"I'm Really Scared About a Bloodbath 10 Days From Now"

This is the EXACT mirror image of Defund the Police.

Do you remember how the Left was convinced that the majority of cops were racist thugs?

(think about that)

And how we thought that was outlandish--yes, there are always a few bad apples, but that doesn't make the entire bushel rotten

(think about that too)

But it was too late. For cops, whose job was already almost impossibly difficult, losing the public trust was the last straw. I understand that and do not blame them.

That is EXACTLY where public school teachers are. Anyone here who believes MOST teachers are "indoctrinators" or whatever is 10,000 kinds of fool and, frankly, deserves what is coming. Just like the crime spree it will hurt all of us. Sadly

Thanks for not giving anybody any hope.

Any system that allows what "some" teachers are doing needs to police itself.

I'm done.

The Democrats allowed LGBQT, Defund Police, Trump is a monster and equity to be the entirety of their politics and decisions.
Meanwhile, everything is falling apart. The education system is a complete mess with the worst test scores in our nations history. - BUT!! _ we have equity boards that are making sure trans children are comfortable.... because that is what really matters.
We have 40 plus year inflation where the only policy enacted was to create massive spending bill named for inflation, but not even MSNBC is willing to carry the water for it being absolutely nothing but a spending spree.
People everywhere are struggling. Even middle class folks living comfortably are now not living so comfortably. Food prices have rocketed, as well as all other prices devouring all gains made in wages and then some. When you factor in inflation, people are earning LESS now... not more.
And all you see from the Democrats is talk of "people of color" and "Equity" and "LGQBT rights"

They don't realize that outside of their little bubble.... no on else actually gives a fuck about everything they currently stand for.

Do parents, families, and the general public want to do what's necessary so students test scores will improve?

One of the biggest issues teachers cite for leaving the profession is student behavior.

We simply cannot have high-achieving schools IF your expectation for your child is that they are always coddled, always comfortable, never really challenged, and certainly never spoken to in any negative kind of way, even if they are doing wrong.

And that is where American parents are. We want "good schools" but we don't want the organized, structured environments that MAKE good schools.
It’s already hurting us, there is a severe teacher shortage and it is worse in the red states.

I can tell you. It's not going to get better and is going to get a lot, lot worse.

4 day weeks coming in many places. "Emergency" certifications being issued to people who cannot manage the content they are apparently "teaching".

And maybe worse. I don't know.
Expect a 2010 level Republican win. Of course the Democrats have learned how to steal elections with the scam of fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts so maybe all bets should be off.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they already have the ballots printed up, filled out and stored in boxes awaiting for the need to revealed after stopping the counting. Just like in 2020.
The Democrats allowed LGBQT, Defund Police, Trump is a monster and equity to be the entirety of their politics and decisions.
Meanwhile, everything is falling apart. The education system is a complete mess with the worst test scores in our nations history. - BUT!! _ we have equity boards that are making sure trans children are comfortable.... because that is what really matters.
We have 40 plus year inflation where the only policy enacted was to create massive spending bill named for inflation, but not even MSNBC is willing to carry the water for it being absolutely nothing but a spending spree.
People everywhere are struggling. Even middle class folks living comfortably are now not living so comfortably. Food prices have rocketed, as well as all other prices devouring all gains made in wages and then some. When you factor in inflation, people are earning LESS now... not more.
And all you see from the Democrats is talk of "people of color" and "Equity" and "LGQBT rights"

They don't realize that outside of their little bubble.... no on else actually gives a fuck about everything they currently stand for.
Exactly! People are skimping on food, struggling to fill their gas tanks, worried about this winter’s heating bill, watching their life savings plummet, and what is Biden’s response: “we won’t let the airlines hurt people of color by charging more for leg room!”

Do these idiots not realize how out of touch they are?!
Let them whine.

Expect a 2010 level Republican win. Of course the Democrats have learned how to steal elections with the scam of fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts so maybe all bets should be off.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they already have the ballots printed up, filled out and stored in boxes awaiting for the need to revealed after stopping the counting. Just like in 2020.
That’s what scares me. If I were 100% confident that the Dems haven’t already harvested ballots in the poor, ignorant areas of Philly and Atlanta, and are holding them somewhere to truck in, I would be 100% sure we will win both chambers. But Dems have proven how blatant they can be with cheating.
What I meant was: if we cannot take over from Democrats under these circumstances, we are either rife with Communists or cheating.

Either way

America then splits or severs. It's over.
I don’t think so.

Communism is just the latest resurrected bogeyman. It’s barely propped up in Cuba, failed every where else, and I see no support beyond a fringe and teens in Che tshirts who have no clue about history.

The right is mad about being persecuted by the left.
The left is mad about being persecuted by the right.
We need some adults in the room.

I’m rather pessimistic though, economic issues can drive people to accept desperate measures including authoritarianism. Economic instability was a big factor leading to the rise of Hitler. All it takes is a charismatic and ruthless leader and a scapegoat population.

I would rather deal with a temporarily bad economy (this is, after all, world wide) than the long term affects of an increasingly authoritarian rule that views people like me as unAmerican for not following their vision of what our country should be.
Do parents, families, and the general public want to do what's necessary so students test scores will improve?

One of the biggest issues teachers cite for leaving the profession is student behavior.

We simply cannot have high-achieving schools IF your expectation for your child is that they are always coddled, always comfortable, never really challenged, and certainly never spoken to in any negative kind of way, even if they are doing wrong.

And that is where American parents are. We want "good schools" but we don't want the organized, structured environments that MAKE good schools.
A lot of words.

What if I throw my hands up in the air and stop giving a shit about kids?

All I get from you it "I'm helpless".

I would say, if you care about kids, then definitely speak out about the few bad teachers that ARE out there, but definitely DO NOT begin to believe it's most of us. It just makes our almost impossibly difficult job that much harder.

We just got another lecture about how we're supposed to look out for signs of child abuse/neglect and we are not allowed to report to admin; we have to report directly to CPS. This in addition to everything else.

Society has asked us to do too much, just like cops--and now we're being destroyed. It will end the same way
Too busy. I already teach 150+ children a day, and a thousand other things I've had to take on since the shortage.

In 2-3 years when most districts are on four day weeks because they can't get staff....don't say I didn't tell you so.
This is the most under-discussed problem in the country today.

In my school, we are already hurting for special educators. It's a little worse for us than it is for GE's, but that is a topic for another thread.

I'm DC and this year we got two new teachers, one very good and the other still has splinters on her from where they scraped her off the bottom of the barrel. I'm guessing that one good one will be our last good one for a while, so I'm hoping to hang on to what I've got.

I've been short a para the whole school year, because that job is so underpaid.
Says Donny Deutsch on MSNBC.

His point is: nothing the Dems are saying resonates with people who can't afford to feed their family, whose IRA has lost 25% of value.

And he's right. Of course he's right.

All Democrats have done since 1/20/2021 is keep 1/6/2021 alive and protected educators who want to protect adult-child sex stories in k-12 schools while Americans have been hit with 25 percent reductions in their retirement plans, record inflation and record energy prices.

Democrats are out of touch with the American voter.
Do parents, families, and the general public want to do what's necessary so students test scores will improve?

One of the biggest issues teachers cite for leaving the profession is student behavior.

We simply cannot have high-achieving schools IF your expectation for your child is that they are always coddled, always comfortable, never really challenged, and certainly never spoken to in any negative kind of way, even if they are doing wrong.

And that is where American parents are. We want "good schools" but we don't want the organized, structured environments that MAKE good schools.
None of that is important. Test scores are irrelevant. What is important is equity and trans children being comfortable.
If a teacher has consistently produced children with better test scores than other teachers - but upsets the equity board... they should be reprimanded and silenced.
Equity boards in schools are the Gestapo of the American education system. They have complete power over every individual in the system. Including principles. They set policies, control speech, censor books, remove any conceivable existence that might upset a child... even when no child has complained about it. They consume administrators time and budget by conducting mandatory meetings about "equity and inclusiveness" - but nothing about education.
The kids are in control. Because equity boards have handcuffed and through raw intimidation silenced educators from just being educators.
Exactly! People are skimping on food, struggling to fill their gas tanks, worried about this winter’s heating bill, watching their life savings plummet, and what is Biden’s response: “we won’t let the airlines hurt people of color by charging more for leg room!”

Do these idiots not realize how out of touch they are?!
They are about to find out.
I don’t think so.

Communism is just the latest resurrected bogeyman. It’s barely propped up in Cuba, failed every where else, and I see no support beyond a fringe and teens in Che tshirts who have no clue about history.

The right is mad about being persecuted by the left.
The left is mad about being persecuted by the right.
We need some adults in the room.

I’m rather pessimistic though, economic issues can drive people to accept desperate measures including authoritarianism. Economic instability was a big factor leading to the rise of Hitler. All it takes is a charismatic and ruthless leader and a scapegoat population.

I would rather deal with a temporarily bad economy (this is, after all, world wide) than the long term affects of an increasingly authoritarian rule that views people like me as unAmerican for not following their vision of what our country should be.

The Democrats of say, 25 or even 20 years ago could be worked with.

But not anymore. Covid was the final teacher for me. I have no desire to "work with" about half this nation who takes glee from bossing other people (even adults) around.
The Democrats of say, 25 or even 20 years ago could be worked with.

But not anymore. Covid was the final teacher for me. I have no desire to "work with" about half this nation who takes glee from bossing other people (even adults) around.
But isn’t that exactly what you (the Right) are doing?
None of that is important. Test scores are irrelevant. What is important is equity and trans children being comfortable.
If a teacher has consistently produced children with better test scores than other teachers - but upsets the equity board... they should be reprimanded and silenced.
Equity boards in schools are the Gestapo of the American education system. They have complete power over every individual in the system. Including principles. They set policies, control speech, censor books, remove any conceivable existence that might upset a child... even when no child has complained about it. They consume administrators time and budget by conducting mandatory meetings about "equity and inclusiveness" - but nothing about education.
The kids are in control. Because equity boards have handcuffed and through raw intimidation silenced educators from just being educators.


Are you in schools? This is your job?

Because I don't know what you're describing. And it IS my job.
But isn’t that exactly what you (the Right) are doing?

The only example you could possibly cite would be abortion, and that's a unique case because there's another life involved. Beyond that, I do not care how often you leave the house, whether or when you wear a mask, if you get vaccines--1 or 100, I don't care. I did not care now. I did not care in March of 2020.

I don't care what pronouns you use for people. I don't care if you think Black Lives Matter or don't Matter.

In other words....

I love freedom and I'm not a Puritan.

Unlike modern Democrats.

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