If feminists continue to support Joe Biden then "Me too" is total bullshit

And, what's more, everyone knows it.

Who are they going to support? Donald Trump? If these are the choices, it's Biden all the way.
Ergo it is utter bullshit.

Here is a hint (that you should not have to have been spoonfed) - #me too was about women speaking up and being heard, not politics. The instant it went into supporting anyone it became toxic.

No it's not. It's doing what women have always done. Chosen the lesser of evils.

This is not a repudiation of the movement. This is living in the real world, which is something that feminists have been forced to do all of their lives. Something what men will NEVER comprehend, because unlike minorities, they've never had to make a similar choice.

Tara Reid has not presented a credible case thus far. I keep looking for something, anything that says she's telling the truth, but her interview with Meagan Kelly came across as an actress playing a role and revelling in it. This is not a repudiation of the #metoo movement or anything like it.

Women are sick to death of men telling us what we have to say or do as feminisits and trying to tell us what it means to support other women. You don't know jack shit about women and you don't get to define our beliefs, our movement or our lives.

No woman is going to support a serial sexual predator like Donald Trump over Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders has his own problems with women. Tara Reid was working on the Bernie Campaign before she made these allegations. I see lots of reasons for her to lie about this, and no evidence that she's telling the truth.
Case in point.

You can be sick to death all you want. I will call utter bullshit when it is blatantly obvious. I am equally tired of idiod feminists demanding that I have to accept the hypocricy and hatred from them and ignore when they give a pass to anyone fitting a political ideology, When people like you demand that the movement belongs in the political realm you abandon every single thing the movement originally stood for. Kavanaugh's accuser had far less and was supported by me too as well. This has nothing to do with Trump and Biden and everything to do with the fact that me too has decided to throw in with a political party.
I agree that all of the women who accused Trump should come forward.

Where are they?
They did. Are they supposed to keep you all posted on their updated lives after your ilk dismissed them all in knee-jerk fashion?
Yes. If you accuse someone of rape or sexual assault then you must press your accusation.

Where are these women who accused Trump?
Okay what you aren’t seem to be grasping for whatever reason is that they already did press. How often should they be pressing exactly? Some of these accusations are years old and Trump is simply too much of a pussy to address them.
When "Me Too" started I had hope that women would at long last stop protecting rapists and sexual molesters like Howard Weinstein and Bill Cosby.

Now, I see that there's been no progress at all.

Women, in this thread, are protecting rapist sexual molester Joe Biden because he is a Democrat.

One woman said that because I am a man I could not understand why women would choose to do this.

That is right -- I will never understand.

I will never understand why women protect rapists and sexual molesters like Joe Biden -- simply for political reasons.

And frankly, I'm disillusioned with the whole "Me Too" movement.
I believe the “me to” movement has real significance, but not as much in the political sphere.
What happened 27 years ago, or in Trumps case less than 15 years ago when his 3rd wife was pregnant, should not really be too relevant for how they run the country.
Biden’s an angel compared that 2-timing divorcee and prostitute enabler Trump.
Kavanaugh’s problem with beer is college history; it’s more about how he conducts himself now, which could have been much better at his Senate fiasco.
Accusing Trump does no good if the accusers aren't sticking around to make their accusations.

Where the hell are they?
Accusing Trump does no good if the accusers aren't sticking around to make their accusations.

Where the hell are they?
Hmmm, Trump’s a rich guy who pays off people to keep them quiet.
And, what's more, everyone knows it.

Blackrook "morality":
"There are many credible accusations against Trump, and Trump himself admitted to multiple sexual assaults, so that makes it okay for my heroes to fake rape charges against Democrats"

Tell you what. When you demand that the media and the Republican party investigate all 25 of those women with the same vigor that they investigated the Reid case, then I'll believe you're not a rank partisan hypocrite and rape-enabler. That's very fair. After all, I'm just holding you to your own standards.

By your own standards, you, Blackrook, are a rape-enabler. A rape apologist. Someone who devotes his life to seeing women raped. Those aren't our standards, but they are your standards, so you have to live with them. Given that you are a rape-enabler by your own standards, why shouldn't the whole board metaphorically spit on the sidewalk whenever you walk by? Remember, God does not look with favor on rape-enablers.

Unless you repent, you're going to the special Hell, the one reserved for rape-enablers. Think about that. Also understand that forgiveness requires genuine repentance and contrition, and that means publicly apologizing to those you've wronged, which is Biden and all Democrats. It's either that or hot demon lovin' for you for all of eternity.

As far as the Reid case goes, even the nutty conservative MSM is running from her, given how obvious her dishonesty is.

Oh, it's also not debatable that the Republicans are faking rape accusations against Democrats. They've displayed a pattern of it.

Needless to say, there's no criticism from the Trump crowd towards this confirmed fraudster and regular FOX guest. That's because most of them support the ratfucking campaign.
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Lots of people like Joe Biden. Its admirable what he can do with his fingers.
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
What was she and the GOP doing for the 8 years of Former President Obama's administration? Inquiring minds want to know. Maybe her trump connected lawyer can answer that for us.
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.

You people started the crap with the Kavanaugh hearings. Believe all women.
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
What was she and the GOP doing for the 8 years of Former President Obama's administration? Inquiring minds want to know. Maybe her trump connected lawyer can answer that for us.

You people said, “Believe all women” and “ “All women should be heard”. ..... and you still believe Basely-Ford who had a lot less evidence compared to Reade.
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.

You people started the crap with the Kavanaugh hearings. Believe all women.

No, Senate Republicans started this shit by not investigating Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's accusations against Kavanaugh.
It has always been bullshit.

Biden is not relevant to that. The tagline 'believe all women' and running that to its inevitable conclusion - disbelieve all men - is moronic to put it kindly. As soon as it went political it became nothing more than another hammer with which to beat political opponents with.
this lady is the only person who has ever said anything about sexual assault with Joe Biden in 50 years of service. There is no trend and it is hard to believe. As opposed to the dozens of charges against Trump and his own words. Is there any chance we could have a campaign about issues and solutions instead of crap.
You mean other then the eight others who have accused him of inappropriarte behavior?
The left lost the moral high ground when they elected and covered for Slick Willy while his wife called his victims sluts.

Funny that the left brought up and is still riding the whole but Trump did it, but Kavanaugh did it. Suddenly when Biden did it they don't want it about anything but issues and solutions.
For 50+ years there has never been a hint of impropriety from Biden.

He was vetted by the Obama campaign twice.

One accused has already been definitively debunked.

This is just the tRumplings making shit up.
Sure along with the eight others that have accused him of improprieties. People are just making shit up. Unfortunately the ones mother phoned in asking what to do, her ex says he knew, a number of freinds say they were told about it. But things are just being made up.

Vetted by 44 is like saying bozo the clown says he is AOK.
When "Me Too" started I had hope that women would at long last stop protecting rapists and sexual molesters like Howard Weinstein and Bill Cosby.

Now, I see that there's been no progress at all.

Women, in this thread, are protecting rapist sexual molester Joe Biden because he is a Democrat.

One woman said that because I am a man I could not understand why women would choose to do this.

That is right -- I will never understand.

I will never understand why women protect rapists and sexual molesters like Joe Biden -- simply for political reasons.

And frankly, I'm disillusioned with the whole "Me Too" movement.
I believe the “me to” movement has real significance, but not as much in the political sphere.
What happened 27 years ago, or in Trumps case less than 15 years ago when his 3rd wife was pregnant, should not really be too relevant for how they run the country.
Biden’s an angel compared that 2-timing divorcee and prostitute enabler Trump.
Kavanaugh’s problem with beer is college history; it’s more about how he conducts himself now, which could have been much better at his Senate fiasco.
So you are in essence saying that the man that murders ten people is a saint and should not be prosecuted as someone that murders twelve.
The idea of Me Too is perfectly valid, the reasons for Me Too are perfectly valid, and the advocacy of Me Too is perfectly valid.

The problem is that the Democratic Party has exposed itself as hypocrites who leveraged the whole thing for partisan political gain when it suited them.

When did this happen, Stormy? It didn't stop Trump, it didn't stop Kavanaugh. They did do some self-inflicted wounds like forcing Al Franken to resign because a Stripper said he got fresh at a USO Show.

Seems to me that MeToo has done more damage to the Democrats than good, because they have standards and the Republicans don't.

Tell me again about those “standards” when FDR, JFK, LBJ, & Bill Clinton occupied the White House....

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