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Illinois governor strikes blow for taxapyers...q

I love how these union dupes are all for the workers blah blah but they all are against right to work laws.

Union idiots believe people should be forced to join a union and pay dues in order to get a job.

Yay freedom.
I love how these union dupes are all for the workers blah blah but they all are against right to work laws.

Union idiots believe people should be forced to join a union and pay dues in order to get a job.

Yay freedom.

MOre along the line- you pay your dues, and they look out for your interests.

But I'm sure you pine for the good old days before we had unions and they did shit like this...

I love how these union dupes are all for the workers blah blah but they all are against right to work laws.

Union idiots believe people should be forced to join a union and pay dues in order to get a job.

Yay freedom.

MOre along the line- you pay your dues, and they look out for your interests.

But I'm sure you pine for the good old days before we had unions and they did shit like this...


I can look out for my own interests without getting shaken down for dues
You're projecting your own faults on others. It's unseemly. You are still as dumb as a bag of hammers.

Not at all.

Thickskull, Spoonhead, Meathead, and the rest of the idiot chorus here are just SOOOOO upset that these public employees didn't go along with the "Oky-Doke" (see my post on the first page of this discussion) that dismantled the middle class in this country.

Instead of trying to get a middle class back, they want to stomp out the last vestige of it, because, hey, it's so unfair they still have good medical plans and decent wages!
I love how these union dupes are all for the workers blah blah but they all are against right to work laws.

Union idiots believe people should be forced to join a union and pay dues in order to get a job.

Yay freedom.

MOre along the line- you pay your dues, and they look out for your interests.

But I'm sure you pine for the good old days before we had unions and they did shit like this...


That's the myth. Unions DO NOT "look out" for the interests of workers.
Unions are a business. And as such, the look out for their own self interest.
If what you claim is true, then why on earth would a union suggest their members in the face of certain job loss, go on strike anyway?
The Hostess case is one such example.
The Continental-General Tire strike is another. The York, PA Harley Davidson plant closing is a third. And the Stella D'Oro bakery strike in the Bronx, NY is another.
In each instance, the union faced the certainty the workplace in question would be closed if the workers went on strike. Each time the union attempted to call the company owner's bluff. Each time the company made good on it's threat to shutter the facility.
Guess what? The respective unions the formerly represented those tens of thousands of workers, are STILL in business. The union management people are still making 6 figure salaries and their kids are still attending private schools...So the bog loser is? The workers.
Look, you can come on here and extol the virtues of "da yoon yun", but that doesn't cut any ice here. Not in the real world of business.
]Yeah Joe, I heard the unions' latest comeback was in Michigan.:D

You could still get a life.

You mean the law they snuck in that won't stand?

Kind of desperate when you sneak something in during a lame duck session you'd have never proposed before an election.

This was never a secret. Michigan's economy has been devastated by it's closed shop status.
Right work removes the rights of no one.
Right to work means one thing....That no person may be obligated to either be a current member of a labor collective or become a member of a labor collective.
It's called freedom of choice.
Freedom is a good thing. It is one of the cornerstones of our nation.
Michigan's economy has been devastated by the fact that the leadership of the Big Three has been incompetent for years, not realizing the world wide demand was for smaller cars, not bigger ones.

Why is it you conservatards always define freedom as the ability of the wealthy to abuse others?
Michigan's economy has been devastated by the fact that the leadership of the Big Three has been incompetent for years, not realizing the world wide demand was for smaller cars, not bigger ones.

Why is it you conservatards always define freedom as the ability of the wealthy to abuse others?

Just answer me one question: why shouldn't any employee have to choice to pay dues or not?
You're just full of excuses, aren't you?
I wouldn't hire you either. I guess you get work by using your ability to hide your shitty attitude toward the employer.

I get work by being pretty awesome at what I do... frankly, I have to turn down at least one job offer a month. My resume is just that strong.

Look , employers just don't up and fire good employees for no apparent reason.
And you can take that Lesbian story and stow. There is not one shred of truth to it. Ya wanna know how I know this? Because in this PC world we live no employer with half a brain would ever use sexual orientation as an excuse to discharge an employee. The resulting legal action and criminal ( yes, discrimination is a crime) would be devastating

You see, this is where you are kind of a retard. Besides the fact that such laws did not exist in IL in 2000, you really do credit your average homophobe with being all that smart.

If they were smart, they wouldn't be Homophobes, and they wouldn't let a bunch of hateful shit from a book written by bronze age savages be a guide in life.

Now, their "official" reason was that they had to downsize that department. (Except they replaced that position a few months later.) And it just HAPPENED to be two weeks after she showed up at the HOLIDAY party with her girlfriend, who wore a man's suit- JUST TO MAKE SURE NO ONE MISSED THE POINT.

Incidently, this job actually made two attempts to get me to come back. I refused. The company I worked at up until the 9-11 thing tried to get me back about two years ago.

But it's okay. I know you need to believe that employees are vermin and employers are saints, just doing God's work by being greedy douchebags.

If you're so awesome, you then are certainly not in need of a labor collective to operate as an agent for you.
Yeah right...I can just see it now...Hey Missy, I saw you swapping spit with your girly friend there at the Christmas party. You're fired. We don't like no gay people here..
I may have been born during the day, but not yesterday.
I never said "employees are vermin and employers were saints"...YOU said that.
You made up that straw man argument because you are desperate to make me believe you.
You'll now have to change that bullshit story.
You are incensed over what you see as a coincidence. The chick showed up in a business suit. The worker got according to you, downsized. The shit that made you crazy is that some time later the position was filled once again.
You can delve into conspiracy theories all you like.
Find me some documentation that she got fired for being gay.
Your stories are so out there, they border on the incredible.
Michigan's economy has been devastated by the fact that the leadership of the Big Three has been incompetent for years, not realizing the world wide demand was for smaller cars, not bigger ones.

Why is it you conservatards always define freedom as the ability of the wealthy to abuse others?

Just answer me one question: why shouldn't any employee have to choice to pay dues or not?

Because letting someone get all the benefits of collective bargaining without paying any of the price for it pretty much defeats the purpose.
For example, that new Boeing plant in Charleston, SC...Those people will not have to worry about working elsewhere. As long as they perform and as long as the company has work, they are set.....And NON UNION..

Well, yeah, I guess if you want to fly on the plane built by Cleetus and Goober becauset that was a better job than being Possum Catcher, that's something.

I'd rather fly on the plane built by professionals.

Ah yes. The old "union people are THE only workers" horseshit..
Hey stranger to intelligence..what does "93% of the total US workforce is non union" mean?
According to you, there is a lot of shitty work going on here because we aren't carrying union cards. Fuck THAT!.
I earn it. I keep it. Why should I have to give MY money over to some pinky ring wearing douche bag named Carmine? So he can "protect" me?....Please.
Hey nudnik, there's a reason why union bosses are rich people. See if you can figure it out.
The thing is, you would NO CLUE whether the aircraft on which you bought a ticket was union built, union maintained, etc...So please..CUT THE BULLSHIT.
See that's the problem with you union types. "Good enough is good enough"..
You are satisfied with "above average"..What the fuck is THAT?..
Look, in my book you either do it perfect or it is a total failure. If it's not 100% it is ZERO percent.
100% is the STANDARD......Above average( In school that is a "B"..or 84- 90) means you allow yourself to screw up as much as 16% of the work you do...
I have no idea what it is you do, but in you we're in my line of work, you DO NOT get to screw up...EVER...You fuck up, you are written up. Do it again and you are no longer part of my plan.
Now, in your world, you always had a union steward there to protect you when you fucked up...That's bullshit. And THAT is why unions are so screwed. Unions protect the mediocre and the incompetent. While the outstanding get no extra credit for being outstanding.

Unless you are a brain surgeon or something, everyone makes mistakes. Sorry.

My guess, you make a mistake, you find a scapegoat and frankly, you just seem like that type.

Not mistakes. Less than outstanding work. The attitude that "well, I almost got it done correctly and on time. Do I get partial credit for that?"
When I screw up it is MY responsibility to see that it gets taken care of. I don'g make excuses. And I certainly would not want some guy called a "shop Steward" going to my employer and demanding anything of them.
It's called taking responsibility and ownership of one's career.

But tell me you don't know or haven't heard of anyone changing careers ever in their life?

Yup. I'll tell you that. Never known anyone who did that, not fucking once.


Typical ovine you are. I do not "hate" the government. I do not want to get rid of government. I know some government is necessary and I also know that too much government is antithetical too freedom.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the typical whine of the whackadoodle right. The mean old government is keeping me down by telling me I can't have a howitzer in my backyard or telling me I can't smoke in a maternity ward... or whatever other anti-social, selfish shit you want to engage in.
Yer on controlled substances..
I have a friend in NJ who's father was a union iron worker right out of high school. He worked the high steel for over 20 years. He them decided to go back to school. He went nights for 8 years taking a full course load. He got his BS Degree. He then continued for two more years and got his masters. He majored in building trades and minored in business management.
He took his credentials to some of the largest construction firms in New York. Within a year he was making six figures as an Vice President over seeing major high rise construction sites. He accomplished this AFTER reaching the age of 40!!!!
So please, don't spout that "woe is me, no one can accomplish anything good" horseshit.
So form a union. Then get a life.

Have a life, and unions are making a comeback in this country...

Plutocracy was put on the ballot in November and it lost. Resoundingly.

Making a comeback where?
Every week there is a new story depicting a union taking it in the shorts.
Just in the last calendar year, 3 states have gone to right to work. If it gets done by the end of December Michigan will be the fourth.
Illinois has reined in their public worker unions. As has Wisconsin and New Jersey. Even New York, the most unionized state in the country has told their State workers that time's up on the goodies.
I'd like you to post news items depicting the big union comeback you keep touting.
I'm not seeing it.
Of the AMR agreement doesn't count. That settlement was made only to placate US Airways so that US would consider gobbling up the now bankrupt American Airlines.
So have at it...
Oh can you please just change your avatar to a hammer and sickle.

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