If socialism is so bad

Who knows what anyone actually means by "socialism" at this point.
Socialism is people pulling together to build that barn.
No it isn't. I'm sorry if you think it is. Socialism isn't some grand altruistic and generous charitable function. Socialism is the government ordering people to build that barn which the government will then own and tell the people what they can and cannot put in it. Not obeying the rules of what the government allocates for the barn can mean execution,. That's socialism.
Who knows what anyone actually means by "socialism" at this point.
Socialism is people pulling together to build that barn.

Once again for the resident Troll!

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
Safety nets.....and better education.....less pandering....


Who knows what anyone actually means by "socialism" at this point.
Socialism is people pulling together to build that barn.
No it isn't. I'm sorry if you think it is. Socialism isn't some grand altruistic and generous charitable function. Socialism is the government ordering people to build that barn which the government will then own and tell the people what they can and cannot put in it. Not obeying the rules of what the government allocates for the barn can mean execution,. That's socialism.
Shallow, dishonest euphemisms sure do fly in politics, don't they?

"Everything my party does is beautiful because we love everyone and want them to be happy and dance in the flowers"

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Why is the right so afraid of it ?
Surely its a good thing that we help people when they stumble ?
There seems to be a dearth of understanding of the definition of socialism among the people here.

Socialism : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
Who knows what anyone actually means by "socialism" at this point.
Socialism is people pulling together to build that barn.
No it isn't. I'm sorry if you think it is. Socialism isn't some grand altruistic and generous charitable function. Socialism is the government ordering people to build that barn which the government will then own and tell the people what they can and cannot put in it. Not obeying the rules of what the government allocates for the barn can mean execution,. That's socialism.

The traditional "Barn Raising" is an excellent example to discuss the differences between America and socialists.

Tommy picked a good example to make his case.

You perfectly demonstrated why his case was completely wrong, and why his socialism is so dangerous.

Government programs are backed up by force. The more you have the government do, the more force you are bringing to the table.

Sooner or later, a lot of people are going to get hurt.
Why is the right so afraid of it ?
Surely its a good thing that we help people when they stumble ?
Yeah, just look at Detroit how well socialism took the richest city in the world(Motor City) and killed it. At one time Charity used to help people who stumble, but when FDR decided to make poverty a way of life, he went all in and people retarded like Tommy here, think it is the best thing since borsch.

Why is the right so afraid of it ?
Surely its a good thing that we help people when they stumble ?

capitalism and charity help people when they stumble. socialism makes them stumble and then stomps on their neck once they are down.

you have no idea what you are asking for.

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