. I don't know any black person that takes the slightest interest in politics. The closest they come is repeating something they've heard from MSM or perhaps what they heard from their family or friends. The small percentage of blacks that do follow politics are usually (or turn to) Republicans.

Let's face it, you really have to have a passion to follow and understand politics; something not a lot of blacks will dedicate the time to. And yes, we political junkies do spend much of our waking moments reading and discussing politics. And BTW, the word "ignorant" is not a derogatory term. It simply means not knowledgable of a subject. We are all ignorant of something.
What an ignorant statement

Demographics PROVE he's on point with his assertion. Do you have demos that counter?
Or is his factual assertion hurting your feelings because it sounds....well....you know.....RACIST!
Blacks hold elective office all over the country

So what? What does that have to do with my point? I'm talking about constituencies here. There is only one reason any group of people so strongly vote for one party or another, and that is they are told how to vote and are ignorant on what they're voting on.

I guess the best example of that is our recent election here in Cleveland. There were several good candidates that ran in the primary of the Mayor's job, but they chose the two of the lowest candidates simply because they were black.

The current Mayor on several occasions hired ex-cons to his administration. He recently had Council allocate 2.5 million dollars for a dirt bike park. Why a dirt bike park? Because his grandson got busted a couple of times riding his dirt bike on the streets.

Earlier this year, that very same grandson got busted for having pot and a scale on him, that was along with the primary charge of illegally carrying a concealed weapon. His concern was that prison time might screw up his job at the Cleveland Water Department. Gee, who got him that job?

A few months ago, the Mayors great grandson also got busted for having a gun. His great grandson is 14 years old. When asked for a comment, the Mayor said his family is no different than anybody else's. They need to protect themselves too. So what kind of city are you running if a 14 year old needs a gun to protect himself?

Guess what? The Mayor won the election hands down. His challenger was a Councilman named Zack Reed, the same Zack Reed who got busted three times for DUI in the city of Cleveland.

Now do you want to explain to me how this is not a reflection of ignorant voters? We have the fifth highest murder rate per capita in the country, the Mayor is allowing the police force to shrink because he is not replacing retirees, and some of their police cars are over 10 years old. But they are going to have a nice dirt bike park in the future. Geeze.
What have Republicans ever done for blacks or any minority?

Other than build more prisons

THAT'S the difference between Progressives and Conservatives! THANK YOU!

Conservatives look at ALL AMERICANS as one group. They don't view anyone as needing special help at the expense of others.

Progressives, on the other hand, are the most racist, bigoted segment of people in our political spectrum.

Progressives pigeon hole all groups they consider inferior to themselves, blacks, Hispanics, gays, women, anyone. They then formulate a separate message to be delivered to each of them, pandering to them, convincing that specific group that they are INFERIOR and without the help and handouts the Progressives are eager to give to them, their group would surely fail in this nasty world.

Progressives convince these groups that without their help in demanding quotas, racial quotas that these groups do not have the intelligence to get into colleges without extra help.

Progressives then give extra rewards for bad behavior, free cell phones, they advertise on TV for people to get food stamps, section 8 housing, people just have to ask for free breakfast and lunch for THEIR OWN KIDS in school. Not to worry folks, you just have the kids and WE'LL TAKE OVER FROM THERE!
Republicans taunt blacks about living on a plantation

Yet offer no alternative

So how will blacks vote in the next election? How will the rich vote?
What is amazing is the Republican party had the black vote after the Civil war but couldn't pass legislation for both the rich and the poor, so they chose people with money.
So how will blacks vote in the next election? How will the rich vote?
What is amazing is the Republican party had the black vote after the Civil war but couldn't pass legislation for both the rich and the poor, so they chose people with money.

So how will blacks vote in the next election? How will the rich vote?
What is amazing is the Republican party had the black vote after the Civil war but couldn't pass legislation for both the rich and the poor, so they chose people with money.
The hope is that blacks show up. Trump won because obama supporters didn't show up. They will in 2018 and 2020
The Democrats would instantly ignore them and pretend they never heard of them. Same reaction when their tranny-hero Bruce Jenner mentioned he was Republican.
So how will blacks vote in the next election? How will the rich vote?
What is amazing is the Republican party had the black vote after the Civil war but couldn't pass legislation for both the rich and the poor, so they chose people with money.
The hope is that blacks show up. Trump won because obama supporters didn't show up. They will in 2018 and 2020

Generally speaking, blacks really look down on things like gay marriage and paying homage to weirdos dressing up like women. These are the kinds of issues the Democrats came out strongly for. While those issues may not turn many blacks into Republicans, it gives some of them pause about coming out on election day to vote for Democrats.
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Yea because republicans offer black people less than nothing. In fact they use blacks to turn out the white racist vote.

Even gays. A lot of gays would be republicans if the GOP didn't use them as a wedge issue

When have Republicans ever done that? And what are Republicans supposed to "offer" blacks that would make them vote Republican? When Republicans run on something, the issues are for everybody and not tailored to specific groups of people. You know, this bizarre concept that we are all Americans and not dozens of little groups of people???
So how will blacks vote in the next election? How will the rich vote?
What is amazing is the Republican party had the black vote after the Civil war but couldn't pass legislation for both the rich and the poor, so they chose people with money.

The richest people in the country (and the world) are strong Democrat supporters. How will blacks vote? The same way they've always voted. Until blacks become educated on issues and politics, they are a block that the Republicans can never penetrate.
What have Republicans ever done for blacks or any minority?

Other than build more prisons

THAT'S the difference between Progressives and Conservatives! THANK YOU!

Conservatives look at ALL AMERICANS as one group. They don't view anyone as needing special help at the expense of others.

Progressives, on the other hand, are the most racist, bigoted segment of people in our political spectrum.

Progressives pigeon hole all groups they consider inferior to themselves, blacks, Hispanics, gays, women, anyone. They then formulate a separate message to be delivered to each of them, pandering to them, convincing that specific group that they are INFERIOR and without the help and handouts the Progressives are eager to give to them, their group would surely fail in this nasty world.

Progressives convince these groups that without their help in demanding quotas, racial quotas that these groups do not have the intelligence to get into colleges without extra help.

Progressives then give extra rewards for bad behavior, free cell phones, they advertise on TV for people to get food stamps, section 8 housing, people just have to ask for free breakfast and lunch for THEIR OWN KIDS in school. Not to worry folks, you just have the kids and WE'LL TAKE OVER FROM THERE!
What a laugh
Conservatives look out for the needs of ALL wealthy Americans. They are willing to let the rest suffer and blame them for failure
Liberals look to help those needing help and our wealthy do not need help
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Yea because republicans offer black people less than nothing. In fact they use blacks to turn out the white racist vote.

Even gays. A lot of gays would be republicans if the GOP didn't use them as a wedge issue

Name your best example of that TRUmp used blacks to turn out the "racist vote".
So how will blacks vote in the next election? How will the rich vote?
What is amazing is the Republican party had the black vote after the Civil war but couldn't pass legislation for both the rich and the poor, so they chose people with money.
The hope is that blacks show up. Trump won because obama supporters didn't show up. They will in 2018 and 2020

Generally speaking, blacks really look down on things like gay marriage and paying homage to weirdos dressing up like women. These are the kinds of issues the Democrats came out strongly for. While those issues may not turn many blacks into Republicans, it gives some of them pause about coming out on election day to vote for Democrats.

I've asked pro-life blacks how they can support the party that supports abortion.

Never got a very good answer.
So how will blacks vote in the next election? How will the rich vote?
What is amazing is the Republican party had the black vote after the Civil war but couldn't pass legislation for both the rich and the poor, so they chose people with money.
The hope is that blacks show up. Trump won because obama supporters didn't show up. They will in 2018 and 2020

Generally speaking, blacks really look down on things like gay marriage and paying homage to weirdos dressing up like women. These are the kinds of issues the Democrats came out strongly for. While those issues may not turn many blacks into Republicans, it gives some of them pause about coming out on election day to vote for Democrats.

I've asked pro-life blacks how they can support the party that supports abortion.

Never got a very good answer.
Especially, when the other party openly hates you
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Yea because republicans offer black people less than nothing. In fact they use blacks to turn out the white racist vote.

Even gays. A lot of gays would be republicans if the GOP didn't use them as a wedge issue

Name your best example of that TRUmp used blacks to turn out the "racist vote".

Mexicans are coming across the border murdering and raping
Muslims are terrorists
Blacks are criminals

Be afraid, be very afraid
Republicans will keep you safe
So how will blacks vote in the next election? How will the rich vote?
What is amazing is the Republican party had the black vote after the Civil war but couldn't pass legislation for both the rich and the poor, so they chose people with money.
The hope is that blacks show up. Trump won because obama supporters didn't show up. They will in 2018 and 2020

Generally speaking, blacks really look down on things like gay marriage and paying homage to weirdos dressing up like women. These are the kinds of issues the Democrats came out strongly for. While those issues may not turn many blacks into Republicans, it gives some of them pause about coming out on election day to vote for Democrats.

I've asked pro-life blacks how they can support the party that supports abortion.

Never got a very good answer.

That's how programming works. The Democrats don't worry about offending minorities because they have their vote locked up. They fought against school vouchers which helped many black families, they have this open border mentality that takes jobs away from blacks, they have promoted single-parent families which are responsible for poverty in this country that the blacks have taken full advantage of; 70% of black children being born out of wedlock.

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