Impeach Wray & Garland

Not you, asshole. Neither does Marener.
Yeah you are also included on that list that does not know. I mean we can speculate baselessly all day long on what ifs. It doesn’t amount anything. I could say the FBI found nude pics of Ivanka in the safe while looking for evidence. That assumption would be just as baseless as what you said lol
It cracks me up when people claim Trump is stupid, but somehow outsmarts the FBI.

Seems to me the FBI is much dumber than Trump.

Nice left wing pretzel logic.

The truth is Trump is not corrupt, but the DOJ is.
Correct. They won't even answer a direct question. Liars all of them.

If Trump is so corrupt, why isn't he in jail?

Seems to me 6 years, 200 investigations and nearly $1 Trillion spent on a witch hunt should have found something.

Zilch, Nada, Nothing but butthurt lefties over mean tweets.
Vengence for imagined wrongs is the core of MAGA-Nation. Nothing at all to do with the rule of law and the Constitution.
The dishonesty from your side is unreal... we just learned today that everyone's taxes will go up... so enjoy.....
yes, lets'hold another Congressional investigate and accomplish nothing.
Something tells me this time will be very different... the people have had it and even today are burning up the house phone lines....
It sure would be... but not for Biden voters like yourself.....

It would be awesome for the whole country. The less Congress does the better off we all are.

Too bad your too stupid to know this simple fact of life
Neither of these positions are controlled by Congress. The new Congress is very likely to be far more Democratic than the current Congress. Between the economic matters, abortion rights, and the treason of Donald J. Trump, the American people are SICK to death of Donald Trump and the insanity of the Trump Cult.
Abortion is Not the winning issue like it once was... not when a dozen eggs cost you $8.00.....
The dishonesty from your side is unreal... we just learned today that everyone's taxes will go up... so enjoy.....

The lying bags of garbage increased tax of gas while claiming they are doing everything they can to lower them.

Odd the Trump lawyers were not allowed in during the illlegal raid.

Why did the FBI search the entire house? That is a general warrant.

You cult fucks need to wake up….yes you assholes who claim Biden is not mentally comprised. You are liars.
The FBI is not concerned by Trump’s delusional base. They’re going to do their jobs regardless.
When comparisons are made between Trump and Hillary the DOJ and the FBI look really bad... that's why they had to hit the brakes on Friday....
The FBI is not concerned by Trump’s delusional base. They’re going to do their jobs regardless.
Thats what Reinhard Heydrich said and look what happened to him

If the FBI is afraid of the public its doing something wrong
When comparisons are made between Trump and Hillary the DOJ and the FBI look really bad... that's why they had to hit the brakes on Friday....
No one hit the breaks at the DoJ.

Trump doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

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