Zone1 If you don't believe in the real Jesus and His Church, you are a heretic


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
Jesus said that few find the narrow way.

Few seem to be on the narrow pathway these days. There is more materialism, more selfishness, more lawlessness than ever b4 in history. The Virgin Mary appeared to someone in modern times, can't recall the details but she said that this time in history is the worst of all, sin-wise.

I already knew that. Anyone who looks around can see how awful it is..

and again, all this insanity virtually began with Luther, the first one to seriously defy Christ's Church.

It just stands to reason that if you are not in THE Church Christ founded, you are going to be prone to believing and practicing ERROR.
Jesus' church has been infiltrated and usurped by cultural Marxists....The church he founded is nowhere to be found.
It is still around. The Sedevacantists are the ones who know the truth about Catholicism and what has gone awry in the Church/Vatican.

Jesus promised His Church would withstand the gates of Hell itself .. Mt 16:18.

I'm surprised you know this, that the Church ws infiltrated. Most people, evne Catholics, don't
Jesus said that few find the narrow way.

Few seem to be on the narrow pathway these days. There is more materialism, more selfishness, more lawlessness than ever b4 in history. The Virgin Mary appeared to someone in modern times, can't recall the details but she said that this time in history is the worst of all, sin-wise.

I already knew that. Anyone who looks around can see how awful it is..

and again, all this insanity virtually began with Luther, the first one to seriously defy Christ's Church.

It just stands to reason that if you are not in THE Church Christ founded, you are going to be prone to believing and practicing ERROR.
Yeah..that wacky Martin Luther and his ridiculous objections to indulgences for rape and murder. After all, nothing says God's love like being able to pay a Priest for your absolution BEFORE you commit the planned crime~the Catholic church of Luther's time was corrupt to the core.
OP, who are you to judge? Let he who is without sin throw the first stone. Are you without sin. If so you must be guilty of hubris.

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