Indiana is for Bigots - video and Pence running for cover

Prove it.
No need to. Want to see the cute version of a wedding?

You go girls, and we want video...

Feel free to attend if you like. I insist on not attending such weddings. No one should be compelled to attend a wedding ceremony of any type.
No one is.

A baker was just fined $100,000 for refusing to attend a wedding. A photographer was given a summons for the same reason.

Are you completely stupid?
Neither were forced to "attend". They weren't guests, and the only reason you know of them is because they both got nailed, for not doing their job.

Yes, the were forced to attend. They were forced to be there, which is what "attend" means. The photographer, in particular, is involved in every single part of the wedding.

You're just a lying scumbag. Your kind has no shame about bald faced lying. Why would anyone listen to a thing you have to say?
Faggots should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and faggots will get over it.
This is a civil rights battle and all the usual suspects are lined up on the losing side.

Lifestyle choice is not a civil right.
Religion is a choice, in most cases, and that's protected so, relax little friend, we are just expanding the protected "choices".

Religion is protected by the Constitution. Faggotry is not.
So...those who created the Constitution believed in protecting a life style choice.

Religion isn't a lifestyle. Furthermore, the Founding fathers only protected Religion from government discrimination. They didn't protect it from private discrimination. The Founding Fathers believed in freedom of association, which means you are free to associate or not associate with whomever you wish for whatever reason you choose.
Let's rephrase that, shall we?

"Blacks should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't even be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and blacks will get over it".

See how that looks?

Same answer from me. Although n!ggers can't help being n!ggers. So.

And gays can? Really? You have the evidence to prove it?
Until the APA was blackmailed and forced to "admit" homosexuality wasn't a choice that was and still is the CORRECT thought.Its also why faggots hate the therapy offered because it would show people can change.
Bigotry and ignorance, not science, is why homosexuality was treated as a mental illness in the first place, which it isn't. Goes along with epileptics, being cursed.

Now science is finally calling it like it is

Leading neuroscientist Religious fundamentalism may be a mental illness that can be cured

Science has been so utterly corrupted that now intelligent people regard it as Voo-Doo.
indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) on Sunday insisted that people on the Internet had conspired to create a “misunderstanding” that a so-called “religious freedom” law was about denying services to LGBT people. But at the same time, he repeatedly refused to answer if it effectively gave Christians a legal defense for discriminating against same-sex couples.

“I understand that there’s been a tremendous amount of misinformation and misunderstanding around this bill, and I’m just determined — and I appreciate the time on your program — I’m just determined to clarify this,” Pence told ABC’s George Stephanopolous.
“So this is a yes or no question,” the ABC host noted. “Is Advance America right when they say a florist in Indiana can now refuse to serve a gay couple without fear of punishment?”

Pence, however said that the purpose of the bill that he signed was to “empower” religious people.

And this was a pattern that would be repeated over the next 20 minutes: Stephanopolous asking if the bill allowed anti-LGBT discrimination, followed by Pence dodging the question.

“And so yes or no, if a florist in Indiana refuses to serve a gay couple at their wedding, is that legal now in Indiana?” Stephanopolous asked. “Yes or no?”

“This is where this debate has gone, with misinformation,” Pence replied. “There’s been shameless rhetoric about my state and about this law and about its intention all over the Internet. People are trying to make it about one particular issue. And now you’re doing that, as well.”

Mike Pence There s an Internet conspiracy to make Indiana seem like anti-gay bigots
Same answer from me. Although n!ggers can't help being n!ggers. So.

And gays can? Really? You have the evidence to prove it?
Until the APA was blackmailed and forced to "admit" homosexuality wasn't a choice that was and still is the CORRECT thought.Its also why faggots hate the therapy offered because it would show people can change.
Bigotry and ignorance, not science, is why homosexuality was treated as a mental illness in the first place, which it isn't. Goes along with epileptics, being cursed.

Now science is finally calling it like it is

Leading neuroscientist Religious fundamentalism may be a mental illness that can be cured

Science has been so utterly corrupted that now intelligent people regard it as Voo-Doo.
You're a true moron my little infant.
No need to. Want to see the cute version of a wedding?

You go girls, and we want video...

Feel free to attend if you like. I insist on not attending such weddings. No one should be compelled to attend a wedding ceremony of any type.
No one is.

A baker was just fined $100,000 for refusing to attend a wedding. A photographer was given a summons for the same reason.

Are you completely stupid?
Neither were forced to "attend". They weren't guests, and the only reason you know of them is because they both got nailed, for not doing their job.

Yes, the were forced to attend. They were forced to be there, which is what "attend" means. The photographer, in particular, is involved in every single part of the wedding.
Nope. Look it up, dummy. Had they done their jobs neither would have been sued, or lost. They did not "attend", nor did they do what their jobs were.
All this pissing and moaning from the Gay Mafia is hilarious.

It's amazing, isn't it? They scream and cry like petulant little children who don't get to watch cartoons.

I think the public caves in just because they get tired of listening to all the crying.

You can already feel the Push-Back beginning, on the legal front.

And, of course, it gets much better, after January 20, 2017.

It's gonna be fun.
Fun? Fighting so you can be mean to fags? Got you, you fucking infants.
Calm yourself, you silly twit.

Fun, as it 'the legal battle to overturn this unclean state of affairs' is going to be fun.
Good luck getting the horses back in the barn, after it was burned to the ground.
Social Engineering via Judicial Activism (against the Will of the People) should prove reversible if The People will it to be so.
No need to. Want to see the cute version of a wedding?

You go girls, and we want video...

Feel free to attend if you like. I insist on not attending such weddings. No one should be compelled to attend a wedding ceremony of any type.
No one is.

A baker was just fined $100,000 for refusing to attend a wedding. A photographer was given a summons for the same reason.

Are you completely stupid?
Neither were forced to "attend". They weren't guests, and the only reason you know of them is because they both got nailed, for not doing their job.

Yes, the were forced to attend. They were forced to be there, which is what "attend" means. The photographer, in particular, is involved in every single part of the wedding.

You're just a lying scumbag. Your kind has no shame about bald faced lying. Why would anyone listen to a thing you have to say?

You're either lying or ignorant. One same sex couple was refused a cake when the baker asked for the names of the bride and groom and was informed it was two women.
And gays can? Really? You have the evidence to prove it?
Until the APA was blackmailed and forced to "admit" homosexuality wasn't a choice that was and still is the CORRECT thought.Its also why faggots hate the therapy offered because it would show people can change.
Bigotry and ignorance, not science, is why homosexuality was treated as a mental illness in the first place, which it isn't. Goes along with epileptics, being cursed.

Now science is finally calling it like it is

Leading neuroscientist Religious fundamentalism may be a mental illness that can be cured

Science has been so utterly corrupted that now intelligent people regard it as Voo-Doo.
You're a true moron my little infant.

It must be so frustrating when you don't have any facts or logic to support your claims.
Feel free to attend if you like. I insist on not attending such weddings. No one should be compelled to attend a wedding ceremony of any type.
No one is.

A baker was just fined $100,000 for refusing to attend a wedding. A photographer was given a summons for the same reason.

Are you completely stupid?
Neither were forced to "attend". They weren't guests, and the only reason you know of them is because they both got nailed, for not doing their job.

Yes, the were forced to attend. They were forced to be there, which is what "attend" means. The photographer, in particular, is involved in every single part of the wedding.

You're just a lying scumbag. Your kind has no shame about bald faced lying. Why would anyone listen to a thing you have to say?

You're either lying or ignorant. One same sex couple was refused a cake when the baker asked for the names of the bride and groom and was informed it was two women.

Yeah, so what?
Until the APA was blackmailed and forced to "admit" homosexuality wasn't a choice that was and still is the CORRECT thought.Its also why faggots hate the therapy offered because it would show people can change.
Bigotry and ignorance, not science, is why homosexuality was treated as a mental illness in the first place, which it isn't. Goes along with epileptics, being cursed.

Now science is finally calling it like it is

Leading neuroscientist Religious fundamentalism may be a mental illness that can be cured

Science has been so utterly corrupted that now intelligent people regard it as Voo-Doo.
You're a true moron my little infant.

It must be so frustrating when you don't have any facts or logic to support your claims.

Says the man who posts abusive images of children on the internet.
It must be so frustrating when you don't have any facts or logic to support your claims.
My little infant, I always have both. You, neither. Remember, I live in the real world, not your child's fantasy where reality doesn't apply.
God bless the family!!! Also god bless infrastructure, science and r&D! You can't have infrastructure, science and r&d without well raised children.
God bless the family!!! Also god bless infrastructure, science and r&D! You can't have infrastructure, science and r&d without well raised children.
Jesus Matthew, and I support R&D, give it a fuckin' rest.
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God bless the family!!! Also god bless infrastructure, science and r&D! You can't have infrastructure, science and r&d without well raised children.
Jesus, Matthew, and I support R&D, give it a fuckin' rest.
You are an idiot.
Far from it, dumbshit.
Yeah you are.
Believe as you like little man, it's a kind of free country.

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