If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

You can't overthrow in a coup d'etat an elected President, without consequences.

Normally, the patriotic Americans go about their business and obey the law.

But if you get us angry enough, really angry, you will reap the whirlwind.
Look, dumb ass, we did exactly that with Nixon. Our Constitution allows for the dismissal of really incompetent leaders. Such as the senile old orange clown.
The last time Democrats tried to overthrow the results of an election, the Republican President invaded your part of the country, killed hundreds of thousands of your men, burned down your cities, wrecked your railroads, and looted your livestock and crops. Do you really want a repeat of that harsh lesson?
Ah...I see you failed American History too.
Trump cannot be impeached without criminal charges being filed against him.
Republicans control congress and Republicans only impeach over important stuff like blow jobs
Sorry, liar boy... Clinton was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS... but then you knew that already, you just like to LIE.
The last time Democrats tried to overthrow the results of an election, the Republican President invaded your part of the country, killed hundreds of thousands of your men, burned down your cities, wrecked your railroads, and looted your livestock and crops. Do you really want a repeat of that harsh lesson?


When was that? And where?

This oughta be good.....
The results of the 1860 Presidential election was not accepted by the Democratic Party, so they voted to secede in 11 Southern states. The result was a war that resulted in the death of 600,000 men, and a total victory for the North and a humiliating and destructive defeat for the South.
Wrong...see? You DID fail American History.
You can't overthrow in a coup d'etat an elected President, without consequences.

Normally, the patriotic Americans go about their business and obey the law.

But if you get us angry enough, really angry, you will reap the whirlwind.
Look, dumb ass, we did exactly that with Nixon. Our Constitution allows for the dismissal of really incompetent leaders. Such as the senile old orange clown.
Watergate. The leftist's perpetual wet dream. You need grounds for impeachment and no one is stupid enough to believe this is about Trump. If he died tomorrow Pence would get the same treatment.
Trump cannot be impeached without criminal charges being filed against him.
Republicans control congress and Republicans only impeach over important stuff like blow jobs
Sorry, liar boy... Clinton was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS... but then you knew that already, you just like to LIE.
Actually, for lying to a Grand Jury. You're welcome.
You can't overthrow in a coup d'etat an elected President, without consequences.

Normally, the patriotic Americans go about their business and obey the law.

But if you get us angry enough, really angry, you will reap the whirlwind.
Look, dumb ass, we did exactly that with Nixon. Our Constitution allows for the dismissal of really incompetent leaders. Such as the senile old orange clown.
Watergate. The leftist's perpetual wet dream. You need grounds for impeachment and no one is stupid enough to believe this is about Trump. If he died tomorrow Pence would get the same treatment.
If Pence was found to be obstructing justice and colluding with a foreign government, yes.
Impeachment is more popular than you think...

More Americans want President Trump impeached than don't, according to a new survey by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling released Tuesday.

Forty-eight percent of respondents said they would support Trump's impeachment, while 41 percent would oppose such charges.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

It is a good thing we don't impose punishments by polls.

I guess we will never know the answer to the most vexing question of the day: Why are libs so stupid?

Information isn't advocacy. I merely pointed out that impeachment may not be as unpopular as the OP believes it to be.

Impeach for what? The guy hasn't done anything impeachable. That's not to mention the fact the Presidents party is in leadership of congress and senate.

My. Goodness, I've never seen such sore losers in my life. You leftists don't belong in a republic, you belong in a dictatorship where your guy wins all the time, and will provide you with free healthcare, a place to live, and where nobody has any money or guns except the government.

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Right now for the appearance of obstruction justice IF all that is being reported turns out to be true. We'll have to let the investigations conclude to find out.
So even if he is found guilty of criminal activity = the loserterians aren't going to stand for it???

And you wonder why I think you're a bunch of backwards savages without any ability to respect our laws or society in general.

After 8 years of Obama's lawlessness no liberal/democrat person has the standing to talk about respecting our laws.
"Obama's lawlessness"......:rolleyes:
I'm not a democrat...
I travel the world, and trust me the whole world is laughing at your poor choice.
Even if your orange man brings prosperity to every household in America....liking him and voting for him is immoral....most arrogant piece of shit, liar, narcissist, sexist..he's a dictator. And he's part of the problem he's the 1%. Failed businessman who uses the system to stay afloat while many ordinary Americans go to jail for 1% of what he did.
Wake up and educate yourself, you are an embarassement.

Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.

Gee, I wish I was as much of a failed businessman as Trump. I'm sure most liberals do too, it's just they don't have the balls to say it.
"I wish I had a rich daddy to set me up in $$$ and connections", you mean.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
Trump's administration is offering concessions to the Dems. Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel. Lieberman, a former Democrat turned Independent, is in strong contention for Director of the FBI. Now if Trump himself would turn his rhetoric away from the "us vs. them" contest and just start explaining in a friendly way why he supports the policies he does without being combative about it, things would calm down.
I'm not a democrat...
I travel the world, and trust me the whole world is laughing at your poor choice.
Even if your orange man brings prosperity to every household in America....liking him and voting for him is immoral....most arrogant piece of shit, liar, narcissist, sexist..he's a dictator. And he's part of the problem he's the 1%. Failed businessman who uses the system to stay afloat while many ordinary Americans go to jail for 1% of what he did.
Wake up and educate yourself, you are an embarassement.

Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.

Gee, I wish I was as much of a failed businessman as Trump. I'm sure most liberals do too, it's just they don't have the balls to say it.

Whelp -- he did successfully accept the umpteem skillion dollars Daddy handed him for the accomplishment of existing. So--- there's that.

But damn, you're right, every day I wallow in the shameful fact that I never had an airline, several casinos, a water, a vodka, a steak, a board game, a travel service and a vitamin company that would have people mail in their pee, all go bankrupt.

And yet he still became a billionaire.

Bill and Hillary spent eight years in the White House; this was after his several terms as Governor not to mention both were lawyers. According to Hillary, when they left the White House, they were dead broke.
"and yet he still became a billionaire" Prove that.
Trump cannot be impeached without criminal charges being filed against him.
Republicans control congress and Republicans only impeach over important stuff like blow jobs
Sorry, liar boy... Clinton was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS... but then you knew that already, you just like to LIE.
Lying about a blowjob is impeaching over a blowjob
Trump cannot be impeached without criminal charges being filed against him.
Republicans control congress and Republicans only impeach over important stuff like blow jobs
Sorry, liar boy... Clinton was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS... but then you knew that already, you just like to LIE.
Lying about a blowjob is impeaching over a blowjob
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
Go fuck yourself, youwhiny little snowflake bitch. If he gets impeached, it'll be his own fault, and it'll be perfectly constitutional.

Bring your trailer park pussy revolution to my town and you'll be pushing up daisies you fucking piece of shit
Wow, gotta love the emuscle action hero personna. There are no grounds for impeachment, disagreeing with the left isn't illegal and the supreme court picks will ensure that for another generation. Suck it up buttercup.
Obstruction of justice is grounds for impeachment, you uber retard.
...except he didn't obstruct anyone. Quit tripping over your e-dick.
That's one of the things that is going to be investigated, is it not?
You can't overthrow in a coup d'etat an elected President, without consequences.

Normally, the patriotic Americans go about their business and obey the law.

But if you get us angry enough, really angry, you will reap the whirlwind.
This is America, no one is above the law. Presidents have been impeached for far less. Donnie is on his way out. Deal with it. You have made your bed......
Trump cannot be impeached without criminal charges being filed against him.
Republicans control congress and Republicans only impeach over important stuff like blow jobs
Sorry, liar boy... Clinton was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS... but then you knew that already, you just like to LIE.
Lying about a blowjob is impeaching over a blowjob
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
Go fuck yourself, youwhiny little snowflake bitch. If he gets impeached, it'll be his own fault, and it'll be perfectly constitutional.

Bring your trailer park pussy revolution to my town and you'll be pushing up daisies you fucking piece of shit
Wow, gotta love the emuscle action hero personna. There are no grounds for impeachment, disagreeing with the left isn't illegal and the supreme court picks will ensure that for another generation. Suck it up buttercup.
Obstruction of justice is grounds for impeachment, you uber retard.

Retard? You don't even know what obstruction of justice means yet alone feel qualified to call anybody else names.

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Obstruction of justice is the crime that Trump committed if indeed the evidence proves it. And if it is proven, then he committed an impeachable offense. Read a book asshole
It only took one third of colonists to defeat the British Empire (with a bit of help from the French).

If it can be done to them, it can be done to our own.
Yes...the Patriots were the Liberals defeating the Tories (Con-servative Loyalists).....good example.

The Tories were monarchists, not conservatives.

The classical liberalism of the time stands in full opposition to modern "liberalism". Stealing a name does not make you any less totalitarian.

Hopefully, no conflict will prove necessary, but I'm sure you realize that should your push come to a shove, you people would lose miserably, because you have nothing to fight for, and because the military - which voted overwhelmingly against the Democrats - would squash you like the bugs you people are.

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