If you don't like slavery, don't own a slave, stay out of my business...

You continue with your meltdown, and I'm just going to ignore you. Spanking that ass is getting boring...

I thought you said you were leaving. I guess that's just another lie you tell. You don't tell the truth about anything and you've come right out and all but said we shouldn't trust anything you say.

What a fucking loser. Get a life.
You continue with your meltdown, and I'm just going to ignore you. Spanking that ass is getting boring...

Your problem is that you belied the fatal flaw in your argument: That everyone should know better than to trust what you say.
Note to OP.

IF you had taken U.S. history in high school you'd know the parties have switch political polarity twice in our history. In the 1860's Dems were the conservative party and GOP were the progressives…

So your Dems/Repubs then and now comparison just makes you look retarded…
The Hyde Amendment means they don't. So once again, you're proving to me here what you said before, how we should know better than to trust what a Conservative tells us.
You are REALLY going to make me spank your ass for lying about Tax Dollars being used for abortions AGAIN?! Dude, you are one twisted sadomasochist..and liar.

"taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the U.S. with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers. If we apply the 24% figure to the total number of abortions, this is equivalent to taxpayers paying the full cost of 250,000 abortions a year, with about 70,000 financed by federal taxpayers and 180,000 financed by state taxpayers

A first-trimester abortion costs $397 vs. $854 for a second-trimester procedure, but the fraction of abortions financed using insurance (public or private) is nearly identical (25% for second-term versus 22.6% for first-term). Abortions are financed in a variety of ways. According to a Guttmacher Institute survey in 2011, 69% of abortions are paid for entirely out of pocket. Another 15.6% report using Medicaid

Everyone knows that Medicaid is taxpayer-funded"


$397 vs a lifetime of government care, food stamps, schooling, juvenile courts and detention then the adult criminal justice system….

I vote we pay the 397 and move on…
Don't like abortion? Don't have one. Stay out of my business.
/——/ Someone has to fight for the innocent baby you want to chop up. Do get used to us being in your face.

Who are you to say it's not God's will--a medical procedure performed by a compassionate doctor.

Was Hitler's mom carrying an "innocent" baby.
/—-/ Since we’re using 20/20 hindsight, your momma was carrying you, the embodiment of evil and should have had a compassionate doctor rip you out and drown you in the toilet. Just sayin’
Note to OP.

IF you had taken U.S. history in high school
you'd know the parties have switch political polarity twice in our history. In the 1860's Dems were the conservative party and GOP were the progressives…

So your Dems/Repubs then and now comparison just makes you look retarded…
/—-/ I’ve studied US history longer than you’ve been alive. Dems were never conservatives the way you wish they were. You need to embrace the Dems racist history.
/—-/ I’ve studied US history longer than you’ve been alive. Dems were never conservatives the way you wish they were. You need to embrace the Dems racist history.

You haven't studied shit, so why are you lying about it? What are you trying to accomplish by lying?
/—-/ I’ve studied US history longer than you’ve been alive. Dems were never conservatives the way you wish they were. You need to embrace the Dems racist history.

You haven't studied shit, so why are you lying about it? What are you trying to accomplish by lying?
/—-/ Prove I’m lying or apologize in front of the board. BTW my favorite historical author is Stephen E Ambrose.
/—-/ Prove I’m lying or apologize in front of the board. BTW my favorite historical author is Stephen E Ambrose.

You're lying because Conservatives left the Democratic party for the Republican party after Civil Rights. Everyone knows that. It's why the South is Republican today. So you are lying about it and I'm not sure why. Are you lying to protect your own ego? Is being a propagandist your job? What gives?
/—-/ Prove I’m lying or apologize in front of the board. BTW my favorite historical author is Stephen E Ambrose.

You're lying because Conservatives left the Democratic party for the Republican party after Civil Rights. Everyone knows that. It's why the South is Republican today. So you are lying about it and I'm not sure why. Are you lying to protect your own ego? Is being a propagandist your job? What gives?
/—-/ That BS has been debunked 100 times. Now embrace the Dems racist heritage
/—-/ Prove I’m lying or apologize in front of the board. BTW my favorite historical author is Stephen E Ambrose.

You're lying because Conservatives left the Democratic party for the Republican party after Civil Rights. Everyone knows that. It's why the South is Republican today. So you are lying about it and I'm not sure why. Are you lying to protect your own ego? Is being a propagandist your job? What gives?
/—-/ That BS has been debunked 100 times. Now embrace
/—-/ That BS has been debunked 100 times. Now embrace the Dems racist heritage

So that's why all the Southern White Racists voted for...Hillary?
/—-/ Southern White Racists are White. Hildabeast is White. You seem confused Spanky. Now who did Northern White Racicts vote for? Who did Midwestern White Racists vote for? Go ahead and check your notes, we’ll wait. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
/—-/ Southern White Racists are While. Hildabeast is White. You seem confused Spanky. Now who did Northern White Racicts vote for? Who did Midwestern White Racists vote for? Go ahead and check your notes, we’ll wait. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

You seem confused because you can't reconcile your poor take on party identification with the results of the 2016 election.

White Conservative Racists left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party after Civil Rights. Otherwise, the South would vote Democratic today.
Southern White Racists are White. Hildabeast is White. You seem confused Spanky. Now who did Northern White Racicts vote for? Who did Midwestern White Racists vote for? Go ahead and check your notes, we’ll wait. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Northern and Midwestern white racists voted for Trump. That's why he carried some of those Northern States.
/—-/ Southern White Racists are White. Hildabeast is White. You seem confused Spanky. Now who did Northern White Racicts vote for? Who did Midwestern White Racists vote for? Go ahead and check your notes, we’ll wait. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

You claim you studied history, yet you cannot even reconcile your poor argument within the context of the 2016 election.

That's why you suck, and why you will probably end up either killing yourself, or taking a gun and shooting others out of rage from your insecurities that seem to be so overbearing.
/—-/ Southern White Racists are While. Hildabeast is White. You seem confused Spanky. Now who did Northern White Racicts vote for? Who did Midwestern White Racists vote for? Go ahead and check your notes, we’ll wait. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

You seem confused because you can't reconcile your poor take on party identification with the results of the 2016 election.

White Conservative Racists left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party after Civil Rights. Otherwise, the South would vote Democratic/—-/ You can’t prove any of that you little Twirp. Now start with Southern White Racist Democrat Al Gore Sr. When did he become a Republican?
Southern White Racists are White. Hildabeast is White. You
seem confused Spanky. Now who did Northern White Racicts vote for? Who did Midwestern White Racists vote for? Go ahead and check your notes, we’ll wait. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Northern and Midwestern white racists voted for Trump. That's why he carried some of those Northern States.
/—-/ White people voting for White people is racist against whom? You blithering idiot. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
You can’t prove any of that you little Twirp. Now start with Southern White Racist Democrat Al Gore Sr. When did he become a Republican?

Huh? What are you trying to say. Stop overreacting, breathe, and try making an argument that makes sense.

Ummm...just because politicians didn't switch parties doesn't mean you people didn't.
Southern White Racists are White. Hildabeast is White. You seem confused Spanky. Now who did Northern White Racicts vote for? Who did Midwestern White Racists vote for? Go ahead and check your notes, we’ll wait. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Northern and Midwestern white racists voted for Trump. That's why he carried some of those Northern States.
/——/ Derp is a racist because he voted for Hillary or Bernie and not Trump. Derp hates White people and will never vote for one. ,(using Derp’s logic)

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