If you don't like slavery, don't own a slave, stay out of my business...

Yeah, based on the lies Bush and Co were telling.
So your defense of Kerry for declaring his support for attacking and overthrowing Hussein is that he was stupid, incapable of doing research himself, and was also gullible... :p
So your defense of Kerry for declaring his support for attacking and overthrowing Hussein is that he was stupid, incapable of doing research himself, and was also gullible... :p

So your defense is that everyone should have known better than to trust Conservatives.

I would not disagree with that defense.

In fact, I'd apply it down the line:

If we all should have known better than to trust Conservatives when it came to Iraq, shouldn't we also know better than to trust Conservatives when it comes to taxes, and regulation, and Climate Change too? After all, they lied about Iraq...so what else are they lying about?

Since you're saying we should have known better than to trust Conservatives on Iraq, why the fuck should we trust Conservatives on taxes?
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So your defense of Kerry for declaring his support for attacking and overthrowing Hussein is that he was stupid, incapable of doing research himself, and was also gullible... :p

So your defense is that everyone should have known better than to trust Conservatives.

I would not disagree with that defense.

No, my POINTS, once again, are:

1. Democrats never own up to their f* ups - they always blame someone else. (Thanks for that Demonstration)

2. Iraq was a Constitutional War, the authority for which Congress - to include Democrats - gave Bush

3. Obama dragged the US into 2 UN-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars ... to help terrorists, to include the perpetrators of 9/11/01, an attack that claimed the lives of 3,000 Americans.

4. Liberals have a problem with Conservatives doing legal, Constitutional things - whine and bitch about them - but never bat an eye when their own criminals break laws and violate the Constitution. (Thank you for that Demonstration.)
So your defense of Kerry for declaring his support for attacking and overthrowing Hussein is that he was stupid, incapable of doing research himself, and was also gullible... :p

So your defense is that everyone should have known better than to trust Conservatives.

I would not disagree with that defense.

No, my POINTS, once again, are:

1. Democrats never own up to their f* ups - they always blame someone else. (Thanks for that Demonstration)

2. Iraq was a Constitutional War, the authority for which Congress - to include Democrats - gave Bush

3. Obama dragged the US into 2 UN-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars ... to help terrorists, to include the perpetrators of 9/11/01, an attack that claimed the lives of 3,000 Americans.

4. Liberals have a problem with Conservatives doing legal, Constitutional things - whine and bitch about them - but never bat an eye when their own criminals break laws and violate the Constitution. (Thank you for that Demonstration.)

Hold on a second, pal. You just said a post ago that it was Kerry's fault for not properly vetting what was given to him by Bush. So what that means is that Conservatives set out to lie about Iraq from the start, and we all should have known better than to trust in the intel they were giving.

You admitted as such in your last post before this one. Now you can't take it back. It's going to haunt you now.

So since we should have known better than to trust Conservatives on Iraq, what else should we know better than to trust them? Taxes. The environment. Birth Control. Health care. Everything. You opened the door to this when you posted that dumb post of yours before.

Now that you've established Conservatives cannot be trusted, it throws everything you say and believe into question now. Should you, personally, know better than to trust the very people you're defending?
Hold on a second, pal. You just said a post ago that it was Kerry's fault for not properly vetting what was given to him by Bush.
Fail - that is not what I said at all. It was YOU who attempted to imply that.

After that ass-spanking I gave you a while ago about your lie about tax payers not funding abortions, you seem a little desperate now. Bring your A-Game. Don't waste my time with that weak-ass shit. Tell the truth...if you can.
So your defense of Kerry for declaring his support for attacking and overthrowing Hussein is that he was stupid, incapable of doing research himself, and was also gullible... :p

What this post means is that easy knows and accepts that Conservatives were lying about Iraq from the start, and Kerry foolishly trusted in what Bush was giving him.

Lesson learned. That's exactly why people shouldn't trust Conservatives today.
Fail - that is not what I said at all. It was YOU who attempted to imply that.

Here's your post:

So your defense of Kerry for declaring his support for attacking and overthrowing Hussein is that he was stupid, incapable of doing research himself, and was also gullible... :p

So whether you realize it or not, you are admitting here that Bush deliberately set out to deceive everyone when it came to Iraq. You're faulting Kerry (!) for foolishly trusting in the honesty of the office of the President of the United States in 2003. So since that's what you are now establishing, what else shouldn't we trust in you people?

After that ass-spanking I gave you a while ago about your lie about tax payers not funding abortions, you seem a little desperate now. Bring your A-Game. Don't waste my time with that weak-ass shit. Tell the truth...if you can.

Taxpayers don't fund abortions, and even if they did why would you oppose that? I thought you hated single parents and thought that they were causing the "decline of the family structure"?
What this post means is that easy knows and accepts that Conservatives were lying about Iraq from the start, and Kerry foolishly trusted in what Bush was giving him.
What you continue to CLAIM this post means is that Liberals railed against Hussein having nuclear and chemical weapons, attempted to rally their fellow Democrats, and acquired the necessary votes to give the President the authority to take the nation to war. Once he did, they regretted their votes and ever since then has blamed Bush and the GOP for their f* up. Again - Libs show they refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.

And AGAIN, Congressional approval to take the nation to war is NOT what Obama had when he Un-Constitutionally dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists - al Qaeda in Libya and ISIS in Syria...after his humiliating 'Red Line' fiasco.
Fail - that is not what I said at all. It was YOU who attempted to imply that.

Here's your post:

So your defense of Kerry for declaring his support for attacking and overthrowing Hussein is that he was stupid, incapable of doing research himself, and was also gullible... :p

So whether you realize it or not, you are admitting here that Bush deliberately set out to deceive everyone when it came to Iraq. You're faulting Kerry (!) for foolishly trusting in the honesty of the office of the President of the United States in 2003. So since that's what you are now establishing, what else shouldn't we trust in you people?

After that ass-spanking I gave you a while ago about your lie about tax payers not funding abortions, you seem a little desperate now. Bring your A-Game. Don't waste my time with that weak-ass shit. Tell the truth...if you can.

Taxpayers don't fund abortions, and even if they did why would you oppose that? I thought you hated single parents and thought that they were causing the "decline of the family structure"?


"So your defense of Kerry for declaring his support for attacking and overthrowing Hussein is that he was stupid, incapable of doing research himself, and was also gullible.."

So how long have you had this horrible reading comprehension problem...and the unyielding urge to spin what others say to make yourself look good while refusing to accept responsibility for your own words and actions? The mark of a true liberal snowflake... :p
What you continue to CLAIM this post means

So you painted yourself into a rhetorical corner here and it's really fucking funny.

You are saying that Kerry was too gullible and that gullibility is what led him to believe the lies Bush and the Conservatives were spreading about Iraq. So that means that Kerry and Clinton and all the Democrats who went along with Iraq did so because they trusted in the intel that Bush and the Conservatives were giving them. That intel turned out to be deliberately manipulated lies. So you are faulting Kerry and everyone else for taking Bush at his word and trusting in his honesty and in the office he held. So that means they all should have known better than to do that, right? If Kerry wasn't gullible, that means what? That he wouldn't have fallen for the bullshit intel Bush was giving him.

So yes, that is exactly what you're saying. We should have known better than to trust the intel Bush and the Conservatives were giving.

And because we should have known better then, why should we trust anything you people say now?
Taxpayers don't fund abortions, and even if they did why would you oppose that? I thought you hated single parents and thought that they were causing the "decline of the family structure"?

Thank you for admitting I spanked that ass regarding your lie.

Earlier your cohort declared the right to abortions was 'theirs' and to stay ot of 'their business'. my response was ' then you pay for it. Stop using tax dollars to pay for 'YOUR' choice.' That, of course, is when you both lied by claiming tax dollars don't fund abortions.

Snowflakes who love to murder babies like to make the argument that others' personal choices should not effect their rights and choices...then reach into the pockets of those who do not support your choice to pay for YOUR choice.

If it is your 'right' and 'choice' to kill babies / have abortions - YOU fund it. Again, stop stealing 'my' / tax payer money to pay for YOUR choice / right to murder babies.

I agree that everyone should have known better than to trust you people back in 2003. I agree that Kerry and Clinton and the Democrats that went along with it were taken for a ride by Conservative liars. I agree that they should have done the hard work of vetting the intel Bush was giving them. But they didn't. Why? Because why would Bush and the Conservatives lie about something this big?

So I don't fault people for being fooled into supporting the Iraq War. I fault the people who lied to everyone about it. I fault the people who are defending it today by accusing everyone else of trusting them too much.

Think about how fucked up that is; you're saying the mistake of Iraq was that people trusted you.
Earlier your cohort declared the right to abortions was 'theirs' and to stay ot of 'their business'. my response was ' then you pay for it. Stop using tax dollars to pay for 'YOUR' choice.' That, of course, is when you both lied by claiming tax dollars don't fund abortions.

The Hyde Amendment means they don't. So once again, you're proving to me here what you said before, how we should know better than to trust what a Conservative tells us.

Snowflakes who love to murder babies like to make the argument that others' personal choices should not effect their rights and choices...then reach into the pockets of those who do not support your choice to pay for YOUR choice.

You're under the mistaken impression I support and want abortions. I don't. I want to prevent abortions. You prevent abortions by expanding free and open access to birth control and contraceptives, and you teach sex ed in schools. But you oppose all that, which means you are the one who perpetuates and proliferates abortion, not me. So you're nothing more than a masturbating monkey at the zoo.
You are saying that Kerry was too gullible...
You seriously can't physically stop from LYING, can you?

Again, as easily seen, it was YOU who implied Kerry's actions of supporting and urging the war and removal of Hussein from power was not HIS 'fault', that he can not be held responsible for his own actions. As always with Liberals, everything has to be someone else's fault.

And as you have proved you are incapable of being honest regarding this subject, as also easily seen, I am going to walk away and ignore you, leaving you to your uncontrollable lying and spinning.

Thanks for the opportunity to spank that ass before about your abortion lie.

Have a nice day.
The Hyde Amendment means they don't. So once again, you're proving to me here what you said before, how we should know better than to trust what a Conservative tells us.
You are REALLY going to make me spank your ass for lying about Tax Dollars being used for abortions AGAIN?! Dude, you are one twisted sadomasochist..and liar.

"taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the U.S. with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers. If we apply the 24% figure to the total number of abortions, this is equivalent to taxpayers paying the full cost of 250,000 abortions a year, with about 70,000 financed by federal taxpayers and 180,000 financed by state taxpayers

A first-trimester abortion costs $397 vs. $854 for a second-trimester procedure, but the fraction of abortions financed using insurance (public or private) is nearly identical (25% for second-term versus 22.6% for first-term). Abortions are financed in a variety of ways. According to a Guttmacher Institute survey in 2011, 69% of abortions are paid for entirely out of pocket. Another 15.6% report using Medicaid

Everyone knows that Medicaid is taxpayer-funded"

Again, as easily seen, it was YOU who implied Kerry's actions of supporting and urging the war and removal of Hussein from power was not HIS 'fault', that he can not be held responsible for his own actions.

Never. Fucking. Said. That. In fact, I said the opposite! So now you're in that trollish space where you realized you made a rhetorical gaffe and are now trying to push that gaffe back on me.

You are the one who came right out and said that the straw man argument I had was that Kerry was too gullible and should have known better. And I would agree! Kerry was gullible and should have known better. But that doesn't let Bush, the Conservatives, or you off the hook for lying about Iraq and Saddam. In fact, by posing that straw man argument on me you are tacitly admitting that Kerry was gullible because he trusted you too much.

And to that I say, lesson learned! It's why we shouldn't trust Conservatives when they say anything today.

As always with Liberals, everything has to be someone else's fault.

You are blaming Kerry's gullibility and trust in the Conservatives' and Bush's honesty for Bush and the Conservatives lying us into the war. So that means you think Bush was lying from the start and fooled people. So since that's the case, why the fuck should anyone trust anything you say?

And as you have proved you are incapable of being honest regarding this subject, as also easily seen, I am going to walk away and ignore you, leaving you to your uncontrollable lying and spinning.Thanks for the opportunity to spank that ass before about your abortion lie. Have a nice day.

What a fucking coward. I guess the Russian commander in your troll farm was peeking over your shoulder here and told you to stop because you just exposed the fatal flaw in your own defense; that you're not to be trusted.
...is what the Democratic Party Southern plantation owners said to the Republican Party Abolitionists.

Does this argument sound familiar to us in this modern day?

Yes, because once again the nation is faced with a great moral issue.

And once again the Democrats are on the immoral side of a moral argument, and Republicans are on the moral side.

Is this a coincidence?

No, the parties are really not changed over the past century and a half.

Democrats, then and now, are the party of "the ends justify the means."

Even slavery and murder of the unborn can be justified under this analysis.

The Republicans, then and now, are the party of belief in moral standards that don't change based on circumstances.

Interesting that the parry of the alt right kkk pro slavery fascist slime is now the zrepubs.

If the Dems could change, why can’t you ?

Because it has always been the same people.

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The KKK supports the repubs. Please dont preach to anyone about morals.
And the Clinton's are dems. Now shut the hell up.
Drumpfs a republican too. Now you make me shut up.
I love when you get all fired up. You have nothing but a fake party with mindless clowns that do as they are told.
I think you just love the idea of me getting fired up. I dislike both parties so I really have no dog in the fight. You on the other hand are so angry you want me to shut up. Dont get emotional.
Nope. You do as exactly what your masters tell you to do.

You mean Bannon, trump and the rest of the RWNJs?

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Again, as easily seen, it was YOU who implied Kerry's actions of supporting and urging the war and removal of Hussein from power was not HIS 'fault', that he can not be held responsible for his own actions.

Never. Fucking. Said. That. In fact, I said the opposite! So now you're in that trollish space where you realized you made a rhetorical gaffe and are now trying to push that gaffe back on me.

You are the one who came right out and said that the straw man argument I had was that Kerry was too gullible and should have known better. And I would agree! Kerry was gullible and should have known better. But that doesn't let Bush, the Conservatives, or you off the hook for lying about Iraq and Saddam. In fact, by posing that straw man argument on me you are tacitly admitting that Kerry was gullible because he trusted you too much.

And to that I say, lesson learned! It's why we shouldn't trust Conservatives when they say anything today.

As always with Liberals, everything has to be someone else's fault.

You are blaming Kerry's gullibility and trust in the Conservatives' and Bush's honesty for Bush and the Conservatives lying us into the war. So that means you think Bush was lying from the start and fooled people. So since that's the case, why the fuck should anyone trust anything you say?

And as you have proved you are incapable of being honest regarding this subject, as also easily seen, I am going to walk away and ignore you, leaving you to your uncontrollable lying and spinning.Thanks for the opportunity to spank that ass before about your abortion lie. Have a nice day.

What a fucking coward. I guess the Russian commander in your troll farm was peeking over your shoulder here and told you to stop because you just exposed the fatal flaw in your own defense; that you're not to be trusted.
Poor, EXPOSED, LYING, triggered snowflake...


You continue with your meltdown, and I'm just going to ignore you. Spanking that ass is getting boring...

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