Zone1 I'm Changing My Religion To Christian Druidry

I don't care what you believe in.

Me being a Christian Druid or what Toro just said?

Hell yeah, playah

What's that supposed to mean?

C.S. Lewis would have called this God Lite. All the positives with none of those pesky obligations and duties.

Who ever said that? Just because Christian Druids don't have an official theology or doctrine doesn't mean that we still don't follow the ten commandments (or at least try to) and Jesus Christ.

Check out the driver on the Church bus.


This is making Creation into an idol. We all have idols, all of us. But this is embracing one--this is to say, my faith is now idolatry.

That's what I originally thought too but that's not what Christian Druidism actually is. We do NOT worship nature as we worship Jesus Christ just like every other Christian. However, we do love and take care of it as if it was as valuable as God Himself since He created it in the first place and we believe that He uses nature to communicate and express Himself.
Me being a Christian Druid or what Toro just said?

What's that supposed to mean?

Who ever said that? Just because Christian Druids don't have an official theology or doctrine doesn't mean that we still don't follow the ten commandments (or at least try to) and Jesus Christ.


That's what I originally thought too but that's not what Christian Druidism actually is. We do NOT worship nature as we worship Jesus Christ just like every other Christian. However, we do love and take care of it as if it was as valuable as God Himself since He created it in the first place and we believe that He uses nature to communicate and express Himself.
I was making fun of Toro of course.

He, or his sock, has been acting like an ass really bad lately.
Whatever floats your boat.

Why didn't you just say that the first time instead of accusing me for not following Jesus when you didn't know anything about it? It actually just makes me feel closer to God when I feel the wind on me and think of that being His breathing. Or the sun representing His joy.
Why didn't you just say that the first time instead of accusing me for not following Jesus when you didn't know anything about it? It actually just makes me feel closer to God when I feel the wind on me and think of that being His breathing. Or the sun representing His joy.
What I said was Druid Christianity sounds like God Lite.
Why would I care what religion you are?

All I ask is that you don't attempt to impose your religious morality on everyone else.
Or cram your sexual lifestyle down everyone's throat by turning a month into a Gay Pride celebration.

Why don't we turn the whole month of December into "Support Christ or we'll pummel your Godless asses and call you Jesus-phobes".
Why don't we turn the whole month of December into "Support Christ or we'll pummel your Godless asses and call you Jesus-phobes".

- because christianity, all three desert religions have done that for centuries to prove what low life's can accomplish through the lack of education, deceit and maleficent aptitude.
- because christianity, all three desert religions have done that for centuries to prove what low life's can accomplish through the lack of education, deceit and maleficent aptitude.
Jesus told us to suffer fools.

Turn the other cheek.

Why you agnostics have to trash someone's religion by claiming they're stupid, I cannot fathom.

They aren't burning down your drug stores, or stopping traffic and preventing you from getting to work.

The Godless Satan worshipers are doing that.

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