If you don't like slavery, don't own a slave, stay out of my business...

It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.
You cant stop abortions no matter how hard you work. They have existed since the beginning of time and always will.
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.
You cant stop abortions no matter how hard you work. They have existed since the beginning of time and always will.
/—-/ We stopped slavery.....
It's a great excuse for calling lefties murderers, though.
A better 'excuse' is many of their rabid defense of their right to ram a metal rod into the brain stem of a child capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling the child's brains like so many eggs, cutting up the baby into pieces, and then removing those pieces out of the baby OR taking every part of the baby capable of surviving outside the womb out of the mother except the head - claiming as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother the baby is not a 'person' - and ramming a rod into it's brain before pulling the baby out.

What you’re describing is a late term abortion which are a very small percentage of all abortions. But they are used by assholes like you to try to villify women seeking abortions.

Late-Term Abortions Are Rare and 'Partial Birth Abortions' Illegal. Why Do They Keep Dominating the Reproductive-Rights Debate?
Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.
You cant stop abortions no matter how hard you work. They have existed since the beginning of time and always will.
/—-/ We stopped slavery.....

Not the same thing at all. It’s like comparing apples to boxcars.
Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.
You cant stop abortions no matter how hard you work. They have existed since the beginning of time and always will.
/—-/ We stopped slavery.....
So why is it still legal if you stopped it?
It's a great excuse for calling lefties murderers, though.
A better 'excuse' is many of their rabid defense of their right to ram a metal rod into the brain stem of a child capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling the child's brains like so many eggs, cutting up the baby into pieces, and then removing those pieces out of the baby OR taking every part of the baby capable of surviving outside the womb out of the mother except the head - claiming as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother the baby is not a 'person' - and ramming a rod into it's brain before pulling the baby out.

What you’re describing is a late term abortion which are a very small percentage of all abortions. But they are used by assholes like you to try to villify women seeking abortions.

Late-Term Abortions Are Rare and 'Partial Birth Abortions' Illegal. Why Do They Keep Dominating the Reproductive-Rights Debate?
I don't vilify women who have abortions. It's their body, their right.

I vilify assholes who have late term abortions and those who fight to keep them legal / who don't vote to make them illegal.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.
You cant stop abortions no matter how hard you work. They have existed since the beginning of time and always will.
/—-/ We stopped slavery.....

Not the same thing at all. It’s like comparing apples to boxcars.
/—-/ Actually the democRATS institutions of slavery and abortion are closely linked.
It's a great excuse for calling lefties murderers, though.
A better 'excuse' is many of their rabid defense of their right to ram a metal rod into the brain stem of a child capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling the child's brains like so many eggs, cutting up the baby into pieces, and then removing those pieces out of the baby OR taking every part of the baby capable of surviving outside the womb out of the mother except the head - claiming as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother the baby is not a 'person' - and ramming a rod into it's brain before pulling the baby out.

What you’re describing is a late term abortion which are a very small percentage of all abortions. But they are used by assholes like you to try to villify women seeking abortions.

Late-Term Abortions Are Rare and 'Partial Birth Abortions' Illegal. Why Do They Keep Dominating the Reproductive-Rights Debate?
I don't vilify women who have abortions. It's their body, their right.

I vilify assholes who have late term abortions and those who fight to keep them legal / who don't vote to make them illegal.

They are probably the most important abortions to keep legal because they’re being done for medical reasons, not financial. Women don’t abort a fetus after carrying it for 6 months because they’ve decided they can’t afford a baby. They’re doing it because there are medical issues with the fetus or their own lives are in danger.

That you would vilify them or their doctors displays how utterly ignorant and lacking in any real knowledge of this subject you are. My heart goes out to any woman who is forced to do this.

You are a clueless ass who should keep out of other people’s business.
...is what the Democratic Party Southern plantation owners said to the Republican Party Abolitionists.

Does this argument sound familiar to us in this modern day?

Yes, because once again the nation is faced with a great moral issue.

And once again the Democrats are on the immoral side of a moral argument, and Republicans are on the moral side.

Is this a coincidence?

No, the parties are really not changed over the past century and a half.

Democrats, then and now, are the party of "the ends justify the means."

Even slavery and murder of the unborn can be justified under this analysis.

The Republicans, then and now, are the party of belief in moral standards that don't change based on circumstances.

Uh... you DO understand that parties are defined by their platforms, not their names, right? I mean.... right? You do have a functioning adult brain, I imagine.
It's a great excuse for calling lefties murderers, though.
A better 'excuse' is many of their rabid defense of their right to ram a metal rod into the brain stem of a child capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling the child's brains like so many eggs, cutting up the baby into pieces, and then removing those pieces out of the baby OR taking every part of the baby capable of surviving outside the womb out of the mother except the head - claiming as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother the baby is not a 'person' - and ramming a rod into it's brain before pulling the baby out.

What you’re describing is a late term abortion which are a very small percentage of all abortions. But they are used by assholes like you to try to villify women seeking abortions.

Late-Term Abortions Are Rare and 'Partial Birth Abortions' Illegal. Why Do They Keep Dominating the Reproductive-Rights Debate?
I don't vilify women who have abortions. It's their body, their right.

I vilify assholes who have late term abortions and those who fight to keep them legal / who don't vote to make them illegal.

They are probably the most important abortions to keep legal because they’re being done for medical reasons, not financial. Women don’t abort a fetus after carrying it for 6 months because they’ve decided they can’t afford a baby. They’re doing it because there are medical issues with the fetus or their own lives are in danger.

That you would vilify them or their doctors displays how utterly ignorant and lacking in any real knowledge of this subject you are. My heart goes out to any woman who is forced to do this.

You are a clueless ass who should keep out of other people’s business.

That's the DL I know, justifying the barbaric practices of butchering children capable of surviving outside the womb, using strawmen and BS to justify it and those who fight to keep it legal.

Planned Parenthood would be proud...
It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.

News flash! That isn’t your message. Your message is overturn R-v-W. Those on the right who scream about abortion, sound just like those on the left who scream about gun control. They both scare the hell of the reasonable people in the middle.
Look at that op.

Tonight's election losses caused blackrook to temporarily lose his mind.
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.

News flash! That isn’t your message. Your message is overturn R-v-W. Those on the right who scream about abortion, sound just like those on the left who scream about gun control. They both scare the hell of the reasonable people in the middle.
/—-/ I never said overturn RvW. It will never happen at least in our life time. But we can work to make abortion rare.
...is what the Democratic Party Southern plantation owners said to the Republican Party Abolitionists.

Does this argument sound familiar to us in this modern day?

Yes, because once again the nation is faced with a great moral issue.

And once again the Democrats are on the immoral side of a moral argument, and Republicans are on the moral side.

Is this a coincidence?

No, the parties are really not changed over the past century and a half.

Democrats, then and now, are the party of "the ends justify the means."

Even slavery and murder of the unborn can be justified under this analysis.

The Republicans, then and now, are the party of belief in moral standards that don't change based on circumstances.

Look, everyone, another retarded "Abortion is just like slavery" argument.

THis isn't a "moral" issue, it's a medical one.

Women were having abortions before Roe v. Wade, just as many as they were having after Roe v. Wade. The birth rate didn't drop in 1973.

Unless you guys are going to start locking up women for having abortions, or start locking them up to make sure they have their babies, this is a moot argument.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.
It'd be more accurate to say, "Don't buy items at Wallmart, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and Don't buy Computers, Cell Phones, Refridgerators, TVs, pots and pans, stereos, security systems, baby strollers, kids toys, shoes, clothes, or diapers. All made by slave labor.

The Dembots love them some slaves, as long as they are overseas or across the border or are paid pennies on the dollar over here.
...is what the Democratic Party Southern plantation owners said to the Republican Party Abolitionists.

Does this argument sound familiar to us in this modern day?

Yes, because once again the nation is faced with a great moral issue.

And once again the Democrats are on the immoral side of a moral argument, and Republicans are on the moral side.

Is this a coincidence?

No, the parties are really not changed over the past century and a half.

Democrats, then and now, are the party of "the ends justify the means."

Even slavery and murder of the unborn can be justified under this analysis.

The Republicans, then and now, are the party of belief in moral standards that don't change based on circumstances.
Why can't Democrats move on?

I don't know anyone today who is a slave, whose parents were a Slave, whose grandparents were a Slave...

It is unlawful for anyone to own another person today, and there is no one and United States who believes that is not the case today
Republicans should move on and stop flying the loser rebel flag.
You mean the Democrat Flag don't you?
This was later changed to the DNC Donkey which was originated from Andrew Jackson's Mule that he used to hang Indians and Slaves with.

The most racist symbol in America is the Most Racist Political Party In America.....THE DNC.
Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.

News flash! That isn’t your message. Your message is overturn R-v-W. Those on the right who scream about abortion, sound just like those on the left who scream about gun control. They both scare the hell of the reasonable people in the middle.
/—-/ I never said overturn RvW. It will never happen at least in our life time. But we can work to make abortion rare.

Nope, but nice try. Overturning R v W is the message from the right. Whenever we are facing the appointment of a new SCOTUS judge the right insist they must be a prolifer. You honestly may not see it, but believe me, that is the perception. Just like many lefty’s will say they don’t want to ban all guns, but that is the perceived message.

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