Income Inequailty Rhetoric is Class Warfare

A finite economic system can only generate a finite amount of wealth over any finite period of time.

How that wealth gets divided within that economy is what determinies income inequality.

In a market economy wealth isn't "divided." It's earned. The fact that some people have superior skills, intelligence and ambition is the primary reason for differences in income.

Then how is a moron like GW wealthy?
The Walmart inheritors.
Your statement is partially true.

Hmm, Bush is a Yale graduate with an MBA. He had a successful career in business and another successful one as governor of Texas winning re-election with 69% of the vote. He went on and became president and won re-election there as well.
Remind me what you've done that is remotely comparable to that.

Bripat wrote that wealth is "mostly"determined by those factors. Sometimes inheritance plays into it, but inherited wealth is usually dissipated in 2-3 generations. If it isn't, it is because someone with talent inherited the money.
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nope. you are loser by default if you are jealous of somebody's else money.

and you ARE.

I live in the suburbs.
Most of my friends are multi-millionaires.
I have a VERY NICE house.
I don't disrespect money, I disrespect guile.

riiiiiight LOL
and that is the reason you reel with hatred and jealousy towards somebody who has the money.

The King is naked :D

I agree he probably lives in the suburbs. In mom's basement. And most of his friends are at least children of millionaires.
I live in the suburbs.
Most of my friends are multi-millionaires.
I have a VERY NICE house.
I don't disrespect money, I disrespect guile.

riiiiiight LOL
and that is the reason you reel with hatred and jealousy towards somebody who has the money.

The King is naked :D

I agree he probably lives in the suburbs. In mom's basement. And most of his friends are at least children of millionaires.

well, that would explain such envy of the money inheritance - parents, most probably, just cut the pocket money for pot :lol:
nope. you are loser by default if you are jealous of somebody's else money.

and you ARE.

I live in the suburbs.
Most of my friends are multi-millionaires.
I have a VERY NICE house.
I don't disrespect money, I disrespect guile.

riiiiiight LOL
and that is the reason you reel with hatred and jealousy because somebody inherited the money.

The King is naked :D

Yet another ad-hominem...You are definitely a Conservative.

Walmart moves into neighborhoods tax free, destroys the competition which often times carries quality items, and renders areas in a state of squalor.
Having Walmart across the street doesn't quite do wonders for one's property value.
It is easy to name four American or American companies. For starters lets just take the hire a vet program which has expanded gratefully to place many more vets, and your question ignores the majority of companies and conservative bosses that are small businesses and who are hiring Americans every day but who never get any fame or love. And as long as we're on it what about all the left leaning companies in Silicon Valley that want immigration visas relaxed so they can hire more foreigners.
I live in the suburbs.
Most of my friends are multi-millionaires.
I have a VERY NICE house.
I don't disrespect money, I disrespect guile.

riiiiiight LOL
and that is the reason you reel with hatred and jealousy towards somebody who has the money.

The King is naked :D

I agree he probably lives in the suburbs. In mom's basement. And most of his friends are at least children of millionaires.

Keep the ad-hominems coming...Are you a low fact person?
The number of people who applied for new jobs at the new walmarts in Washington, D.C. Is in the tens of thousands for I think about 2300 jobs. Sure doesn't jive with the incessant whining from lefties on this site about the gross unfairness of a job at Walmart. Why don't you ask these people whether they would rather have a Walmart or rather not have a Walmart and see what they say.
I live in the suburbs.
Most of my friends are multi-millionaires.
I have a VERY NICE house.
I don't disrespect money, I disrespect guile.

riiiiiight LOL
and that is the reason you reel with hatred and jealousy because somebody inherited the money.

The King is naked :D

Yet another ad-hominem...You are definitely a Conservative.

Walmart moves into neighborhoods tax free, destroys the competition which often times carries quality items, and renders areas in a state of squalor.
Having Walmart across the street doesn't quite do wonders for one's property value.

WalMArt pays property taxes, business taxes, sales taxes and employment taxes. They are the largest employer in the US, outside of gov.
You've deflected from your own argument. You've lost, even when I allowed you to set the terms yourself.
Anyone who believes you worked for a Fortune 500 company for 16 years would buy a bridge in Nebraska.
The number of people who applied for new jobs at the new walmarts in Washington, D.C. Is in the tens of thousands for I think about 2300 jobs. Sure doesn't jive with the incessant whining from lefties on this site about the gross unfairness of a job at Walmart. Why don't you ask these people whether they would rather have a Walmart or rather not have a Walmart and see what they say.

I remember WM was going to open a supermarket in my area. The lefties all organized to fight it. At the community meeting the poorer black people the lefties were supposedly fighting for got up and said the WM represents jobs, it represents choice, it represents better products at cheaper prices. They were all for it.
The number of people who applied for new jobs at the new walmarts in Washington, D.C. Is in the tens of thousands for I think about 2300 jobs. Sure doesn't jive with the incessant whining from lefties on this site about the gross unfairness of a job at Walmart. Why don't you ask these people whether they would rather have a Walmart or rather not have a Walmart and see what they say.

What a coincidence.. I just drove through Carabelle this past weekend. Freaky with all those abandoned homes on stilts. Some nice ones too...of course. Got some "tupelo" honey.

I'm guessing that you are a product of the local school system. Amiright?
The number of people who applied for new jobs at the new walmarts in Washington, D.C. Is in the tens of thousands for I think about 2300 jobs. Sure doesn't jive with the incessant whining from lefties on this site about the gross unfairness of a job at Walmart. Why don't you ask these people whether they would rather have a Walmart or rather not have a Walmart and see what they say.

What a coincidence.. I just drove through Carabelle this past weekend. Freaky with all those abandoned homes on stilts. Some nice ones too...of course. Got some "tupelo" honey.

I'm guessing that you are a product of the local school system. Amiright?

Was there a point in that post?
riiiiiight LOL
and that is the reason you reel with hatred and jealousy because somebody inherited the money.

The King is naked :D

Yet another ad-hominem...You are definitely a Conservative.

Walmart moves into neighborhoods tax free, destroys the competition which often times carries quality items, and renders areas in a state of squalor.
Having Walmart across the street doesn't quite do wonders for one's property value.

WalMArt pays property taxes, business taxes, sales taxes and employment taxes. They are the largest employer in the US, outside of gov.
You've deflected from your own argument. You've lost, even when I allowed you to set the terms yourself.
Anyone who believes you worked for a Fortune 500 company for 16 years would buy a bridge in Nebraska.

Uh,no. Many times Walmart comes in, as they do in MY neck of the wood, with the pretense of "creating jobs".
They receive a fixed number of years Property/School Tax free.
You are bragging that a shopping warehouse for Blue Collar workers is the largest employer in the US?
Whew! I can see you're living off your portfolio.
Question why does a income gap need to be closed to bring people out of poverty?
Income inequality is a hollow rhetoric that its only purpose is to promote class warfare and income redistribution
Wealth is not finite it can be created there is not one pie that needs to be divided evenly

I will give an example how income inequality is a failed argument
lets say the poverty level is 20,000 per year. you have an individual who makes 15k a year and you want to bring him out of poverty. You have another individual who makes 100k a years so you have a 85k a year income gap between the two. Here is the question
is it better to take 10k from the 100k a year individual and give it to the 15k a year individual there for bring him out of poverty and establishing a 65k income gap, or is it better for the 15k a year individual create his own wealth and make 10k more a year to bring him up to 25k.
According to using a closure of a income gap as a measure of success it is best to take away from the 100k a year individual then to have the 15k individual create his own wealth because you would have an income gap of 65K instead of the 75k that you would have if he created his own wealth

You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare

Please explain to me how one can simply create wealth... Because it sounds to me like you might oversimplifying a very complex argument. Are you telling me that if someone is impoverished, the answer is to simply make more money? If if were that easy, why the fuck would anyone be poor in the first fucking place?
Yet another ad-hominem...You are definitely a Conservative.

Walmart moves into neighborhoods tax free, destroys the competition which often times carries quality items, and renders areas in a state of squalor.
Having Walmart across the street doesn't quite do wonders for one's property value.

WalMArt pays property taxes, business taxes, sales taxes and employment taxes. They are the largest employer in the US, outside of gov.
You've deflected from your own argument. You've lost, even when I allowed you to set the terms yourself.
Anyone who believes you worked for a Fortune 500 company for 16 years would buy a bridge in Nebraska.

Uh,no. Many times Walmart comes in, as they do in MY neck of the wood, with the pretense of "creating jobs".
They receive a fixed number of years Property/School Tax free.
You are bragging that a shopping warehouse for Blue Collar workers is the largest employer in the US?
Whew! I can see you're living off your portfolio.

You ignored about half my post. You ignored your own post entirely.
I am still waiting for those conservative businessmen who are against schools and people sending resumes. I want names.
You dont recognize the difference between bragging and fact.

It is a fact that you dont know shit from shinola.
I am not bragging that I've bested you in every exchange because frankly it is unfair to beat up on the handicapped.
The number of people who applied for new jobs at the new walmarts in Washington, D.C. Is in the tens of thousands for I think about 2300 jobs. Sure doesn't jive with the incessant whining from lefties on this site about the gross unfairness of a job at Walmart. Why don't you ask these people whether they would rather have a Walmart or rather not have a Walmart and see what they say.

What a coincidence.. I just drove through Carabelle this past weekend. Freaky with all those abandoned homes on stilts. Some nice ones too...of course. Got some "tupelo" honey.

I'm guessing that you are a product of the local school system. Amiright?

Was there a point in that post?

Yes. I was greeting a new from Carrabelle, Fl.

Fuck off, then.

Merry Christmas.
Question why does a income gap need to be closed to bring people out of poverty?
Income inequality is a hollow rhetoric that its only purpose is to promote class warfare and income redistribution
Wealth is not finite it can be created there is not one pie that needs to be divided evenly

I will give an example how income inequality is a failed argument
lets say the poverty level is 20,000 per year. you have an individual who makes 15k a year and you want to bring him out of poverty. You have another individual who makes 100k a years so you have a 85k a year income gap between the two. Here is the question
is it better to take 10k from the 100k a year individual and give it to the 15k a year individual there for bring him out of poverty and establishing a 65k income gap, or is it better for the 15k a year individual create his own wealth and make 10k more a year to bring him up to 25k.
According to using a closure of a income gap as a measure of success it is best to take away from the 100k a year individual then to have the 15k individual create his own wealth because you would have an income gap of 65K instead of the 75k that you would have if he created his own wealth

You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare
That's a bullshit analogy that has nothing to do with the issue.

The issue is the rich sucking all the available capital out of the market through the use of a non-producing, non-jobs creating instruments known as the "derivative market". That is a phoney, mythical, non-growing economy that doesn't produce one single "good" or one single "service".

Instead of actually "investing" in a certain industry, which creates jobs, all the money now goes to "speculating" about a certain industry, which doesn't.
Question why does a income gap need to be closed to bring people out of poverty?
Income inequality is a hollow rhetoric that its only purpose is to promote class warfare and income redistribution
Wealth is not finite it can be created there is not one pie that needs to be divided evenly

I will give an example how income inequality is a failed argument
lets say the poverty level is 20,000 per year. you have an individual who makes 15k a year and you want to bring him out of poverty. You have another individual who makes 100k a years so you have a 85k a year income gap between the two. Here is the question
is it better to take 10k from the 100k a year individual and give it to the 15k a year individual there for bring him out of poverty and establishing a 65k income gap, or is it better for the 15k a year individual create his own wealth and make 10k more a year to bring him up to 25k.
According to using a closure of a income gap as a measure of success it is best to take away from the 100k a year individual then to have the 15k individual create his own wealth because you would have an income gap of 65K instead of the 75k that you would have if he created his own wealth

You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare

Please explain to me how one can simply create wealth... Because it sounds to me like you might oversimplifying a very complex argument. Are you telling me that if someone is impoverished, the answer is to simply make more money? If if were that easy, why the fuck would anyone be poor in the first fucking place?

Is this seriously a mystery to you? Do you really not understand how wealth is created?

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