Income Inequailty Rhetoric is Class Warfare

You forgot to tell us what happens when the Haves get control.


Well, then you get Capitalism, which consists of the Haves, and those who ask the chance to become Haves, by a full grant of Liberty.

Most recent prominent example----the United States of America.....which has for much of its existence been the greatest social compact which has thus far existed on this planet.

Yes, the happy concurrence of Freedom and the Profit Incentive...which the founding fathers left for us...has in fact resulted in the greatest society ever in the history of mankind.

Its chief enemy is Socialism.....where people revert to their natural state of "Subsistence."

Mere Subsistence is in our genes. It is the way we lived for most of our time as humans. If you assure Subsistence through the government...and in this rich country it has come to mean, not just food, clothes, housing, but a used car, t.v., Obama phone, and some cigarettes and beer money....then you will find that a huge number of people will accept it happily....and just sit on the porch.

It is the sad discovery Socialism has made in every place it has had its way...and when the confiscated money runs out, they borrow, and when the borrowed money runs collapses.

Socialism always fails.

Capitalism risks failure if it does not control its chief flaw...which is, of course is Greed. For at least 130 years...our chief problem with controlling Greed...has come from New England...more specifically New York.

It is pretty out of control today...and it is up to Obama and Holder to do something about it but they don't are afraid they will cut the money TO THEM other words, Wall Street owns them as it does that dick Schumer and a bunch of other Liberals assholes.

You Liberals need to clean up your own backyard, and you nee to do it without saddling the Heartland with Socialism.

"Yes, the happy concurrence of Freedom and the Profit Incentive?" You say. You didn't factor in slavery, the opposite of the great Freedom you're exalting. How about slavery which existed in this country for hundreds of years? Think the profit these capitalist heroes of yours made would have been so great if they were forced to pay market wages instead?

Quite frankly the slavery argument is a non sequitur.

Well, then you get Capitalism, which consists of the Haves, and those who ask the chance to become Haves, by a full grant of Liberty.

Most recent prominent example----the United States of America.....which has for much of its existence been the greatest social compact which has thus far existed on this planet.

Yes, the happy concurrence of Freedom and the Profit Incentive...which the founding fathers left for us...has in fact resulted in the greatest society ever in the history of mankind.

Its chief enemy is Socialism.....where people revert to their natural state of "Subsistence."

Mere Subsistence is in our genes. It is the way we lived for most of our time as humans. If you assure Subsistence through the government...and in this rich country it has come to mean, not just food, clothes, housing, but a used car, t.v., Obama phone, and some cigarettes and beer money....then you will find that a huge number of people will accept it happily....and just sit on the porch.

It is the sad discovery Socialism has made in every place it has had its way...and when the confiscated money runs out, they borrow, and when the borrowed money runs collapses.

Socialism always fails.

Capitalism risks failure if it does not control its chief flaw...which is, of course is Greed. For at least 130 years...our chief problem with controlling Greed...has come from New England...more specifically New York.

It is pretty out of control today...and it is up to Obama and Holder to do something about it but they don't are afraid they will cut the money TO THEM other words, Wall Street owns them as it does that dick Schumer and a bunch of other Liberals assholes.

You Liberals need to clean up your own backyard, and you nee to do it without saddling the Heartland with Socialism.

"Yes, the happy concurrence of Freedom and the Profit Incentive?" You say. You didn't factor in slavery, the opposite of the great Freedom you're exalting. How about slavery which existed in this country for hundreds of years? Think the profit these capitalist heroes of yours made would have been so great if they were forced to pay market wages instead?

Quite frankly the slavery argument is a non sequitur.


Well, then you get Capitalism, which consists of the Haves, and those who ask the chance to become Haves, by a full grant of Liberty.

Most recent prominent example----the United States of America.....which has for much of its existence been the greatest social compact which has thus far existed on this planet.

Yes, the happy concurrence of Freedom and the Profit Incentive...which the founding fathers left for us...has in fact resulted in the greatest society ever in the history of mankind.

Its chief enemy is Socialism.....where people revert to their natural state of "Subsistence."

Mere Subsistence is in our genes. It is the way we lived for most of our time as humans. If you assure Subsistence through the government...and in this rich country it has come to mean, not just food, clothes, housing, but a used car, t.v., Obama phone, and some cigarettes and beer money....then you will find that a huge number of people will accept it happily....and just sit on the porch.

It is the sad discovery Socialism has made in every place it has had its way...and when the confiscated money runs out, they borrow, and when the borrowed money runs collapses.

Socialism always fails.

Capitalism risks failure if it does not control its chief flaw...which is, of course is Greed. For at least 130 years...our chief problem with controlling Greed...has come from New England...more specifically New York.

It is pretty out of control today...and it is up to Obama and Holder to do something about it but they don't are afraid they will cut the money TO THEM other words, Wall Street owns them as it does that dick Schumer and a bunch of other Liberals assholes.

You Liberals need to clean up your own backyard, and you nee to do it without saddling the Heartland with Socialism.

"Yes, the happy concurrence of Freedom and the Profit Incentive?" You say. You didn't factor in slavery, the opposite of the great Freedom you're exalting. How about slavery which existed in this country for hundreds of years? Think the profit these capitalist heroes of yours made would have been so great if they were forced to pay market wages instead?

Quite frankly the slavery argument is a non sequitur.

Freeing the slaves resulted in Indentured Servitude which resulted in modern day NY.
OP- But at least triplng the wealth of the rich with voodoo tax rates, while the nonrich and the country go to hell, is fine...Pub dupes lol...
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I never said it had anything to do with Bush, that was your own assumption; as was your claim of Obama being my idol. I am neither Democrat or Republican. I find both parties to be equally full of shit. And if you want to talk about nonsense that has been long dis-proven, then it seems fitting that you would mention trickle-down economics.

So, who are you blaming the faulty economy on then? Hmm? Seems like to me you are trying to excuse Obama's role in all of this. You used the ye olde "he inherited this mess" argument. Sorry, that won't fly. I find that most people who "hate both parties" such as yourself, seem to make more arguments defending the president and the liberal point of view. I am a libertarian, I despise both parties and the ideologies they represent. I will not be shepherded into thinking the way my party thinks. Therefore the solution here is, think for yourself, not of your party.

If you care to disprove what I said about trickle down economics instead of making overly broad generalizations about me, please, be my guest.

Well then, we seem to be on the same page as far as politics go. Though I wasn't attempting to excuse his actions, I do agree with you on people using the inheritance excuse. I was simply rejecting the belief that Obama is solely responsible for this mess. Trickle Down Economics is a bullshit theory because plain and simple it doesn't work. The rich get richer and that's simply all they do. The wealth never trickles down to the middle or lower class. And because of deregulation and loopholes this goes pretty much unchecked.

By the way, when was I making generalizations about you?

LOL. Come back to me when you've studied the basic concepts of macroeconomics.
I never said it had anything to do with Bush, that was your own assumption; as was your claim of Obama being my idol. I am neither Democrat or Republican. I find both parties to be equally full of shit. And if you want to talk about nonsense that has been long dis-proven, then it seems fitting that you would mention trickle-down economics.

So, who are you blaming the faulty economy on then? Hmm? Seems like to me you are trying to excuse Obama's role in all of this. You used the ye olde "he inherited this mess" argument. Sorry, that won't fly. I find that most people who "hate both parties" such as yourself, seem to make more arguments defending the president and the liberal point of view. I am a libertarian, I despise both parties and the ideologies they represent. I will not be shepherded into thinking the way my party thinks. Therefore the solution here is, think for yourself, not of your party.

If you care to disprove what I said about trickle down economics instead of making overly broad generalizations about me, please, be my guest.

Well then, we seem to be on the same page as far as politics go. Though I wasn't attempting to excuse his actions, I do agree with you on people using the inheritance excuse. I was simply rejecting the belief that Obama is solely responsible for this mess. Trickle Down Economics is a bullshit theory because plain and simple it doesn't work. The rich get richer and that's simply all they do. The wealth never trickles down to the middle or lower class. And because of deregulation and loopholes this goes pretty much unchecked.

By the way, when was I making generalizations about you?
Do you have any idea what "trickle down economics" is? I mean other than a leftist talking point to explain Obama's shitty economy.
I dont believe for a second you're against both parties. This is another tactic of stupid leftists.
Then, why is the economy in a slump?

Because Obama created an environment of class envy that punishes investment, savings and risk taking.

Few good things come from the stock market.
Savings has never been punished.

The Majority of investment is bad investment that hurts competition, which happens because there is no leash on our rampant capitalism.

You are an ill informed dunce of obscene proportions. No wonder you can't find a job.
Well then, we seem to be on the same page as far as politics go. Though I wasn't attempting to excuse his actions, I do agree with you on people using the inheritance excuse. I was simply rejecting the belief that Obama is solely responsible for this mess. Trickle Down Economics is a bullshit theory because plain and simple it doesn't work. The rich get richer and that's simply all they do. The wealth never trickles down to the middle or lower class. And because of deregulation and loopholes this goes pretty much unchecked.

By the way, when was I making generalizations about you?

maybe you need to explain that to Reagan I can give you page after page of imperial evidence it works and all you can give me is theories on a piece of paper how keynesian economics works when there has never been a time it has .name one time the keynesian economics produced a economic boom like Reaganomics did

Go right ahead and provide evidence how GDP increased under Tsumani Across the Ocean Economics whilst explaining that everything from pencils to washing machines, etc... are almost all made in China and assembled in Mexico.
Yep, the wealth those laborers are creating is winding up in labor's pockets.
Good ole GDP!
Here ya go.
US Real GDP Chart United States 1960-2014 - Federal State Local Data
I know you can't read a chart worth a shit so it was probably a wasted effort. But it will be fun watching you ignore or dismiss something so obvious, that GDP is much higher today than it was even 5 years ago, much less 30 years ago.

Well, then you get Capitalism, which consists of the Haves, and those who ask the chance to become Haves, by a full grant of Liberty.

Most recent prominent example----the United States of America.....which has for much of its existence been the greatest social compact which has thus far existed on this planet.

Yes, the happy concurrence of Freedom and the Profit Incentive...which the founding fathers left for us...has in fact resulted in the greatest society ever in the history of mankind.

Its chief enemy is Socialism.....where people revert to their natural state of "Subsistence."

Mere Subsistence is in our genes. It is the way we lived for most of our time as humans. If you assure Subsistence through the government...and in this rich country it has come to mean, not just food, clothes, housing, but a used car, t.v., Obama phone, and some cigarettes and beer money....then you will find that a huge number of people will accept it happily....and just sit on the porch.

It is the sad discovery Socialism has made in every place it has had its way...and when the confiscated money runs out, they borrow, and when the borrowed money runs collapses.

Socialism always fails.

Capitalism risks failure if it does not control its chief flaw...which is, of course is Greed. For at least 130 years...our chief problem with controlling Greed...has come from New England...more specifically New York.

It is pretty out of control today...and it is up to Obama and Holder to do something about it but they don't...out of fear they will cut the money TO THEM other words, Wall Street owns them as it does that dick, Schumer and a bunch of other Liberal assholes.

You Liberals need to clean up your own backyard, and you need to do it without saddling the Heartland with Socialism.

That's weird, it was my understanding that when the U.S. was founded Americans considered their primary enemy to be MONARCHY, not socialism. I doubt that the concept of socialism even existed at the time of the American revolution. If you believe that anti-socialism or capitalism is a founding principal of the U.S., then apparently you've been victimized by cold war brainwashing.

You are dead wrong in saying that "Socialism always fails". Socialism is alive and well in Europe. As a matter of fact quasi-socialism worked quite well in the U.S. between 1950-1980.

On the other hand capitalism has been a complete failure. It was a failure throughout the world in the 18th century - which is why liberalism and socialism were invented. (remember: "Necessity is the mother of invention").

You also apparently do not understand what capitalism (or socialism) is. (Another product of your cold war brain washing):

Capitalism is using money to make money. Wall St. and the New York financial sector are capitalists.

"Main St" is partially capitalistic - ownership of asset and profitability constitute capitalism, but the sale of goods and services is not in and of itself capitalism.

The difference between "Main St." and "Wall St." is that "Main St." actually gives something back to society - they produce. "Wall St." just sucks up money without contributing anything back.

Greed is the heart of capitalism, so when you say that the problem is the New york financial sector's "greed" is our problem, you're saying that "Capitalism", in its purist form, is the problem.

your getting economic systems and government systems confused. capitalism has never failed it is the oldest and best economic system. it is the default system been around as long as the cave man have, when the first stone spear head was traded for a hunk of meat
When all other economic system fails capitalism find its way back. use communism for example when it was failing the capitalist black market took over.
why is it for other economic systems to work capitalism has to be outlawed

LMAO. Did you mean to make that funny? What you described is the "barter" system. There was no capital to exchange or capital being created in your example.

The barter system existed long before the idea of a capitalist system. You got furs I got spear heads, wanna trade?
Freeing the slaves resulted in Indentured Servitude which resulted in modern day NY.

You obviously don't know the meaning of the term "indentured servitude."

Just add it to the list.
I think he doesnt know that because they haven't gotten to that point in his high school history course. The course would have begun with the Explorers and they would just be getting to the Civil War about now, beginiing of December.
That's weird, it was my understanding that when the U.S. was founded Americans considered their primary enemy to be MONARCHY, not socialism. I doubt that the concept of socialism even existed at the time of the American revolution. If you believe that anti-socialism or capitalism is a founding principal of the U.S., then apparently you've been victimized by cold war brainwashing.

You are dead wrong in saying that "Socialism always fails". Socialism is alive and well in Europe. As a matter of fact quasi-socialism worked quite well in the U.S. between 1950-1980.

On the other hand capitalism has been a complete failure. It was a failure throughout the world in the 18th century - which is why liberalism and socialism were invented. (remember: "Necessity is the mother of invention").

You also apparently do not understand what capitalism (or socialism) is. (Another product of your cold war brain washing):

Capitalism is using money to make money. Wall St. and the New York financial sector are capitalists.

"Main St" is partially capitalistic - ownership of asset and profitability constitute capitalism, but the sale of goods and services is not in and of itself capitalism.

The difference between "Main St." and "Wall St." is that "Main St." actually gives something back to society - they produce. "Wall St." just sucks up money without contributing anything back.

Greed is the heart of capitalism, so when you say that the problem is the New york financial sector's "greed" is our problem, you're saying that "Capitalism", in its purist form, is the problem.

your getting economic systems and government systems confused. capitalism has never failed it is the oldest and best economic system. it is the default system been around as long as the cave man have, when the first stone spear head was traded for a hunk of meat
When all other economic system fails capitalism find its way back. use communism for example when it was failing the capitalist black market took over.
why is it for other economic systems to work capitalism has to be outlawed

LMAO. Did you mean to make that funny? What you described is the "barter" system. There was no capital to exchange or capital being created in your example.

The barter system existed long before the idea of a capitalist system. You got furs I got spear heads, wanna trade?
Uh, Zeke dude. Whether you trade for furs, gold coins, or pieces of paper it is still capitalism.
Remind me again where the box for "Medical Bankruptcy" is on the forms.
What's wrong with class warfare, exactly?

You mean what's wrong with looting people?

We know you don't understand.

Now that's a perfect example of class warfare. The lament of the richer that giving the poorer a voice in government will only allow them to 'loot' the rich.

That's a perfect example of why conservatives despise democratic government.

Class warfare is looting people. Majority vote is the way its accomplished.

You're right, I do despise democratic government. I despise government, period. What's good about being ruled by the bottom 51%?
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Nutters sure have a hard time grasping this issue. Maybe if we had some charts that we could post to show them a timeline of wealth inequality and how it corresponds with the overall economic health of the nation?

If only such a thing existed!!!!

Do these charts work?
The first chart shows household income in Real Dollars. The second chart show the working class's trip to a record low share of the National Income. The last chart shows that since the working class's wages started going flat, that the three recessions the US experienced lasted longer than previous recessions when the Middle Class was strong.
Please note the lack of trickle down that these folks believe happens, yet never has.
This is the second or third thread started by the far right posters here at USMB in the last couple of days. This clearly shows that their talking heads have instilled some new talking points based on opinions and not facts. :lol:

Another lib bad at reading charts with tenuous connections to reality.

I read charts and stats for a living and do quite well at it. That's why I don't have all the time you do to post your or more than likely someone else's opinion.
Tell you what, why don't YOU tell me what these charts mean? You seem to have enough time on your hands.
Every chart I posted came from non-partisan resources. You should try it sometime.
Do these charts work?
The first chart shows household income in Real Dollars. The second chart show the working class's trip to a record low share of the National Income. The last chart shows that since the working class's wages started going flat, that the three recessions the US experienced lasted longer than previous recessions when the Middle Class was strong.
Please note the lack of trickle down that these folks believe happens, yet never has.
This is the second or third thread started by the far right posters here at USMB in the last couple of days. This clearly shows that their talking heads have instilled some new talking points based on opinions and not facts. :lol:

Another lib bad at reading charts with tenuous connections to reality.

I read charts and stats for a living and do quite well at it. That's why I don't have all the time you do to post your or more than likely someone else's opinion.
Tell you what, why don't YOU tell me what these charts mean? You seem to have enough time on your hands.
Every chart I posted came from non-partisan resources. You should try it sometime.

Bullshit. Or you should be fired for gross incompetence.
The charts say nothing of the sort. They are statistical abstracts. You are assuming the charts represent the same people over and over. That is simply not true.
Look at the first chart, which is "household income". Now, how many people in a household? Two? One? 5? The answer is that it varies over time. The rise in the divorce rate, the rise in single person households will all affect "average" income.
The second chart purports to show "labor's share of income". Note it says nothign about actual income, only a measure in terms of something else. Yes, increasing mechanization/technology mean that instead of paying someone to man switchboard you buy a machine to do it instead. It certainly does not show middle class people getting screwed.
The third chart shows nothing like what you suggest. It does show that as governemnt has tried to "do something" about a recession it has actually made it worse and taken longer to recover.

Please show your post and this one to your bosses. If you are right then it will earn you a raise. If I am right you should be fired.
It is not a question of taking from the rich and giving to the poor but one of....Why do we continue programs from 1980s supply side economics that favor the wealthy?

Trickle down never happened.....The wealthy just kept the money

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