If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Lying about a blowjob is impeaching over a blowjob
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
For what?
any number of things.
I would love to see them get his ass for treason. Let him rot in jail like traitor he is. But if obstruction of justice, perjury, tampering with evidence etc. come first than so be it.
.... :lol:

You need a reality check.

There is no reality for these delusional snowflakes. Remember,....to them...."HILLARY IN A LANDSLIDE" (because ALL the polls said so) !!
My, what a dumb little cocksuck you are. Clinton is not the one under criminal investigation by Special Prosecutor Mueller.
She can be, and more than likely will be. A special counsel can investigate any damn body they want, and go in any direction they want. They have very broad powers to do as they please, moron.
Yes they do...and I hope Mueller takes his broad powers and also investigates trump's claim that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast.
I'm not a democrat...
I travel the world, and trust me the whole world is laughing at your poor choice.
Even if your orange man brings prosperity to every household in America....liking him and voting for him is immoral....most arrogant piece of shit, liar, narcissist, sexist..he's a dictator. And he's part of the problem he's the 1%. Failed businessman who uses the system to stay afloat while many ordinary Americans go to jail for 1% of what he did.
Wake up and educate yourself, you are an embarassement.

If you lie to yourself often enough (once) you tend to believe the lies. This is a mental defect of leftard snowflakes.

The "WHOLE WORLD", really?

Last time I checked Israel and Russia were not laughing at the "poor choice"....to name two right off the bat.

If you knew a fraction of what you think you do, you would know that in reality, the world that mattered laughed at the child king sissy boy who was in office for 8 years starting in 2009.
You reference Putins satisfaction of trump of evidence of his success.... are you f*cking kidding?

Can you not comprehend English? Where did I say Putin was "satisfied" moron?
The snowflake assertion was LAUGHTER...not SATISFACTION.

snowflake assclowns
Surely someone has pointed out that it is the GOP who controls the House. Any impeachment proceedings will have to be started by Republicans.
Lying about a blowjob is impeaching over a blowjob
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
Obama and Hillary make him look good. However, this is the billionth accusation the left has made. Odd that they think we should keep taking them seriously.
Please, trump makes a mouse look good.... and highly intelligent...
Only one we shouldnt be taking seriously is the donald unfortunately you fools put him in the white house.... or is it the red house now?
At least it hasn't been turned into the outhouse, like with the last guy.
Still jonesing over Former President Obama, I see.
Sorry, liar boy... Clinton was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS... but then you knew that already, you just like to LIE.
Lying about a blowjob is impeaching over a blowjob
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
For what?
any number of things.
I would love to see them get his ass for treason. Let him rot in jail like traitor he is. But if obstruction of justice, perjury, tampering with evidence etc. come first than so be it.

So, Trump's a traitor, but a guy who frees 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a deserter isn't?

What world did I wake up in today?!

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
The American people won't stand for it?? Says who? You??


By a margin of 48% to 41%, more Americans want him impeached than those who don't.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

You can't fuck America like installing an bumbling buffoon like Trump and get away with it.
Of course you can get whatever result you want from a "POLL."

And this "POLL" is pure BULL SHIT, just like ALL the "POLLS" that said he was going to LOSE.

Go pound sand.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
The American people won't stand for it?? Says who? You??


By a margin of 48% to 41%, more Americans want him impeached than those who don't.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

You can't fuck America like installing an bumbling buffoon like Trump and get away with it.

Why not? You did!

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My, what a dumb little cocksuck you are. Clinton is not the one under criminal investigation by Special Prosecutor Mueller.
She can be, and more than likely will be. A special counsel can investigate any damn body they want, and go in any direction they want. They have very broad powers to do as they please, moron.
Yes they do...and I hope Mueller takes his broad powers and also investigates trump's claim that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast.
So do I.
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
Obama and Hillary make him look good. However, this is the billionth accusation the left has made. Odd that they think we should keep taking them seriously.
Please, trump makes a mouse look good.... and highly intelligent...
Only one we shouldnt be taking seriously is the donald unfortunately you fools put him in the white house.... or is it the red house now?
At least it hasn't been turned into the outhouse, like with the last guy.
Still jonesing over Former President Obama, I see.
Like you guys and your little muslim messiah jones'n over Bush for 8 years.
Lying about a blowjob is impeaching over a blowjob
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
For what?
any number of things.
I would love to see them get his ass for treason. Let him rot in jail like traitor he is. But if obstruction of justice, perjury, tampering with evidence etc. come first than so be it.

So, Trump's a traitor, but a guy who frees 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a deserter isn't?

What world did I wake up in today?!
It's ok, you're in the real world, but you're reading crap from the lunatic left.
You know what's going to be heard from Mueller? Crickets.

If by chance some crap is manufactured, it's going to be obvious.
Lying about a blowjob is impeaching over a blowjob
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
For what?
any number of things.
I would love to see them get his ass for treason. Let him rot in jail like traitor he is. But if obstruction of justice, perjury, tampering with evidence etc. come first than so be it.

So, Trump's a traitor, but a guy who frees 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a deserter isn't?

What world did I wake up in today?!
silly comparison. We are literally talking treason here. Get a grip.
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
For what?
any number of things.
I would love to see them get his ass for treason. Let him rot in jail like traitor he is. But if obstruction of justice, perjury, tampering with evidence etc. come first than so be it.

So, Trump's a traitor, but a guy who frees 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a deserter isn't?

What world did I wake up in today?!
silly comparison. We are literally talking treason here. Get a grip.

Yes we are. It's called "or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
The sour grapes left are trying to destroy President Trump without giving the guy a chance, the sour grapes left refuse to accept the election results, if they continue to push the American people are going to give them the beating of their lives, stop being a bunch of dicks.
Nope... sorry. Lying is lying... and you ought to know.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
Obama and Hillary make him look good. However, this is the billionth accusation the left has made. Odd that they think we should keep taking them seriously.
Please, trump makes a mouse look good.... and highly intelligent...
Only one we shouldnt be taking seriously is the donald unfortunately you fools put him in the white house.... or is it the red house now?
At least it hasn't been turned into the outhouse, like with the last guy.
Still jonesing over Former President Obama, I see.

He set a new standard for lousy performance. He'll be referenced for it for generations to come.
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
Go fuck yourself, youwhiny little snowflake bitch. If he gets impeached, it'll be his own fault, and it'll be perfectly constitutional.

Bring your trailer park pussy revolution to my town and you'll be pushing up daisies you fucking piece of shit
Wow, gotta love the emuscle action hero personna. There are no grounds for impeachment, disagreeing with the left isn't illegal and the supreme court picks will ensure that for another generation. Suck it up buttercup.
Obstruction of justice is grounds for impeachment, you uber retard.

Retard? You don't even know what obstruction of justice means yet alone feel qualified to call anybody else names.

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Obstruction of justice is the crime that Trump committed if indeed the evidence proves it. And if it is proven, then he committed an impeachable offense. Read a book asshole

Why don't you use terms you can understand asshole? Trump never obstructed anything. He has the legal ability and right to fire anybody he desires. You just don't like it, and that's good.

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Americans have been tolerant of the left, perhaps too tolerant as they've become emboldened.

Americans are ready to fight at this point. Keep yapping, ankle-biters.
The sour grapes left are trying to destroy President Trump without giving the guy a chance, the sour grapes left refuse to accept the election results, if they continue to push the American people are going to give them the beating of their lives, stop being a bunch of dicks.
trumps forte is self destruction. Dems are just trying to help the GOP back to reality and loyalty to their country. They have been so scared of black presidents and gay rights they ran straight into putins arms. Time for them to stop now.
Go fuck yourself, youwhiny little snowflake bitch. If he gets impeached, it'll be his own fault, and it'll be perfectly constitutional.

Bring your trailer park pussy revolution to my town and you'll be pushing up daisies you fucking piece of shit
Wow, gotta love the emuscle action hero personna. There are no grounds for impeachment, disagreeing with the left isn't illegal and the supreme court picks will ensure that for another generation. Suck it up buttercup.
Obstruction of justice is grounds for impeachment, you uber retard.

Retard? You don't even know what obstruction of justice means yet alone feel qualified to call anybody else names.

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Obstruction of justice is the crime that Trump committed if indeed the evidence proves it. And if it is proven, then he committed an impeachable offense. Read a book asshole

Why don't you use terms you can understand asshole? Trump never obstructed anything. He has the legal ability and right to fire anybody he desires. You just don't like it, and that's good.

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:lol: Terms I can understand? I understand that IF Trump tried to push Comey to drop a criminal investigation against Flynn, THAT is obstruction of justice, and THAT is an impeachable offense. Now go cry and jerk off to Alex Jones

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