If you're a Reagan Republican and a Trump supporter ...

Johnson doesn't hold Ronald Reagan's values, either, though.

Well, not completely. But in general, Johnson is a fiscal conservative and Reagan while talking to socons gave them nothing. Johnson wants to use the military less than Reagan, but frankly, Reagan used it too much
Anyone who supports open borders supports the destruction of this country. Johnson isn't acceptable, period.

Anyone who opposes free markets and capitalism supports the destruction of the country isn't acceptable, period.

So that eliminates everyone else running. So where do we go now?

If Hillary gets elected, there will never be a pro-capitalist president again. it won't matter what the Republican candidate supports. He will never get elected. Hillary will pack the court with leftwing judges, and the Constitution will become a worthless scrap of paper.

You just don't seem to get it. Hillary isn't a temporary problem. She a permanent change in the government of this country. Leftists play for keeps. They will do everything in their power to make sure their agenda is carved in granite for ever. We aren't participating in some boxing match run according to the queensbury rules. We're fighting hardcore Stalinist who want to impose tyranny on us.
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...

Don't waste your time telling us Trump isn't the perfect Republican. Was George W Bush? Was McCain? Was Romney? Was Bush Sr?

The bottom line is that he's a million times better than the alternative: Hillary.

You read my OP and all you got out of it is that Trump "isn't the perfect Republican?" Seriously?

It's mostly hyperbole and mischaracterization.

Really? Where? Trump is not just advocating "fair" trade, he's advocating companies being punished for trying to leave our oppressive government regulations and taxes. Republicans keep saying he doesn't mean it. I don't buy that

It's mostly a negotiating tactic, but even if it isn't, he can't do shit without Congressional approval. The alternative is TPP. Do you support that?
We've had Republicans before who favored high tariffs. Did it end the country? No. But open borders will end the country. Open borders will turn this country into a colder version of Mexico, with all it's corruption and poverty.
America has slid a long way down the toilet bowl since Reagan's day.

And the solution is the same, free markets, free trade, capitalism

The solution to open borders is free markets? The first thing to disappear in this country, after it's flooded with Mexicans who will keep the Democrats in power for the next 100 years, will be any semblance of a free market.

Electing Hillary means the end of the United States as a free country. It's as simple as that.

Ha ha? You think I said free markets solves open borders? Seriously? OK, I'll dumb this down for you.

You said border control is a litmus test for you.

I said capitalism is a litmus test for me. I did not say it solves open borders.

You should know that's what I was arguing because, well, duh, it's butt obvious

You failed to get the point. There won't be any capitalism after 8 years of Hillary with open borders. The Mexicans flooding in will make it impossible for any candidate who supports capitalism to get elected. If she gets elected, that will be the end of capitalism.

Who was running for the Republican nomination that supported capitalism? Bush? Nope. Kasich? Nope. Cruz? He didn't get the nomination, so there's no point in whining about him.

Who was the last Republican president who believed in capitalism? W? Nope. Bush Sr? Nope.

You're naive if you believe this country can withstand 8 years of Hillary. 8 years of Obama has nearly wrecked it, and Hillary will finish it off.

We're screwed whichever wins. Saying the Republicans are protecting us from the end of capitalism is like saying the getaway driver is standing between the bank robber and the bank.

The last who believed in Capitalism was Reagan, though is policies weren't perfect. But the others didn't run on a platform against capitalism. I did realize it and phrase it that way

Sorry, but the alternatives are not equivalent. Hillary is a 1000 times worse. With her we are screwed forever. We will swirl down the socialist toilet bowl and never come back. The worst Trump will do is impose a few tariffs or adopt some tax credits for pregnant women.
Reagan was about illegal arms sales to death squads in Nicaragua.
No one knows what Trump would do.

They weren't illegal, turd. Selling arms to the Iranians was, however. On the other hand, Obama just paid $1.7 billion in ransom money to the Iranians.
Ronald Reagan permitted a clandestine action not approved of by the United States Congress when, in 1985, he supplied weapons to Iran, a sworn enemy of the United States. Reagan took millions of dollars from the illegal weapons sale and routed them and guns to the right-wing "Contra" murder squads in Nicaragua whom he likened to "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers".
Learn a little history before you express your opinion and mind your manners.
Clandestine operations don't need to be approved by Congress, numskull. I agree it was wrong to sell weapons to Iran, since there was a law specifically prohibiting it, but Reagan wasn't aware that the proceeds were used to buy weapons for the Contras. Most of the arms for the Contras were paid for by third parties, like Saudi Arabia. There wasn't a single thing illegal about that.
Reagan was a Liberal, just like Johnson. We don't know what Trump would be. My guess is he's a Liberal too.

Well said.

Although I think Reagan was conservative rhetorically, he governed like a liberal.

As governor of California he passed the most liberal abortion policy in the state's history. He was extremely pragmatic when it came to moral issues, and he had no problem accommodating the rising tide of sixties feminism.

As president he didn't think that markets should be constrained by conservative principals. For instance, he claimed to be "pro family", but his economic policies - by liberalizing trade and freeing capital to bypass American Labor for Chinese sweatshops - were poisonous to the American family. He broke the postwar compact between capital and labor. He put profits and free markets ahead of the American family.

Reagan grew the federal government's workforce by 3x Carter, and his spending and debt levels were 3x Carter. He was a HUGE spender. He was a HUGE believer in military Keynesianism. The insane number of defense sector jobs he added to places like San Diego & Orange counties would have made FDR proud.

Reagan passed the largest Amnesty Bill in American history. He did it partly to break Union control and/or wage inflation in Southwestern Agriculture, food service and construction, but he also did it because he emphatically didn't share the Rightwing belief in the superiority of the white race and American culture.

Reagan was a globalist and a liberal world saver. He did more to increase Washington's global influence than any president since FDR. He expanded American intervention and basing by 150% over Carter. Reagan not only wanted to make the world safe for American capital, but he was on a quasi-liberal mission to save the 3rd world using Washington's centralized financial & military power by imposing a universal free market structure on every corner of the planet. Only a liberal could have the Soviet faith required to remake the world's economy top-down from Washington.

Don't bother talking to Republicans about this. They can't name one piece of legislation passed by Reagan.

Ask a Republican about the legislation that Reagan championed for the globalization of the textile industry and the number of American families who got fucked so that capitalists could get their clothing manufactured for pennies by enslaved Taiwanese peasants. Have you ever met a Republican who could speak in depth about Reagan's trade legislation?

This is why Republicans are vulnerable to Trump. Their information comes from talk radio, TV and the Internet rather than a university classroom where you have to research ACTUAL policies before your speak.

Welcome to planet Trump. Stupidity has won.

(Psst: Trump supporters: you've been lied to)
Reagan was about illegal arms sales to death squads in Nicaragua.
No one knows what Trump would do.

Maybe you could turn off the recording and speak some content
Forgive me but your post is incoherent.

Sure, let me dumb it down for you. What I'm saying is that maybe you could stop playing video tape of what politicians told you to say and actually engage in the discussion
That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary.

What, exactly, are you afraid of? This "scary" business is complete BS.

Sure, let me dumb it down for you.

kaz: Trump is all about fear, fear we can't compete, fear feriners will take our jobs, fear, fear, fear

jwoodie: what are you afraid of?


get it now?
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...

Neither Reagan nor Trump apologized for America nor did they call for a fundamental change in America. Where does Hillary fit?

Trump telling us that he's personally calling for us to vote for him to "Make America great again"

it's calling for a "fundamental change in America?"

Seriously? That makes sense to you?
Reagan was about illegal arms sales to death squads in Nicaragua.
No one knows what Trump would do.

Maybe you could turn off the recording and speak some content
Forgive me but your post is incoherent.

Sure, let me dumb it down for you. What I'm saying is that maybe you could stop playing video tape of what politicians told you to say and actually engage in the discussion
Stop being rude and perhaps others will want to debate with you.
Johnson doesn't hold Ronald Reagan's values, either, though.

Well, not completely. But in general, Johnson is a fiscal conservative and Reagan while talking to socons gave them nothing. Johnson wants to use the military less than Reagan, but frankly, Reagan used it too much
Anyone who supports open borders supports the destruction of this country. Johnson isn't acceptable, period.

Anyone who opposes free markets and capitalism supports the destruction of the country isn't acceptable, period.

So that eliminates everyone else running. So where do we go now?

If Hillary gets elected, there will never be a pro-capitalist president again. it won't matter what the Republican candidate supports. He will never get elected. Hillary will pack the court with leftwing judges, and the Constitution will become a worthless scrap of paper.

You just don't seem to get it. Hillary isn't a temporary problem. She a permanent change in the government of this country. Leftists play for keeps. They will do everything in their power to make sure their agenda is carved in granite for ever. We aren't participating in some boxing match run according to the queensbury rules. We're fighting hardcore Stalinist who want to impose tyranny on us.

I'm 53 and I've heard that all my life. Meanwhile, Republicans being elected has done zero for me. I quit. I'm closer to anarchist than you are. How does an anarchist think that government is going to protect us from anything? What are you thinking? Or are you?
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...

Don't waste your time telling us Trump isn't the perfect Republican. Was George W Bush? Was McCain? Was Romney? Was Bush Sr?

The bottom line is that he's a million times better than the alternative: Hillary.

You read my OP and all you got out of it is that Trump "isn't the perfect Republican?" Seriously?

It's mostly hyperbole and mischaracterization.

Really? Where? Trump is not just advocating "fair" trade, he's advocating companies being punished for trying to leave our oppressive government regulations and taxes. Republicans keep saying he doesn't mean it. I don't buy that

It's mostly a negotiating tactic, but even if it isn't, he can't do shit without Congressional approval. The alternative is TPP. Do you support that?
We've had Republicans before who favored high tariffs. Did it end the country? No. But open borders will end the country. Open borders will turn this country into a colder version of Mexico, with all it's corruption and poverty.

That you oppose "open borders" directly contradicts that you're actually an anarchist.

I don't know enough about TPP to have a view either way. I support free trade but I don't support Obama. I'd like to know what it actually says.

And Trump saying he's an anti-capitalist, anti-free trader is a bizarre way to run for people who support capitalism and free trade. Maybe he should win the election before negotiating with anyone
Reagan was a Liberal, just like Johnson. We don't know what Trump would be. My guess is he's a Liberal too.

Trump and Reagan are both liberals.

They should not call it alt-right, but rather alt-progressive.
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
Johnson has no business being president.

He’s wrong concerning most of the issues, has exhibited ignorance concerning many of those issues, and is inconsistent with his policy positions.

Indeed, Reagan was likewise wrong on most of the issues, but at least he was consistent at being wrong.
And the solution is the same, free markets, free trade, capitalism

The solution to open borders is free markets? The first thing to disappear in this country, after it's flooded with Mexicans who will keep the Democrats in power for the next 100 years, will be any semblance of a free market.

Electing Hillary means the end of the United States as a free country. It's as simple as that.

Ha ha? You think I said free markets solves open borders? Seriously? OK, I'll dumb this down for you.

You said border control is a litmus test for you.

I said capitalism is a litmus test for me. I did not say it solves open borders.

You should know that's what I was arguing because, well, duh, it's butt obvious

You failed to get the point. There won't be any capitalism after 8 years of Hillary with open borders. The Mexicans flooding in will make it impossible for any candidate who supports capitalism to get elected. If she gets elected, that will be the end of capitalism.

Who was running for the Republican nomination that supported capitalism? Bush? Nope. Kasich? Nope. Cruz? He didn't get the nomination, so there's no point in whining about him.

Who was the last Republican president who believed in capitalism? W? Nope. Bush Sr? Nope.

You're naive if you believe this country can withstand 8 years of Hillary. 8 years of Obama has nearly wrecked it, and Hillary will finish it off.

We're screwed whichever wins. Saying the Republicans are protecting us from the end of capitalism is like saying the getaway driver is standing between the bank robber and the bank.

The last who believed in Capitalism was Reagan, though is policies weren't perfect. But the others didn't run on a platform against capitalism. I did realize it and phrase it that way

Sorry, but the alternatives are not equivalent. Hillary is a 1000 times worse. With her we are screwed forever. We will swirl down the socialist toilet bowl and never come back. The worst Trump will do is impose a few tariffs or adopt some tax credits for pregnant women.

Hillary is a minor variation of the same, but I'm only going by what Trump says he believes. Interesting you know he's lying and you want to vote for him for that.

Trump: I'm against capitalism and free trade

kaz: Well, then I'm against you

bripat: What's wrong with you, kaz? Don't you support capitalism and free trade?

Yeah ...
How does an anarchist think that government is going to protect us from anything?

I find it very questionable when anarchists start playing state politics.

There are a lot of posers in this ideology, whether they come from the left or right. Moreso from the right wing, which is why I am usually more skeptical of the anarchists that came out of the Tea Party movement and such.
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
Johnson has no business being president.

He’s wrong concerning most of the issues, has exhibited ignorance concerning many of those issues, and is inconsistent with his policy positions.

Indeed, Reagan was likewise wrong on most of the issues, but at least he was consistent at being wrong.

I agree on Johnson, but you are a Hiltarette, so obviously that isn't a standard for you
How does an anarchist think that government is going to protect us from anything?

I find it very questionable when anarchists start playing state politics.

There are a lot of posers in this ideology, whether they come from the left or right. Moreso from the right wing, which is why I am usually more skeptical of the anarchists that came out of the Tea Party movement and such.

There are no anarchists in the tea party, you're making your shit up as you go. And leftists in this country are totalitarians, to call them "anarchists" is even more retarded
Wow, that's some great shit. Can I try a hit?

Warning: the truth can be addictive.

Reagan was a big government spender. The only difference is that he created more government jobs, free housing, and food with less debt.

I am talking about the military, in case you didn't get that.

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