Income Inequailty Rhetoric is Class Warfare

because of the policies of your messianic idol - he halted all possible recovery in it's inception.

The economy in this country has been in a tail-spin since long before Obama came around. Try again.

The 'it's Bush's fault' line has been in a state of overuse since Obama was elected. Try again.

It's Reagan's fault. You know that. You've been here long enough to know the drill.
Reagan blew out the deficit and deregulated everything causing jobs to flee to China. That's why the country has been in a depression for 30 years, even though no one noticed it.
These dingbats might actually believe that. The dumber ones anyway.
When executives of big businesses are taking pay raises and the employees arent, that puts a strain on their budget which ultimately affects positions and wages.

When businesses try to milk more profit out of their same amount of sames/business, where is that money coming from? Additional costs to the consumer?
It comes from the payroll budget, which cuts into hours and positions.

Record profits are constant being posted and class inequality keeps getting bigger.
When lack of business problems arise, it's because people don't have any money to spend.

Washington is responsible for not keeping a leash on rampant capitalism.

a typical class warfare brainwashed parroting mouthpiece.

greedy CEOs as the reason of economy stagnation and high unemployment ( for the continuous 5 years) is the newest talking point in the HuffPost and mother jones feeding crowd.

It would be hilariously funny if it would not be so sad.
Useful idiots.

What is really hilarious is when people like you use sarcastic remarks to shit all over people's ideals while offering absolutely none of your own. You honestly believe that the lack of government regulation and abundance of corrupt corporations has absolutely nothing to with the sorry state of the economy? Tell me then, what is the problem?

well, if the "ideals" ARE shitty and do not work, plus make everybody MISERABLE making fun of them is actually a kind and merciful thing to do - at this time of the year.

Because people who have at least SOME of the independent thinking ability might get interested why their "ideals" are being mocked.

I already told you what is the problem - government over-regulation, implementation of the draconian rules of the Dodd-Frank, excessive spending on the absolutely failed idiotic projects and the absence of understanding of how the economy works.

That is if one wants to think that the way the economy is being strangled is the result of the ineptness, inability to understand, stupidity etc.
While I think quite the opposite is taking place - never underestimate the enemy - the malevolent planned ruin of the economy is taking place, with a sideshow of brainwashing of the ones like you ( who just lack basic education, ruining which was part of the already finished plan).
fundamental transformation of America - that is what is taking place.

you don't like it, do you?
well, then address the source.
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because of the policies of your messianic idol - he halted all possible recovery in it's inception.

The economy in this country has been in a tail-spin since long before Obama came around. Try again.

The 'it's Bush's fault' line has been in a state of overuse since Obama was elected. Try again.

I never said it had anything to do with Bush, that was your own assumption; as was your claim of Obama being my idol. I am neither Democrat or Republican. I find both parties to be equally full of shit. And if you want to talk about nonsense that has been long dis-proven, then it seems fitting that you would mention trickle-down economics.
a typical class warfare brainwashed parroting mouthpiece.

greedy CEOs as the reason of economy stagnation and high unemployment ( for the continuous 5 years) is the newest talking point in the HuffPost and mother jones feeding crowd.

It would be hilariously funny if it would not be so sad.
Useful idiots.

Then, why is the economy in a slump?

Because Obama created an environment of class envy that punishes investment, savings and risk taking.

Few good things come from the stock market.
Savings has never been punished.

The Majority of investment is bad investment that hurts competition, which happens because there is no leash on our rampant capitalism.

Monopolies? Lots of those
AT&T and T-Mobile: A Deal That Will Create a Friendly Cellphone Monopoly - The Daily Beast

AT&T is the most expensive and one of the lesser reliable services.
They tried to buy out T-Mobile which is one of the Cheaper alternatives for the consumer.
If they had done so, Millions of consumers would have been faced with higher premiums with less quality improvement.

What about Cingular and Nextel? They got bought out by mergers, which gave the consumer less options.

Why New Fiber Networks Are Required To Shatter Monopolies Of Comcast & Other ISPs ? Consumerist
Cable providers? One of the bigger offenders.
Territorial based monopolies that yield lack of improvement but premiums are at all time highs.

Comcast Pays Politicians to Pressure FCC on NBC-Universal Merger Then Hires FCC Commissioner (g1a2d0048c1) | Riding, Rights & Revolution :: One Biker's Rage Against the Kleptocracy
Cable companies like comcast would rather spend more money to keep their monopolies going than rather be the irresistable competitive option.

Their xfinity is 105 mbps at $80 for the first 6 months and then you have an increased rate.
Yet google fiber is the same price and offers 10x the speed and is expanding in certain areas, making the monopolies become competitive.

After Nixon, out problems got worse with the private industry leading the way.
PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline

We are the only nation in the world that has a bigger private healthcare industry than the state run industry.
When executives of big businesses are taking pay raises and the employees arent, that puts a strain on their budget which ultimately affects positions and wages.

When businesses try to milk more profit out of their same amount of sames/business, where is that money coming from? Additional costs to the consumer?
It comes from the payroll budget, which cuts into hours and positions.

Record profits are constant being posted and class inequality keeps getting bigger.
When lack of business problems arise, it's because people don't have any money to spend.

Washington is responsible for not keeping a leash on rampant capitalism.

Never run a business before, eh?

You can't when you don't have any money.
yes you don't have the money to pay for the business licenses and meet all the regulations and rules set by guess who the government

that little girl also ran into that same problem when she wanted to sell her mistletoe at the local market she had the product and she had the work ethic only thing that got in her way to create he own wealth was the government
The economy in this country has been in a tail-spin since long before Obama came around. Try again.

The 'it's Bush's fault' line has been in a state of overuse since Obama was elected. Try again.

I never said it had anything to do with Bush, that was your own assumption; as was your claim of Obama being my idol. I am neither Democrat or Republican. I find both parties to be equally full of shit. And if you want to talk about nonsense that has been long dis-proven, then it seems fitting that you would mention trickle-down economics.

So, who are you blaming the faulty economy on then? Hmm? Seems like to me you are trying to excuse Obama's role in all of this. You used the ye olde "he inherited this mess" argument. Sorry, that won't fly. I find that most people who "hate both parties" such as yourself, seem to make more arguments defending the president and the liberal point of view. I am a libertarian, I despise both parties and the ideologies they represent. I will not be shepherded into thinking the way my party thinks. Therefore the solution here is, think for yourself, not of your party.

If you care to disprove what I said about trickle down economics instead of making overly broad generalizations about me, please, be my guest.
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Never run a business before, eh?

You can't when you don't have any money.
yes you don't have the money to pay for the business licenses and meet all the regulations and rules set by guess who the government

that little girl also ran into that same problem when she wanted to sell her mistletoe at the local market she had the product and she had the work ethic only thing that got in her way to create he own wealth was the government

What the hell are you talking about? Obtaining licensure and meeting regulations are hardly the most expensive aspects of running a business.
The 'it's Bush's fault' line has been in a state of overuse since Obama was elected. Try again.

I never said it had anything to do with Bush, that was your own assumption; as was your claim of Obama being my idol. I am neither Democrat or Republican. I find both parties to be equally full of shit. And if you want to talk about nonsense that has been long dis-proven, then it seems fitting that you would mention trickle-down economics.

So, who are you blaming the faulty economy on then? Hmm? Seems like to me you are trying to excuse Obama's role in all of this. You used the ye olde "he inherited this mess" argument. Sorry, that won't fly. I find that most people who "hate both parties" such as yourself, seem to make more arguments defending the president and the liberal point of view. I am a libertarian, I despise both parties and the ideologies they represent. I will not be shepherded into thinking the way my party thinks. Therefore the solution here is, think for yourself, not of your party.

If you care to disprove what I said about trickle down economics instead of making overly broad generalizations about me, please, be my guest.

Well then, we seem to be on the same page as far as politics go. Though I wasn't attempting to excuse his actions, I do agree with you on people using the inheritance excuse. I was simply rejecting the belief that Obama is solely responsible for this mess. Trickle Down Economics is a bullshit theory because plain and simple it doesn't work. The rich get richer and that's simply all they do. The wealth never trickles down to the middle or lower class. And because of deregulation and loopholes this goes pretty much unchecked.

By the way, when was I making generalizations about you?
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I never said it had anything to do with Bush, that was your own assumption; as was your claim of Obama being my idol. I am neither Democrat or Republican. I find both parties to be equally full of shit. And if you want to talk about nonsense that has been long dis-proven, then it seems fitting that you would mention trickle-down economics.

So, who are you blaming the faulty economy on then? Hmm? Seems like to me you are trying to excuse Obama's role in all of this. You used the ye olde "he inherited this mess" argument. Sorry, that won't fly. I find that most people who "hate both parties" such as yourself, seem to make more arguments defending the president and the liberal point of view. I am a libertarian, I despise both parties and the ideologies they represent. I will not be shepherded into thinking the way my party thinks. Therefore the solution here is, think for yourself, not of your party.

If you care to disprove what I said about trickle down economics instead of making overly broad generalizations about me, please, be my guest.

Well then, we seem to be on the same page as far as politics go. Though I wasn't attempting to excuse his actions, I do agree with you on people using the inheritance excuse. I was simply rejecting the belief that Obama is solely responsible for this mess. Trickle Down Economics is a bullshit theory because plain and simple it doesn't work. The rich get richer and that's simply all they do. The wealth never trickles down to the middle or lower class. And because of deregulation and loopholes this goes pretty much unchecked.

By the way, when was I making generalizations about you?

maybe you need to explain that to Reagan I can give you page after page of imperial evidence it works and all you can give me is theories on a piece of paper how keynesian economics works when there has never been a time it has .name one time the keynesian economics produced a economic boom like Reaganomics did
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So, who are you blaming the faulty economy on then? Hmm? Seems like to me you are trying to excuse Obama's role in all of this. You used the ye olde "he inherited this mess" argument. Sorry, that won't fly. I find that most people who "hate both parties" such as yourself, seem to make more arguments defending the president and the liberal point of view. I am a libertarian, I despise both parties and the ideologies they represent. I will not be shepherded into thinking the way my party thinks. Therefore the solution here is, think for yourself, not of your party.

If you care to disprove what I said about trickle down economics instead of making overly broad generalizations about me, please, be my guest.

Well then, we seem to be on the same page as far as politics go. Though I wasn't attempting to excuse his actions, I do agree with you on people using the inheritance excuse. I was simply rejecting the belief that Obama is solely responsible for this mess. Trickle Down Economics is a bullshit theory because plain and simple it doesn't work. The rich get richer and that's simply all they do. The wealth never trickles down to the middle or lower class. And because of deregulation and loopholes this goes pretty much unchecked.

By the way, when was I making generalizations about you?

maybe you need to explain that to Reagan I can give you page after page of imperial evidence it works and all you can give me is theories on a piece of paper how keynesian economics works when there has never been a time it has .name one time the keynesian economics produced a economic boom like Reaganomics did

Go right ahead and provide evidence how GDP increased under Tsumani Across the Ocean Economics whilst explaining that everything from pencils to washing machines, etc... are almost all made in China and assembled in Mexico.
Yep, the wealth those laborers are creating is winding up in labor's pockets.
Good ole GDP!
Is the issue under the "Equality" sound-bite really "Opportunity"?
I think the "Equality" sound-bite is a Right-Wing tactic to call attention away from "Opportunity".

Bullshit. "Income inequality" is a term used exclusively by the left.

Did you now hear or see Obama's speech last week?:eusa_whistle:
Is the issue under the "Equality" sound-bite really "Opportunity"?
I think the "Equality" sound-bite is a Right-Wing tactic to call attention away from "Opportunity".

You got it backwards. Conservatives are about Opportunity, Liberals are about Equality.

Liberals believe there exists the idea that equality of outcome not only can be achieved, but is also a birthright.
Is the issue under the "Equality" sound-bite really "Opportunity"?
I think the "Equality" sound-bite is a Right-Wing tactic to call attention away from "Opportunity".

You got it backwards. Conservatives are about Opportunity, Liberals are about Equality.

I presume you separate between Republicans and Conservatives.
Name me 5 Conservative non-politicians who actively represent Opportunity.
You don't have to include Donald Trump because I already know he only hires American citizens and not Business-Visas.
I mean MNC guys/gals, not the 99cent store guy/gal down the street.
No..conservatives vs liberals...This is not about party per se. It is ideology.
"What does "actively represent opportunity mean"? Define it.
What is "MNC"?
Is the issue under the "Equality" sound-bite really "Opportunity"?
I think the "Equality" sound-bite is a Right-Wing tactic to call attention away from "Opportunity".

Bullshit. "Income inequality" is a term used exclusively by the left.

Did you now hear or see Obama's speech last week?:eusa_whistle:

You're right.
What a stupid thing for O to say.
He's got three more years to go and nothing to run for so I don't know why he has to use such an inflammatory phrase.
Class warfare perpetuates victimization.

But that's its intent.

So working people fighting for better wages and working conditions are creating victims?

Of whom?

Politicians and activists looking for ways to enact new types of money grabs so that government has more to spend has ZERO to do with your premise.
What you just posted above is the 1930's version of the big labor movement.
Look, everyone is in control of their destiny. if they choose to not do anything to help themselves move forward by learning skills or completing education or training has no one to blame for their financial problems but themselves.
One does not get to say " I have been digging ditches for ten years and because I work hard I demand $25 per hour" or whatever number one wishes to use.
No. A good employee shows their worthy of upgrade in salary by improving their level of expertise. That is how one increases their pay.
For example. We have two manual laborers hired the same day. They each come to work on time and every day. No sick days no drama. No drugs or booze. Good guys.
Only one decides on his own to watch the heavy equipment operators carefully. He decides he wants to learn to operate the equipment himself. So he enrolls at the local community college and takes the necessary courses to become a heavy equip operator. Meanwhile the other guy continues to do his normal duties. Using hand tools. He does a great job. He is active on the jobsite even when others are slacking.
The other guy goes to the foreman and lets him know he has been to school for heavy equipment and gotten his necessary certifications. So the foreman tells him to jump on the back hoe and show what he can do. The foreman is satisfied he can operate the equipment. The foreman goes to the boss and has the guy placed in a higher pay grade.
Do you see something unjust or unfair here?...I don't.
I presume you separate between Republicans and Conservatives.
Name me 5 Conservative non-politicians who actively represent Opportunity.
You don't have to include Donald Trump because I already know he only hires American citizens and not Business-Visas.
I mean MNC guys/gals, not the 99cent store guy/gal down the street.

Can you define what you mean by "represent opportunity" so we can tell if you're just yanking our chain or actually proposing something?

Quality education which includes areas having law enforcement, textbooks, technology and teachers.
A quality education and law enforcement leads to business loans and a more upwardly mobile life.
The opportunity for a US citizen to submit a resume, be interviewed and screened for a position without regards to ethnicity or religion.
The wage is to be determined by the requisition, not by the threat of a protest.

Now I need 5 Conservative business people I can research.

Still not seeing what you are getting at.
Find them yourself.
Nutters sure have a hard time grasping this issue. Maybe if we had some charts that we could post to show them a timeline of wealth inequality and how it corresponds with the overall economic health of the nation?

If only such a thing existed!!!!

There is no such thing as wealth inequality.
Such an idea presupposes the notion that wealth should be equal in the first place.
Can you define what you mean by "represent opportunity" so we can tell if you're just yanking our chain or actually proposing something?

Quality education which includes areas having law enforcement, textbooks, technology and teachers.
A quality education and law enforcement leads to business loans and a more upwardly mobile life.
The opportunity for a US citizen to submit a resume, be interviewed and screened for a position without regards to ethnicity or religion.
The wage is to be determined by the requisition, not by the threat of a protest.

Now I need 5 Conservative business people I can research.

Still not seeing what you are getting at.
Find them yourself.

People who are denied Opportunity will eventually seek Equality and finally Superiority, whether merited or not.

Free Markets are based partly on suppressing wages for what are considered plug and play jobs.
When the successful continuously contrive ways to dilute the value of labor by inundating a workforce the backlash results in EVERYBODY wanting a substantial piece of the pie.

History has no shortage of revolutions in regards to this.
This thread is about the ancient battle between the "Haves" and the "Have Nots". There is a lot of history.

When the representatives of the Have Nots get control, and get their way, for awhile you have Socialism...until the money runs out...and then it collapses.

Always has; always will. Most recent prominent examples---U.S.S.R and Detroit.

How did socialism collapse Detroit? De industrialization was the cause and Detroit didn't have enough diversity to keep it going. Same thing happened in Seattle about 40 years ago after Boeing did huge layoffs. Will the last person in Seattle turn of the lights was the saying. Times got better and Boeing started hiring again thanks in part to huge government contracts You know, the same thing that made conservative anti socialist dick cheney a multimillionaire. So I guess you could say that socialism rebuilt Seattle and Halliburton.
Seattle is one of the wealthiest cities in the nation. Why? Because the city leaders did not want the city resting solely on a aircraft manufacturing sector. The city leaders invited and persuaded other industries to locate in and around Seattle.
On the other had, Detroit's leaders stuck all of their eggs in the auto industry basket. Meanwhile the politicians going back 50 years were stealing some of the eggs. Kwame Kilpatrick one of the biggest crooks in the history of elected officials just got sent up the river for the next 28 years.
BTW, does not build much in the way of military aircraft.
There are just a few models...
The AH-64 attack "Apache" Helicopter
The F/A 18 "Growler" electronic combat and attack model
The fabulous and versatile F/A 18 Super Hornet
And The old warhorse F-15 Strike Eagle.
Boeing: EA-18G Airborne Electronic Attack Aircraft
Most of Boeing's business is in commercial aircraft

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