If Hillary were to be convicted, would you still prefer her over Trump?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
This is a basic question for Hillary supporters: After all of the denials and obscufations are disproven, would you still prefer to have a convicted criminal in the White House as long as she was on your team?
If Trump killed 100 babies and kicked 10 puppies, I would still prefer him over Hillary. If Kim Jong Un ran, I would vote for him over Hillary. If HITLER and his running mate STALIN ran, I would still not vote for fucking HILLARY!!!
This is a basic question for Hillary supporters: After all of the denials and obscufations are disproven, would you still prefer to have a convicted criminal in the White House as long as she was on your team?

Convicted of what? Clinton isn't under investigation, and hasn't been charged with any crime.

You might as well as the same thing about your President Snowflake- would you still prefer him if he was a convicted criminal as long as he was on your side?
What crime would be convicted of? Making conservatives batshit crazy?
What crime would be convicted of? Making conservatives batshit crazy?

Cheney and Bush have FIVE* convictions between them, Clinton has -0- after decades of right wing bottom feeders dredging the world to find any type of illegal activity.

Bush has a theft conviction erased by staying clean for a year.
If Trump killed 100 babies and kicked 10 puppies, I would still prefer him over Hillary. If Kim Jong Un ran, I would vote for him over Hillary. If HITLER and his running mate STALIN ran, I would still not vote for fucking HILLARY!!!
Thank you for confirming you have no principles and only care about the letter a huckster puts after his name.
This is a basic question for Hillary supporters: After all of the denials and obscufations are disproven, would you still prefer to have a convicted criminal in the White House as long as she was on your team?
I see no difference between Clinton and Trump. Unlike most of the tards on this forum, the letter after someone's name does not magically blind me.
Bill abused his position of authority preying upon a young intern in the workplace, cheated on his wife repeatedly, lied about it, and Democrat women still voted for the guy.
If Hillary were to be convicted, would you still prefer her over Trump?

This is a basic question for Hillary supporters: After all of the denials and obscufations are disproven, would you still prefer to have a convicted criminal in the White House as long as she was on your team?

Of course I would still prefer her. Innocent people are sometimes convicted.

Remember this excuse, you will need it for trump.
Bill abused his position of authority preying upon a young intern in the workplace, cheated on his wife repeatedly, lied about it, and Democrat women still voted for the guy.
Bill spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and engaging in pedophilia while Hillary enable his sexual deviancy and vilified / silenced his victims ... and women still voted for them both.
If Trump killed 100 babies and kicked 10 puppies, I would still prefer him over Hillary. If Kim Jong Un ran, I would vote for him over Hillary. If HITLER and his running mate STALIN ran, I would still not vote for fucking HILLARY!!!

so much for a strong moral compass ... thats exactly how a low life son of a bitch got elected potus -- by low life son of a bitches.
If Trump killed 100 babies and kicked 10 puppies, I would still prefer him over Hillary. If Kim Jong Un ran, I would vote for him over Hillary. If HITLER and his running mate STALIN ran, I would still not vote for fucking HILLARY!!!

so much for a strong moral compass ... thats exactly how a low life son of a bitch got elected potus -- by low life son of a bitches.

Would you eat Hillary The Hag out?
If Trump killed 100 babies and kicked 10 puppies, I would still prefer him over Hillary. If Kim Jong Un ran, I would vote for him over Hillary. If HITLER and his running mate STALIN ran, I would still not vote for fucking HILLARY!!!

so much for a strong moral compass ... thats exactly how a low life son of a bitch got elected potus -- by low life son of a bitches.

Would you eat Hillary The Hag out?

probably both ends

Of course I would still prefer her. Innocent people are sometimes convicted.

Snowflakes continue to prove Jonathon Gruber spoke the truth.

The FBI has released over 15,000 official documents and e-mails Hillary never turned in IAW the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.
- There is no question Hillary broke the Law.

The FBI ordered Hillary to turn over EVERYTHING - her server, EVERY E-Mail, EVERY document, EVERY file, EVERY computer, EVERY device, EVERY SIM Card. Hillary refused to comply with that order. She deleted thousands of e-mails, deleted documents, used Bleachbit to erase information from her server, destroyed devices rather than turn them in, and removed the sim cards from the devices she did turn in.
- Undeniably this is 'Obstruction'. Hillary broke the law.

It is illegal to give anyone who has no security clearance access to classified information. Hillary allowed her MAID print off classified for her, she allowed her lawyers to carry around classified documents on a USB, her server holding TS/SCI material was stored in the bathroom of a company who did not have the required security clearance to have the server in their possession.
- Again, there is no denying Hillary broke the law.

Comey himself stated Hillary broke the law but falsely stated she had no idea that she was breaking the law.
1. Comey should be intelligent enough to know that according to the LAW ignorance is not a legally acceptable defense for violating the law.

2. The government has several documents signed by Hillary Clinton acknowledging the security training and re-fresher training she received, also acknowledging and affirming she fully understood the law.

3. Hillary sent an e-mail to her State Department employees warning them not to do what she did because of the possibility of violating the laws as she did.

Every time some USMB board member writes how Hillary was / is innocent they expose themselves as completely uneducated in the laws, regulations, and rules involving classified, obstruction, etc...

Hillary broke the law. She broke numerous laws. Anyone who claims otherwise is simply being partisanly intellectual dishonest.
Of course I would still prefer her. Innocent people are sometimes convicted.

Snowflakes continue to prove Jonathon Gruber spoke the truth.

The FBI has released over 15,000 official documents and e-mails Hillary never turned in IAW the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.
- There is no question Hillary broke the Law.

The FBI ordered Hillary to turn over EVERYTHING - her server, EVERY E-Mail, EVERY document, EVERY file, EVERY computer, EVERY device, EVERY SIM Card. Hillary refused to comply with that order. She deleted thousands of e-mails, deleted documents, used Bleachbit to erase information from her server, destroyed devices rather than turn them in, and removed the sim cards from the devices she did turn in.
- Undeniably this is 'Obstruction'. Hillary broke the law.

It is illegal to give anyone who has no security clearance access to classified information. Hillary allowed her MAID print off classified for her, she allowed her lawyers to carry around classified documents on a USB, her server holding TS/SCI material was stored in the bathroom of a company who did not have the required security clearance to have the server in their possession.
- Again, there is no denying Hillary broke the law.

Comey himself stated Hillary broke the law but falsely stated she had no idea that she was breaking the law.
1. Comey should be intelligent enough to know that according to the LAW ignorance is not a legally acceptable defense for violating the law.

2. The government has several documents signed by Hillary Clinton acknowledging the security training and re-fresher training she received, also acknowledging and affirming she fully understood the law.

3. Hillary sent an e-mail to her State Department employees warning them not to do what she did because of the possibility of violating the laws as she did.

Every time some USMB board member writes how Hillary was / is innocent they expose themselves as completely uneducated in the laws, regulations, and rules involving classified, obstruction, etc...

Hillary broke the law. She broke numerous laws. Anyone who claims otherwise is simply being partisanly intellectual dishonest.
Yadda yadda yadda


The FBI declared Hillary innocent
Bill abused his position of authority preying upon a young intern in the workplace, cheated on his wife repeatedly, lied about it, and Democrat women still voted for the guy.
Bill spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and engaging in pedophilia while Hillary enable his sexual deviancy and vilified / silenced his victims ... and women still voted for them both.

Democrats are hypocrites. They squeal like a stuck pig if anyone on the right pulls this shit but when its a Democrat wow total crickets from them.
The FBI declared Hillary innocent

No, that is not true.

The head of the FBI declared he would not recommend Hillary for indictment based on a defense that is not a legally acceptable defense for breaking the law. The Head of the FBI refused to allow Hillary to be indicted for the crimes he himself claimed she committed.
If Trump killed 100 babies and kicked 10 puppies, I would still prefer him over Hillary. If Kim Jong Un ran, I would vote for him over Hillary. If HITLER and his running mate STALIN ran, I would still not vote for fucking HILLARY!!!

so much for a strong moral compass ... thats exactly how a low life son of a bitch got elected potus -- by low life son of a bitches.

Would you eat Hillary The Hag out?

grow up bitch, and take jon with you.

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