If Romney got indited


VIP Member
Jul 17, 2012
If Romney got indited who would be the Republican nominee? Paul Ryan? Ron Paul? Would Romney still be the nominee? Would there be another vote among the Republicans?
What would he be indicted for....???

but I'll play along with this for a minute or two...

NO, Ryan would not be the automatic replacement....in my opinion the replacement would be the second place winner in the primary.
If Romney got indited who would be the Republican nominee? Paul Ryan? Ron Paul? Would Romney still be the nominee? Would there be another vote among the Republicans?

Good question.

There are many theories, including the possibility that Romney participated in the 2009 IRS tax amnesty program:

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda
but Lakohta, even if he did participate in the Amnesty program....HE was given AMNESTY for it...so no indictment for that would ever take place....amnesty is forgiveness.
Well since were playing a very silly what if game here what if it turns out Obama is not a legal citizen. Would his Supreme Court appointments stand? Would Obamacare stand?
If Romney got indited who would be the Republican nominee? Paul Ryan? Ron Paul? Would Romney still be the nominee? Would there be another vote among the Republicans?

Good question.

There are many theories, including the possibility that Romney participated in the 2009 IRS tax amnesty program:

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda
but Lakohta, even if he did participate in the Amnesty program....HE was given AMNESTY for it...so no indictment for that would ever take place....amnesty is forgiveness.

Anyone who used the "Son of Boss" scam deserves to do some hard time.
If Romney got indited who would be the Republican nominee? Paul Ryan? Ron Paul? Would Romney still be the nominee? Would there be another vote among the Republicans?

Good question.

There are many theories, including the possibility that Romney participated in the 2009 IRS tax amnesty program:

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda
but Lakohta, even if he did participate in the Amnesty program....HE was given AMNESTY for it...so no indictment for that would ever take place....amnesty is forgiveness.

True, but if "AMNESTY" for tax evaders became public he would be doomed politically.
If Obummer got indicted (or indited) who would become the nominee? The current Vice President?

Good question.

There are many theories, including the possibility that Romney participated in the 2009 IRS tax amnesty program:

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda
but Lakohta, even if he did participate in the Amnesty program....HE was given AMNESTY for it...so no indictment for that would ever take place....amnesty is forgiveness.

Anyone who used the "Son of Boss" scam deserves to do some hard time.
Well, I guess it doesn't work that way, because it is known that this tax evasion scam was used at Mariott and I believe all that was done was a fine against the inanimate corporation? Maybe a corporation is not 'people' after all....or in some circumstances?

Wish the gvt could make up their minds on that....
Chris's thread, http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/244197-bain-capital-being-investigated-for-tax-evasion.html, prompted me to ask this question. As was stated in on of the posts 'Romney is not the focus of the investigation' but that could change rather quickly.

As far as I know never in the history of this country a nominee has never not been on the ticket on the day of the election. It is a purely hypothetical question so there is no need to get in such a fit over the hypothetical.
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If Obummer got indicted (or indited) who would become the nominee? The current Vice President?


in that case, of course it would be the vice president...but ryan in this scenario is NOT the vice president, had not gone through an election, was not chosen by the people in the primary...in my opinion, as with beauty queens that lose their crowns, the replacement would be the second place winner, the choice of the people, not someone anointed who did not even run.
If Obummer got indicted (or indited) who would become the nominee? The current Vice President?


in that case, of course it would be the vice president...but ryan in this scenario is NOT the vice president, had not gone through an election, was not chosen by the people in the primary...in my opinion, as with beauty queens that lose their crowns, the replacement would be the second place winner, the choice of the people, not someone anointed who did not even run.

No difference. Ryan is the duly nominated Vice Rresidential nominee of the Republican Party. In a day or three, the incumbent V.P. will be the duly nominated Dim Vice Presidential nominee.

When the respective presidential nominees are unable to continue, the v.p. nominees fill in.
Good question.

There are many theories, including the possibility that Romney participated in the 2009 IRS tax amnesty program:

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda
but Lakohta, even if he did participate in the Amnesty program....HE was given AMNESTY for it...so no indictment for that would ever take place....amnesty is forgiveness.

True, but if "AMNESTY" for tax evaders became public he would be doomed politically.
yes, that's true....

but in this hypothetical, the question was whether Ryan would be on the ticket verses the 2nd place winner of the republican primary, and if I were a republican, I would want someone CHOSEN by the members that VOTED and NOT want someone who was not voted for....

If this had happened to Obama in 2008, then I would EXPECT and demand that Hillary, the 2nd place winner, be the person on the ticket....NOT BIDEN.

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